Star Conflict v.1.1.9. Discussion

Yay! break from game till we get this:



instead of this




Actually if you would add another limit it would be fine. Like Pilots with high ELO can play against T4s, but only R10s. 

We had a battle like this where I took T4 by mistake and my other squadmates had T3s, the other team was full T4 with majority of lower T4s and it was challenging, fun battle. 

I don’t know about R7s vs T2s as I don’t play there much (and new weapons are available for T3s, but not T2s)  but definitely players with T2 shouldn’t be facing fully Mk4/Mk5 upgraded R9s.

I will say:


  • Remove premium MM bonus (-1 rank) which has been an exploit since the very first time it was introduced.

  • Make the jump up to R8 for tier 2 and R11 for tier 3.



Okay guys,

First of all let’s stay in limits of appropriate conversations.

Secondly, I remember that comic no need to post it again.

Thirdly and the most impostantly. We’ve launched experimental changes in Matchmaking just like we were doing some time ago to try it out, gather the required data and then either adjust or cancel it.

Why was it done? We were receiving plenty of feedback that a lot of very experienced players were flying on the lower tiers. That isn’t satisfying. That is why we’ve reached the decision to use the analogue of mechanism that has been presented on T1. Pilots who reached a certain number of battles were playing on T2. This system was working really well for us and for the players. 

For that reason we decided to implement that mechanism on T2 and T3 but focused on the ELO of the player. 

So now if the T2 player has a high ELO number he plays with T3, and T3 ships with N elo number will play with T4.


Again this change is for collecting data and analyzing the situation. It is not final.

What about forget ELO rating forever and start observing the number of battles and the fleet strenght?

If someone has 2000 PvP games, he’s definetely not a n00b anymore.

My suggestion is filtering players by the number of fully synergized ships in the tier and the number of battles.

If a player reaches 100 battles, and has all his R1-R2 ships synergized, he goes to T2.

If a player reaches 1500 battles (I think it’s enough to get through T2, correct me if it’s not) and synergized up all his R4-R5s, he goes to T3.

Of course this system wouldn’t be invulnerable either, but it would be a perfect as a starting point.

The game could filter all the experienced players(’ main accounts) from T1 and T2 and would prevent beginners from being farmed.


Okay guys,

First of all let’s stay in limits of appropriate conversations.

Secondly, I remember that comic no need to post it again.

Thirdly and the most impostantly. We’ve launched experimental changes in Matchmaking just like we were doing some time ago to try it out, gather the required data and then either adjust or cancel it.

Why was it done? We were receiving plenty of feedback that a lot of very experienced players were flying on the lower tiers. That isn’t satisfying. That is why we’ve reached the decision to use the analogue of mechanism that has been presented on T1. Pilots who reached a certain number of battles were playing on T2. This system was working really well for us and for the players. 

For that reason we decided to implement that mechanism on T2 and T3 but focused on the ELO of the player. 

So now if the T2 player has a high ELO number he plays with T3, and T3 ships with N elo number will play with T4.


Again this change is for collecting data and analyzing the situation. It is not final.



So I come home from a one month break and here we have it, history repeating.


So you are testing again… May i ask why you choose to test with such impecable timing?

Do you even testserver?

Collecting data on the good will of the players is downright amateur. I do not believe that this can be called testing. I believe this is more of a “let’s try this again, maybe they realize they were wrong all along”

This “testing enviroment” you chose to test on, is a live playerbase with real people having real lifes and real human genes.

Wouldn’t it be natural to assume that this could be a strain to the players and wouldn’t you agree that at least a warning or a discussion thread FOR this matter would be appropriate if this were to be a test (im assuming here that the pervious 3 years never happend) that aims to get some real data wich can be interpreted in a precise way?


Oh and about experienced players in lower tiers.

Make T5 interesting, give it some special loot (monos). Make the gap between the module levels smaller.

There are a lot of experienced players in this game who really know how to fly. For these this is an absolute blunt harassment against their ability to play this game good. Punish someone else, don’t punish the ones that can educate and evolve the whole community.

We had those; singular individuums who changed a whole metagame of a class and its counters, and they just started to appear again. Why this premature abortion again?


Dat comic is perfect, once again. I hail Jasan

Punish someone else, don’t punish the ones that can educate and evolve the whole community.

We had those; singular individuums who changed a whole metagame of a class and its counters, and they just started to appear again. Why this premature abortion again?

Well, that is hardly the case. Most veterans don’t educate or evolve the community. They just farm people in low tiers.


I would like to know any of those singular individuals who changed the metagame of a class and its counters. The metagame changes due to balance changes and new modules or weapons. So far the builds are almost in all cases optimized.

Well, that is hardly the case. Most veterans don’t educate or evolve the community. They just farm people in low tiers.


I would like to know any of those singular individuals who changed the metagame of a class and its counters. The metagame changes due to balance changes and new modules or weapons. So far the builds are almost in all cases optimized.

~ said “Everything is ok and balanced” guy which dc everytime there is half decent ecm in enemy team

I will say:


  • Remove premium MM bonus (-1 rank) which has been an exploit since the very first time it was introduced.

  • Make the jump up to R8 for tier 2 and R11 for tier 3.




have been saying this aswell. even if we do not agree on many things, we agree on that.

but unfortunately, no matter how much you adore the staffs decisions and tell how “well everything is”, they do not listen to you either.


and to the feedback about vets playing in lower tiers: lol.

just big fat lol.

i have never actually heard that from a really new player, only from vets themselves.

and if i heard it, it was usually about T2, never about T3, the T3 arguments are explicitly only by vets, mostly of the grumpy gus type.


and even if a new player says it, usually what they mean is: they cannot compete.

in 999% of the gaming culture, this is an accepted problem, that some are simply better. nobody really cares about this, IF YOU CAN COMPETE.

in fact, if you watch any youtube stream by better players, they always advice to play against good players.


“but but but”


I don’t care, ignore my standpoint, be a carebear, listen only to your carebear agendas, or grumpy gus reasons, and pretend you want to protect small players, you are not.

act like i am only talking because i want to play T3 and sealclub. no i don’t. and i play t5. enough to know, that t5 is actually easier (to win and lose) because people there are much worse than in t3.


and then i say the grind is too hard, especially horizontally. but then come 2 vet people, who say “grind is fine”. since it’s fine for us isn’t it, it’s behind us.

and then i ask several players leaving in pms, what the problem was, and what removed the fun, and they say, well, in t3 you had no chance to equip stuff, constantly no money. others have full purple, i dont have full purple. i dont want to spend hundreds of dollars, and also not thousands of hours just to compete. and its not fun, playing 10 games a day and still not being able to buy new ships or equipment. and i still have to do t4&t5, so no thanx.

but then someone says “but i just restarted the game, farmed up to t3, and the grind is fine”. so end of discussion. the problem is of course the vet farming the tier.


Well, that is hardly the case. Most veterans don’t educate or evolve the community. They just farm people in low tiers.


I would like to know any of those singular individuals who changed the metagame of a class and its counters. The metagame changes due to balance changes and new modules or weapons. So far the builds are almost in all cases optimized.

~ said “Everything is ok and balanced” guy which dc everytime there is half decent ecm in enemy team


Apply cold water to the burnt area…

~ said “Everything is ok and balanced” guy which dc everytime there is half decent ecm in enemy team

If that were real, I would have to disconnect from any tier 4-5 game I play. Considering my W/L ratio, I will say it is not happening.



Apply cold water to the burnt area…


Coming from a Doomsday ECM player, I find that rather amusing. Considering most of the time is you who have to run away after the doomsday fails to kill me.

This topic is not for discussions of personal issues between players.

Well, that is hardly the case. Most veterans don’t educate or evolve the community. They just farm people in low tiers.


I would like to know any of those singular individuals who changed the metagame of a class and its counters. The metagame changes due to balance changes and new modules or weapons. So far the builds are almost in all cases optimized.

That is true, if you see education in a litteral manner. I much more mean: You fight them you get better. You don’t get better by farming bambis. You get better by losing to better players and learning, adapting. Trying counterfits, different playstyles, there is a lot to explore and use. My evenings as a bambi included hour long pvp runs against superior players using every queue time to think about things to improve and refine, be it my flying or my fitting or my implants or whateverr. When i started this game years ago, i tried to fight the better players whenever i could and i tried it on a 12" laptop. And i still learned from it. And i never ever, thought that they beat me because of OP gear or salsa like that. There is always an error that gets you killed, you either realise and learn or you don’t.



ZapBrannigan, NERV (haha yes), Takamina, Crystaljack, yeahalex yes alex too; TBH i forgot most of the names :slight_smile: but there were more.


Coming from a Doomsday ECM player, I find that rather amusing. Considering most of the time is you who have to run away after the doomsday fails to kill me.


Aw come on man, do you think still riding this boring train into “personal” adressing someone to provocate a long lasting fencing fight is cool…

If that were real, I would have to disconnect from any tier 4-5 game I play. Considering my W/L ratio, I will say it is not happening.

oh so you already forgot why you have soooooooooo high W/L?


let me remind you:


Funny thing is that all T4 premiums count as R11. So essentially you can farm tier 3 with top tier 4 ships.


Somebody asked me how I got my 76 wins in a row record. Well, I just did that the last time they mixed tiers.


Your W/L or w/e stat you think measure your awesomeness was farmed on newbies or weaker pilots by abusing game mechanics.




@Error about staying on topic

It would be wonderful to get info about MM change like that in patchnotes or another topic made just to get feed back from this change.

We got official information about it only coz we started little spam about this ninja change.

oh so you already forgot why you have soooooooooo high W/L?


let me remind you:


Your W/L or w/e stat you think measure your awesomeness was farmed on newbies or weaker pilots by abusing game mechanics.


Nope, I got my win streak record with that. And it was tier 4, hardly newbies. Weaker yes, but I consider weaker players than me all players except maybe 20 or so in this game.


But my W/L ratio was over 1.5 when I was still grinding my first tier 4 ships. So yeah, keep on with your BS, it fits you.


have been saying this aswell. even if we do not agree on many things, we agree on that.

but unfortunately, no matter how much you adore the staffs decisions and tell how “well everything is”, they do not listen to you either.


Well, they do listen to me, they even ask me sometimes about my thoughts. What they do with my opinion is a totally different matter. It is their game, not mine.

well well well… so new Blueprints were added and so there are more players buying that… Spacial scanner and you get money from that… Again, they buy it, but don’t know the real spawn ratio of the mysterious containers and the blueprints within. Lets say a player enters a R7 or higher sector and starts scanning… firstly, the sector needs time for the package to spawn ( I don’t know the real numbers, but it isn’t instant ). And yet again, along with blueprints you can find bunch of other stuff in those containers… For example, Processing block. Yeah that thing… for many players not worth sending it back to the station. Battery, ok its hard to make it, but still, you don’t need that many of them to craft a ship piece. then there is that cooler or what is its thing. I consider it as lucky if I find one, because you still get enough credits to repair a SP ship. Then there is that CPU, which is about 100k cr worth. Only if I have to, I bring it back to the station, otherwise I drop it. But don’t be so mad if you don’t find any of those blueprints, you can still find a Light Cell… Oh yeah, thats worth something. One of reasons why I bought spacial scanner, to make credits from OS. And finally, we’ve got those BPs. The drop ratio of the exact blueprint you want is, like 1:70, yet the most common you can get is Pirate versions of the shield boosters. Worth nothing (20k cr if you care).



I can see you now complaining that you can still get BPs through different ways, for example PvE purple slot. Yeah you can, found a BP in there twice in my lifetime, the same I actually already had, meaning the drop chance there is even lower than in mysterious packages (or is it not?). AND you can always try a chance with Adventurer pack which GRANTS you a VERY LOW chance of getting one of those. Its even marked as VERY RARE! :smiley: Same with logon bonuses in the fifth day bonus.


To my point why I’m posting this, don’t spend money on spatial scanner, its not worth it. one of the things why it isn’t, is, that ITS NOT P2W. Its definitely not, cuz the GRIND is significant. It may be worth one day when devs make it a little more “possible” to get a blueprint you want.


Thats all, have a nice day :slight_smile:

Well. I got a T5 BP from login bonus today :stuck_out_tongue:

Well. I got a T5 BP from login bonus today :stuck_out_tongue:

wow really? I didn’t mention it in that post… I guess the reason is that I didn’t get one in that bonus yet. (yet?)




In what DLC is this paint?

In what DLC is this paint?

Not available, was a closed beta special one.

About the new weapons which require pvp agent destruction: This makes players become farming targets at random. I saw enemy ships tagged like this and realized how much of a disadvantage they are in. I don’t want to be a farming target. There’s no way of knowing when I am a farming target. If I did know I’m a farming target, I’d be trying stuff like “abandon ship” to go back to normal.


Since I’m not a kill farmer, I think I won’t complete even t3 of the pvp weapon pursuit unless it ran like this for years. I avoid skirmish as much as possible these days. I do skirmish because I have to for vouchers. Want vouchers. Do not want skirmish.

So the ninja patch last night just ruined this game for a lot of people. Did the devs not learn the last 2 times they mixed tiers? I mean c’mon. An overwhelming majority of players hated mixed tiers the last times it was implemented, so why try again? You know it is hated, but you do it anyways?


Mixed tiers is never a good idea, as you are preventing players from using the ships they want to if they want to stay in their own tier. If you wanna play T3, you have to use all R8s and premiums, if you wanna play T4, sit back and don’t worry about a thing, because you will be paired against T3s. T5 shouldn’t have any issues, as it will only face other T5s or T4s (maybe). Idk how T2 was affected, but I’m assuming T2s are getting into T3 games now.


So please, for the love of god, revert this change back as soon as possible.


I, DarthDirk, hereby boycott Star Conflict until mixed tiers are reverted, and I encourage any other sensible pilots to do the same.


But in all seriousness, I will not play a game where the devs show that they obviously do not care about what the players want. If the opinion of the majority is going to be overruled by the sheer stupidity of the devs, then this game doesn’t deserve to have players to support it.


Edit: I realized this won’t work, so I will abuse the hell out of this to prove my point instead.