Star Conflict v.1.1.9. Discussion

PvP is pretty much dead atm :frowning: great event…

PvP is pretty much dead atm :frowning: great event…


Everyone is farming PvE or open space for the ridiculous grind that they are. Also nobody wants to fight against the Phase Suppressor as it is pretty OP compared to the other 2 new weapons.


Overall, I’d say I’m pretty disappointed in this patch. There was a lot of hype built up for it compared to most patches for this game. Combine that with the fact that this was the 1-year anniversary of the game’s full release, so I think we all were expecting something much larger (more secret project ships, the Nyx actually being a good covops, etc.)


I am pleased that there are now blueprints for the new weapons and the role-specific weapons. I am also pleased that it sounds like this update is leading to the 1.2.0 update (which hopefully will have most of the rest of the things that people were expecting).

This was not 1 year anniversary patch.

This is only “Wanted:Miss Summers” event patch.

Also queue is broken and few people will 1v1 me, although koromac did today. i give this update 3 out of 5 stars for not being big like i heard mentioned and for queue being broken. the new content is pretty cool tho. 

i take it back update loses 2 stars. new content means nothing if u don’t launch. 

Actually it was sort of annoying there were so many people in open space stealing all the agents, luring every single pirate into a loop fest so I can’t hit them with singularity :slight_smile: but I got all the agents >:) now for the ridiculous pvp and 200 pve ones. 200!! The new weapons seem interesting enough, nice mechanics.

To reply to Aliskosan and his notes:

If only the bomb carrier had the bomb icon, holo would be a lot better. That said, I personally think the holos have too much health. It doesn’t make sense that an optical illusion can tank damage like a real ship.

Not sure what you mean about ion diffusers and ecm though.

The bomb itself is only animated at real recon, holograms do have radar icon of a bomb, but there is no bomb circling the hologram.

The most i don’t get about the holograms is the emergency barrier proc, otherwise i don’t really see a problem with them.

Yesterday. i spent overall 30min in queue of T3, T5, T2. At the end I got 1 game in T2 after 5min. I had to buy modules to my T2 ships again… The 20agent kill in pvp seems sooooo faaaar like this. I hope the Today morning server patch will fix the queue. These kind of mistakes will kill this game.


New content => Players come back => Games is not working => Players leave 4ever


And this is happening at every time… Don’t you get bored from this?

And this is happening at every time… Don’t you get bored from this?

bored? c’mon man R9 vs R12 and T4 premium is so fun!

and que is fixed! for t3 and t4 - one que

bored? c’mon man R9 vs R12 and T4 premium is so fun!

and que is fixed! for t3 and t4 - one que

Realistic battle against T4 premium ships probably fun with T3.

Idiots… They have too many players, they have to lose some. GG. Why the play this every year???

Is the anniversary achievement available? If not, will it be?

Is the anniversary achievement available? If not, will it be?

Stop posting & find me that T5 gravi

Why did you merge T3 and T4 again? This was tried earlier and totaly failed, destroying T3 gameplay in its wake, pvp full with fully synergized T4 ships and premiums. Dont say that this is balanced, a T4 ship with full synergy against my hyena with syn level 4. Funny thing, it was a 3 vs 3 match and i was the only one without a T4 ship, more fun, they were all maxed out… FIX it

Merging T3 and T4 again, great idea, ruining the last tier with a waiting time less then 10 minutes

Because they are Idiots. They never learn. NEVER!


Black Friday come early this year.

Because they are Idiots. They never learn. NEVER!


Ah yes, that comic that is so old T5 didn’t exist. Good to see they failed on their forecasts. As expected.

Because they are Idiots. They never learn. NEVER!


thats hilarious and sad but true :smiley:


ps: the topic discussed there is actual again


ps: just 18 minutes in queue and no match, love patching day

Okay guys,

First of all let’s stay in limits of appropriate conversations.

Secondly, I remember that comic no need to post it again.

Thirdly and the most impostantly. We’ve launched experimental changes in Matchmaking just like we were doing some time ago to try it out, gather the required data and then either adjust or cancel it.

Why was it done? We were receiving plenty of feedback that a lot of very experienced players were flying on the lower tiers. That isn’t satisfying. That is why we’ve reached the decision to use the analogue of mechanism that has been presented on T1. Pilots who reached a certain number of battles were playing on T2. This system was working really well for us and for the players. 

For that reason we decided to implement that mechanism on T2 and T3 but focused on the ELO of the player. 

So now if the T2 player has a high ELO number he plays with T3, and T3 ships with N elo number will play with T4.


Again this change is for collecting data and analyzing the situation. It is not final.


Okay guys,

First of all let’s stay in limits of appropriate conversations.

Secondly, I remember that comic no need to post it again.

Thirdly and the most impostantly. We’ve launched experimental changes in Matchmaking just like we were doing some time ago to try it out, gather the required data and then either adjust or cancel it.

Why was it done? We were receiving plenty of feedback that a lot of very experienced players were flying on the lower tiers. That isn’t satisfying. That is why we’ve reached the decision to use the analogue of mechanism that has been presented on T1. Pilots who reached a certain number of battles were playing on T2. This system was working really well for us and for the players. 

For that reason we decided to implement that mechanism on T2 and T3 but focused on the ELO of the player. 

So now if the T2 player has a high ELO number he plays with T3, and T3 ships with N elo number will play with T4.


Again this change is for collecting data and analyzing the situation. It is not final.


I supposed something like that, since only veterans were having the tier switch problems.


The problem of that is that tier 3 is rendered useless for veterans, because tier 4 is all good and well, but if you play tier 3 you will play the same tier. Essentially you are forcing people to leave their tier 3 ships and just play tier 4 and 5. Because playing tier 3 won’t give you ANY benefit over playing tier 4.


Actually if you would add another limit it would be fine. Like Pilots with high ELO can play against T4s, but only R10s. 

We had a battle like this where I took T4 by mistake and my other squadmates had T3s, the other team was full T4 with majority of lower T4s and it was challenging, fun battle. 

I don’t know about R7s vs T2s as I don’t play there much (and new weapons are available for T3s, but not T2s)  but definitely players with T2 shouldn’t be facing fully Mk4/Mk5 upgraded R9s.