Star Conflict v.1.1.9. Discussion

All invasion missions can be done in 3h or so(best to play in squads - everyone have different agent but when you deal dmg to one you don’t see it still counts)

PvE in capture dread you can farm ~50 agents in 30min so 7runs to get T5 ~3h - 1st mission can be done in 10-15min.


PvP is worst - 6 was max amount of agents in one game for me… on average it’s 3. So to get T5 with pvp we need ~240 agents aka ~80 games with ques which are at least 50% of the time gettin this mission done will take ~12h of gameplay


doing it by farming a specific pve in a special way for me isn’t how things should be measured, however. if you go on a normal pve, like always, you probably will make 4-6 agent kills per pve, if you are unlucky even less.


pvp is 2-3 agents in t5, but only 0-1 in t3, depending how often you can kill them it can be more.


even if i care less about pvp quests, since i like pvp anyway, this is horrible. especially if even you with your arts of uberfarm need hours to do it.

BUG: When you have one of the new weapons installed on a ship, you can not select it on another and uninstall it from the ship it is on. Means a lot more clicking than is necessary.


doing it by farming a specific pve in a special way for me isn’t how things should be measured, however. if you go on a normal pve, like always, you probably will make 4-6 agent kills per pve, if you are unlucky even less.


pvp is 2-3 agents in t5, but only 0-1 in t3, depending how often you can kill them it can be more.


even if i care less about pvp quests, since i like pvp anyway, this is horrible. especially if even you with your arts of uberfarm need hours to do it.

so still invasion is easiest then pve and pvp is 2hard2do

I am currently flying for the Empire and have a mission in ‘Collapsed Laboratory’ to accompany a transport. This mission is totally insane!

I have no trouble killing any amount of aliens given enough time in either my Hyena for T3 or my Lance Bartle for T4, but there are so many Biomorphs popping up so fast and killing off the transport before I can kill them all. 

If I can’t do a mission flying solo in a reasonable amount of time (30 min at the very most), it’s not worth the rather puny reward.

So far this is the only mission I didn’t complete, but I rather spend the time in PvP and get a lot more from it. I am afraid that if there is more to come of this nature, then open space will be getting cluttered with ‘dangling’ missions because they don’t go away.


So my question is whether this is intentional or a bug.


Other than that, I like the update very much, thanks!

Especially the new guns (haven’t tested the Flux Phaser yet), the sound effects of which are also really nice.

I like the idea of having to do something in order to obtain the new weapons, but farming PvP/PvE/Invasion like this is just preposterous. Can’t we just have another Ms Summer event, with a fixed amount of wins required to get it done?

I like the idea of having to do something in order to obtain the new weapons, but farming PvP/PvE/Invasion like this is just preposterous. Can’t we just have another Ms Summer event, with a fixed amount of wins required to get it done?

2easy man!

I’ve got a couple of questions regarding the new weapons:


  1. Are these weapons going to become class-restricted later on and removed from our inventory?


  1. Will these weapons be available for purchase later on (a preview of sorts), or are they a limited time exclusive item?

Aye , thanks again Starconflict Team for the awesome weapons … now some more modules and stuff … and where getting somewhere …


BUT and plz coz this problem is still the same.


I dont mind “grinding” becoz i dont look at it as grinding . i look at it as " i wanne play sc and everything whats red shud be death.


And here it comes , to start grinding … you cant be stuck in a Q of 20 min Total to play a game or 3. = 20min waiting - 10 min actualy gaming time.


same thing with if you look on your pilot profile … so many days ingame & so many days actual playing time …


Now i dont want to make a big deal out of it becoz this has bin going on since 3 to 4 years ago i believe if im correct.

There for i wud Fastly make some work in aither rearranging the whole way in how you guys allaw “US” to jump in a match.

or i suggest in like any other TOP GAME, give us a list with servers where we can sellect from what server we jump on + game mode + how many players … in other words , dedicated servers.

you can even see how many people or on it atm.


there or so many diffrent and good ways to give us matches …



But again  i Love SC , its awesome and respectfull that you guys did all this work and came true with alot of stuff where most people feard of never to see in this game (like the dreads).

and even with the upcomming stuff you guys or working on … “Keep up the Good work”

but plz the matchmaker FAILS in low population … time to make a new way for the matchmaker!!!

So far, I got only one issue!

I need to complete T4 and T5 PvP mission and at this rate, I think I will need one month to complete it.

PvE mission is completed as well as Open Space. PvP Agent opponents are so rare. I am lucky, if I got 3 of them.


If those weapons are exclusive, why are they not available in the Workshop, under Exclusive Weapons? At least, they should be there.

Problem is, that if you accidentally sell one, you are pretty much done for, since you cannot obtain it anymore from the Shop.


For all the trouble you need to go through, I recommend that next time you provide us with a fully upgraded Mark 5 weapon, instead of Mark 1 as a reward. Such a reward is hard to ignore by hardcore veterans.

You still need to upgrade your Mark 1 weapon, which costs resources. Not a problem for me, but it is a problem for many.

Well, if we would get them later anyway, I see no point in why giving us the weapon now, if we could get them 2 weeks later? I mean, each person can only hold one in his hangar, right? Three versions, nine variations.

Unless, if those weapons will not ever be presented, which I know, that it won’t happen.


With such low population count you pretty much need to go solo or duo in a squad and absence of MM counter is one other problem, which really bugs me, since I do not know, where the most player resides at this moment.


Just my 50 cents here. A penny for your thoughts?

I think PvP is quiet atm because everyone is farming agents in Open Space or PvE. I’ve never seen so many players in Open Space before, and thankfully they are not all dicks shooting each other :slight_smile:


Anyway, I really would like to know if they are going to available at a later date as I will not be able to play the game for a few weeks soon, so I either burn the midnight oil and grind till fingers bleed and I go blind, or I can relax knowing that I can get them at a later date via crafting or whatever.

I love this PvP ques today…

10min w/o game in T3

T5 left que after 5min

T2 can get games in 3-5min

What sucks about the Open Space PVE quest though is the fact that NPCs are shooting the agents down too. You have to practically camp at their spawn points and shoot the three that are spawning within seconds or holy federation will take the kill. Also for some reason I only see around Eden any agent spawns at all that are worth mentioning, in any of the other systems I encounter a single agent every 5 minutes or so, if I’m lucky. My definition of Fun is different…

Tried T2 as solo… 3 minutes. Nothing.

Tried T3 as solo… 7 minutes. Nothing.

Tried T5 as solo… 5 minutes. Nothing.




Today I got a new T4 PvP objective.

Kill 60 Agents in PvP.

I killed only 2 Agents in 1 match in a day!



I went to a T3 custom created match, created hard bots PvP lobby, Team Deathmatch. Full of agents. Bots are fun, but predictable.

Agent icons! Let’s get them all! Got 14 kills, 6 of them were agents.

I understand, that you get no rewards, but this is just ridiculous. I killed marked Agents, but got nothing in return!

At least, make them count in Custom created PvP modes, like TeamDeath match, if nothing else! I do not care about money rewards, just at least admit the kills as genuine.

At this rate I just won’t be able to get T4=60 kills and T5=200 kills in 2 weeks! On average you get 2-4 kills per 1 PvP match. I needed 2-3 hours to get 20, since Agents are so rare in T3 PvP.

Either make every enemy as one of the Agents or at least add Custom battles for Agent kills to an exception list.

I could not find any pvp game today at all. Queing pve on t3 was the same, only found some games on t5. Don’t do the same mistake with future events like with this.




Too many people farming



I guess it’s fun to see that there are now 3 new weapons to learn.

However, I had hoped to see some new content that would bring back the purpose of playing T5. 

I guess it’s fun to see that there are now 3 new weapons to learn.

However, I had hoped to see some new content that would bring back the purpose of playing T5. 


I heard they separated player pools from a russian friend of mine. i mean that would make sense cuz their patch notes tend to have more info. 


I love the nyx, i think the new guns are interesting, i am sad there was no sale lol. 


I also expected changes in dreadnoughts but there was nothing there either. All in all, this update was a medium update. i would not call it big. 


Also queue is broken and few people will 1v1 me, although koromac did today. i give this update 3 out of 5 stars for not being big like i heard mentioned and for queue being broken. the new content is pretty cool tho. 

I am currently flying for the Empire and have a mission in ‘Collapsed Laboratory’ to accompany a transport. This mission is totally insane!

I have no trouble killing any amount of aliens given enough time in either my Hyena for T3 or my Lance Bartle for T4, but there are so many Biomorphs popping up so fast and killing off the transport before I can kill them all. 

I was trying to help a corp mate do that mission.  We couldn’t kill the aliens quickly enough even with two of us in t5 ships.