Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Discussion

Make a bug report, follow the guidelines for making a bug report, submit it to the forums, and wait.

Also why in heck would you want to damage a game’s rep instead of help fixing a bug in the game?

That sounds like using a chainsaw to get rid of termites.

The solution doesn’t solve anything; it just damages infrastructure.

I really would like to know what my post has to do with a bug? I only side that the Pirate mass shield generator is as effective as an Mass shield generator mk4 but has 900m less range. This is no bug only crap balancing.

they should stop nerfing destructor, it’s already being nerfed into the ground.

maybe perhaps buff thermal resist base on ships instead? by 50 points?

All we, I am sure, wants the best for this game,  we shouldnt be so critical with the posts of other player mates, all we together are the game, we give ideas, we do our bests to improve the game, no one wants to make damage to this game, we want this game be succesfull, this game has a big potential, has tools and stuff to be a famouse game, lets try to help develepers to make their best. Not everyone have enought time to take time to make bug reports, find logs, send it, etc etc. This is the game I love more in lot of time, since my progamer times in broodwar. 


Kazumi, sorry If i was rude with you, but Im sad, from long time before, couse this game has many things to fix, we all know it. Thouse fixes arent hard to fix, we just need to give the best ideas we get. This is what I try to do. ç


If starconflict team wants, I have many suggestions to make this game become a top game. It will take me sometime from me, but I will do the effort, It will worth, the game balance will be optimal, Im sure. Im used to play games, Ive been semiprogamer in many games, and I know what Im speaking about.

I need a break from SC for 1-1,5 month, at least.

Let’s hope that some suggestions will already be implemented by then.

All that I can do for now, is play on Sunday in T3 Tournament Cup and get 6 boring Monos per day from Open Space.


We will see, what we get in September.

Then my full Steam review will follow soon.

I need a break from SC for 1-1,5 month, at least.

Let’s hope that some suggestions will already be implemented by then.

All that I can do for now, is play on Sunday in T3 Tournament Cup and get 6 boring Monos per day from Open Space.


We will see, what we get in September.

Then my full Steam review will follow soon.

Yeah and please make sure you write a Full Steam Review (I don’t know where the link is) but example:


Instead of “Game sucks don’t play”

Write “Certain weapons too powerful and not being fixed”


And please be sure to include screenshots, logs and dot points of what occurred in the game, and what you expected to occur.  ;-)





Are you reading this? YOu shouldn’t be!!! bttw it’s a joke. XD XD XD XD 

Yeah and please make sure you write a Full Steam Review (I don’t know where the link is) but example:


Instead of “Game sucks don’t play”

Write “Certain weapons too powerful and not being fixed”


And please be sure to include screenshots, logs and dot points of what occurred in the game, and what you expected to occur.  ;-)





Are you reading this? YOu shouldn’t be!!! bttw it’s a joke. XD XD XD XD 

It will be the long version, not the short one, so there will be no Al Dente review. You shouldn’t worry.

they should stop nerfing destructor, it’s already being nerfed into the ground.

maybe perhaps buff thermal resist base on ships instead? by 50 points?


Problem with destructor is the fact that completely denies people from capturing beacons, damage is a secondary problem.


All we, I am sure, wants the best for this game,  we shouldnt be so critical with the posts of other player mates, all we together are the game, we give ideas, we do our bests to improve the game


How hypocritical coming from a guy who has gone to several Star Conflict YouTube channels to insult people with no apparent reason.


If starconflict team wants, I have many suggestions to make this game become a top game. 



Problem with destructor is the fact that completely denies people from capturing beacons, damage is a secondary problem.



How hypocritical coming from a guy who has gone to several Star Conflict YouTube channels to insult people with no apparent reason.




Residente for Presidente

[BlueSea](< base_url >/index.php?/user/244178-bluesea/)

Good day! it’s good to know that you care about the game. Thank you for the commitment. The only thing i didn’t get is did you post the bug report or not if you did may i ask you to send me a link. Please don’t forget that we have a big team working on the project and posting bug reports makes the work and discussion the way more effective and productive. And yes we are interested in your suggestions feel free to post them we will consider them.

[WolfKhan](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240942-wolfkhan/)

I understand the issue about the decent thread for each patch. But we came to conclusion that the latest fixes can’t be considered as separate patch that’s why  1.1.6 and 1.1.6#1 have one discussion.

‘Spectre’ Field

Guard frigates having too many shield regeneration options as well as player feedback resulted in module mechanics changes.

In active mode the module now increases shield and hull resistances of host ship to all types of damage.

The more allies the module covers, the stronger its effect becomes

All modifications now recharge 55 seconds

Invisibility for allies remains unchanged 


About the Spectre Field, how many points per ally in defense points does it add? How much points are added on the hull, how much on the shield, etc. 

Personally, I’d say just put all of the resists on the shield and a buff to the amount of time allies are put into the invisibility state, as it reads as if it is a grand nerf to the module with the personal effects.

It will now take 11 guards to use it properly in any game-mode, especially against the defiler or any new boss you may come up with. (not including reduction implants)



Emergency Shield Boost

Analysis of guard frigate module effectiveness showed that they consume very little energy from the initially planned level, allowing extremely easy simultaneous use of adaptive shields and this module.

Energy drain increased by 40%

All modifications now recharge 90 seconds


Liquid Metal Injector

We also introduced the following tweaks based on feedback and statistics.

Energy drain increased by 40%

All modifications now recharge 110 seconds



By George! now the 7c implant will be practically required to use the Emergency Shield boost.

Thanks to the nerf of the module, I would like to suggest an increase in the amount healed per ‘pop’ of the module itself. Because of the extended wait time to wait for 

the ability to use it again (not including reducing via the 13a implant, mind) it will become far easier to hit and run against guards. Fight the guards once, and make them use their modules; Once the

guard’s modules are used up, charge once more and take them while they’re weak. Thanks to the increase in time, this will become a problem to fight against as that strategy was still valid pre-patch. Now it’s just going to be annoying. 


How’s it working with the liquid metal injector? I imagine those federation guards aren’t able to use it anymore when using adaptives?

For that matter, I’d imagine it’ll be tough on any guard to use the liquid metal injector, with that kind of drain, unless they use the 7c implant and use both the emergency shield boost and the metal injector at the same time; that’ll be when the ship already has low hull in the first place so you can actually make use of the module. (not that I ever actually use the liquid metal injector)  



I like this change, at least from this picture. 




Analysis of feedback and statistics on weapon effectiveness inspired us to introduce the following tweaks.

Additional effect strength reduced by 10%

Additional effect duration increased to 2 seconds

Additional effect now triggers once per second, not per 0.5 seconds

Well, I can’t say it’s a bad change, but I can’t say it’s what is being asked for. 

How does it look on your guys’ end?


Thank for the comment. We really appreciate!

Points per ally in defense should be presented in the description of the field. For example for MK1 it is 18 points per 1 ally. Also there is a way to see the buff in the middle of the fight by pressing “Enter” and then pointing on the buff.

About usage of the shield and the metal at the same time. It really depends a lot on the fit and situation but we’ll look at it closely.

[Kazumi_](< base_url >/index.php?/user/255018-kazumi/)

Good day. We have done this nerf because even in this discussion we were recieving a lot of feedback about guards being too strong and destructor specifically. We believe that the changes will bring balance to the situation.

[Kazumi_](< base_url >/index.php?/user/255018-kazumi/)

Good day. We have done this nerf because even in this discussion we were recieving a lot of feedback about guards being too strong and destructor specifically. We believe that the changes will bring balance to the situation.


My concern is your attempts at balance did not in any way address the actual complaint that was being raised.


The problem was the area-of-effect aspect of the weapon that made beacon capping impossible.


After the patch, the area-of-effect is unchanged.


This suggests you didn’t actually understand what the problem was, hence continuing concern.

[JasanQuinn](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240349-jasanquinn/)

Guys, all of your suggestions were in the agenda including decreasing the area, changing the role of the ship for this weapon, cancelling the whole effect when it’s aimed on the non-ship elemnets etc. But in order to keep the unique characteristics of the module we decided to make these changes. Plus the diameter was already decreased before. We pay attention to your opinion guys but please don’t forget that it is a discussion not only you telling us what to do and we just blindly do that. Our team believes that it’s the best step for now. So regarding your concerns. Have tried these changes out? Is the problem with destructor still on? 

Aliskosan, next patch update version 1.1.7 will be released this week, right?

Aliskosan, next patch update version 1.1.7 will be released this week, right?

if not this week, perhaps next monday.

They need to nerf the radius…

Or make it so the proximity effect comes up when it connects with the hitbox of a player.

Damage is doing fine, well actually kinda mediocre, since it is a rather swell weapon for countering hunters and predators due to the proximity damage being able to kill off alien drones in the immediate area around them.

TBH I’m okay with the radius, since it gives a nice 150m buffer around the beacon which can be used to cap. The pre-update damage and range was the only things that were broken - especially on a Patriarch or Scimitar with 3x Horizons.

[JasanQuinn](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240349-jasanquinn/)

Guys, all of your suggestions were in the agenda including decreasing the area, changing the role of the ship for this weapon, cancelling the whole effect when it’s aimed on the non-ship elemnets etc. But in order to keep the unique characteristics of the module we decided to make these changes. Plus the diameter was already decreased before. We pay attention to your opinion guys but please don’t forget that it is a discussion not only you telling us what to do and we just blindly do that. Our team believes that it’s the best step for now. So regarding your concerns. Have tried these changes out? Is the problem with destructor still on? 


The beacon games are still destructor guard wars. If that is working as intended, then there is no problem.

TBH I’m okay with the radius, since it gives a nice 150m buffer around the beacon which can be used to cap. The pre-update damage and range was the only things that were broken - especially on a Patriarch or Scimitar with 3x Horizons.

and slap on the ammo to boost range with shared coolers and iridium heatsinks.

Oh glorious overkill.

[JasanQuinn](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240349-jasanquinn/)

Guys, all of your suggestions were in the agenda including decreasing the area, changing the role of the ship for this weapon, cancelling the whole effect when it’s aimed on the non-ship elemnets etc. But in order to keep the unique characteristics of the module we decided to make these changes. Plus the diameter was already decreased before. We pay attention to your opinion guys but please don’t forget that it is a discussion not only you telling us what to do and we just blindly do that. Our team believes that it’s the best step for now. So regarding your concerns. Have tried these changes out? Is the problem with destructor still on? 


Well… yes, because you didn’t address the problem at all in the patch.


The problem is if a destructor is aimed at a beacon, you cannot cap the beacon because its area of effect is almost as large as the permitted capture area. The one thing you insist on keeping is what everyone is complaining about!