Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Discussion

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Removal of the 2d fed slot for late US time, hit hard. And i am not talking about lack of territory, there is plenty for how many actually participating, but speaking for my corporation, majority of pilots can not make it to the cycle that left for Fed space, it is 1-2 hours to early. North America is more than 5 time zones, and now we stuck with one cycle that is covering everybody, for many this is to early, for some it is ok, but minority (From US) is the ones that think this is too late. If 2d cycle is not coming back in any form, there has to be some adjustments to current one or you will lose the last of pilots interested in Dread battles in non Russian “community”

Things I like about this patch:

  • Engi module tweak
  • Spatial scanner tweak <this is actually super convenient, nice work
  • Credit dreadnought sectors now making iridium
  • Wing invite cancellation. Will be exceptionally useful for us - now we won’t be conned out of a battle.
  • New open space map is really cool
  • Overload destroying player-made objects
  • The little fixes
  • Multiphase Shield now having a longer duration!

Things I don’t really mind/have no opinion on:

  • New lockon times
  • Singularities and Phasers not hitting a target twice <I suggest resetting SpecOps times to account for this change.

Things that still need improvement:

  • Why the new dreadnought times? Now Asia doesn’t get battles and half of NA can’t either. I suggest having 3 different timeslots for Federation sectors, all specifically for NA/SEA/SA players.
  • What happened to the new matchmaker tweaks? Did they not get implemented?

[Mecronmancer](< base_url >/index.php?/user/246157-mecronmancer/)

Good day! thank you for the positive comment.

About the dradnought time. We are adjusting this issue now. We will collect the feedback and will add the cycle if needed. The current situation is not final about it.

The matchmaking changes will be implemented later with a separate announcement.

[Mecronmancer](< base_url >/index.php?/user/246157-mecronmancer/)

Good day! thank you for the positive comment.

About the dradnought time. We are adjusting this issue now. We will collect the feedback and will add the cycle if needed. The current situation is not final about it.

The matchmaking changes will be implemented later with a separate announcement.


Thank you! I know you all are working very hard and it must be a challenge to listen to all of the feedback. I’d like to take a few seconds to show my appreciation for your hard work. Keep it up, and I hope to see more improvements in the future  :005j:  :005j:


EDIT: My face now.


:01111: thank you. you made my day. Edit: i’m sure fantastic face expression) 

  • What are the circles (ellipses)  on the new galaxy map mean, it makes the map unclear, for me at least :slight_smile:


  • if you click on launch - pve, you can’t select the missions in the galaxy map you can, what’s the difference?

![10982740_454609968044003_698079448245856]( gda =1441254443_cfa3601a1bedc83d2e644356216ae67a)

  • if you click on launch - pve, you can’t select the missions in the galaxy map you can, what’s the difference?

The difference is that if you launch PvE, it will automatically select the rank of the higher ship you have available.


If you go to the map, you can select manually which rank you want to do (if you have proper ships fitted)


Yesterday I discovered it the hard way, when I fitted one tier 1 for doing the daily PvE, but I ended in tier 5 PvE because I still had the Jarl fitted.


Concerning the new patch:


I really like everything in this new patch except for the lock on times. I didn’t like the “lead markers for everyone” and this new implementation of that feature annoys me even more. After all, I could just disable the lead markers for ever ship, since they are useless except for coil mortars, singularities, and maybe heavy blasters, but unfortunately, I can’t disable the new lock on times. +5% damage is not worth the lack of fast switching between targets you need in an interceptor, mostly in an ECM, to survive.


As expected, since the interceptors are being nerfed more and more every patch, the game is just naturally flowing into the frigball.


In Tier 4 and 5 you don’t have any reason to get interceptors, since guards now fill the role of the beacon fighters thanks to the destructor weapon. The increase of AoE damage, the tweak to heals, and now the locking on times make it easier to frigates to just snowball into victory, since depending on the map interceptors just don’t have any chance to break that. And the beacon games are just a destructor fest.


In tier 3 is still viable to play with interceptors, because they still can be useful in beacon games, but in team games, combat recon, and even detonation (thanks to the new mines for everyone) they frigates are just the easiest and best choice, since in those modes you don’t need to move that much.


Does that mean that interceptors are useless? no, they are not. They still have the highest skill ceiling, and they are still the carry ship most of the time. It just happens that you have made them even more difficult to fly, and most people will just switch to frigates, since they are easier.


Except in tier 4 and tier 5. On those tiers playing anything else than a frigate is just a waste of time. Just play a guard and destructor your way to victory in any mode.

[BulletSpeed](< base_url >/index.php?/user/247512-bulletspeed/)

  1. they are the orbits of the objects around the central star.

  2. this will be completed in the next patch, and u will have a chance to choose the scenario in “pick scenario”, but for now choosing is in the map.

[Eviscerador](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243311-eviscerador/)

Good day.

I remember about your love of the current destructor) unfortunately can’t promise anything now but our team is aware of this issue. i made sure of that)

Secondly about inties and frigates we are watching the situation closely. The frigates are in our current plan of adjusting anyway. 

Heh, free 5% damage for my gauss, I needed to lock target to actually hit it with aim assistance having my 100ish pings, thanks

[Eviscerador](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243311-eviscerador/)

Good day.

I remember about your love of the current destructor) unfortunately can’t promise anything now but our team is aware of this issue. i made sure of that)

Secondly about inties and frigates we are watching the situation closely. The frigates are in our current plan of adjusting anyway. 


Don’t get me wrong. I really like the idea of the destructor as an area denial weapon with AoE. The problem is that the current AoE size denies any beacon game. I have played games where after the 12 minutes of the game, both teams were over 100 beacon points in beacon hunt, just because nobody could cap the beacons.


Some changes that may balance the weapon and are worth considering, while still keeping its soul.

  • Reduce the AoE radius to 500 or 400, to give some breathing space around the beacon. Currently all a guard has to do is sit at 5000 from the beacon and left click on it. 

  • AoE aura only happens when hitting other ships, not structures.

Engie heal buff: YES! Super happy this happened, was a big one on my radar and I’m very glad that it was done. I’ll take the HoT rather than all-at-once burst heal in exchange for better passives. My Octopus is super badass now :smiley:


Target locking time: Not actually as bad as I thought it would be. Just have to play around it more, or bring more Overclocked CPUs. Even a white one is enough in most cases, and the already-existing lead ahead makes it easy enough to compensate. ECMs are worse now that this is the case, so proton walls are less important, though ECMs have been balanced and almost enjoyable since the System Hack patch.


Change of sector rewards: Awesome. Credits weren’t an incentive, this is. Normalizing them is also good, so every sector is desirable.


Change to dreadnought times: Removing the 1am battles was great. Changing some of them to 9am was not. Hoping this is changed soon, as is it will certainly get some EU/RU Arch wings going to hold the three sectors that we might otherwise lose to this.


Squad cancellation: Very good. Only used once so far, but seeing who’s been invited and having the ability to rescind is excellent. Will be very good for dreadnought and tournament queues. Will be a nice convenience elsewhere.


Not seeing the 2-man squad fix spoken of in the Test Server Patch: The biggest disappointment of the patch. Please please PLEASE get this implemented ASAP. If you want T4 and T5 activity, this is how you jumpstart it!


Overall this is an extremely good patch. Thank you for your transparency and continuing to listen to player feedback! And Aliskosan, thank you for being so attentive and responsive to our concerns and to feedback on the forums. :012j:


About the dradnought time. We are adjusting this issue now. We will collect the feedback and will add the cycle if needed. The current situation is not final about it.

The matchmaking changes will be implemented later with a separate announcement.

REALLY glad to see this. I broke the news about the squad change that was written in the Test Server patch notes on the Arch TS and the reaction was fantastic. I was very saddened when I didn’t see it in the regular patch notes. A bunch of us were getting ready to squad in T4 and T5 before we realized it wouldn’t work.


Looking forward to seeing more squads out there once this happens!! :smiley:

Heh, free 5% damage for my gauss, I needed to lock target to actually hit it with aim assistance having my 100ish pings, thanks

good day. We are working on prediction for kinetic weapon. The changes will be in the future updates

[Eviscerador](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243311-eviscerador/)

I get it really. Your vision is understanble and clear so thank you. But i can’t give provide certain answer regarding it cz we are still discussing it. But as soon as we reach the decision, u’ll be told about it.

I got one complaint related to Destructor and beacon captures.

This should apply for PVE Scenarios as well, but not related to Destructor, but bots themselves.


To summarise this:


In PVE, I cannot capture a beacon, even if I am capturing it, since enemies are constantly firing at me and after a certain time, even if you hold a beacon, even if you stay within range of it (750 m or less), capture will nullilfy after 10 seconds or so.


I am suggesting this for PVP with Destructor in mind:


Destructor should work like Eviscerador suggested or keep it up the same, but with one important exception.


Destructor should not prevent capturing the beacons, if enemy Interceptor/Fighter/Gunship or a Frigate still have their shields up (it means that their shields didn’t drop to 0%).

If they dropped, even after they are re-established, they need to reach at least 25-50% recharge state - capacity, in order to start re-capturing the beacons.


PVE bots. I am suggesting, that if you are capturing/holding the beacon with 750 m or less, that you don’t lose your link to it after some time (10 seconds or more), even if enemy is still firing after that time.

Once you got 1% of the beacon points, if you stay within range, you should get it in the end, regardless if enemy continuously fired upon you.

[NuclearHail](< base_url >/index.php?/user/248365-hailstorm084/)

Thank you for the great comment! :3

As for the squads. it will be done but later.

And speaking about the dreadnought time there is a [thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27520-poll-time-what-times-work-best-for-na-players-on-dreadnought-battles/) now. Please leave your desires of the time there.

BTW did anyone else noted that now when you are under the WNJ or IR effects, all the target markers dissapear? Is this intended? Because it was really weird.


I mean, it is really cool and I think it is a great feature, but I haven’t seen that in the patch notes.


In fact I couldn’t see any marker for team mates or enemies alike. It was like everyone was using camo or EM scattering fields.

[Koromac](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243485-koromac/) 

The idea will be analyzed