Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Discussion

One one important info or rather suggestion.


I would like, that now a leading target market turns the color from white to red, once the target is locked.

Sound effect and geometry of the marker should be slightly changed as well, because it would help colorblind people.


Thank you!

BTW did anyone else noted that now when you are under the WNJ or IR effects, all the target markers dissapear? Is this intended? Because it was really weird.

I mean, it is really cool and I think it is a great feature, but I haven’t seen that in the patch notes.

In fact I couldn’t see any marker for team mates or enemies alike. It was like everyone was using camo or EM scattering fields.

I think it is, as previously sensor suppression just put an annoying graphic on your screen and prevented lock. The first time it happened to me I started shooting up the allied engineer because I thought he was an em scatter lrf :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys, please write your suggestions in an appropriate thread. they are the way easier to work with in that way.

[Koromac](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243485-koromac/)

It is pretty good idea and if it is supported by other players we will implement it.

Guys, please write your suggestions in an appropriate thread. they are the way easier to work with in that way.

[Koromac](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243485-koromac/)

It is pretty good idea and if it is supported by other players we will implement it.

Okay, I will write this under suggestion thread.



Don’t get me wrong. I really like the idea of the destructor as an area denial weapon with AoE. The problem is that the current AoE size denies any beacon game. I have played games where after the 12 minutes of the game, both teams were over 100 beacon points in beacon hunt, just because nobody could cap the beacons.


Some changes that may balance the weapon and are worth considering, while still keeping its soul.

  • Reduce the AoE radius to 500 or 400, to give some breathing space around the beacon. Currently all a guard has to do is sit at 5000 from the beacon and left click on it. 

  • AoE aura only happens when hitting other ships, not structures.



… as usual…

A quality of life issue with the galaxy map - there’s so much stuff in the background image now it’s hard to read the text or spot the system markers.


I’m glad healing actually works again. I was getting tired of having to fit regenerative hull plating because I wasn’t noticing any benefit of flying past my allied engineers.


Something I’m noticing, which I don’t know if it’s related to recent patches, is that every Interceptor weapon seems to be hopelessly inaccurate. When fighting other interceptors especially, it seems that where I aim has no relation to whether or not my shots hit the target.

Please, I created a new suggestion, related to the lead target display marker on the HUD.

Review it.

[JasanQuinn](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240349-jasanquinn/)

Thank you for the comment.

About the map. We got your point. We will adjust it if we see that more players have this problem.

And the accuracy of the weapon should be fine. Maybe it just takes more time to get used to the inties.

It’s also noticed some isuses with Gauss Cannon and Shrapnel Cannon.

I am not talking about free aim mode, but a regular one.

Whenever I fired with Gauss Cannon at desired point (crosshair point), it doesn’t fire there, even when I fired almost directly in the middle - front of me.

Same for Shrapnel Cannon. This is over 1 year old issue and a lot of players (English and Russian) claim the same.

Maybe you should re-investigate this, when it comes to aim and accuracy of those projectiles?


Thank you.

Mass Shield Generator MK5/MK4 vs Pirate Mass Shield Generator


Mass Shield Generator MK5:

Passive Healing = 60pts per sec in 3200m

Acive Healing(without extra energy) = 2097 pts every 40sec =52.425 pts per sec

Both: 112.425 pts per sec


Mass Shield Generator MK4:

Passive Healing = 58pts per sec in 3100m

Acive Healing(without extra energy) = 2041 pts every 40sec =51.025 pts per sec

Both: 109.025 pts per sec



Passive Healing = 65pts per sec in 2200m

Acive Healing(without extra energy) = 2217 pts every 50sec =44.34 pts per sec(in an 1000m less radius then the mk5)

Both: 109.34 pts per sec in only 2200m


So the Pirate Mass Shield Generator remains useless because it has nearly exact the same heal rate as the mk4 version but 900m less healing radius.

Some changes that may balance the weapon and are worth considering, while still keeping its soul.

  • Reduce the AoE radius to 500 or 400, to give some breathing space around the beacon. Currently all a guard has to do is sit at 5000 from the beacon and left click on it. 

  • AoE aura only happens when hitting other ships, not structures.


I like the combination of this still best: if you hit structures, especially the beacon, the aoe is around 100m max. Destructor keeps the strength to stop beacon hugging, but if you want to deny a beacon, you have to aim at a ship around it, not the beacon.

The new lock time really killed my interceptor experience. Even when using the lock-time implant, it still sucks.


I’m not longer able to quickly see who’s attacking me, for example. Also, lock-dependent abilities such as ECMs and White Noise took a blow.


Please revert this modification.

It’s also noticed some isuses with Gauss Cannon and Shrapnel Cannon.

I am not talking about free aim mode, but a regular one.

Whenever I fired with Gauss Cannon at desired point (crosshair point), it doesn’t fire there, even when I fired almost directly in the middle - front of me.

Same for Shrapnel Cannon. This is over 1 year old issue and a lot of players (English and Russian) claim the same.

Maybe you should re-investigate this, when it comes to aim and accuracy of those projectiles?


Thank you.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27480-shrapnel-cannon-projectile-speed-bugged/)

I like the combination of this still best: if you hit structures, especially the beacon, the aoe is around 100m max. Destructor keeps the strength to stop beacon hugging, but if you want to deny a beacon, you have to aim at a ship around it, not the beacon.


I would have no problem with a “deny capture weapon” until the ship using it is not the tankiest and the one with probably the longer range in game (there are people using a patriarch with 7000 range on it out there).


I hate recons just sitting behind the beacons avoiding fire, but still the destructor as it is now is not the proper solution. 

good day. We are working on prediction for kinetic weapon. The changes will be in the future updates


I seriously hope so. Shrapnel cannon aiming has been messed up for quite a while now…

I would have no problem with a “deny capture weapon” until the ship using it is not the tankiest

Here’s an idea. Downsize the AOE and give the Destructor to the LRF class as their special weapon. It would encourage LRFS to get involved in the battlefield and they are easy enough to kill.

Next Winter, give the Guard a different special weapon.

Here’s an idea. Downsize the AOE and give the Destructor to the LRF class as their special weapon. It would encourage LRFS to get involved in the battlefield and they are easy enough to kill.

Next Winter, give the Guard a different special weapon.


I don’t dislike the idea. I’ve talked to others about it quite some times ago, giving that weapon to Lrfs would be a good idea, despite the longer range lrf are way less tankier.

The new lock time really killed my interceptor experience. Even when using the lock-time implant, it still sucks.


I’m not longer able to quickly see who’s attacking me, for example. Also, lock-dependent abilities such as ECMs and White Noise took a blow.


Please revert this modification.


I agree. This change wasn’t really necessary, as the old lock-on times made more sense (bigger ship = longer lock-on). If the concern was that frigates had a disadvantage to fighters and ceptors, why not just drop frigate lock-time. 5% more damage when locked on is good and all, but I don’t find it worth it when it takes 2.5 seconds to lock on (or 1.4 with overclocked).


Also, I do think it is a good idea to transfer the destructor from guard over to LRF. LRFs already are a huge problem, as most just sit in spawn attempting to snipe, without doing anything productive. Adding destructor to them would give them a reason to move up closer to the battle and serve more of an active role. It would also make destructors much easier to counter, as an LRF is easier to kill, or easy to make run away (reverse thruster). Personally, I feel that this would balance out the destructor quite a bit, without needing to change the mechanics of the weapon itself.

I would have no problem with a “deny capture weapon” until the ship using it is not the tankiest and the one with probably the longer range in game (there are people using a patriarch with 7000 range on it out there).


I hate recons just sitting behind the beacons avoiding fire, but still the destructor as it is now is not the proper solution.

but thats my point, if the patriarch sits so far away, and shooting the beacon only creates a tiny aoe, all he can do is prevent the ceptor from hiding “on the beacon”, but not create the same aoe as if he hits a target. So basicly on his own, he can’t deny capturing the beacon, and most probably won’t hit anything moving from that range.

using the weapon for denial therefore becomes more tactical, needs a bit of thinking and does not allow positioning “anywhere with some little LoS on the beacon”.

Other than that, I also think the damage of that weapon is atm. a bit ridiculous. I mean a bit too strong. But it’s hard to tell, since usually it’s just all over the place.

Other than that, I also think the damage of that weapon is atm. a bit ridiculous.


It is quite ridiculous atm, especially for the current radius for the AOE. I have my Patriarch fitted for max range (like 6.5k+). At this point, I can still do considerable damage (especially to ceptors or fighters), while still making the beacon almost uncappable. At this point, it isn’t tactical, it is just broken. Being able to not only stop people from capping, but kill them from over 6k away is just ridiculous.