Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Discussion

i think it’s always been like this for the range of JLRF,the rotation of the torpedo has been adjusted tho

Mauler has the best Torpedo rotation/maneuverability, than any other similar T5 Torpedo Frigate.

[JCNB](< base_url >/index.php?/user/254528-jcnb/)

Good day!

Thank you for the comment. It is great.

As for the holograms. We have plans of giving their counter to some other role. I personally agree with that. Our team hasn’t reached a decision which role should have it. So if u’ve got ideas. Go ahead we’ll discuss them.

Our favourite destructor issue. I’m happy to say that the changes will be presented. Our team is now working on it. So the only thing we need now is time.

I think the tackler should have the ability to detect holoships, possible with the target painter. (it would “paint” the holograms to see which ones are the fakes)

I think the tackler should have the ability to detect holoships, possible with the target painter. (it would “paint” the holograms to see which ones are the fakes)

Those holos just need to die easyer and that’s it… 2 k dmg and puff

Those holos just need to die easyer and that’s it… 2 k dmg and puff

it almost feels like fighting the same recon that launched em.

maybe 0 resistance but same hull/shield?

or even negative resist?

Those holos just need to die easyer and that’s it… 2 k dmg and puff


Agreed.  They are too tanky and last far too long for a “module”.

I agree that Holoships are a bit off balance, here’s a few ideas:  


  1.  Give Holoships less HP and reduce the time they are deployed. . . and the upgrades should be adjusted so that the mk IV version is equal to the mk II version’s HP/time deployed now.  


  1.  Counter with ECM using module that has the ability to disrupt the hologram, perhaps as an added feature to the current module: System Hack.  


  1.  When recon with holoships is bomb carrier–only the actual pilot has the bomb symbol over his head.



For now, in regard to being attacked by recons with holos. . .  click the macro for “target enemy who’s targeting you” and you will know which ship is the real one.  Also, you can tell when a holoship is shooting you because there will be no dmg notification.  Often times I will notice this and go about what I was doing ignoring the holos shooting me. 


As for recons with holos capping beacons… you just have to have team work to take the pilot and his holos out fast.  

In my opinion they’re easy to tell apart… Reducing their HP or resistances would make the module useless - it would be enough to hit the holoship once to know it’s a fake. Microlocators are more than enough of a counter for Recons, as they make them unable to cloak, while also destroying any and all holoships in range.


The idea to have Target Painter destroy holoships one by one is pretty neat, although shouldn’t it be that Recons are the ones to counter Tacklers, not the other way around?

What you could have as another counter is Spy Drones preventing your target from using holoships, but I don’t think the module as such needs a nerf.

In my opinion they’re easy to tell apart… Reducing their HP or resistances would make the module useless - it would be enough to hit the holoship once to know it’s a fake. Microlocators are more than enough of a counter for Recons, as they make them unable to cloak, while also destroying any and all holoships in range.


Holoship Recon mainer spotted  :004j:



although shouldn’t it be that Recons are the ones to counter Tacklers, not the other way around?




A Tackler’s objective is to find and destroy enemy Recon and Covert Ops ships. Using invisibility tacklers can secretly move through the most dangerous zones in battle. Their high speed enables them to intercept Recon and Covert Ops Ships. Active modules reduce the enemy’s speed and temporarily weaken their shields and armor."

Holoship Recon mainer spotted  :004j:

It’s true, but I also have to fight other Recons with holoships, so I don’t see how my point isn’t valid. And besides SQ I rarely use the microlocator, and I don’t find it necessary to deal with holoships if there is just one or two Recon around. With three and more I do get confused, but you don’t really see so many of them in one place if it’s not a beacon game (in which they get obliterated with nukes).





A Tackler’s objective is to find and destroy enemy Recon and Covert Ops ships. Using invisibility tacklers can secretly move through the most dangerous zones in battle. Their high speed enables them to intercept Recon and Covert Ops Ships. Active modules reduce the enemy’s speed and temporarily weaken their shields and armor."

Sure, but on the other hand Recons are the only ships with anti-cloak mods… Either way, I like the idea of TP destroying holoships.

  As for the holograms. We have plans of giving their counter to some other role. I personally agree with that. Our team hasn’t reached a decision which role should have it. So if u’ve got ideas. Go ahead we’ll discuss them.

I’d like to put up the covert ops for that particular role. 

Aside from that, the ecm class is always in need of more module types. 

The only other class that’d suit it would probably be the ‘Guard’ class. 



Either way, I like the idea of TP destroying holoships.

It’d make the module somewhat confusing; The current mechanics just wouldn’t suit the target painter with that particular ability.

Aside from the name, ‘target painter,’ the module’s mechanics are nothing of the sort. 

ECM’s could take care of holoships just as they take care of Tackler drones, but to be honest I dislike the idea for the same reason as why I don’t think CovOps should counter holoships… They give Recons an edge they need to fight other inties. CovOps have the damage (orion, plasma arc, nukes) and the survivability (camo, white noise which is OP now, and often two heals), ECM’s don’t need the damage because they have their debuffs, plus they have their special mod if their hull drops too low, while everything Recons have is either easily avoidable (like mines or Spy Drones) or meant to increase their survivability (like their cloak and holoships - and both of these modules are just useless with a microlocator nearby).


If you really want to add another counter to holoships - even though all they do is confuse people who for some reason can’t tell them from their “owners”, while they deal damage only upon explosion - give it to fighters. If not to Tacklers, then Commands. I think the latter would be interesting, since they’re meant for mid-line gameplay and to provide support.


Also, since I keep forgetting to report it for some reason… I’d never noticed that before the last patch, so maybe it’s a new bug - when a CovOp plants a nuke while you’re outside the beeping range and you fly in the direction of the bomb before it goes off, usually you can’t hear the beeping. Yup, got me killed a few times.



Oh yeah, while I’m reporting stuff, the values of acceleration in ship info show 10 times what they should be showing. The actual values are the same, it’s just the decimal that got moved.

Will you someday FIX the shrapnel canon AIMing BUG???


Thats a shame, shooting a target and dont get hit on it. Killing atack drones is a nightmare. I have a few videos that if I upload on youtube, that game will take very bad promotion.

Will you someday FIX the shrapnel canon AIMing BUG???

Talk to SiegFrig, he can give some lessons on how to use shrapnel

When will the Pirate Mass shield generator be buffed, because it is at the moment a mass shield generator mk4 with 900m less range.

Will you someday FIX the shrapnel canon AIMing BUG???


Thats a shame, shooting a target and dont get hit on it. Killing atack drones is a nightmare. I have a few videos that if I upload on youtube, that game will take very bad promotion.


When will the Pirate Mass shield generator be buffed, because it is at the moment a mass shield generator mk4 with 900m less range.

Make a bug report, follow the guidelines for making a bug report, submit it to the forums, and wait.

Also why in heck would you want to damage a game’s rep instead of help fixing a bug in the game?

That sounds like using a chainsaw to get rid of termites.

The solution doesn’t solve anything; it just damages infrastructure.

#2  icon_share.pngSkula1975

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Posted 09 July 2015 - 09:20 AM

Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Update#1
Analysis of feedback and statistics on weapon effectiveness inspired us to introduce the following tweaks.
Additional effect strength reduced by 10%
Additional effect duration increased to 2 seconds
Additional effect now triggers once per second, not per 0.5 seconds
‘Spectre’ Field
Guard frigates having too many shield regeneration options as well as player feedback resulted in module mechanics changes.
In active mode the module now increases shield and hull resistances of host ship to all types of damage.
The more allies the module covers, the stronger its effect becomes
All modifications now recharge 55 seconds
Invisibility for allies remains unchanged
Emergency Shield Boost
Analysis of guard frigate module effectiveness showed that they consume very little energy from the initially planned level, allowing extremely easy simultaneous use of adaptive shields and this module.
Energy drain increased by 40%
All modifications now recharge 90 seconds
Liquid Metal Injector
We also introduced the following tweaks based on feedback and statistics.
Energy drain increased by 40%
All modifications now recharge 110 seconds
Continued tweaks of gameplay selection interface
Battle time for locations
‘Olympus’, ‘Erebus’, ‘Procyon’, ‘Haldon’ is set to 07:00 MSK.
We continue working on target lock time tweaks to follow up on the previous update.
Reduced to 2 seconds
Game chat mutes now also apply to voice chat 






Now I suppose it’s time to talk about the new update ^


p.s. I would suggest a new thread per each update, or else it may become somewhat confusing with the thread getting locked for a day each time a new one is brought down the tubes. 

‘Spectre’ Field
Guard frigates having too many shield regeneration options as well as player feedback resulted in module mechanics changes.
In active mode the module now increases shield and hull resistances of host ship to all types of damage.
The more allies the module covers, the stronger its effect becomes
All modifications now recharge 55 seconds
Invisibility for allies remains unchanged 


About the Spectre Field, how many points per ally in defense points does it add? How much points are added on the hull, how much on the shield, etc. 

Personally, I’d say just put all of the resists on the shield and a buff to the amount of time allies are put into the invisibility state, as it reads as if it is a grand nerf to the module with the personal effects.

It will now take 11 guards to use it properly in any game-mode, especially against the defiler or any new boss you may come up with. (not including reduction implants)



Emergency Shield Boost
Analysis of guard frigate module effectiveness showed that they consume very little energy from the initially planned level, allowing extremely easy simultaneous use of adaptive shields and this module.
Energy drain increased by 40%
All modifications now recharge 90 seconds
Liquid Metal Injector
We also introduced the following tweaks based on feedback and statistics.
Energy drain increased by 40%
All modifications now recharge 110 seconds



By George! now the 7c implant will be practically required to use the Emergency Shield boost.

Thanks to the nerf of the module, I would like to suggest an increase in the amount healed per ‘pop’ of the module itself. Because of the extended wait time to wait for 

the ability to use it again (not including reducing via the 13a implant, mind) it will become far easier to hit and run against guards. Fight the guards once, and make them use their modules; Once the

guard’s modules are used up, charge once more and take them while they’re weak. Thanks to the increase in time, this will become a problem to fight against as that strategy was still valid pre-patch. Now it’s just going to be annoying. 


How’s it working with the liquid metal injector? I imagine those federation guards aren’t able to use it anymore when using adaptives?

For that matter, I’d imagine it’ll be tough on any guard to use the liquid metal injector, with that kind of drain, unless they use the 7c implant and use both the emergency shield boost and the metal injector at the same time; that’ll be when the ship already has low hull in the first place so you can actually make use of the module. (not that I ever actually use the liquid metal injector)  



I like this change, at least from this picture. 



Analysis of feedback and statistics on weapon effectiveness inspired us to introduce the following tweaks.
Additional effect strength reduced by 10%
Additional effect duration increased to 2 seconds
Additional effect now triggers once per second, not per 0.5 seconds

Well, I can’t say it’s a bad change, but I can’t say it’s what is being asked for. 

How does it look on your guys’ end?


mmm i dunno, login and see for yourself

Make a bug report, follow the guidelines for making a bug report, submit it to the forums, and wait.

Also why in heck would you want to damage a game’s rep instead of help fixing a bug in the game?

That sounds like using a chainsaw to get rid of termites.

The solution doesn’t solve anything; it just damages infrastructure.


Thinking about spend my time answering u or not, but there I go:

1.- This is a very old bug, they know about it, from begining of the game, always was bad, now even worst.

2.- I come here to play, not to make their job, I have my own work, to spend my time doing others job (like make bug reports) with a game that is going from bad to worst.

3.- Posting on forums the bug I find, Its more than enought IMO, at least for me, Its the only way I can help, I have better things to do.

4.- I didnt save the games to damage the game reputation, I did it to see If it was my problem, If i was aiming bad, but no, the shoots take random direction, aiming mark totally useless.

5.- Ive paid DLC’s to play in this game, but seems that game is in beta already.

6.- Ofc I will not upload thouse videos, Its not my intention to make damage to a game that I like. But they should beging fixing the games problems.


7.- About new patch, they have introduced changes on guards with a specific build.What about thouse guards that doesnt use adaptatives???

7.- About new patch, they have introduced changes on guards with a specific build.What about thouse guards that doesnt use adaptatives???

This is an all-round nerf to every guard build type that uses the emergency shield boost and liquid metal injector.

Such a large nerf that you must use particular implants and modules to make said builds viable.

Make sure to pack a shield booster L to compensate or the hull variation, if you’re more of a hull tank.