Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Discussion

Well whatever, like g4borg says, as long as it’s put in the game, it doesn’t really matter!

Now as you became the copycat you say that…


It was my idea! From the beginning! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wolfkhan thanks, Milf thanks for the repost!

Now as you became the copycat you say that…


It was my idea! From the beginning! :stuck_out_tongue:

Shh!! :smiley:

Now as you became the copycat you say that…


It was my idea! From the beginning! :stuck_out_tongue:

what if i told you that we(super testers) proposed this befor destructor has been implemented into the game?

what if i told you that we(super testers) proposed this befor destructor has been implemented into the game?


So that means OmegaFighter and myself should become super-testers, right? I mean, since we clearly think like other super-testers (Millanbel).  :fed001:

So that means OmegaFighter and myself should become super-testers, right? I mean, since we clearly think like other super-testers (Millanbel). :fed001:

what if some one planted this idea into your head, and you only think that you came up with it?

what if some one planted this idea into your head, and you only think that you came up with it?


Take me to your leader. Oh, and I’ll have a sweetroll and a large coffee.

Take me to your leader. Oh, and I’ll have a sweetroll and a large coffee.

while you at it bring us some too, lad

Hi there! I just registered to post about what you have done:


Let me introduce myself; I have been playing this game since the Beta. I really loved it. I have bought all the DLC and I was ready to continue supporting it since I believe you have done a great job with the improvements.

Now this patch arises, and a lot of players, included me, are wondering "WHY??, do they really want us to LEAVE THE GAME??

First of all, you have nerfed the interceptors so they have to wait 2,5 secs to lock an enemy, just like the frigates. Why this nonsense??? So you telling me that a fast ship like the inter really needs to wait for 2,5 secs to lock a ship?? WHY?? You are of course going to tell me that I can change this by using my CPU slot… replacing the protone wall… yeah… right.

Second, if you play T4-T5, there you can see a bunch of frigates floating overthere, with no skill required to fly and killing everything in range thanks to that “supersucking ray called Destructor”… So the people who use to fly fast ships can now go to hell or just select a Guardian or an Engineer (known as “semi-guardian-Longrange-thing” nowadays) and participate on the show. Finally we find that almost all the games finish when the time passes… obviuosly. And the game consist in ships separated by 6k meteres shooting Destructors or whatever has range more than 5.5k. Reaaaaally interesting battles…

Third, and more important thing. We have been talking with a lot of pilots and wonder if you made this changes to encourage the people to play this game, decreasing the skill needed to fly. This is absolutely right and legit, but you need to find a way to do it without encouraging the people who play this game usually (who, btw, is the people who has put money on it) go and find another one “more interesting” than SC.

To sum up, I really want to complain about the changes, and encourage you to revert them. Maybe it could be usefull to do it in T1-2 even 3, but please leave us play STAR CONFLICT and not FRIGATE CONFLICT or whatever is it now.




A disapointed player

Good day. It is really good to see that pilots who care so much about our game and its future. So thanks for your commitment

About frigates. they are the next in the list of aspects that we are planning to adjust. We have plenty of ideas so their state is not finished. We got the criticism, it’s great, but while we are working on it you can contribute your ideas so that we can base the coming changes on the opinion of our players even more.

The interceptors. We are watching it closely. If the recieved feedback and statistics shows that it needs to be reversed we will do that. We got your opinion about that problem and it will not be forgotten.

Lock times to 1.25s and LRFs to have +30% hitpoints and guards using destructor get -50pts resists across the board while firing XD XD

Lock times to 1.25s and LRFs to have +30% hitpoints and guards using destructor get -50pts resists across the board while firing XD XD

We don’t need more hit points on LRF,we only need old desintegrator back :smiley:

We don’t need more hit points on LRF,we only need old desintegrator back :smiley:

didn’t the JLRF Torp have more range before some nerf hammering, or did it always had these weird stats…

Feels like a nerfed cruise missile.

Good day, thought id give the last couple of updates some real testing over lots of pvp an id have to say well done, enjoy pretty much all the changes with the recent patches.




Above T3 Fed engineers really show thier stuff for being that factions frigate class now. Before i didnt think so much. Octopus bonus of coolddowns makes sense now.


A lot of complaints over target lock equalization. Understandable complaints but not forgivable. So you might have to consider running an overclocked on some builds or generally deal with 0.9 second extra lock… deal with it. Certainly adds variety to the usual builds of as much crit as u can. Remember old sec con? 2covops 2ecm was the order of the day for many. I believe that this was part of the reason why. (The crits not the target lock time… although it helps)


Id gush on an on bout the other things i like but these been these most noticable/talked about changes.


I would say that holos still do need to be looked at, the only counter being another recon or a ‘decent’ pilot is breaking at times, when u shoot down solo holos just to be sure that your random teamates dont get off track it still takes time and effort that is better spent elsewhere.


and finally…

The weapon everyone loves to hate, THE DESTRUCTOR!

Was a little dissapointed that this was not altered more. I used this weapon to try it out and was not impressed, not my style, didnt suit me, fair enough. Though I have had to fight against it often enough that i see that it does need changed. Contrary to popular belief beacons can still be capped when they under fire by this weapon but thats not the real issue. Large resists against something that rarely skims an inty should not be so brutally damaging to have me running for cover in seconds or die in a horrid manner esp when iv acheived said cover, and the added effect takes it toll. This is regardless of effects like target scrambling or camo as it is a laser style weapon so point click an kill.


I dont believe that there needs to be some drastic change to the weapon however, straightforward small damage and area effect nerf would suffice as at the moment any half decent guard player has his shield set to incoming damage type an will out tank attacking players if they are not already outgunning them due to 25% from phase shield.


All said good updates look forward to the new stuff in the Autumn. :001j:

Concerning this patch I really like the improvement to the interface as a whole. It’s a lot more compact now and has a generally better aesthetic, in my opinion. Good work on that. However, my concern lies with your plans for open space play. Since the major nerf to loot and the introduction of biomorphs open space is no longer all that enjoyable to play in. Loot hauls are no longer worth the risk to gather them and so I don’t see a reason to even explore the more dangerous areas anymore beyond daily quests and since the removal of Attack Drones from T4 ships I can’t even do half of my daily quests now. The attack drones were essential to my combat strategy versus the various AI groups since facing off against a squad of pretty much anything in T3 or T4 zones alone is virtual suicide with an average ship with average equipment. In general the whole of open needs to be examined, in my opinion.



 - Increase the value of lootable items in open space ( Maybe not to what they were, but to something to make the trips out to scavenge and hunt for them worth it. )

 - Allow universal Attack Drones on T4 ships. ( Matchmaking mixes T4 and T5 ships so there’s no reason T4 ships shouldn’t be allowed to use the universal Attack Drones. )

Concerning this patch I really like the improvement to the interface as a whole. It’s a lot more compact now and has a generally better aesthetic, in my opinion. Good work on that. However, my concern lies with your plans for open space play. Since the major nerf to loot and the introduction of biomorphs open space is no longer all that enjoyable to play in. Loot hauls are no longer worth the risk to gather them and so I don’t see a reason to even explore the more dangerous areas anymore beyond daily quests and since the removal of Attack Drones from T4 ships I can’t even do half of my daily quests now. The attack drones were essential to my combat strategy versus the various AI groups since facing off against a squad of pretty much anything in T3 or T4 zones alone is virtual suicide with an average ship with average equipment. In general the whole of open needs to be examined, in my opinion.



 - Increase the value of lootable items in open space ( Maybe not to what they were, but to something to make the trips out to scavenge and hunt for them worth it. )

 - Allow universal Attack Drones on T4 ships. ( Matchmaking mixes T4 and T5 ships so there’s no reason T4 ships shouldn’t be allowed to use the universal Attack Drones. )

Ive never used drones at invasion (because i think its a huge waste) and i do perfectly fine, i can do any mission with T5, most with almost fully mk2 T4 ships (without dying once). Explore new tactics, get better at the game, seems you have a lot to master.

About drops, you will get the nice unnerfed loot from mysterious containers (only nerf now is a lower drop rate of BP). But i do agree that most of the loot you get from pirates/cybers/cartel/alien is usually not worth to bother to pick up, further more, the strongest ships like predators have a very poor drop most of the times that makes a waste of time to go after them for farming (at least synergy reward is ok).

Do we get a patch/update this week?

[JCNB](< base_url >/index.php?/user/254528-jcnb/)

Good day!

Thank you for the comment. It is great.  

As for the holograms. We have plans of giving their counter to some other role. I personally agree with that. Our team hasn’t reached a decision which role should have it. So if u’ve got ideas. Go ahead we’ll discuss them.

Our favourite destructor issue. I’m happy to say that the changes will be presented. Our team is now working on it. So the only thing we need now is time. 

Concerning this patch I really like the improvement to the interface as a whole. It’s a lot more compact now and has a generally better aesthetic, in my opinion. Good work on that. However, my concern lies with your plans for open space play. Since the major nerf to loot and the introduction of biomorphs open space is no longer all that enjoyable to play in. Loot hauls are no longer worth the risk to gather them and so I don’t see a reason to even explore the more dangerous areas anymore beyond daily quests and since the removal of Attack Drones from T4 ships I can’t even do half of my daily quests now. The attack drones were essential to my combat strategy versus the various AI groups since facing off against a squad of pretty much anything in T3 or T4 zones alone is virtual suicide with an average ship with average equipment. In general the whole of open needs to be examined, in my opinion.



 - Increase the value of lootable items in open space ( Maybe not to what they were, but to something to make the trips out to scavenge and hunt for them worth it. )

 - Allow universal Attack Drones on T4 ships. ( Matchmaking mixes T4 and T5 ships so there’s no reason T4 ships shouldn’t be allowed to use the universal Attack Drones. )

Thank you so much for the comment.

Well unfortunately i can’t give you any information about the loot. It’s a difficult iisue and i can’t promise anything. The only thing i can assure you is that, we got your opinion. And the situation is monitored so if the data shows that it should be changed, we will do it.

The attack drones situation. Our system allows us to make them available either for all tiers or for only one. And our team made a decision to give it to T5.

Do we get a patch/update this week?

the patch will not be presented this week.

didn’t the JLRF Torp have more range before some nerf hammering, or did it always had these weird stats…

Feels like a nerfed cruise missile.

i think it’s always been like this for the range of JLRF,the rotation of the torpedo has been adjusted tho