Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Discussion

Someone else brought up something not related to the patch, but in PvE.  I was in Cap Dread 1st round flying a maxed Inquisitor and using a Mk III Destructor.  [We failed this mission]  The only other player left was in a super tanky Naga.  The other two players died, and we were trying to cap the last beacon.  We sat there tanking and blowing up NPC’s for a good 5 minutes before his tank finally gave out and I was overwhelmed.  We were destroying wave after wave after wave after wave of enemy NPC’s.  At the end of each wave we’d begin to capture a beacon only to have it run all the way back when the next wave arrived.  Both my self and the other pilot found this ridiculous.  Perhaps my thinking is wrong and the developers have made it so that you need three or more ships to cap beacons.  I feel that T5 NPC agro (at least in Captured Dreadnaught) is way too much, and we should have been able to take the beacon after a certain time.    




Ive passed that round in captured dreadnought using bubbles/adaptive lion, along with another player (dont remember wich ship, wasnt a recon nor LRF)…the 2 others were dead. That round gets really difficult when 1-2 player(s) is/are out, but you can handle it if you kill very fast or if 1 of the ships is cloacked and capturing (like EM scatter or adaptive camo).

It works if you kite them around while the other one captures yes ;p

It’s pretty nice when you have an interceptor to hide under your frigate to capture those beacons; Have the intie go into an easily cover-able crack, and hover over it. pretty easy when using Jericho frigates, since they have decent cover areas.

Thanks guys… some great tips!


Our inty was doing fine 'till the last bit.  We were killing off the NPC’s like nobody’s business.  It just seems broken if the only solutions are “kite while someone caps”  [eventually they will turn back and go for the easy target] or EM scattering… which  when used in T5 9/10 times results in everyone dying and the LRF eventually gets overwhelmed. 


I think as long as someone stays on the beacon (within capture range) they should be able to hold the cap. . . or maybe the ratio for T5 PvE should be reconsidered… something.  I’m all for a challenge, but it just seems a bit crazy how many come at you and how close together the waves are. 

I suggest do following with the Destructor:

The closer you are, the bigger is the AoE Radius / Damage, Max Radius 650m

That would maybe make people players going closer or they are useless.

Because Guards should be AT the beacon and protect their teammates and kill stuff, not sitting 7km away and click left mouse button continously, it’s boring, prevents the beacon gameplay and is just lame.

Good day. The idea will be really useful on the way of finding the best way of using Destructor. Thank you for it.

It’s the best we got so far, unless if you count mine as well, but I think this one is better.

what has been going on lately with the wait times to launch pvp games im tired of waiting 5 min or more for every game this is not fun being logged in for an hour and your lucky to play 2 or 3 games. my account 23 days in game 13 days in battle what do you devs think i just logged in and stared at the ground for 10 days this is ridiculous id rather play 2 players on each side and wait 2 min instead of waiting 5 or 10 min just to play with 6 or 7 per side this is frustrating if you buy premium you waste your money if wait times are gonna be this long 

Good day. We had some technical issues yesterday, but everything should work fine now. If  you still face the problem we need some more specific info. What time is it happening, on what tear and what region? The work and discussion will be much more productive. Thank you in advance.

About patch changes, some guys sayed some of my ideas, but seems no one talked about this:

-The raid contract change (the 10k vouchers one) is awesome!! ty so much for that change, it was very needed.

-I dislike a lot not seing lead prediction into locked targets that are steady, since i have no idea im locking into it (i can only see the target window in the upper left, wich is not good). Its great that many steady objects dont have the lead prediction marker when you are not locking them (like containers, turrets, etc.), but i strongly suggest to add the marker only into locked targets to a friendly identification of who you are locking.

I liked most of the changes, good job there.

Good day! 

thank you for the positive comment. About the dislike. We are aware of the issue. There is a decent task related to it. The idea that you mentioned we’ve been discussing but we haven’t reached a decision yet.

Maybe the AOE radius could decrease with distance from target, just like the damage? So to fully stop a beacon cap, the guard would have to be 1-2k away.

I suggest do following with the Destructor:

The closer you are, the bigger is the AoE Radius / Damage, Max Radius 650m

That would maybe make people players going closer or they are useless.

Because Guards should be AT the beacon and protect their teammates and kill stuff, not sitting 7km away and click left mouse button continously, it’s boring, prevents the beacon gameplay and is just lame.

Copycat :stuck_out_tongue:

no matter who suggested it, what matters in the end good ideas comes up through reasonable debate; i like omega/millans solution a lot.

Copycat :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, i did not even copy anything.

I just went forum, typed in that topic and went off again :slight_smile:

Seriously, i did not even copy anything.

I just went forum, typed in that topic and went off again :slight_smile:

Great minds think alike! :smiley:

But I think it would really work and would solve two problems at the same time, like you said! It would stop it from being impossible to capture the beacon, you would simply have to push the guard far enough away, and inversely, for him to have any hope in being effective, the guard has to get as close as possible to the beacon.

Great minds think alike! :smiley:


You’re telling me…


Last idea: What if the Destructor’s AOE (provided it was given to the LRF class) decreased with range? In other words, the farther away you are from the target, the smaller the AOE effect. So, a ship sitting at 7,000m can still hit individual ships, but the AOE effect around the beacon doesn’t exist. Whereas, the same ship sitting 3,000m from the beacon has an AOE effect of 100m, and the same ship sitting at 1,000m has an AOE effect of 250m?

Hi there! I just registered to post about what you have done:


Let me introduce myself; I have been playing this game since the Beta. I really loved it. I have bought all the DLC and I was ready to continue supporting it since I believe you have done a great job with the improvements.

Now this patch arises, and a lot of players, included me, are wondering "WHY??, do they really want us to LEAVE THE GAME??

First of all, you have nerfed the interceptors so they have to wait 2,5 secs to lock an enemy, just like the frigates. Why this nonsense??? So you telling me that a fast ship like the inter really needs to wait for 2,5 secs to lock a ship?? WHY?? You are of course going to tell me that I can change this by using my CPU slot… replacing the protone wall… yeah… right.

Second, if you play T4-T5, there you can see a bunch of frigates floating overthere, with no skill required to fly and killing everything in range thanks to that “supersucking ray called Destructor”… So the people who use to fly fast ships can now go to hell or just select a Guardian or an Engineer (known as “semi-guardian-Longrange-thing” nowadays) and participate on the show. Finally we find that almost all the games finish when the time passes… obviuosly. And the game consist in ships separated by 6k meteres shooting Destructors or whatever has range more than 5.5k. Reaaaaally interesting battles…

Third, and more important thing. We have been talking with a lot of pilots and wonder if you made this changes to encourage the people to play this game, decreasing the skill needed to fly. This is absolutely right and legit, but you need to find a way to do it without encouraging the people who play this game usually (who, btw, is the people who has put money on it) go and find another one “more interesting” than SC.

To sum up, I really want to complain about the changes, and encourage you to revert them. Maybe it could be usefull to do it in T1-2 even 3, but please leave us play STAR CONFLICT and not FRIGATE CONFLICT or whatever is it now.




A disapointed player

can we have average lock reduced to 1.5 so as to reduce the nerf on modules that require lock?

This would help encourage people to play ECM and tackler more, along with making ELRF more bearable without using a CPU slot and an implant to negate the 2.5 second lock time.

can we have average lock reduced to 1.5 so as to reduce the nerf on modules that require lock?

This would help encourage people to play ECM and tackler more, along with making ELRF more bearable without using a CPU slot and an implant to negate the 2.5 second lock time.

ELRF have their lock speed untouched, theres no difference there from this patch and the previous one for frigates (except for the 5% dmg increase).

ELRF have their lock speed untouched, theres no difference there from this patch and the previous one for frigates (except for the 5% dmg increase).

I recalled my ELRF having a 2.0 second lock prior to patch, really.

Still, a 1.5 second lock for all ships is a bit more bearable, especially when playing ECM due to all but two modules requiring a lock.

I recalled my ELRF having a 2.0 second lock prior to patch, really.

Still, a 1.5 second lock for all ships is a bit more bearable, especially when playing ECM due to all but two modules requiring a lock.

“Target lock time for all ships changed to average frigate level: 2.5 seconds” (from patch notes). If you had less than 2,5 seconds, its because you either used an overclocked CPU or had empire R2 implant (oculus) active. I can tell you from my experience that lock time is just the same as in 6 months ago: i always use E2 implant so my frigates have always locked at 1.4 seconds…and still do.

It’s pretty nice when you have an interceptor to hide under your frigate to capture those beacons; Have the intie go into an easily cover-able crack, and hover over it. pretty easy when using Jericho frigates, since they have decent cover areas.



Something like this, use an interceptor or fighter and hide under a frigate, both works but works even better on interceptor, I used a command ship so I can give buffs.

You’re telling me…


Well whatever, like g4borg says, as long as it’s put in the game, it doesn’t really matter!