Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Discussion

To be honest, I don’t see why you guys keep boosting frigates with every patch. The lead-on marks were a massive boost mainly for coil mortars, positron snipers (you still need to lock your target to be efficient with gauss, although it does help) and Empire long ranges in general; the new targeting time is a killer for one of the main advantages fighters and inties have over frigates - quickly switching your targets.


In my opinion the suggestion that the targeting time be dependent on the size of ships is very interesting, although only on the assumption that you guys first do something about aim assistance not working properly with certain weapons (which, but of course, happen to be equippable by non-frigates only).


Other than that, I like the new patch. The new map is awesome - almost makes me wonder why it wasn’t like that before.


A thought occurs regarding the engie boost. While I don’t mind their current passive heal rate that much, how about you decrease it by half, but make it stackable? As in more engies = more heals. Not with a linear function (e.g. 2 engies = twice more heals than from a single engie), but something more sophisticated, like making 4 engies passively heal just as much 3 engies would. I think it would make things slightly more interesting and fed engies more useful, even more so if you boosted existing anti-heal debuffs like Spy Drones, or gave us some new active mods to counter that. 


Also I have to say I’m surprised it’s your second major patch in the last couple weeks, but you still haven’t nerfed drone poopers. The Heavy Guard drone is just fine, but the Sentry one, if locked on, needs to be one-shottable, two-shottable with the Jerry 4 implant. Same with micro-locators. I also think all deployable items (Repair stations, micro-locators, not just tackler drones) should die along with whoever has deployed them.

Also I have to say I’m surprised it’s your second major patch in the last couple weeks, but you still haven’t nerfed drone poopers. The Heavy Guard drone is just fine, but the Sentry one, if locked on, needs to be one-shottable, two-shottable with the Jerry 4 implant. Same with micro-locators. I also think all deployable items (Repair stations, micro-locators, not just tackler drones) should die along with whoever has deployed them.

Drone poopers are now completely shut down with ECM Overload. Overload pops their drones instantaneously. Same with repair stations and microlocators, etc

Yes, but there are many more drone poopers than there are ECM’s who know what they’re supposed to do. Being a drone pooper doesn’t even require you to know what you’re doing, just poop what you have to poop and fly away in stealth. Other classes need an easy way to deal with a build that is played easily, but for whatever reason is much more efficient than it deserves to be.

Is it easier to use lasers now that there is a marker on all of the enemy ships without locking on? (there would normally never have been one even when locked on)

For instance, now that you can track where a ship is going, is it easier to move the laser in their direction change? (if I am correct, do the markers even show up when using lasers?)

dat patch is so meh

the new lock on times hit the interceptors and tacklers hard.

I’d prefer the old lock times, or a new average time of 1.5 seconds so you don’t force tacklers to use overclocked cpu in place of a wall.

It also makes using guided munitions quite useless for a quick last second attack, and it makes sniping off dreadnought torpedoes a hell of a lot more painful to do.

Something I’m noticing, which I don’t know if it’s related to recent patches, is that every Interceptor weapon seems to be hopelessly inaccurate. When fighting other interceptors especially, it seems that where I aim has no relation to whether or not my shots hit the target.


It’s also noticed some isuses with Gauss Cannon and Shrapnel Cannon.

I am not talking about free aim mode, but a regular one.

Whenever I fired with Gauss Cannon at desired point (crosshair point), it doesn’t fire there, even when I fired almost directly in the middle - front of me.

Same for Shrapnel Cannon. This is over 1 year old issue and a lot of players (English and Russian) claim the same.

Maybe you should re-investigate this, when it comes to aim and accuracy of those projectiles?



Ping and aim compensation only works on targets that you are locked to. Now with the new changes to the locking system, it means that even if you are aiming at the lead reticle, no compensation is applied unless you are locked to the target, thus the perceived inaccurateness. 

A quality of life issue with the galaxy map - there’s so much stuff in the background image now it’s hard to read the text or spot the system markers.


I’m glad healing actually works again. I was getting tired of having to fit regenerative hull plating because I wasn’t noticing any benefit of flying past my allied engineers.


Something I’m noticing, which I don’t know if it’s related to recent patches, is that every Interceptor weapon seems to be hopelessly inaccurate. When fighting other interceptors especially, it seems that where I aim has no relation to whether or not my shots hit the target.

You have met for the first time the effect of : high ping!! now you have a slight idea of what happens when you have medium/high ping and use proyectile weapons. Get a little insight about it, it will make you aware of an issue many players suffer (and that you have may suffered many times and had no idea. Knowing about it makes you take better actions).

It’s also noticed some isuses with Gauss Cannon and Shrapnel Cannon.

I am not talking about free aim mode, but a regular one.

Whenever I fired with Gauss Cannon at desired point (crosshair point), it doesn’t fire there, even when I fired almost directly in the middle - front of me.

Same for Shrapnel Cannon. This is over 1 year old issue and a lot of players (English and Russian) claim the same.

Maybe you should re-investigate this, when it comes to aim and accuracy of those projectiles?


Thank you.

high ping, as above XD

EDIT: not locking and using the lead marker does works, but you have no aim assistance, that means you have to be extremately accurate in the point the lead marker considers your ping into leading.

About patch changes, some guys sayed some of my ideas, but seems no one talked about this:
-The raid contract change (the 10k vouchers one) is awesome!! ty so much for that change, it was very needed.
-I dislike a lot not seing lead prediction into locked targets that are steady, since i have no idea im locking into it (i can only see the target window in the upper left, wich is not good). Its great that many steady objects dont have the lead prediction marker when you are not locking them (like containers, turrets, etc.), but i strongly suggest to add the marker only into locked targets to a friendly identification of who you are locking.

I liked most of the changes, good job there.

Is it easier to use lasers now that there is a marker on all of the enemy ships without locking on? (there would normally never have been one even when locked on)

For instance, now that you can track where a ship is going, is it easier to move the laser in their direction change? (if I am correct, do the markers even show up when using lasers?)

Having a circle before lock may be slightly advantageous but locked target always had circle. In either case you aim at the middle of the square or the circle and can see ship outline so it doesn’t matter really. The circle is on the middle of the ship so doesn’t help much more with aiming as you had the brackets anyway.

what has been going on lately with the wait times to launch pvp games im tired of waiting 5 min or more for every game this is not fun being logged in for an hour and your lucky to play 2 or 3 games. my account 23 days in game 13 days in battle what do you devs think i just logged in and stared at the ground for 10 days this is ridiculous id rather play 2 players on each side and wait 2 min instead of waiting 5 or 10 min just to play with 6 or 7 per side this is frustrating if you buy premium you waste your money if wait times are gonna be this long 

Yeah wait times and servers are not performing as well lately for some reason…

Here’s another thought. What if the speed of your lock wasn’t dependent on your ship at all?

Here’s what I mean. Frigates are large and slow, so a targeting computer won’t have that much trouble getting a lock (1 second or less to lock a frigate). Fighters are not only smaller, but faster. So locking a fighter would take longer for the computer (1.75 seconds to lock a fighter). Interceptors are not only the smallest ships, they are also the fastest. So locking an Interceptor should be more difficult (even for another interceptor). So locking an interceptor should take 2.5 seconds.

Overclocking the CPU will still reduce this time by a percentage. But the lock time depends entirely on what ship type you are trying to lock.

Then again, wouldn’t larger ships logically have more sensors and computing capacity? Some sort of middle ground combination of the systems could perhaps work…


Interceptor locking…

Interceptor   1.5 * 1.5 = 2.25

Fighter        1.5 * 1.0 = 1.5

Frigate        1.5 * 0.5 = 0.75

Fighter locking…

Interceptor   1.25 * 1.5 = 1.875

Fighter        1.25 * 1.0 = 1.25

Frigate        1.25 * 0.5 = 0.625

Frigate locking…

Interceptor   1.0 * 1.5 = 1.5

Fighter        1.0 * 1.0 = 1.0

Frigate        1.0 * 0.5 = 0.5




Here’s another thought. What if the speed of your lock wasn’t dependent on your ship at all?

Here’s what I mean. Frigates are large and slow, so a targeting computer won’t have that much trouble getting a lock (1 second or less to lock a frigate). Fighters are not only smaller, but faster. So locking a fighter would take longer for the computer (1.75 seconds to lock a fighter). Interceptors are not only the smallest ships, they are also the fastest. So locking an Interceptor should be more difficult (even for another interceptor). So locking an interceptor should take 2.5 seconds.

Overclocking the CPU will still reduce this time by a percentage. But the lock time depends entirely on what ship type you are trying to lock.



Brilliant! I fully support this. If I hadn’t run out of upvotes for today I’d give you one, hah


Me like :wink:

I suggest do following with the Destructor:

The closer you are, the bigger is the AoE Radius / Damage, Max Radius 650m

That would maybe make people players going closer or they are useless.

Because Guards should be AT the beacon and protect their teammates and kill stuff, not sitting 7km away and click left mouse button continously, it’s boring, prevents the beacon gameplay and is just lame.


This, this right here ^


I really think this would balance the destructor without removing it from guards. Obviously, the ratios would have to scale, but maybe have it so that at 1/4 of max range, the radius and AOE damage is at it’s maximum (650m or w/e it is now, and w/e the damage is), at 1/2 of max range, have the radius be cut back to like 450m, and the AOE damage cut by 1/4, at 3/4 of max range, the AOE could be cut down to 250m and the AOE damage cut another 1/4 from max, and at max range, radius reduced to 100m, and AOE damage would be 1/4 of what it would be at 1/4 of max range.

Here is this suggestion in full.

Some really nice changes!  Especially the Engi.  Mostly I am stoked that the SC team has gotten more transparent, and has been doing a fine job of keeping us in the loop!  It’s great to see you guys working so hard to continuously tweak and balance the game. 



Eviscerator’s ideas regarding the Destructor are very sound.  Beacons need a larger capture radius, or the AOE needs to be cut back.  Which leads me to an observation:


It seems the AOE on the Destructor is not radiating from a central point, but rather radiating from the edge of the targeted object’s hit box.  I can understand how this might work in science (the entire mass is being irradiated and projecting a radioactive cloud), but perhaps just having the AOE radiate from the point where the beam strikes the target might help.  __Just a thought__


Someone else brought up something not related to the patch, but in PvE.  I was in Cap Dread 1st round flying a maxed Inquisitor and using a Mk III Destructor.  [We failed this mission]  The only other player left was in a super tanky Naga.  The other two players died, and we were trying to cap the last beacon.  We sat there tanking and blowing up NPC’s for a good 5 minutes before his tank finally gave out and I was overwhelmed.  We were destroying wave after wave after wave after wave of enemy NPC’s.  At the end of each wave we’d begin to capture a beacon only to have it run all the way back when the next wave arrived.  Both my self and the other pilot found this ridiculous.  Perhaps my thinking is wrong and the developers have made it so that you need three or more ships to cap beacons.  I feel that T5 NPC agro (at least in Captured Dreadnaught) is way too much, and we should have been able to take the beacon after a certain time.    




Change Capture the Beacon radius to 1000 meters around the Beacon.

You had the wrong lrf pilot :slight_smile: