Star Conflict v.1.1.2 Discussion

Yeah, but that is common to all of them.

the thermal weapons don’t have ammo to reduce spread, just reduce overheat (same with EM…?)

I’ve been having this “server lag” since the 1.1.0 patch went out… At the end of each battle i had the message “the battle is not over yet. Wanna come back etc…” for 5-10 secs… Hope it’s fixed now. At leeast now I know why all my battles were so laggy…



This looks to be finally solved today… What was in the hotfix?

Also battle are less laggy for me :wink:

the thermal weapons don’t have ammo to reduce spread, just reduce overheat (same with EM…?)

He’s pointing out the fact that Iridium Slugs weren’t balanced relative to the other craftable ammo. Plus, the only thermal weapon with spread is heavy blaster, it’d be pointless to have a thermal ammo for spread reduction.



I’ve been having this “server lag” since the 1.1.0 patch went out… At the end of each battle i had the message “the battle is not over yet. Wanna come back etc…” for 5-10 secs… Hope it’s fixed now. At leeast now I know why all my battles were so laggy…


This looks to be finally solved today… What was in the hotfix?

Also battle are less laggy for me :wink:


Forget about it… The issue is back and laggy battles too…

This looks to be finally solved today… What was in the hotfix?

Also battle are less laggy for me :wink:

This has always been an issue. The game servers are mediocre. Some days it will be good and on others it will not.

It’s impossible to afford a strong and consistent real-time connectivity server unless you’re an AAA title producer anyway. Not sure this will ever be easily fixed.

This has always been an issue. The game servers are mediocre. Some days it will be good and on others it will not.

It’s impossible to afford a strong and consistent real-time connectivity server unless you’re an AAA title producer anyway. Not sure this will ever be easily fixed.

Well, I surely hope so. It’s not a question of affordability. It is the question of willpower and determination from the publisher and/or the developers.

I still believe that it they would still be able to greatly improve the performance at least.

Laser is 12% critic chance, which is almost as much as one CPU slot.


EM have overheating, which is almost as much as one engine slot.


But kinetic had the spread reduction that was more than two CPU slots.


12% crit chance > 10% crit chance

60% overheating > 38% overheating


Kinetic ammo out of Shrapnel was almost useless, the other two are great in every single weapon.

12% crit chance > 10% crit chance

60% overheating > 38% overheating


Kinetic ammo out of Shrapnel was almost useless, the other two are great in every single weapon.

You should try rails with iridium slugs. It is like a fast firing gauss. Same with coil mortar, it is great to place the mortar shells where you want, instead of where the RNG wants.

This has always been an issue. The game servers are mediocre. Some days it will be good and on others it will not.

It’s impossible to afford a strong and consistent real-time connectivity server unless you’re an AAA title producer anyway. Not sure this will ever be easily fixed.

I know but the thing si that server lag went really worse since the dreadnought patch went out…

Getting sick of this server lag, always getting 3 error messages about battle not being over/battle is over/cannot join battle max players reached, rubberbanding ships that are impossible to hit especially interceptors, non-response times that usually occur when I’m being attacked. Kicked out of game after an entire minute of non-response/time freeze in game.


And they still haven’t fixed the DLC bonus loot problem.

12% crit chance > 10% crit chance

60% overheating > 38% overheating


Kinetic ammo out of Shrapnel was almost useless, the other two are great in every single weapon.

12% < 20% While crit laser ammo is useful in all weapons, Supercooled is only good for Eclipse, Bubbles and arguably Phaser/Depression gun. RFB/PP/Positrons and arguably Phaser/Depression gun are much better with something else.

On contrary Iridium slugs (equivalent of 2x CPU, in fact it was equal to more than 2 x CPU due to effect calcualtion formula) were only pointless on Gauss, while being good to awesome on all other kinetic weapons

On contrary Iridium slugs (equivalent of 2x CPU, in fact it was equal to more than 2 x CPU due to effect calcualtion formula) were only pointless on Gauss, while being good to awesome on all other kinetic weapons


Railguns’ spread is pretty low already, it’s kinda hard to miss with them, I don’t know why would you choose that ammo over RoF or crit ammo. I mean, even Railguns with RoF ammo and the increased spread are pretty easy to use…

Railguns’ spread is pretty low already, it’s kinda hard to miss with them, I don’t know why would you choose that ammo over RoF or crit ammo. I mean, even Railguns with RoF ammo and the increased spread are pretty easy to use…

Spread on a standard High Fire rate AR build is not critical, because the time frame of next to maximum spread stage is very short and then you go into cooling stage, due to higher fire rate shortening fire cycles times. These often cool-down stages do cut into effective DPS and very noticeable when facing Minotaur and InquisitorS. Now if one to increase a DPS even further, fire time has to be prolonged -> i.e. cooling engines, but that leads to maximum spread stage be much longer, so less accuracy and more misses, less DPS.

Basically if you grab a T4+ fighter frame with 2 engines and 2-3 Capacitors, you can make one hell of a Kinetic Hwy Blaster (2 shared coolers+as many heat sinks as fits + FireRate implant + iridium ammo)

dat weapon… not bad


Getting sick of this server lag, always getting 3 error messages about battle not being over/battle is over/cannot join battle max players reached, rubberbanding ships that are impossible to hit especially interceptors, non-response times that usually occur when I’m being attacked. Kicked out of game after an entire minute of non-response/time freeze in game.

And they still haven’t fixed the DLC bonus loot problem.

Yep. Situation is quite horrble in the late afternoon (EU time)

Yep. Situation is quite horrble in the late afternoon (EU time)

yeah, nowadays I rarely play more than 2 matches a day. It’s just not worth the time. More and more of the players that could actually improve, educate the playerbase abandon the game. And so we have loads of people that don’t know how to play, developers that claim their game is balanced, while ignoring the obvious things, because they can, right now, because dreads.  Just look at it this way. 3 weeks ago you messed up our corp logo. hmm. You cannot convince me that the development of dreads makes it impossible to correct that mistake; eventho a minor one, the symbolic value from it is massive.

Coupled with that, we have those ridiculous coilmortar spams, that would be counterable with something other that frigates, if it wouldnt be so hard to actually get in a game together with your TEAM. Stop telling us that there is a counter for this, WE KNOW IT, it’s Teamwork. Unfortunatly teamwork is luxury in this game and has to be punished. Or so it seems.

Your statistics seem to be off, interpretationwise. That balancing is counterproductive, punishing the ones that actually give thought into the  game, that practise and taste the metagame.

Educate the playerbase, those Tips you get to read when you get your first ship of a class are useless and outdated, even misleading. (maybe due to bad translation)

Lastly; Invasion is a mess. To an extend that I find it a really baad joke. It is a crude idea that was and is from the start an idea that never got finished, just an illusion, that would promise more players. In fact it gave us more newb pilots. People that never play pvp. IF YOU CALL IT OPEN SPACE, THEN IT NEEDS A REAL MARKET, BECAUSE OPEN SPACE MAKES NO SENSE WITHOUT A MARKET. You seemed to forget that, when trying to copy the best features of the previously released open space games.

And no, dreadnoughts will not fix the xxxx gameplay with them xxxx incontinent tacklers, and frigballs.


If you guys start with, frigballs are easy to counter, that may be but thats not the point, the point is that there is no variety. There is literally a frigball EVERY game. There was a time in this game, where there was a different, sometimes strange composition of ships every game. People were experimenting. Nobody does that anymore.

Wall of text


Calm your tits dude.


Lag issues are known, and they are trying to solve them. Anyway it is only with certain servers, not all of them. Cut them some slack, you are not talking with EA here, they can afford what they can afford and for a F2P game it is damn good.


Balancing in this game is currently really good, do you know why? because the game is not balanced around single ships or classes, it is balanced around teamwork. There are strategies better than others in certain situations. Some are easier to do, others not that much (but have better effectiveness in return) There are certain combination of map/ship/weapon (like LRF with coil mortar in the Tube map) which are really good, but the same are not that much in other game modes or maps.


Concerning Open space, it will never have a market, because that will break the economy of this game. I could sustain a small corp with my income in tier 5 premium ships with premium account and DLC bonuses.


Open space is just a big PvE map, with some simple scripted tasks here and there, and unique resources tied to it, so you have to play invasion if you want them. Also, most people who start the game love the invasion mode, because it is fun for them, relaxing and eye candy.


Concerning your logo, it is a small annoyance I know, and they could have done it better. Contact support instead of complaining in the forums. And in case you really, really want your logo back, you can always spend 3000 iridium and request support for a compensation afterwards.


TL.DR: I’m not sayingn the devs are doing everything OK, but so far I think they are doing really well. Maybe it is because I’m used to most of the game developers out there, who don’t give a xxxx about anything…

because the game is not balanced around single ships or classes, it is balanced around teamwork.


It always was like that. Yes it is balanced around Teamwork. Now what did I write about Teamwork…


It always was like that. Yes it is balanced around Teamwork. Now what did I write about Teamwork…


Current squad MM iteration is much better than the previous one. I’m playing most of the time in 2 and 3 men squad in tier 2 and tier 3, and I’m not having problems. More and more people is realizing that and they are inviting more people to play in groups.

Current squad MM iteration is much better than the previous one. I’m playing most of the time in 2 and 3 men squad in tier 2 and tier 3, and I’m not having problems. More and more people is realizing that and they are inviting more people to play in groups.

I dunno i never touch t2. The Aces deserve better. In T3 the chance to get a game in 2 man squad is OK. Meaning 2 to 4 minutes queuetime. But what about 4 squads? When was the last time you got a game in a 4 squad without arranging the games like a double date?