Star Conflict v.1.1.2 Discussion

The credit values have been restored in Mysterious Containers to their original state.

See this.


Thank you for the info Koromac. 

Couldn’t find it in the patchnotes…

And thank you, the devs, for doing it.

Shrapnel cannon is back to being a crappy weapon since the nerf on iridium slugs.

The spread went from 1 to 2 without electronic guidance or implants so it seems that most of my hits are simply grazing ceptors and distant fighters.

Even if go crazy on spread reduction I dont even get close to the original value and I lose a ton of dps.

All in all I don’t want to put up with all the other downsides of that weapon if I can’t even get reliable damage out of it.

It’s going to stay in the hangar until you buff it up in a couple of months due to lack use.


I think the word you are searching for is “balanced”


You’re welcome.

I still feel the regular loot items have the nerf.

Was there anything done to regular loot item values?

I think the word you are searching for is “balanced”


You’re welcome.


Yes, balanced. Balanced into irrelevance that is.

It will never have 1 spread again but someday they will buff stuff like projectile speed, raw damage or whatnot.

There’s just no niche for it now unless you really want kinetic.


Unless you know why I should use it over the, imo, 3 superior alternatives.

Yes, balanced. Balanced into irrelevance that is.

It will never have 1 spread again but someday they will buff stuff like projectile speed, raw damage or whatnot.

There’s just no niche for it now unless you really want kinetic.


Unless you know why I should use it over the, imo, 3 superior alternatives.

The gun was perfectly used prior to introduction of iridium slugs, comparing now and back then you still have an access to almost 2x electronic guidance (aka 2x cpu) in same ammo slot. On top of that, since when a shotgun supposed to be a sniper rifle?

The gun was perfectly used prior to introduction of iridium slugs, comparing now and back then you still have an access to almost 2x electronic guidance (aka 2x cpu) in same ammo slot. On top of that, since when a shotgun supposed to be a sniper rifle?

since your gameplay style is like this:

  1. shoot something

  2. hope to kill target before it realise who is shootin

  3. target starts shooting back

  4. when shield is at 50% run like a b1tch to your spawn

since your gameplay style is like this:

  1. shoot something

  2. hope to kill target before it realise who is shootin

  3. target starts shooting back

  4. when shield is at 50% run like a b1tch to your spawn

you sure you are replying to the right post?

The gun was perfectly used prior to introduction of iridium slugs, comparing now and back then you still have an access to almost 2x electronic guidance (aka 2x cpu) in same ammo slot. On top of that, since when a shotgun supposed to be a sniper rifle?



I never noticed before but the 25% they removed from iridium slugs were worth even more than 3 guidances. Probably because that raw 75% didn’t have the disminishing return of the modules and implant.

So yeah that particular change was probably warranted, especially since it affected many weapons.

The shrapnel is still serviceable but dont forget that the 3 other ones were also pretty heavily buffed so relatively, it’s not as good as it used to be before the slugs.

Right now I’m getting way more lame 200-400 damage shots than I used to because the spread make it so that the RNG is back with a vengeance.

Add on top of that the rather slow projectile speed and shotgun mechanic that already make a it chore to use I think I’m better off with RF Blasters, at least I can control the spread with those.

“Distant fighters” well there’s your problem :wink:

Beacon drons look different now, since it would be a International Day of Human Space Flight, after that they would be changed to their normal state.


Tnx for the aswer, since i’m taking some break from the game i didn’t read carefully all the patch notes. 

these sputnik drones look so cute xD

these sputnik drones look so cute xD

and I think they hit harder.

and I think they hit harder.

not as hard as the soviet lunar rover when it hit the moon



-btu really, I do hope they fix the “lawndart” AI

why not change caltrop with sputnik? :stuck_out_tongue:

The gun was perfectly used prior to introduction of iridium slugs, comparing now and back then you still have an access to almost 2x electronic guidance (aka 2x cpu) in same ammo slot. On top of that, since when a shotgun supposed to be a sniper rifle?


Yes, but remember that all other weapons has special ammo too, so now I feel a litle disventage. maybe 1.5-1.6 spread would been better.

Yes, but remember that all other weapons has special ammo too, so now I feel a litle disventage. maybe 1.5-1.6 spread would been better.

Laser is 12% critic chance, which is almost as much as one CPU slot.


EM have overheating, which is almost as much as one engine slot.


But kinetic had the spread reduction that was more than two CPU slots.

Would be nice to get some custom size aiming reticules, the main downside I find with the indirect shrapnel nerf is now the aiming reticule is huge because it is relative to the spread :frowning:

Would be nice to get some custom size aiming reticules, the main downside I find with the indirect shrapnel nerf is now the aiming reticule is huge because it is relative to the spread :frowning:

You can change the inner marker to be bigger if you want, and make the outside circle less intrusive.

Laser is 12% critic chance, which is almost as much as one CPU slot.


EM have overheating, which is almost as much as one engine slot.


But kinetic had the spread reduction that was more than two CPU slots.

and an ammo slot.

and an ammo slot.

Yeah, but that is common to all of them.