Star Conflict v.1.1.2 Discussion

since the corporation logo was included in the corp fee back then, logo did not cost us anything. correct me if i am wrong, but we did not lose any resources. they just replaced the wrong texture with the wrong texture. we did not even switch logo.


I was under the impression that it costs ~3000 iridum to change the logo.  Back when I was in GoD and we finally got our logo it costed that much iridum. Since the mexican owl change was recent I thought that it costed us 3k and it explained why our iridum counter dropped that day.  Or atleast this is what I thought.

Our corp’s logo is still broken :| 


Edit: what happened to beacon drones? They all looks like the Sputnik. Lol

I had a pvp on the ‘Aplpha-7’ Complex map and the drones around the beacons were Sputniks. Was that intentional?


Come on guys, the patch notes aren’t that long. Read the whole thing.


Hp i mean, apologies for misspelling. All the updates included in this patch are listed un der patch description. If anything is not working properly, just report it on the forum, under the applicable thread.

Ah okay! Thanks! 4x less HP will be very welcome to most in open space.

Come on guys, the patch notes aren’t that long. Read the whole thing.

Oh I might have skipped that part… a few times. :fed011:

Throw us a bone, show some respect to the community. At least up the value of invasion loot by something. We are loosing people.

Throw us a bone, show some respect to the community. At least up the value of invasion loot by something. We are loosing people.

The invasion loot has been updated. But you will need to go to the most dangerous sectors to find the same prices as in the previous iteration. 

Well I guess as long as it’s somewhere - is this good loot also outside of those invisible containers?

The invasion loot has been updated. But you will need to go to the most dangerous sectors to find the same prices as in the previous iteration. 

As of 3 hours ago this is not accurate.  I took my spatial went to Meurto, Sorting etc. 5 myst containers all loot still 90%of pre-dread update.

Well I guess as long as it’s somewhere - is this good loot also outside of those invisible containers?

I talk in behalf of some people who have found stashes and mysterious containers. I haven’t played invasion outside of the dailies.

Update thank you Eviscer,


Just checked again. It is changed.

Muerto: lightcell-1,006,320 Thermal unit-375,480.


PLEASE NOTE component values are still very low screened-5,000, Process block-4,000 So don’t be turned off by those…it IS fixed.

Our corp’s logo is still broken :| 


Edit: what happened to beacon drones? They all looks like the Sputnik. Lol

Beacon drons look different now, since it would be a International Day of Human Space Flight, after that they would be changed to their normal state.


Just wondering if there were changes in the graphics in this patch. I couldn’t see light pillars and emblems in Corporal Shipyard before no matter how I changed the settings. Now it is all nice looking and shiny on the lowest graphics possible. I only changed the resolution from 1600X900 to 1360X768. Or does this also matter?

Graphics weren’t changed


But the OWL Initiative wants back the logo, the right one! And the Hungarian OWLS still waiting for the logo! I thought 1 week will be enough at least to revert back the bad logo changes.

About logos, it would be fixed and changed soon. In the upcoming patches, please be patient

Graphics weren’t changed


Well, something did happen because I can’t reproduce the light-effecless (cough* sorry for the word invention) conditions.

There is some server lag i can’t queue while in squad and i can’t dock out in invasion it says  that my ships are in battle while they aren’t


There is some server lag i can’t queue while in squad and i can’t dock out in invasion it says  that my ships are in battle while they aren’t


Should be fine again.



There is some server lag i can’t queue while in squad and i can’t dock out in invasion it says  that my ships are in battle while they aren’t




Should be fine again.


I’ve been having this “server lag” since the 1.1.0 patch went out… At the end of each battle i had the message “the battle is not over yet. Wanna come back etc…” for 5-10 secs… Hope it’s fixed now. At leeast now I know why all my battles were so laggy…







I’ve been having this “server lag” since the 1.1.0 patch went out… At the end of each battle i had the message “the battle is not over yet. Wanna come back etc…” for 5-10 secs… Hope it’s fixed now. At leeast now I know why all my battles were so laggy…


If this issue still exists, you should create a detailled bug report regarding connection issues.

Shrapnel cannon is back to being a crappy weapon since the nerf on iridium slugs.

The spread went from 1 to 2 without electronic guidance or implants so it seems that most of my hits are simply grazing ceptors and distant fighters.

Even if go crazy on spread reduction I dont even get close to the original value and I lose a ton of dps.

All in all I don’t want to put up with all the other downsides of that weapon if I can’t even get reliable damage out of it.

It’s going to stay in the hangar until you buff it up in a couple of months due to lack use.

There still needs to be a return of the fuel drops from destroyed NPC’s.  The turret stations have fast spawn rates from the NPC’s and when you get through killing them and collecting stuff they spawn right back on you when you go to get some fuel.  Please return the fuel drops from the destroyed NPC’s. 


There still needs to be a return of the fuel drops from destroyed NPC’s.  The turret stations have fast spawn rates from the NPC’s and when you get through killing them and collecting stuff they spawn right back on you when you go to get some fuel.  Please return the fuel drops from the destroyed NPC’s. 

yo can get fuel from cyber scouts in outpost… along with fuel from transport corpses everywhere…