Star Conflict v.1.1.2 Discussion

But the OWL Initiative wants back the logo, the right one! And the Hungarian OWLS still waiting for the logo! I thought 1 week will be enough at least to revert back the bad logo changes.

Our corp’s logo is still broken :| 


Edit: what happened to beacon drones? They all looks like the Sputnik. Lol

Seems like the soviet space program is blasting off again!

(oh god that was a terrible joke)

Must be a holiday thing.

Nice patch.


Beside some other bugs listed in the bug section, still remaining the imao main issues on loot and myst. containers.

Please let us know when you finally made your decision on those, as you told us you were observing that.


Thanks for the patch. :fed001:  

Nice patch.


Beside some other bugs listed in the bug section, still remaining the imao main issues on loot and myst. containers.

Please let us know when you finally made your decision on those, as you told us you were observing that.


Thanks for the patch. :fed001:  


The credit values have been restored in Mysterious Containers to their original state.

See this.

Our corp’s logo is still broken :expressionless:



But the OWL Initiative wants back the logo, the right one! And the Hungarian OWLS still waiting for the logo! I thought 1 week will be enough at least to revert back the bad logo changes.

Blame g4b and millanbel for ignoring that… huehuehue



Blame g4b and millanbel for ignoring that… huehuehue


We can’t see individual corp logos on test…

Doesn’t matter, still your fault :smiley:


Predators, hunters and scouts were nurfed as well


Really? Scouts seem to have the same shield and hull as Guard Frigates and they hit like a truck. I have not noticed a change at all.

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug with dock guards attacking corporation members


Doesn’t matter, still your fault :smiley:

Damn, don’t you start with that! I already got “it’s mill’s fault cos it is always is”, back in GoD, now OWL is starting, I don’t need you blaming me also XD

It was embarassing last week, it got to a whole new level this week. And since you wrote the logo change in the patchnotes, I feel compelled to write here.

The current OWL logo (wich you updated) is the HOWL logo. The OWL logo was fine as it was; instead, the HOWL’s have no logo and we have theirs. Please copy paste more efficient.

You need to howl louder Oregyen! (see what I did there? :P)

No but seriously it needs to be put right. Why did we ever get the HOWL logo put on OWL in the first place, that’s what I want to know…

Maybe they didn’t want to give it two hoots          …



Blame g4b and millanbel for ignoring that… huehuehue

I blame Canada. And waiting the solutions from the devs. I would’t be mad if they don’t write it has been fixed, after they xxxxxed it up silently in the 1.1.1 patch.

Until the fix we have Italian/Hungarian weeks with the special logo… I hope that won’t take so long.

And I hope next time we won’t get a logo from another corp.

The red and green owl logo was meant for the corperation “HOWL”, not OWL.  I can see how the devs would get that mixed up, but I would expect them to fix their mistake and refund the iridium that we were fined for their mistake.  We really don’t need to be loosing iridum because of this mistake during the time of the dreadnaught building phases…


Other than that, everything else seems sound with the patch.


So where is the bug thread? since you are expecting it to be fixed and it was broken for you for, what, months now or even longer? I am sure you made a bug report for the issue. If Skula missed it, and g4b/millanbeil cant forward it, give me the link, ill forward it myself.

There was no bug thread yet, because it was forwarded by error as seen in the thread for logos; also, the patchnote indicates, that albeit we already had a logo (owl) we got one now, so it should be obvious, that the information reached its destination, somehow, but just was applied wrong. in the  patch 2 weeks ago, the hungarian owls were mentioned to have received their logo, but they didn’t.

if you think, applying another layer of bureaucracy might be wise, a thread shalt be summoned! but don’t you start blaming us; it seems obvious, similarity between these corps is because we are related, but it is still a completely different corporation, and it could have happened to any “pair of corporations”; I look forward to the day, you awake with the MASA logo kosty, and will remind you to create a proper bug report instead of trolling around. :slight_smile:


and owls, take it slow; we get our golden owl back one day, until then wear bravely the colors of our italian or mexican or wherever they come from brothers and sisters at arms.



We really don’t need to be loosing iridum because of this mistake during the time of the dreadnaught building phases…


since the corporation logo was included in the corp fee back then, logo did not cost us anything. correct me if i am wrong, but we did not lose any resources. they just replaced the wrong texture with the wrong texture. we did not even switch logo.

I had a pvp on the ‘Aplpha-7’ Complex map and the drones around the beacons were Sputniks. Was that intentional?

I had a pvp on the ‘Aplpha-7’ Complex map and the drones around the beacons were Sputniks. Was that intentional?


Yes. Some kind of preparation for some Cosmonautics day.


Until there is no issue number at hand, there is nothing to refer to. Until I get some tracking capability for my problem, I assume it is not gonna be fixed or fixed properly and go on that assumption.

Personal communications and requests, and mentions in not proper places for a fix are not a bureaucracy, so you would be introducing not the “another” level of bureaucracy, but rather a 1st layer :D