Star Conflict v.1.1.2 Discussion

Current squad MM iteration is much better than the previous one. I’m playing most of the time in 2 and 3 men squad in tier 2 and tier 3, and I’m not having problems. More and more people is realizing that and they are inviting more people to play in groups.


Agreed!  I am getting more and more matches with two squads per team in t3!  It’s looking good



I dunno i never touch t2. The Aces deserve better. In T3 the chance to get a game in 2 man squad is OK. Meaning 2 to 4 minutes queuetime. But what about 4 squads? When was the last time you got a game in a 4 squad without arranging the games like a double date?



I have seen it happen recently, since a three-man can go against a four-man now.  I’m also glad that a two-man can go against a three-man!  I have not noticed any really unfair matches in t3 because of this system (except the odd squads with t1 ships loaded, but that could happen in any system).

I dunno i never touch t2. The Aces deserve better. In T3 the chance to get a game in 2 man squad is OK. Meaning 2 to 4 minutes queuetime. But what about 4 squads? When was the last time you got a game in a 4 squad without arranging the games like a double date?

On Sunday.

3 men squad, yesterday.

I don’t like to farm tier 2, but I have friends who just joined the game so I’m helping and teaching them.

I have seen it happen recently, since a three-man can go against a four-man now.

Yes if the 4 squad has only rank 8 or rank 9 premium. Wich not many people know about because, it is not written down anywhere. Seems like lack of information is the balance fix of the squads. People should get used to squadding from the start. This shoul not be some “exclusive” feature that sometimes works sometimes not.

Patch discussion, please stay on topic.

Agreed!  I am getting more and more matches with two squads per team in t3!  It’s looking good



I have seen it happen recently, since a three-man can go against a four-man now.  I’m also glad that a two-man can go against a three-man!  I have not noticed any really unfair matches in t3 because of this system (except the odd squads with t1 ships loaded, but that could happen in any system).

I dunno if it’s our collective ELOs or what but my 3man squads NEVER triangulate. We sit in queue for 20 minutes while another squad running a 2man triangulates against the opposing 3man in queue…

I dunno if it’s our collective ELOs or what but my 3man squads NEVER triangulate. We sit in queue for 20 minutes while another squad running a 2man triangulates against the opposing 3man in queue…

if you’r in a 3-4 man squad you need to take out normal rank 9 ships and put rank 8 or premiums and it will work

if you’r in a 3-4 man squad you need to take out normal rank 9 ships and put rank 8 or premiums and it will work


Only sometimes it seems for the 3 man squad. I can’t work it out

Only sometimes it seems for the 3 man squad. I can’t work it out


Yeah I’ve had matches with non-premium rank 9s in a three-man squad before.

i think R9 regular in a squad of 3 will only give you squads of 3 or 4.

while R8/Premium might also give you squads of 2.

But just a guess. Seems to be dependant on the other squads’ ships aswell.

I’ve been having this “server lag” since the 1.1.0 patch went out… At the end of each battle i had the message “the battle is not over yet. Wanna come back etc…” for 5-10 secs… Hope it’s fixed now. At leeast now I know why all my battles were so laggy…

This looks to be finally solved today… What was in the hotfix?

Also battle are less laggy for me :wink:

I still had that yesterday…


Since that patch, playing is really hard with all the random lag. Not to mention that when I spawn in gamne freezes for like 3-5 seconds with my ship floating uncontrollably and - for whatever reason - rotating around, so by the time I gain control of my ship, the enemy is already at the beacon which is now somewhere behind my back because my ship turned around.


This in fact means that in Detonation, it is impossible for me to get first bomb because by the time my game unfreezes everyone is already at the bomb, except me.


Ps: My Interet connection is FINE because I otherwise have a pretty low ping, no packet loss, and SC is the only game I have such issues.

Would be nice if an official response regarding squad matchmaking could be made. It would be nice to finally have some official answers as to how squad matchmaking works, instead of going off of what we have found through spending hours waiting in the queue.

Yesterday we had like 3 matches in a row where our 3-man was matched vs. WPK 2-man squad. Queue was like 2 (in words: two) seconds. 


Obviously, we got totally butchered each time, so one dropped out, and the next match was 2-squad vs 2-squad against the same WPK guys, but it took considerably longer to queue. 


Lineup was mixed.




I still had that yesterday…


Since that patch, playing is really hard with all the random lag. Not to mention that when I spawn in gamne freezes for like 3-5 seconds with my ship floating uncontrollably and - for whatever reason - rotating around, so by the time I gain control of my ship, the enemy is already at the beacon which is now somewhere behind my back because my ship turned around.


This in fact means that in Detonation, it is impossible for me to get first bomb because by the time my game unfreezes everyone is already at the bomb, except me.


Ps: My Interet connection is FINE because I otherwise have a pretty low ping, no packet loss, and SC is the only game I have such issues.


Yap the server lag is still an issue in late afternoon (EU time)