Star Conflict v.1.0.9/1.0.10 Discussion

Given the weekly leaderboards, there are 7 days…that means in these days…6000-7000 played at least one match in game…not that there are more players actively playing it each day… prolly 1200-1700 players are active each day…Ptom is right…



Statistic based on?

Btw is six days so far, and yes not everyone is active in pvp all days. But you forgot pve, sector conquest and invasion.

Bar graph was a debug, that leaked from test to public use, but was never intentional for public

Oh. Well even a simple tool like that would be something. While numbers would be nice a generic distribution graph would suffice.

Offtopic removed.
This thread is intended for discussions related to Patch 1.0.9.

Speaking of 1.0.9, I was definitely expecting 1.1.0 today, so the devs could work out the bugs before taking a holiday…, but it seems we will have a bug filled time ahead of us. Brace yourselves. The bugs are coming.

There’s still another Thursday before 25. Patches come when they’re ready. 

Kind of along the lines of what you guys are talking about player counts and not enough in PvP, I have to state that I play this game with my wife after work most days, and quite frankly she hates PvP… well, at least if she’s losing or even remotely in the position to lose.


I don’t know what it is, but she is so freaken competitive that we’ve practically had fights over how much she was cussing and raging in random matches, even when we were actually winning lol… so now she just plays PvE and Invasion and refuses to go into PvP 99% of the time. My point is that perhaps there ARE more players online currently, however many of them could be hiding in Invasion and PvE matches. I’m just saying that it seems like at our time (around 8-11pm -6 GMT) it takes only seconds to get into a PvE match, while it can still take over 6 minutes to get into a Tier 4/5 PvP match. We literally could not even get a single PvP match one night while in the same squad (one of those 1% moments) and sitting in a queue for a combined 20+ minutes (occasionally leaving and entering).

Errr… latest poll gives 10 CREDITS, not 10 GS. Is that the norm now? Have you decided that GS is just never going to be given out to players again?

Errr… latest poll gives 10 CREDITS, not 10 GS. Is that the norm now? Have you decided that GS is just never going to be given out to players again?

Just a temporary issue with the current poll, the next one will be with GS again.

10 credits?

This is my hypothesis:


Update 1.1.0 will decide the future fate of Star Conflict.

It’s essential and most critical update ever made for Star Conflict.

Until then, we may need to wait from one to four weeks without any updates to the game whatsoever.


Please, be patient!


Also, fix the vote poll!

This is my hypothesis:


Update 1.1.0 will decide the future fate of Star Conflict.

It’s essential and most critical update ever made for Star Conflict.

Until then, we may need to wait from one to four weeks without any updates to the game whatsoever.


Please, be patient!


Also, fix the vote poll!


This is my hypothesis:


Update 1.1.0 will decide the future fate of Star Conflict.

It’s essential and most critical update ever made for Star Conflict.

Until then, we may need to wait from one to four weeks without any updates to the game whatsoever.


Please, be patient!


Also, fix the vote poll!

Each update is important, but you are using too much fantasy:)

Each update is important, but you are using too much fantasy:)

I was here to read this !

Each update is important, but you are using too much fantasy:)


Dreadnoughts, Top Secret projects, etc…

For me, the update 1.1.0 will either be a breakthrough, or a total disaster.

Of course, I may overreact from time to time, but this doesn’t mean, that I am wrong.

We will have to wait and see.

I am hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

My only weapon is my wallet. :wink:

But you still, can’t use, punctuation.

well it could be 1.0.10 next :slight_smile:


i mean, really depends how you read versions…

Truthfully, I see over half of the veterans leaving if 1.1.0 is not a MAJOR update that proves promising to Scon.  And that’s not just speculation; I’ve heard many ppl discussing it.  We have been promised dreadnoughts for so long now, that it’s pretty much expected in this update.  Other stuff is important, too, ofc, but because the devs have hinted at this “big” update, there is much speculation, and most of the community will be VERY upset if the update is…not really that big afterall.

Wants again another lame update. Come on SC devs give us the meat and the potatoes already!

Truthfully, I see over half of the veterans leaving if 1.1.0 is not a MAJOR update that proves promising to Scon. And that’s not just speculation; I’ve heard many ppl discussing it. We have been promised dreadnoughts for so long now, that it’s pretty much expected in this update. Other stuff is important, too, ofc, but because the devs have hinted at this “big” update, there is much speculation, and most of the community will be VERY upset if the update is…not really that big afterall.

I have heard similar from people from four different corps but that is probably like 8 out of like the 2000 people playing this game.

Patch 1.0.10 has been applied. It includes some small bug fixes.