Star Conflict v.1.0.9/1.0.10 Discussion

Since game developers have promised us a balancing changes for preparation for their next BIG - MAJOR update in their blog, which clearly indicates inclusion of dreadnoughts and the rest of missing top secret project ships and possibly other changes for the other game modes, which are most likey already finished or very close to completion.

I wonder now, if they deleted that blog no. 43? I can no longer find that blog post… or at least a description, where this was mentioned.

I distinctly remember, if I am correct about this, a mention of a “major update”, which is scheduled to happen very soon, but I also heard the same for dreadnoughts over a year ago and if they really deleted that blog update, then we got a really big reason to be worried. If it fails to deliver, then it may be better to just announce the end of the game development for Star Conflict.


Some facts:


I do not play regularly anymore.

My friends in the corporation don’t play as well.

Hell, I won’t even collect daily monocrystals anymore, it’s so tedious and boring now.

Like I said before, for me, the update 1.1.0 will be a clear indication, if this game has any future left in it.

If it fails to deliver, it will lose all those existing players as well, and thus, any chances of getting more revenue in the future.

It’s not just 8 people, but most likely 3/4 of the veteran’s playerbase, which shares similar opinion. I just expressed it.

Sorry, if I am being too skeptical and I truly do hope, I am wrong. I hope that this game truly delivers on it’s promise. So far, it isn’t.


Sincerely, Koromac

Patch 1.0.10 has been applied. It includes some small bug fixes.


Error, you posted a message, before I posted mine.

Well, I am not going to edit it now. It’s carved in the stone.

Patch 1.0.10 notes:


  • fixed a “bug” with the vote poll option (now it gives normal 10 GS instead of 10 credits)

Patch 1.0.10 notes:


  • fixed a “bug” with the vote poll option (now it gives normal 10 GS instead of 10 credits)


What a joke.


My friends in the corporation don’t play as well.



That’s not true. Some play less, some are busy but most still play

That’s not true. Some play less, some are busy but most still play


Okay. Good to know.

I should be more specific next time.

Still, it’s not what it used to be.

We need something new/fresh really soon.

which clearly indicates inclusion of dreadnoughts and the rest of missing top secret project ships


This is just you and your delusions, it has been stated that we wont have more secret project ships in a fairly long time.

This is just you and your delusions, it has been stated that we wont have more secret project ships in a fairly long time.

long time? till february?

Correct me if I’m wrong but when I ask are there secret ships coming last month devs said yes , now you say no residente  so if there is no secret ship and dreadnoughts whats in it next big update?

long time? till february?


Depends on what you consider long. But having dreadnoughts this new year is already a lot of stuff. 


I already see people complaining if we get more secret project ships because “game is too grindy”. I’m pretty sure we will have more than enough with those big ships we will have soon™



Correct me if I’m wrong but when I ask are there secret ships coming last month devs said yes , now you say no residente  so if there is no secret ship and dreadnoughts whats in it next big update?


They are comming, of course, we will have all the secret ships of the primary roles and Akaurl said most likely even more ships, but they didn’t say nor mention they will come any time soon, and with soon I mean with this year’s big release. 

And I’m 99% sure there will be dreadnoughts in the big update.

Just be patient.

Okay. Good to know.

I should be more specific next time.

Still, it’s not what it used to be.

We need something new/fresh really soon.

Like less grind for new players, more project ships, dreadnaughts that don’t require too much grinds and proper advertising! They need to find this new outlook so they can actually advertise it.


I started playing from beginning to see how it was, and yes, I think the grind is too much - people get bored with spending ages trying to get weapons, ships and then getting blown up by more experienced players :slight_smile:



On the plus side, I think we will see “new/fresh” stuff when they implement jingle bells hangar music and _ Christ m a __ s tree beacons!!! _

I dont understand why are you complain about grinding , if you play any other space sim before than you should know that grind is nothing against them , I’ve all ships all maxed exept 5 including 1 secret ship , I did that in 6 month yes I invet like 150$ but if I doesnt still I’ll be the same spot next month now I wait for NEW ,  in other space game i maxed all ships in 4 year and I invest like 8.000$ and now I play star conflict only , think about that…

Depends on what you consider long. But having dreadnoughts this new year is already a lot of stuff. 


I already see people complaining if we get more secret project ships because “game is too grindy”. I’m pretty sure we will have more than enough with those big ships we will have soon

That would be me… well if grind wouldn’t be blocked to one run a day… 30min/6monocrystals >> ~40h to get crystals for special ship is quite ok but we have that stupid daily restriciton:fed014:

They are comming, of course, we will have all the secret ships of the primary roles and Akaurl said most likely even more ships, but they didn’t say nor mention they will come any time soon, and with soon I mean with this year’s big release. 

And I’m 99% sure there will be dreadnoughts in the big update.

Just be patient.

I bet we will get them in next 2 weeks so community will focus on new stuff and 'll be happy and devs will have time to finish dreadnoughts by february

I dont understand why are you complain about grinding , if you play any other space sim before than you should know that grind is nothing against them , I’ve all ships all maxed exept 5 including 1 secret ship , I did that in 6 month yes I invet like 150$ but if I doesnt still I’ll be the same spot next month now I wait for NEW ,  in other space game i maxed all ships in 4 year and I invest like 8.000$ and now I play star conflict only , think about that…

But it’s an arcade game, and last arcade game didn’t take so long to play through :wink: Long winded “space sims” are for certain types of people and I don’t think they are the type that randomly come across SC. ;p

That would be me… well if grind wouldn’t be blocked to one run a day… 30min/6monocrystals >> ~40h to get crystals for special ship is quite ok but we have that stupid daily restriciton:fed014:

I bet we will get them in next 2 weeks so community will focus on new stuff and 'll be happy and devs will have time to finish dreadnoughts by february


Top Secret Project ships should come first. How hard it is to make one of them and if they are already finished, at least show us the ship’s designs, if nothing else.

I would add at least one new top secret project ship each month, instead of waiting for 1 to ? more months, to release them all at once, especially, if they are already finished or available.

Dreadnoughts should be added later, in any case, if we can’t have both at the same time. I want a smooth experience.

Also, developers should at least tease us with some screenshots or in game pictures, even teaser videos, but so far we got nothing. Almost no communication from the developers whatsoever.

I am not here to visit monks or to practice their silence, but to get a decent gameplay exprience, suggestions, discussions and so on.

Questions intended towards game developers are still there, unanswered. I hope, that this weekend we finally get some answers.

I am not complaining, well maybe a bit, but right now, I have 2 choices.

To play essential daily missions only, or not to play at all.

However, premium license will still go to waste in any case.

The game is not bad at all, but it needs something new and fresh. A fresh mint, if you will!

I can practice my monk silence later, after this happens.


This will be my last reply on this topic.


Sincerely, Koromac

Top Secret Project ships should come first. How hard it is to make one of them and if they are already finished, at least show us the ship’s designs, if nothing else.

I would add at least one new top secret project ship each month, instead of waiting for 1 to ? more months, to release them all at once, especially, if they are already finished or available.

Dreadnoughts should be added later, in any case, if we can’t have both at the same time. I want a smooth experience.

Also, developers should at least tease us with some screenshots or in game pictures, even teaser videos, but so far we got nothing. Almost no communication from the developers whatsoever.

I am not here to visit monks or to practice their silence, but to get a decent gameplay exprience, suggestions, discussions and so on.

Questions intended towards game developers are still there, unanswered. I hope, that this weekend we finally get some answers.

I am not complaining, well maybe a bit, but right now, I have 2 choices.

To play essential daily missions only, or not to play at all.

However, premium license will still go to waste in any case.

The game is not bad at all, but it needs something new and fresh. A fresh mint, if you will!

I can practice my monk silence later, after this happens.


This will be my last reply on this topic.


Sincerely, Koromac


Careless for more secret ships since the grind is painful for them. Everything else I agree with.

Careless for more secret ships since the grind is painful for them. Everything else I agree with.


The problem is choice. It’s much easier to choose, when you have more of the ships in front of you, if not all of them.

If you’re impatient, you may soon realize, that you were too hasty and thus you just lost a lot of your resources for something, you would never have invested in.

I am still convinced, that’s my theory, that the ships were already made, at least on paper, but most likely they are fully completed. All they would need to do, is to release them. All of them.

Now they are just waiting for the people to earn/spend as much monocrystals as possible, so when the new ship comes, they will have to farm for each and everyone for 2 months.

Either buy more monocrystals and recycle the old one, to get a new one, as soon as possible. This model is not wrong, but there are better ways to earn more money, not just this.

It will change nothing for me in the long run. I will just accumulate monocrystals, until I have all top secret projects ships in front of me, then I am going to decide, which one or which three I am going to craft at the same time.

You see, you can’t craft all of them, but only three of them.

Convenient, isn’t it?

I am still convinced, that’s my theory, that the ships were already made, at least on paper, but most likely they are fully completed. All they would need to do, is to release them. All of them.

Now they are just waiting for the people to earn/spend as much monocrystals as possible, so when the new ship comes, they will have to farm for each and everyone for 2 months.

Either buy more monocrystals and recycle the old one, to get a new one, as soon as possible. This model is not wrong, but there are better ways to earn more money, not just this.

It will change nothing for me in the long run. I will just accumulate monocrystals, until I have all top secret projects ships in front of me, then I am going to decide, which one or which three I am going to craft at the same time.

You see, you can’t craft all of them, but only three of them.

Convenient, isn’t it?

You theorising wayyy to much, my friend

The problem is choice. It’s much easier to choose, when you have more of the ships in front of you, if not all of them.

If you’re impatient, you may soon realize, that you were too hasty and thus you just lost a lot of your resources for something, you would never have invested in.

I am still convinced, that’s my theory, that the ships were already made, at least on paper, but most likely they are fully completed. All they would need to do, is to release them. All of them.

Now they are just waiting for the people to earn/spend as much monocrystals as possible, so when the new ship comes, they will have to farm for each and everyone for 2 months.

Either buy more monocrystals and recycle the old one, to get a new one, as soon as possible. This model is not wrong, but there are better ways to earn more money, not just this.

It will change nothing for me in the long run. I will just accumulate monocrystals, until I have all top secret projects ships in front of me, then I am going to decide, which one or which three I am going to craft at the same time.

You see, you can’t craft all of them, but only three of them.

Convenient, isn’t it?

Designing and modelling stuff takes some decent time.

Designing and modelling stuff takes some decent time.

Sure, but most of new designs are just recycling old models adding some new elements : See Sawtooth and compare with Lance, compare Octopus butt to Reaper/Alligator, Mjolmir is assembled from used models I think too)