Star Conflict v.1.0.9/1.0.10 Discussion

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Interesting changes, especially to the coil mortar and plasma cannon. Might have to try out the plasma cannon now to see if it’s viable again.

Fixed HUD in Invasion for Oculus Rift
Fixed crosshairs for Oculus Rift


This is great news for people who play with Oculus Rift !!!

Looks alright… Some good nerfs for sure.  Still Think that kinetic weapons need a damage buff (not shrapnel cannon though).  

Assault Railguns need damage buffs, not just projectile speed. And you wonder why they are uncommon unless on a Spark.


Beam cannons needed a range nerf over everything. 6k+ meters on a constantly reverse thrusting Mauler/other misc lrf is rather irritating.


Curved Reflector didn’t need a nerf if beam cannons and ions got a small range nerf. Now with the Curved range nerf, Interceptors using Pulse Lasers are going to be at even a worse engagement distance than they already are. 


ECM stacking could have been fixed via diminishing returns on a short cooldown, so Sector Conquest isn’t dominated by 2-3 ecm stacks.


Another ongoing problem is the cruise engine stacking tacklers that drop and go sentries/guard drones. Not that it is particularly effective, but because drones hit even the most evasive interceptors and can passively get kills, many tacklers use the strategy, thus diminishing already long queue, elite corp dominated T5 pvp matches.


I like most of the changes this update but there are plenty of other probably more pressing matters than fixing Oculus Rift, that could have effected more of the dying playerbase… Simple weapons changes won’t bring back players. Instead, look towards why they are leaving in the first place. Not trying to be negative, just pointing out some other issues. Constructive input appreciated.

I just want dreadnoughts D:

At least add a potato launcher for christmas.

Saddened by the lack of any kind of ECM fix, especially for Sector Conquest, but the rest of the changes are interesting, at least.


I just want dreadnoughts D:

At least add a potato launcher for christmas.

Seconded on the potato launcher!


Curved Reflector didn’t need a nerf if beam cannons and ions got a small range nerf. Now with the Curved range nerf, Interceptors using Pulse Lasers are going to be at even a worse engagement distance than they already are. 


ECM stacking could have been fixed via diminishing returns on a short cooldown, so Sector Conquest isn’t dominated by 2-3 ecm stacks.



Saddened by the lack of any kind of ECM fix.



The ECMs are fine. Try using the 2c implant along with a single anti effects cpu module, you’ll go far.

I’m worried about that 50% reduction to laser range with the use of the curved ammunition.

Should have simply reduced range on certain weapons.

Pulse lasers are going to be harder to use against lrfs shrouded in mines.


Also, ecm modules don’t stack. If one ecm stuns you, another will not be able to stun you until that module is 

finished. If one does try to stun you within that time, then the module is rendered useless. If you’re the type to properly stack anti ecm effects, than those ecms are effectively wasting their modules on you.




Also, ecm modules don’t stack. If one ecm stuns you, another will not be able to stun you until that module is 

finished. If you’re the type to properly stack anti ecm effects, than those ecms are effectively wasting their modules on you.




I meant precisely that. Back to back CCs. Even with Proton Wall (which on many ships significantly reduces damage or range options), and that implant (which also significantly reduces potential damage), two ECMs are capable of close to 12 seconds of effective lockdown. Without even one of those, implant or proton wall, a single ecm can lock you down for what… 8 seconds? Not to mention energy drain that renders most ships rather worthless for survival. 


This same problem, of too much CC, is what cost blizzard a lot of subscribers in the Mist of Pandaria expansion, since PvP absolutely sucked. I feel like things like this are costing Star Conflict precious players. The US community in the game is already pathetically low, not to mention the ones that do play  never get games on US servers. (In other words, a lot of lag and packet loss)

Note that the anti-effects does not only fight ecm modules.

I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t use ecm modules aside from the Weapon System Inhibitor. (which is the only ecm module I need)

There are plenty of counters for ecms, including gunships, covert ops, and, interestingly enough, lrfs.

There are many builds that can survive a full barrage of ecm modules.

For instance, I can take them on 1 vs 1 on 'most any ship.



As for the us server, I get it plenty, but even when I have 100 ping with it, it lags like crazy every now’n then. 

Lots of loss somewhere in there.

Before we focus on getting our servers closest to us, let’s get some proper servers.


The command class is also an ecm class.

(much more of a nightmare than an actual ecm to frigates with that missile)

oh no my ionbringer will suffer :008j:

Noooooooo! Not my curved reflector!!!

I guess I’ll have to see what my range is now before I decide on replacing it.

Wasn’t the old curved reflector somewhere around 50% range? I seem to recall something like 40% range penalty.

Yes I think the old one was 55% penalty. So they reduced crits by 20%. Oh well my builds will still be fine now that I have gone off curved reflector a bit. Ion emitter may suffer though. Will have to try out the “improved” projectile weapons.


Sucks that now I can’t go into a guard’s face because he is using coils XD

got some good weapon changes, but the patch, like other recent patches, is rather small. makes me wonder how hard they are working on dreadnoughts. I expect a very large patch soon. Thanks for the updates, i’m excited to see what is to come.

I will put coils back on my guard now. I used to kill myself with my own coils :00555:

Wow,thats a great…nerf on the curved reflector…

I guess with 2 purple horizon and we’re fine (sarcasm…)

Hehe, time to try my Caltrop with with plasma :slight_smile:

Wow,thats a great…nerf on the curved reflector…

I guess with 2 purple horizon and we’re fine (sarcasm…)

Well, the same build will have less range than it has now. It was expected, curved lasers were too good already. Maybe now we will see some different weapons in high tiers, instead of just lasers every time.


The assault rails didn’t need a projectile buff (although is welcomed) What they need is better overheating mechanics. 25% to overheating time will be good. So far with the spread + overheating time, you loss a lot of potential damage which you don’t lose with ions or bubbles.



Hehe, time to try my Caltrop with with plasma :slight_smile:



You won’t notice much difference. The bonuses in the caltrop already gave a lot of projectile speed. Remember that the bonuses are applied on base number, not on the already modified one. If you are not using supernova.

To be honest i rarely see anyone using the kinetic supercharger,but it is great agaisnt slow target like guards,LRFs…

Increasing the cloud radius will give them more hard time escaping the overtime damage.