Star Conflict v.1.0.9/1.0.10 Discussion

Yeah, bubblegun really needed a buff. Are you out of your mind?


Did you also increase the detection radius of explosive bullets?

Goodbye pulse lazors, welcome back RF blaster.

Interesting changes, especially to the coil mortar and plasma cannon. Might have to try out the plasma cannon now to see if it’s viable again.


If it wasn’t viable before it wont be now, having some extra projectile speed wont give you kills or anything. What Plasma Cannon needs is way more RoF, even if it means reducing the weapon’s range.


Curved Reflector didn’t need a nerf if beam cannons and ions got a small range nerf. Now with the Curved range nerf, Interceptors using Pulse Lasers are going to be at even a worse engagement distance than they already are. 


Curved Reflector was obviously overpowered on Interceptors and everyone knew that. There was barely any risk on playing with them at “close” range if you can even call it close. 

Now at least Interceptors with have a risk using them, the damage they provide is out of the charts. Even ECMs can deal stupid amounts of constant damage thanks to that ammo. 

If it wasn’t viable before it wont be now, having some extra projectile speed wont give you kills or anything. What Plasma Cannon needs is way more RoF, even if it means reducing the weapon’s range.

I think the plasma cannon already packed “quite” a punch,increasing its RoF may sparks some arguement about overpowered stuff.

I think the plasma cannon already packed “quite” a punch,increasing its RoF may sparks some arguement about overpowered stuff.


No, you can’t compare its dps with RFB or Pulse Laser. And Shrapnel used by skilled players is also a very deadly weapon. The only good thing about Plasma Cannon is that it’s extremely n00b friendly.

i like the changes. on paper. well. on screen-paper.


does not really address current t5 problems tho, but lets see how it works out. at least ecm madness and drone poops will continue :confused:


and no the plasma gun clearly does not need RoF, thats called an RF Blaster. anyway, the gun will always be underused in t5, as long as t5 isn’t balanced out, ppl will always go for the biggest punch. quite handy in t3/t4 tho, and you have no choice in t1 anyway :smiley:


one second meltdown ions will still be dangerous.


anyway lets see how it works out.

Awww… I used to charge my caps with coils… Now I guess I’ll have to go back to ramming things for stable modules. XP

And the curved reflector nerf was highly uncalled for. If you’re going to make the thermal range -4k, then make the damage INSANE. I chose thermals BECAUSE OF THE RANGE. And now I can barely hit anything using even purple horizons. (And still be effective)

And who wasn’t expecting dreadnaughts?

“Give me dreadnaughts or give me death!”

-Some historical figure

Awww… I used to charge my caps with coils… Now I guess I’ll have to go back to ramming things for stable modules. XP

And the curved reflector nerf was highly uncalled for. If you’re going to make the thermal range -4k, then make the damage INSANE. I chose thermals BECAUSE OF THE RANGE. And now I can barely hit anything using even purple horizons. (And still be effective)

And who wasn’t expecting dreadnaughts?

“Give me dreadnaughts or give me death!”

-Some historical figure

You are exagerrating the nerf of curved reflector lol.This nerf limit the curved reflector to close range combat and im pretty sure they did a right thing.Just imagine,high damage+high range=*kinda* unbalanced

Btw:Give me dreadnought and i’ll stop eating mac and cheese.

Hmm, something changed to forward fleet assigments? Iridium Girder and Battery dissapeared from rewards, added attack drone and doomsdays.


Interesting changes and they seem logical.

On another good note with MM I Was in T3 in US prime last night with good results. My region is always any but for 6 of my 7 games I was in US server in less than 30 seconds. 3 matches in less than 5 seconds. All well balanced with a good mix of 2 and 3 man squads on both sides…and they were large games.

Current range of curved reflector lasers is 975 or so, which is pretty good. I remember having that kind number long time ago, but they had a lot of more spread and they heated faster. 


People get used too fast to OP stuff and then complain about the normal.

Good changes, ECMs are stunners and in general don’t do a lot of damage. They do what they are designed for to help your team in a fight. It plays a roll like an engi troll for dog fights and come in and help you team take down their opponent. 1 v 1 against a good co op pilot co op usually wins.

what a load of crap of an update curved reflektor is useless now

3 horizon modules range 3.7 what a joke just get rid of the ammunition because now you cant use it anymore 

if i want to play close range i get a singularity gun and not a damn laser

what a load of crap of an update curved reflektor is useless now

3 horizon modules range 3.7 what a joke just get rid of the ammunition because now you cant use it anymore

if i want to play close range i get a singularity gun and not a damn laser

Useless?Curved reflector is a good ammunition for close range combat,it gives a crazy amount of damage bonus to thermal weapon,and this amount of range reduction is in my expectation.

People always complain when their OP stuff got nerfed…

Ya curve reflector is fixed. I just got better at dog fights. .7 spread 1k+ range was just too much, make it cost something.

Prepare for RFB and plasma cannon spam!


Projectile speed buff was needed. Kinetic Supercharge was very so so vs Intys. Couple with burst radious maybe that issue is fixed.


Couldn’t help but notice no fix to tackler drones. See, devs really don’t listen to US player base. So yeppe we get to face off against the best A1MA module in the whole game. Only this is for one ship type only. Goodness forbid the hit boxes for sentry drone increase.

Curved reflector nerf was needed.  Lasers were definitely dominant.  You could get insane amounts of instant dps from 3k+ range with ions.  I mean comon, I made my aura do 5.4k dps from 2.7k range… add an orange valkary which increases damage by 52% and… well you get the idea.  Aura is a r14 command ship and can out dps the spark.  In comparison to that insane dps, try fitting assault rails with their insanely fast heating time and low dps, or singularities with very very low effective range.   (assault rail guns still need at least 10% more damage imo.  Maybe coils as well)


Same goes with interceptors, you could get near pinpoint accuracy with pulse lasers at a decent range and high dps. 


I’m hoping to see more damage types being played so my all around resistance fits become useful instead of stacking thermal.

Curved reflector nerf = 

-Hello RF blasters, goodbye pulse lasers

-Hello focusing lens on my Lightbringer and Desert Eagle, goodbye curved reflectors


As a user of the curved reflector, I understand the nerf. Getting 3k+ range WITH the curved reflector isn’t close-range fighting. Close-range fighting in a fighter is between 2k and 2.7k range (ish). If you want your 3.5K range back on your lasers with the curved reflector, use 3 horizons. This will allow for the good range and DPS, but you lose out on other CPU bonuses. You can also get some serious DPS without the curved reflector. Increase crit chance and crit damage on lasers (especially on gunships) to maximize the usefulness of aiming overcharge.


Honestly though, if you really want a good close-range weapon for fighters, the singularity cannon is your best bet. On interceptors now, pulse lasers could still work, if you slap on a horizon, but RFs will probably rise to popularity again.

I still have 130% crit-bonus and 27% crit-chance on the Beam Cannon with the Styx and Ion Emitter didn’t change so recent changes doesn’t bother me. I never used curved-reflectors anyway since the previous nerf and Focusing Lens are nice enough.
But I tried today the coil-mortal and it became nice, even if you have a bigger spread, you still can hit smaller things with it. My little Sigurdr comes back :slight_smile:

And Gauss and Assault Railguns are also nice now, maybe I switch to kinetic again.
I think pulse laser is still better than anything in dogfights but I will be not sure till the weekend.
So it seems a nice patch.

Great patch.  Very happy about the nerf to lazorz.  I wasn’t really dying from them that much, but I sure as hell took cover far too often from them at med distance.  I’m fine with having the same dmg done at closer range, since that makes sense…though not according to physics unless the light is leaving a strong gravitational field.  But whatever, it’s a video game :slight_smile:


And…all I have to say about the buff to singularity is “My Bubblegunships shall bring a swifter death to interceptors >:D!!!”



I have no problems with the weapon changes, I have’nt used curved reflectors on any ship since the last nerf.


What I do have a problem with is the fact that :


  • The Wakisashi AE’s ECM bonus is absolutely unfair and broken. Most of the Games in t5 and sec con are rather small. Such a ship breaks the whole tier.
  • The Spark’s hidden Energy Regeneration bonus is ridiculous. All the others gunships have to at least dedicate a module if they want to be stable, but this, this thing is even stable when it’s getting drained.
  • Double drone’s on tacklers, not much to say. Just bad. There are tons of people around with 2 drones and 2 survivability mods. What kind of tackler is this?! Please limit it to one per tackler or nerf them in such a way that it is reasonable
  • The Jericho Rank 13 Implant is horrible. So just imagine, you have a small game in sec con half of your team dies. They might have taken a useless ship or they might have ran into a waki AE. Or just bad luck. Then you have an enemy team boosted with damage boni and even if you turn the game slightly to your favour, you have no chance in the end because the enemy got fed up with stacking damage. They just have to hit you with something and you are gone.

This makes sec con in particular the most perverted abomination of all the gamemodes. On top of that it is and was all about spam.

First Covert Ops spam then guard spam, ECM spam and now finally we have reached the Tackler spam. What is next?

The above mentioned ships you don’t meet alone, most of the teams spam them. Spam Waki AE, Spam Spark, Spam everything that is currently better than the regular fleet capabilities.

This gamemode is rotten, those ships need to be fixed.


And finally to the most annoying part.

Why do i have to, every ~2 days figure out, what in the matchmaking works and what not.

Suddenly 3 and 2 squads can queue against each other but 4 squad only 4. Nowhere you can read it, no patchnotes nothing.

But wait it’s not enugh yet. Then we finally make a 4 squad and manage to find another WPK 4 squad in t3, we were waitng for 30 minutes and got NO freaking game. Not a single one!



can you not make a little thread where you write down EVERY SINGLE matchmaking change? Can you not admit that you screwed up again and at least tell us what works and what not? This way, this game consists mostly of timeconsuming NOTHING. How is a communtiy supposed to grow if the corps themselfes cannot get into a game.


This is madness. If Teamplay is a sin, then remove it all together.

Focus on the strengh of the game and don’t act like your staying community is only here for your space-hiking simulator called Invasion.