Star Conflict v.1.0.9/1.0.10 Discussion

I have no problems with the weapon changes, I have’nt used curved reflectors on any ship since the last nerf.


What I do have a problem with is the fact that :


  • The Wakisashi AE’s ECM bonus is absolutely unfair and broken. Most of the Games in t5 and sec con are rather small. Such a ship breaks the whole tier.
  • The Spark’s hidden Energy Regeneration bonus is ridiculous. All the others gunships have to at least dedicate a module if they want to be stable, but this, this thing is even stable when it’s getting drained.
  • Double drone’s on tacklers, not much to say. Just bad. There are tons of people around with 2 drones and 2 survivability mods. What kind of tackler is this?! Please limit it to one per tackler or nerf them in such a way that it is reasonable
  • The Jericho Rank 13 Implant is horrible. So just imagine, you have a small game in sec con half of your team dies. They might have taken a useless ship or they might have ran into a waki AE. Or just bad luck. Then you have an enemy team boosted with damage boni and even if you turn the game slightly to your favour, you have no chance in the end because the enemy got fed up with stacking damage. They just have to hit you with something and you are gone.

This makes sec con in particular the most perverted abomination of all the gamemodes. On top of that it is and was all about spam.

First Covert Ops spam then guard spam, ECM spam and now finally we have reached the Tackler spam. What is next?

The above mentioned ships you don’t meet alone, most of the teams spam them. Spam Waki AE, Spam Spark, Spam everything that is currently better than the regular fleet capabilities.

This gamemode is rotten, those ships need to be fixed.


And finally to the most annoying part.

Why do i have to, every ~2 days figure out, what in the matchmaking works and what not.

Suddenly 3 and 2 squads can queue against each other but 4 squad only 4. Nowhere you can read it, no patchnotes nothing.

But wait it’s not enugh yet. Then we finally make a 4 squad and manage to find another WPK 4 squad in t3, we were waitng for 30 minutes and got NO freaking game. Not a single one!



can you not make a little thread where you write down EVERY SINGLE matchmaking change? Can you not admit that you screwed up again and at least tell us what works and what not? This way, this game consists mostly of timeconsuming NOTHING. How is a communtiy supposed to grow if the corps themselfes cannot get into a game.


This is madness. If Teamplay is a sin, then remove it all together.

Focus on the strengh of the game and don’t act like your staying community is only here for your space-hiking simulator called Invasion.

I agree with you. But be patient. Maybe everything what you mentioned will be fixed in the big patch. Well I could explain the lack of informations with the fact it’s a russian game so the russian forum is probably full of informations. Maybe they just forget to translate all the changes. I should continue learn russian…

Maybe they just forget to translate all the changes.

Yeah I can totally understand that since it’s normal as a corporation that sells a game in multiple languages to only have information available for one language.

So did anyone get the “Fuel drop” and what does it do/what does it look like/can we get a screenie? :3

I was 1 hour away from getting 2 of them but then patch happened and they vanished from rewards table…

I dont like the 50% reduce in range. that’s lame. my pulse lasers had 1400 range before, now this is gonna suck bad. 

I dont like the 50% reduce in range. that’s lame. my pulse lasers had 1400 range before, now this is gonna suck bad. 


That’s kind of the point. But your range is bad anyways.  There are much better optimizations.

curved reflectors
Now flying Inqvistor S, I’m too slow and I can not fly to anything. trex flying is not so bad because it’s a fast ship.
I think that this range is a little too small, now even bothered 3k easy target.

You guys voted for it,voted for balancing issue so they did.High damage boost+not so much range reduction+purple horizons isnt balanced IMO.Now they limit curved reflector to close range combat,and know what?Its a good thing because i have seen many crapheads flying around with their massive damage boost+2 purple horizons shooting people from afar and then fly away and hide,leaving high damage to their targets.

Its a good thing because i have seen many crapheads flying around with their massive damage boost+2 purple horizons shooting people from afar and then fly away and hide,leaving high damage to their targets.

And what is wrong with that? This is what is wrong with stand-up-and-fight players. You always think your way is best and anything else is not viable. There are different forms of combat and different forms of war. As long as it gets the job done and is not against the rules of war then have at it.

These players are using what is at their, and everyones’, disposal. And. It. Works. Not to mention they can do it effectively and without breaking game rules.

If you can’t adapt to a viable tactic then you shouldn’t be playing.

I flew a few matches and if anything the curved reflector nerf has nerfed the enemy lazor ships because I don’t used curved reflector anymore XD Except on Spark but I haven’t used that ship for a while either, so maybe it will have to get a nice change of weapon!


As for the WakiAE - I haven’t flown this ship yet due to ECMs being the llowest rank in my fleet, but buffing the Kinetic supercharger + mega tank adaptive builds, extra firing rate and ultra long ECM mods with recharge time for damage assists etc, that ship is quite deadly and possibly op in the right hands - if it gets away it can simply recharge shields fast. Even trying to kill it with possibly OP laser cannon is difficult. Then again the drone tacklers are out in force too, some really suck while others actually appear behind you rather than pooping drones 500m in front of your face and wondering why they then get killed! XD

I flew a few matches and if anything the curved reflector nerf has nerfed the enemy lazor ships because I don’t used curved reflector anymore XD Except on Spark but I haven’t used that ship for a while either, so maybe it will have to get a nice change of weapon!

As for the WakiAE - I haven’t flown this ship yet due to ECMs being the llowest rank in my fleet, but buffing the Kinetic supercharger + mega tank adaptive builds, extra firing rate and ultra long ECM mods with recharge time for damage assists etc, that ship is quite deadly and possibly op in the right hands - if it gets away it can simply recharge shields fast. Even trying to kill it with possibly OP laser cannon is difficult. Then again the drone tacklers are out in force too, some really suck while others actually appear behind you rather than pooping drones 500m in front of your face and wondering why they then get killed! XD

Oi! Don’t go accusing me of being a drone pooper just because I still use sentry! I have 3 legit tackler mods and you know it!

(And Ive actually encountered quite a few of those *uncloaks 1km in front of you then proceeds to ram you because he doesn’t know how to use mods or cruise engine properly* people that just shouldn’t even try.)

I don’t really mind good tacklers that use the drones at close range (how heavy guard is  meant to be used) but there are plenty of those that jsut pop the drones and hope they kill stuff. I have pooped drones an run before, however I like to actually finish the target and there is no better way to keep them near the drones than to keep fighting them! Go invis, as soon as they turn their attention, attack again, usually this spares the drones while getting you the kill XD

Anyone experiencing severe connection quality at this time? I am getting constant packet loss and 1000 ping

That’s a usual. (for certain servers)

Last night I have a chance to play the 10.9 with DK2 Oculus Rift and it now works like it should. Icons show correctly and you get the same level of information on the HUD like when you play on standard computer monitor. This is a great job guys and thank you so much, space never looked that good in 3D.

Hmm, something changed to forward fleet assigments? Iridium Girder and Battery dissapeared from rewards, added attack drone and doomsdays.



Yeah, I don’t get it, either… they seem to have kind of nerfed the rewards without saying anything, especially for those long missions that were almost finished for many people, not to mention the fact that they reduced the maximum rewards of the materials significantly and added a LOT of junk rewards.


O.K., maybe it was a little too rewarding the way it was since I know for fact I have had 6x Graphite plates and Osmium rewards over the course of the last couple weeks, which is kind of lot since you don’t even get them that often in open world, but yeah… wish they at least mentioned it.


Other than that, my wife was flying around in the open world last night and she was constantly getting her butt kicked by random bots on her T4 interceptor, and even the T5 Berserker… they changed something on some of the bots in some of the sectors it seems. I don’t know if it’s better AI or just larger clusters of enemies, but she was definitely dyeing a lot last night… and I got to hear all about it. :014j:

[This is not the droid I’m looking for.] - Sorry, was thinking of a different person here.



O.K., I’m seeing a pattern with all of your posts.


EVERY time something OP gets nerfed, you are one of those that use that one thing excessively, and then claim the nerf was not justified. Then, if somebody finds a viable tactic to use against you and your team, you complain that it is unfair, because you can’t win by countering said tactic.


Curved Reflectors were OPed. All of my ships were outfitted with Heat weapons. Purple Ions on any fighter with additional DPS modules + range were BETTER than everything for fighters. There was also no counter to Pulse Lasers on inties because DPS > all… that extra +800-1K DPS makes a HUGE difference… that’s a fking 8,000-10,000 more damage on a target in 10 seconds. Frigates? Same deal with Heavy Blasters which have the highest DPS in the game and benefited even more from the huge ammo bonus… I have over 7.7K DPS on my Mauler with those things… that’s a ridiculous DPS. I was not a fan of Beams, but with the stupid range those things have even with Curved Reflectors and the odd +120% crit, yeah, melting face before anybody can even reach you. All they did was cut the range a little and boosted Kinetic weapons to where at least they have some sort of viable advantage over Heat weapons… the nerf WAS needed. I was actually using Kinetic Superchargers last night on my Inty and Coil Mortars on my Frigs and they WORKED for a change. The nerf did what it was supposed to do, get people to use some other weapons for once, and I STILL prefer the 1.2K maximum damage distance with Pulse lasers in most situations due to their ridiculous damage output. At least now you have to work a little to get with-in distance of your target when you have that much DPS, and even still with the speed of even the slowest ships in the game and the size of the maps, it is still viable.



This makes sec con in particular the most perverted abomination of all the gamemodes. On top of that it is and was all about spam.

First Covert Ops spam then guard spam, ECM spam and now finally we have reached the Tackler spam. What is next?

The above mentioned ships you don’t meet alone, most of the teams spam them. Spam Waki AE, Spam Spark, Spam everything that is currently better than the regular fleet capabilities.

This gamemode is rotten, those ships need to be fixed.



can you not make a little thread where you write down EVERY SINGLE matchmaking change? Can you not admit that you screwed up again and at least tell us what works and what not? This way, this game consists mostly of timeconsuming NOTHING. How is a communtiy supposed to grow if the corps themselfes cannot get into a game.



In terms of “stacking” teams with certain builds: you can’t do the same or find other types of “stacks” to be effective? It’s called synergizing teams that focus on one thing. ECM teams can easily be countered with anti-ECM ships and modules. Guards, in general, are great anti-Inty ships… why can’t your team all bring at least one and then just all spawn in Guards when you see a cloud of ECM’s that can’t disable all of your ships at once anyway (maybe throw-in one invisible Tackler with Gravi Beamers to slow the swarming Inties)? Too many frigates on one team? Why can’t you bring a Tackler team with Singularity cannons or Ions to melt them from behind? Too many Tacklers with multiple drones? Why can’t you bring some Covert Ops to make short work of the drones and then go after the Tacklers? For that matter, why can’t you bring any Frigate with long-range weaponry (like Beams or even Positrons) to take them out from well outside the Tackler’s effective range? Command ships, in general are just awesome at all roles… you can’t go wrong with Commands, especially the Jerri ones that have more energy regen… I mean it’s a ship that can tank AND do damage with Ions… what’s not to love? Only ECMs scare Commands, and even then they are good against everything else most of the time.


I honestly don’t get your “spam” point. You are mad that the team brought a better set of ships than you? Why can’t you bring better ships instead? :fed007:


Your other points are a bit better about the MM changes and general patching without letting us know what they are doing. Kind of wish they did not just sneak-in changes we are not made aware of at random like that…


The Waki AE may actually be broken, I’m not sure, have not tried that ship yet, although the very few Sec Con games I played they were not a problem to a 7.7K dps Mauler.


  • The Wakisashi AE’s ECM bonus is absolutely unfair and broken. Most of the Games in t5 and sec con are rather small. Such a ship breaks the whole tier.
  • Double drone’s on tacklers, not much to say. Just bad. There are tons of people around with 2 drones and 2 survivability mods. What kind of tackler is this?! Please limit it to one per tackler or nerf them in such a way that it is reasonable


I completely agree. The Waki-AE’s bonus would be fair and balanced in a large game (8v8 or larger), but in the 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 games that you get 99% of the time in T5, the bonus the Waki-AE has is extremely broken. Add on the fact that ECM-spam is extremely common, so often times there is more than 1 Waki-AE in the same match. Being stasised for 3+ seconds (with proton wall) multiple times by one ship is bad enough, but when combined with 2 or more ECMs, it is just ridiculous.


Not much needs to be said about double-drone tacklers. There needs to be a limit on 1 per ship.

EVERY time something OP gets nerfed, you are one of those that use that one thing excessively, and then claim the nerf was not justified. Then, if somebody finds a viable tactic to use against you and your team, you complain that it is unfair, because you can’t win by countering said tactic.



Where exactly did he mention anything about the nerfs?

Maybe if you read posts, you can safe a lot of time for your own posting pattern…

Forward fleet is now once more redundant. Waiting a whole week for two doomsday missiles and 100k is just stupid, if it was 5 doomsday and 5 million credits then I would sacrifice my ships for it, but not for not even a guaranteed 100k.

Holy… Shut up. Please. Shut up.

Agree. Fleet forward gives crap rewards for the time that it uses up your ships and equippement. This is for people that already have 100% of ships at max synergy or some crap and don’t play any more but still want tiny scraps of parts.

Minimum of 500k-1Mil cred. And part rewards should be legit parts. Either that or heaps of monos. (Like maybe 5 per mission or something idk.)