Star Conflict v.1.0.9/1.0.10 Discussion

Where exactly did he mention anything about the nerfs?

Maybe if you read posts, you can safe a lot of time for your own posting pattern…


I fixed my post to make you happy.


Thank you for adding so much with your last post and only focusing on that one bit to make it sound like I was not making a point at all.


I guess with my 12 posts I have a real posting pattern in that I don’t post a lot in these forums, huh?


Just because I mistook one poster does not mean I don’t read these forums or see you people in-game regularly.


I think you have an idea as to what kind of people I was generally responding to with my post on the recent nerfs… or you can try very hard to make it sound like I really have nothing to contribute… I really don’t care, thank you.


Holy… Shut up. Please. Shut up.



I fixed my post to make you happy.


Thank you for adding so much with your last post and only focusing on that one bit to make it sound like I was not making a point at all.


I guess with my 12 posts I have a real posting pattern in that I don’t post a lot in these forums, huh?


Just because I mistook one poster does not mean I don’t read these forums or see you people in-game regularly.


I think you have an idea as to what kind of people I was generally responding to with my post on the recent nerfs… or you can try very hard to make it sound like I really have nothing to contribute… I really don’t care, thank you.




a simple sorry would have been sufficient.

I fixed my post to make you happy.


Thank you for adding so much with your last post and only focusing on that one bit to make it sound like I was not making a point at all.


I guess with my 12 posts I have a real posting pattern in that I don’t post a lot in these forums, huh?


Just because I mistook one poster does not mean I don’t read these forums or see you people in-game regularly.


I think you have an idea as to what kind of people I was generally responding to with my post on the recent nerfs… or you can try very hard to make it sound like I really have nothing to contribute… I really don’t care, thank you.

Being as abrasive as you were to someone who didn’t do fuckall doesn’t make a terribly good first impression.


At any rate, patch is neat, bubble gun buff is questionable, everything else is nice.


blahblahblah dreadnoughts.

blahblahblah dreadnoughts.

You know, I know we all want them and have been teased for a couple of years now and yet I find myself concerned as to how and where they could properly

be implemented without breaking or better yet having to create yet another game mode and split the population more.

a simple sorry would have been sufficient.


Point taken, and I’m not above that.


Sorry. :slight_smile:


Being as abrasive as you were to someone who didn’t do fuckall doesn’t make a terribly good first impression.


At any rate, patch is neat, bubble gun buff is questionable, everything else is nice.


blahblahblah dreadnoughts.


What “first impression”? lol


I see you in-game like on a daily basis to the point that I’m either hunting you down or hunting down somebody else from your corp together with you from Tier 3 to Tier 4… but yes, I do have a tendency to be abrasive when something irritates me… this time it just appears to have been misdirected. >_>


Now back to the patch: You know, with more play-testing, I still find the Curved Reflector quiet viable to the point that I almost don’t care about my spread and just stick a bunch of Horizons on my ships. If Horizon modules are not an option because of not having the right upgrade level or simply not having enough CPU slots (basically anything less than 2) and then I will change-up the ammo. It still seems like the best ammo for ambushers like Tacklers, just forces them to work a little harder and to play a little more aggressively. Long-range Ions are also quite powerful even without the Curved Reflector due to the resistance debuff they give, but over-all I like the closer range of the ammo… don’t think it made any real difference for Covert Ops or Recon since they really need to be in close to take advantage of the Plasma Arc or the ever-annoying Proximity Mine.


Point being that it just works for me, while also giving me more options (and joy) in doing something other than sticking Ions, Heavy Blasters, or Pulse Lasers on ALL of my ships… woo! The Coil Mortars and Positrons can now come out to play!  005j.png  

You know, I know we all want them and have been teased for a couple of years now and yet I find myself concerned as to how and where they could properly

be implemented without breaking or better yet having to create yet another game mode and split the population more.

Y’know, that’s a good point. I have no idea, honestly, unless they’re nowhere near as powerful as once thought.


What “first impression”? lol


I see you in-game like on a daily basis to the point that I’m either hunting you down or hunting down somebody else from your corp together with you from Tier 3 to Tier 4… but yes, I do have a tendency to be abrasive when something irritates me… this time it just appears to have been misdirected. >_>


Now back to the patch: You know, with more play-testing, I still find the Curved Reflector quiet viable to the point that I almost don’t care about my spread and just stick a bunch of Horizons on my ships. If Horizon modules are not an option because of not having the right upgrade level or simply not having enough CPU slots (basically anything less than 2) and then I will change-up the ammo. It still seems like the best ammo for ambushers like Tacklers, just forces them to work a little harder and to play a little more aggressively. Long-range Ions are also quite powerful even without the Curved Reflector due to the resistance debuff they give, but over-all I like the closer range of the ammo… don’t think it made any real difference for Covert Ops or Recon since they really need to be in close to take advantage of the Plasma Arc or the ever-annoying Proximity Mine.


Point being that it just works for me, while also giving me more options (and joy) in doing something other than sticking Ions, Heavy Blasters, or Pulse Lasers on ALL of my ships… woo! The Coil Mortars and Positrons can now come out to play!  005j.png  

Good point. I don’t honestly like Curved Reflector much, and never really have, since range is super-important on everything but a dogfighting build. And I suck at dogfighting. But yes. Positron cannon is best cannon.

I am loving this !!!    Happy Dance Happy Dance


Eclipse’ Launcher
Explosion radius increased by 20%    :00555:   
Coil Mortar
Explosion radius increased by 20%      :00555:
No longer damages host ship

So now the Attacked Sectors map doesn’t tell you how many people are docked there.


We have absolutely no way to even guess at total player count now. And almost by magic, I’m waiting 5+ minutes for 4v4 in T3. TIER THREE!


Cue the “player count is going up” lie in 3… 2… 1…

So now the Attacked Sectors map doesn’t tell you how many people are docked there.

We have absolutely no way to even guess at total player count now. And almost by magic, I’m waiting 5+ minutes for 4v4 in T3. TIER THREE!

Cue the “player count is going up” lie in 3… 2… 1…

Yes you are right, current player count is below 500 players at peak time. The game is doomed. Please leave now that you can.

So now the Attacked Sectors map doesn’t tell you how many people are docked there.

We have absolutely no way to even guess at total player count now. And almost by magic, I’m waiting 5+ minutes for 4v4 in T3. TIER THREE!

Cue the “player count is going up” lie in 3… 2… 1…

Yesterday it was almost 23:00 in Spain and I decided to queue with Eviscerador in T5. Six seconds passed and we got a 6v6 Combat Recon.

Yesterday it was almost 23:00 in Spain and I decided to queue with Eviscerador in T5. Six secons passed and we got a 6v6 Combat Recon.

Still below my accepted threshold.


Although since posting that I did manage to get a proper sized combat recon. Just a shame the captain picked was fresh out of T2 and didn’t know anything about being captain. Thankfully, I had a decent CovOps on my team who carried us while I babysat.

Well this was posted on Star Conflict’s facebook page yesterday:


Ragnar Fris, Federation Third Fleet Captain:


‘Heavy Machinery support is vital. the Defiler is far from the worst that the aliens may offer us at any moment. If we don’t stop their offensive now, they won’t stay in the Border Sectors and will just keep pushing further.’



It’s known by all that dreadnoughts are around the corner, I bet it will add a lot to the game.

Sigh I wish I was a super tester.

I kinda wish I was one too, maybe then I would be able to place my hopes with the devs on this move.

So now the Attacked Sectors map doesn’t tell you how many people are docked there.

We have absolutely no way to even guess at total player count now. And almost by magic, I’m waiting 5+ minutes for 4v4 in T3. TIER THREE!

Cue the “player count is going up” lie in 3… 2… 1…

It has always been like that,Invasion mode may helped the game gain few more players but total active players are still low.

Btw:150k+ players have played this game,active players:Less than 1000-1500,lol,i have no words…



active players:Less than 1000-1500

You never being so wrong.

It has always been like that,Invasion mode may helped the game gain few more players but total active players are still low.

Btw:150k+ players have played this game,active players:Less than 1000-1500,lol,i have no words…


Go to the weekly leaderboards, Pilot rating -> more than 6000 players with 3000 rating. Again look at the pvp effectiveness that include only t4/5 pilots and you will see more than 3000 pilots with 1000 at least.

You never being so wrong.

Then they can at least give us back the basic bar graph ,even if it’s with no numbers, so we can see where people are qued in (PVP only) so I/we can find a match in less than 7-9 minutes (this morning)

Bar graph was a debug, that leaked from test to public use, but was never intentional for public

Given the weekly leaderboards, there are 7 days…that means in these days…6000-7000 played at least one match in game…not that there are more players actively playing it each day…prolly 1200-1700 players are active each day …Ptom is right…


GAIJIN make ADS for this game to attract more players here…this was said so many times that is kinda pointless to remaind u again…if GAIJIN, like a company, dont understand that this is the MAIN problem of this game…VERY LOW PLAYERBASE (and very poor retaining of new players to play more).