Star Conflict v.1.0.4 discussion

I have not read any of the previous forum posts, i wanted to remain untouched. ;D


This current matchmaking (bringing t4 and t3 closer together) is similar to what we had one year ago, in fact i like it for the most part, because why not, rank 10 ships are useless anyways.

The argument one might bring about the implant, survivability and overall possibilities of t4 ships facing t3 ships is a good one.

Tho i have yet to discover a ship in t4 wich you cant kill with a t3 ship, in fact i find them easier to kill and i had never the feeling of being outgunned in anyway.

Also i can imagine that most players who complain about those changes are t3 players that have higher ranked ships anyways, why not get t4 ships into a battle when you fly with full purple t3 ships?


Atm i am just wondering what the conditions are currently for a t3 pilot to get a game with t4.And the other way around.

Are those good t3 pilots facing bad t4’s ?

Or how high of a rank can my t4 ship have to still get into a t3 game?

Will i have to play against rank 12 t4s aswell? If so, are those really badly ranked players to justifie it?


And now to my complaint.


Those things belong into the patchnotes!!! WHY are they not written down somewhere. This is supporting the cult of devouring the patchdiscussions with endless whining.

If i would be a player that started the game with the release, a real Ace who doesnt know anything, the kind of Ace who blames golden ships for his demise,

and i discover the existence of this forum i would probably read all the whining and leave. Because hey, its not even in the patchnotes. The huge mass of complaining people must be right, right? And endless grinding to get into a tier that everybody seems to despise, according to this forum, will not keep me for long.



Provide all the information, leave no room for speculation. Write EVERYTHING in the patchnotes.

We are sick of this. Why do you need the whole weekend after the patchrelease to balance it out? It’s been like that for ages. And everytime people leave and the population is down again, until after the weekend when everything is balanced.

After this patch, there was no problem with the MM for squads… We simply didn’t get match… Seems the MM problem is solved, less players less problem.

Seriously, I can beat t4 ships with t3 but I simply don’t want to do it.
Currently I don’t know what is the highest ship what I can fly without get fucked against T5 ships because it doesn’t written down anywhere.
The only problem with the MM before this patch was the bad balance between the sides nothing else. 
We easily got games in T3 any time, with any size of squad.

Will the next tournament be in T4? Or why you not allow us to practice in T3 well?

Personally I don’t mind the tier mixing as long as they limit it such that there aren’t high skill max upgrade pilots (In OP T4 prems and r12 - yes they appeared in the first 30 minutes) ruining all the lower ships OR they are at least balanced out. Having the lower level T4’s in T3 matches makes things a bit more interesting. They really need more pilots though.


Maybe they are trying to quickly “balance” things and make the game more fun before advertising it…or that could be wishful thinking :slight_smile:

They are trying to reduce queue times without considering why queue times are long in the first place.

The key issue is their blind adherence to metrics. The metrics say T3 is popular and T4 is not, so OBVIOUSLY mixing them will solve the problem! Well, no. Because this isn’t a problem about metrics. It’s a human problem. It’s a problem of motivation, of perceived value, perceived fairness, hatred of squads and cyclical damage.

Metrics don’t show whether people enjoyed the match or felt it was fair. Metrics don’t tell you why T4 is empty, only that it is. Metrics are, in short, a terrible way to solve a problem. They should be the starting point - a clue where to look. After that WE should be asked, directly, what the issue is.

All this game need to fix the MM issue is the level of publicity war thunder have.

On this part of the patch for the Anomaly Generator :




Alpha-inhibitor ‘Sting’ 4-2 now reduces shot preparation time

The range buff is excellent (question of positionning and reactivity) meaning : no more asthmatic Guard trying to reach range for AG.

The Damage buff is excellent too, due to the scaling with the base High Damage.


But the " Reduced Shot Preparation Time" is really really… (bad?) underpowered compared to the 2 others. 

We are talking here of a " 0.3 seconds" buff vs a “+10% damage” buff or a  “+4200m range” buff.


I would like to see a Radius explosion bonus instead of this 0.3 sec :confused:

provide more useful voting question. not some joystick, oculus or nonsense questions. once a week will be nice. get more info from the players that are actually online!. popup a message to tell them a vote is up. lower the GS payout to 5gs. 


with this active feedback system, u will get some decent voices from the new and vet players as well.

I voted for : “Being Known among other Players” :smiley: Am I a bad Person?

mixing t1/t2 or t2/ t3 or t3/t4 or t4/t5 will make the wait time reduce drastically.  i believed the MM is just a set of server side rules that written that can be alter. but end of the day, what make sense and what is practical will make a different.




mixing t1/t2 - make sure t2 players with rating <1000, t1 can be any rating


mixing t2/t3 - make sure t3 players with rating <1100, t2 can be any rating


mixing t3/t4 - make sure t4 players with rating <1200, t3 can be any rating


mixing t4/t5 - make sure t5 players with rating <1200, t4 can be any rating


t5 only - t5 players with rating >1200


so lets say if ur SR is above 1300 and u  use a t3 ship. u will be throw into t3/t4 match all the time. thats whats make u an elite, right?

… hatred of squads and …


so you want to tell me t3 isn’t popular because of squads? it’s the only tier you can expect a game in with a 4squad at any time.

there is no other reason for T3 for me. i want to play with others.


I have been following these discussions with mixed feelings, however the only thing i found definitely sad, was, that yesterday the game felt empty, as if all players had disappeared. The few games we got, there was a lot of T4 involved, but we had mostly T3 ships with us, and used it to fly some of our R10s.

We had no problem with that. I have no problem, if an R10 can come into T3 endgame.


Again, the only thing I dislike, is lack of information. What am I queuing for? So being fully purple T3 squad we can expect some R10 in the next game? But wait, I see R11, R12 premium, R12 regular… what?

The queue-o-meter says nothing but clockwork. It could tell me so much more. Like which games I can expect with my current party/loadout, tell me that I am like this and that and possibly going to encounter ships of this and that strength.


And while I want the ingame GUI telling me some stuff, I feel like the forums, the website, something, should inform me about how the Queue system works, instead of leaving it to people to find it out, and those who do, find a way to smuggle in the cookie cutter T4s and ruin it for others.




lower the GS payout to 5gs. 


now why the hell would you suggest this? 10 GS is nothing, they could do a poll every week and you would still not get rich.

Just suggesting it to get polls more qualitative and frequent by reducing the payout is a bit submissive, like you have capitulated to the system.

I am sure, you would be happy with frequent and better polls, while keeping it at 10 GS, right?

Currently I don’t know what is the highest ship what I can fly without get fucked against T5 ships because it doesn’t written down anywhere.


Yeah. I think these rules weren’t written down because they are experimental. 

I’m trying to level up a R12 ship, while having 3 other R9 ships in the lineup and I’m getting only T5 opponents.


Edit: Oh yeah, I also saw one guy flying a T1 ship in one of those T5 ‘Capture the Beacons’ matches.  :00666:

No, g4, I am not saying that.

I am saying there is a two-tier hatred of squads; players who don’t want to play against killsquads, and the Devs who don’t want us to play in squads at all.

If you try to squad up, especially in the top or bottom ends of the game, you are stuck in limbo, forever waiting. When you do ge a game, MM doesn’t distinguish between an ESB killsquad and three friends with lower end ships and gear.

In their frantic fight to remove kill teams, they removed all squads of all kinds. This was not the answer. We need to be encouraging people to squad up, not punishing them.

But the Devs hate squads, and people now hate them too.


so lets say if ur SR is above 1300 and u  use a t3 ship. u will be throw into t3/t4 match all the time. thats whats make u an elite, right?



Mhmm, I don’t particullary like the SR in any of this. I mean if it helps to balance, yeah. But just earlier, it was mentioned, metrics shouldn’t be everything.


I would rather go by weight of your loadout, which ranked ships you have. And then like you said, that a fully purple R10 might still get into a hard T3 match, or a regular T4, depending on the population, while R12 ships might get you into mixed T4/T5 or simply T4, again by population.


If they introduce rating barriers, it would be nice, if below the barrier, people could choose to turn off that protection. It would definitely not be bad, to introduce something, which opts the player to select his risk in the MM. I want faster games, may they be as hard as they get in my situation, or I rather wait for a balanced game.

This risk could be rewarded.


But this again brings me to another topic, this game seems to fail to address, and thats how the progression works, and the rewards. It is pretty balanced for a player who plays every day, with a license, but it doesn’t feel like the license is giving you an extra. Players are just stuck in the development of their vessels, because most players only play a couple days per week, or less. The game has been tailored to a hardcore playerbase, but it feels like it’s not catching on.

On the other hand, T3 clearly shows, hardcore players would continue to play even with all things unlocked. So that I really still don’t understand.

But the Devs hate squads, and people now hate them too.


While I don’t think the devs hate squads, I agree with the problem. It is discouraging, to face a fully organized purple squad while you have three players. In addition, it is even more frustrating, being a clearly superior fully purple semi organized squad and facing a fully organized purple squad, who get some more good players from their own corp, so the MM isn’t even fair with that.

Not to speak of the rather bad decision, to remove corp-squad vs. corp-squad matches. I would not mind, it could give some fair matches for everybody participating, if one corp brings 8 players to a game in each team 4, if no one else is squadding.


Such skill gaps currently are for sure hard to balance, if the playerbase is low.

But one thing for sure: squadding up should be more encouraged. Because every time we have a new member, who just started his T3 ships, flying a couple weeks in squad, it feels like that pilot changed from trying the game to playing it. Squads are cool.


Soloing is also cool, btw. may I remind you however about the stated “hate” of the devs, that in reality, everytime we had such discussions, it was solo players, who protested about squads being this and that. Sometimes, I can’t blame the devs for not listening, but rather the community being a doctor who tries to treat himself.

mixing t1/t2 or t2/ t3 or t3/t4 or t4/t5 will make the wait time reduce drastically. i believed the MM is just a set of server side rules that written that can be alter. but end of the day, what make sense and what is practical will make a different.


mixing t1/t2 - make sure t2 players with rating <1000, t1 can be any rating

mixing t2/t3 - make sure t3 players with rating <1100, t2 can be any rating

mixing t3/t4 - make sure t4 players with rating <1200, t3 can be any rating

mixing t4/t5 - make sure t5 players with rating <1200, t4 can be any rating

t5 only - t5 players with rating >1200

so lets say if ur SR is above 1300 and u use a t3 ship. u will be throw into t3/t4 match all the time. thats whats make u an elite, right?

Or advertise the game and separate all tiers.

Related to the new matchmaking changes, I was trying to level a R12 ship, with mostly green and some purple items. The rest of the ships were R9 purple T3s. Even though I was getting matched against average T5 opponents, they were relatively do-able, with a little bit of teamwork.


However, there was this one particular case (see image) where I got matched against a guy with one of those special T5/6 ships. It is preposterous atleast, getting matched against a ship with such stats/build, while trying to level a weaker ship.

Soloing is also cool, btw. may I remind you however about the stated “hate” of the devs, that in reality, everytime we had such discussions, it was solo players, who protested about squads being this and that. Sometimes, I can’t blame the devs for not listening, but rather the community being a doctor who tries to treat himself.

That’s primarily because of killsquads, and the stacking effect of MM changes.


Pilots do not like having to face people who are significantly stronger than they are, and because stronger players tend to be more competitive, they are more likely to be in squads and using TS. This means their strength is massively boosted.


I’ve said many times there are ways to help alleviate that, either by reducing the difference in power between the top and low-tier / low-MK / low-Synergy ships and gear (which the Devs won’t do, because being crap and paying GS to be less crap is part of their monetisation scheme), or by trying to produce a matchmaker that can actively and intelligently balance games.


The problem is that the older attempts were all seriously frustrating. For example, there have been several iterations of Matchmaker that appeared to try and force you to lose - the longer your win streak, the more often you were bumped into higher tiers, or given idiot teammates, or both. The problem with that, of course, is that it means winning is not rewarding.


I’m not going to claim to have a solution to every problem the matchmaking has, but this is something the Devs need to be more open about. They need to explain precisely HOW matchmaking works, and then LISTEN to players when they point out where it is good, where it is bad, and what they expect from it.


It’s really sad that despite being officially released, the matchmaker is still being messed with as though it was early-to-mid beta. These are issues that should have, and could have been fixed a year or more ago. Guess why they weren’t.

Please don’t suggest



mixing t1/t2 or t2/ t3 or t3/t4 or t4/t5 will make the wait time reduce drastically.  i believed the MM is just a set of server side rules that written that can be alter. but end of the day, what make sense and what is practical will make a different.




mixing t1/t2 - make sure t2 players with rating <1000, t1 can be any rating


mixing t2/t3 - make sure t3 players with rating <1100, t2 can be any rating


mixing t3/t4 - make sure t4 players with rating <1200, t3 can be any rating


mixing t4/t5 - make sure t5 players with rating <1200, t4 can be any rating


t5 only - t5 players with rating >1200


so lets say if ur SR is above 1300 and u  use a t3 ship. u will be throw into t3/t4 match all the time. thats whats make u an elite, right?


I have 2 problems with this. 

  1. the skillrating means nothing in this game. I know a lot of pilots who go to T1-T2 to lose skillrating.
  2. What will you do with the mixed squads?

I think the 5 tire is too much for this game, with the current playerbase.
Before the patch, the T4 was totally useless, and everybody tried to skip the R10 ships.

My idea is resplit the ranks, and remove one tire.
T1 = R1-3, 
T2 = R4-7
T3 = R8-11
T4 = R12-15/(16?)

I’m not sure this is the perfect solution, but at least reduce the number of the queues.

Do not want to be THAT guy, but I love T4 more than T3 and 5 combined and I hope it will be revived for more than a week this time. 
Simply cutting it from T5 would’ve sufficed, ofc. Today at prime time (1h ago) I had 6v6 7v7 8v8 6v6 in total of 4 matches. Not counting the bots. It was filled with pretty much T4 ships. No T3 ones. At least none caught my eye.

I was flying some of my R10 (4xr10) that are synergy level 7-8/10. Tomorrow I will try with full synergy r12 and see if I still like it.

Lol check out the rotation speed on that Mjolnir…It’s like a frigate!