Star Conflict v.1.0.4 discussion

Why is this being done anyway? Why are we getting matchmaking changes we DON’T want and what we ask for is ignored?


As has been said for months:


  1. Remove the restriction on 2-man squads.

  2. If more than one 2-man squad is in a match, the number of 2-man squads on each side must be as close to equal as possible.


There! Simple! That’s all we wanted back when the last squad nerf took place. But no, instead we have to see squads kicked out of matchmaking altogether, again.

i am sure its not ignored. its just don’t done yet  :fed001: 

good ideas must be implemented, tested and so on. its not so easy :snowgirl:

Why is this being done anyway? Why are we getting matchmaking changes we DON’T want and what we ask for is ignored?


I am really curious who are those “WE” you speak off and how many of them are there?

Name one person who asked for T3 and T4 to be mixed. Name one.


Now look at how many people complained when they broke matchmaking.

i am sure its not ignored. its just don’t done yet  :fed001:

good ideas must be implemented, tested and so on. its not so easy :snowgirl:

Whereas bad ideas just get implemented, skipping that tedious “testing” phase.


It is ignored, because if it wasn’t being ignored it would have been done by now. Ignoring player feedback is the only thing the Dev team is good at.

I will see what I can do about it.

I went back to  patch [.10.3](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23025-star-conflict-obt-v0103-discussion/). It seems most everyone was happy with matchmaking there (including wait times and balance) EXCEPT for one small problem of 2 man squads. All that was required was to make sure that if there were 2 squads that they were on opposite sides. As of [.10.4](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23173-star-conflict-obt-v0104-discussion/) many, many posts tried to explain that the change was not correct and matchmaking has gotten worse ever since.


EDIT: added links

Name one person who asked for T3 and T4 to be mixed. Name one.


Now look at how many people complained when they broke matchmaking.

well. not everybody who play star craft post on forums. most players don’t use forums  :fed001: 

and game is for majority and not for minority.

Then most players aren’t giving feedback concerning the matchmaking, so can be ignored.


There’s no way in hell a metric could tell you people want mixed tiers - but the forums have volumes of complaints about it going back from the first time they did it.

I just want to say that this is a step backwards. Why no one has played T4? Because it is merged with T5. That is why everyone has wanted to play a high tech level equal packed his T5 ships. Makes a pure T4? No thanks … Dear equal to T5.
Is that the sense of Developers? The players with weak vessels are always fighting against better players?
In order to improve the matchmaking it needs more players. Also: advertising, publicity and advertising again.
But finally the MM so please provide the only T1 with T1, T2 with T2 and so on … mixed.

And Squads? Sure, it’s better if equivalent squads against each other games but why always wait four 5 to 10 minutes?
I think more of a system, the 2 with randoms and teams of 2 games, 3 against 2s, 3s and 4s and 4p against two 2s, 3s and 4s. Or better!
The players of the same corps in the same stage are always found together on the same page. The squad system is completely eliminated. BUT you then at least his mates on the same team.

Because Star Conflict is a team game that makes only really fun if the severity is calculated. So for example T3 to T3.
And here it needs more players. That is and remains the only fact which significantly affects the MM.

Then most players aren’t giving feedback concerning the matchmaking, so can be ignored.

i wouldst do that. because they are important. 

without many players every match would be empty :00999: 

i wouldst do that. because they are important. 

without many players every match would be empty :00999:

You misunderstand.


The only way a player can give feedback on the game is via the forum. If they do not post on this forum, then they have no voice. You can sort of use the chat to gauge people’s moods, but ultimately people on the forum are people who care enough to make sure their voice is heard. As such, they should be listened to.

You misunderstand.


The only way a player can give feedback on the game is via the forum. If they do not post on this forum, then they have no voice. You can sort of use the chat to gauge people’s moods, but ultimately people on the forum are people who care enough to make sure their voice is heard. As such, they should be listened to.

alright. now i get it  :fed001: 

You misunderstand.


The only way a player can give feedback on the game is via the forum. If they do not post on this forum, then they have no voice. You can sort of use the chat to gauge people’s moods, but ultimately people on the forum are people who care enough to make sure their voice is heard. As such, they should be listened to.

Can’t upvote enough… ;_;


Actually, can’t upvote cause I’ve reached my daily quota…

You misunderstand.


The only way a player can give feedback on the game is via the forum. If they do not post on this forum, then they have no voice. You can sort of use the chat to gauge people’s moods, but ultimately people on the forum are people who care enough to make sure their voice is heard. As such, they should be listened to.

Unfortunately that in every single multiplayer game, most vocals are those that but hurt in one way or another, those that like it, keep playing and dont waste time on forums, since there is nothing to complain for them. And just stoping by to leave a good job thumbs up is NOT in human nature (well for majority of us)

I’m a player of today for the first time in a forum are my feedback. I want the Star Conflict is a great game and remains so I see myself compelled to write here. It is entitled to take our criticism of the Developers and adult way to handle this. And to mess up the MM as it was a year ago already is definitely gone the wrong thing.

Plus you generalizing a lot, where you assume that your own feelings or ideas are the same as of many people around you, they are not, obviously there are some that support those, but there are plenty that do not. Stop talking like you are the messiah of a community, do you know what is happening on RU forums right now? where there are at least 100x more active pilots posting?

I’m a player of today for the first time in a forum are my feedback. I want the Star Conflict is a great game and remains so I see myself compelled to write here. It is entitled to take our criticism of the Developers and adult way to handle this. And to mess up the MM as it was a year ago already is definitely gone the wrong thing.

Mixed tiers were one of the best thing that happened to this MM, of course after couple of patches of tuning, where we had only 1-2 rank overlap and not initial 4-5, a lot of people just refuse to understand or listen to a voice of reason.

No, I’m sorry but mixed tiers was, and has always been, a xxxx joke.


The fact is that even within tiers ships are not properly balanced against each other, so the notion you can somehow have them balanced across tiers is ridiculous.


The community has always been against mixed tiers. The first time they did this they ran a poll asking how people felt. In game result? Massively in favour of the old, fixed-tier system. That got ignored because it was the wrong answer. Around the same time average active pilot count dropped from 6K+ to 2K and has never recovered.


And yet, despite being so inept as to lose 2/3rds of their player base, no lesson was ever learned; like politicians, the devs just quietly sit and wait for the hatred to move on and then bring out the old, unpopular ideas again and again in the hope they’ll eventually stick.

Mixed tiers were one of the best thing that happened to this MM, of course after couple of patches of tuning, where we had only 1-2 rank overlap and not initial 4-5, a lot of people just refuse to understand or listen to a voice of reason.

The 1-2 Rank difference was the best thing ever, sure. But the problem is that, with every little detail the devs tweak, 2 more details get ruined. Those 2 things are exactly what ultimately breaks the MM for many pilots.


Back in that time, the MM actually allowed for balanced matches in the lower Tiers (UP TO T4, might I add), but T5 was left… broken, for some “unknown” reason… You know… low population…


But now? You actually approve of the MM in its current state? Where 2-man squads are… not even accounted for, or worse, where we see solo pilots on 3-4 ranks of difference? Better yet is the current T4 into T3 creep because there aren’t enough T4 ships in T5 matches…

Voice of reason? Is it reasonable if I want to play with three friends a few cozy round T3 with my favorite ships but all the time have to fly against a squad of 4 with T4 ships? And once we correct this compete against T5? Reason and common sense is different.

Initial implementation of mixed tiered MM was terrible, after tuning it became awesome, and a lot of good pilots were really disappointed when we went back to tier lock with farming Aces and one sided matches, rather than having close one almost every single game. Just because they dont whine on forums for every single little thing they don’t understand or want different, doesnt matter they don’t exist. Majority of NASA “top” pilots back then liked final tuned mixed tier MM version, because we had close games, filled up to 12v12, shorter queue even in low population time, it was awesome. But due to the huge whining of people in full purple T3 ships not able to handle being killed by mk2 R10s we got back into matchmaking that allows for a power cap within a tier. 

As an example, Maxed out purple T3s are easily competitive to mk2 R10-11, and it is much better balance wise than a mk2 R7s vs mk4 R9s, and that is what we had prior to this patch, there is a power ceiling within a tier (well there is mixed T4-5 which was mixed on wrong premises) where just a next rank that you would fight is equal or weaker due to various reasons. If they implemented not the final tuned version of mixed tiers, it is not ideal, and something to tune around, as usual.