Star Conflict v.1.0.4 discussion

The packet loss is not directly related to the servers. It affects a couple of players, but not all. That’s why it takes more time to find the cause of the issue.

I think everyone have packet loss from time to time, but there are some players who have more issues with that.


I’m having also random packet losses in all servers, and random disconnects. For example I jump to one sector in invasion, and suddenly the ping is 45000 and packet loss of 80%. The game stay online for 30 secs and then I’m kicked to the login screen.

Hahahahaha! I love this patch!!!

I hate it!


Are you serious ? they buffed it SOOOOO MUCH.

18.3/21.5/24.5/26.3 are the new reduction given by it if wiki is true.

A 120sec reloading (when out of missile) is reduced to 48 seconds with 3 pylon !

3 torp or one nuke each 48 seconds.  :008j: 

it’s nerfed…

cartridge reload from 26sec to 63sec

The packet loss is not directly related to the servers. It affects a couple of players, but not all. That’s why it takes more time to find the cause of the issue.

the couple of players you referring to might be those people that still have interest on this game. im sure the rest dont even bother to report or post it here in the forum.


why not get a voting system up on this packet loss issues! it will be very good for those who dont want the hassle to report or posting!

the couple of players you referring to might be those people that still have interest on this game. im sure the rest dont even bother to report or post it here in the forum.


why not get a voting system up on this packet loss issues! it will be very good for those who dont want the hassle to report or posting!

There is no need of a poll. We are working on this issue already.

Great Patch, Grats dev’s.


For one exceptance…


Crew still Pay to win. You’re doing it wrong.

I hate it!


it’s nerfed…

cartridge reload from 26sec to 63sec

Pylon was working only with missile reloading time, so cassette reloading time wasn’t 26sec but 120 sec. 

You just can’t fire all your missiles in a few seconds anymore. 

Great Patch, Grats dev’s.


For one exceptance…


Crew still Pay to win. You’re doing it wrong.

GS must be squeezed dry.

Pylon was working only with missile reloading time, so cassette reloading time wasn’t 26sec but 120 sec. 

You just can’t fire all your missiles in a few seconds anymore. 

for almost a months Pylons were reducing each missile cooldown AND whole cartridge reloading time. In t3 with 3x Pylons you had 26 seconds on a cartridge reload time.


I posted some videos awhile ago:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23166-video-xkostyan/?p=287654)

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23166-video-xkostyan/?p=288340)

Played the new PvE scenario (although only in Tier 3) it is really nice. I’m liking the PvE scenarios more and more. The Crimsom haze and this last one are great. Keep up the good work!


Also, Jerry commands now are playable, they are on par with the empire survivability and I’m actually seen people tanking jerry interceptors with shields, which is good. Even some feds!!

I knew the devs loved me! My packet loss seems to be mostly gone! my ping stays at 50 with no loss. i had 20% for 1 second at the beginning of a match, but none the rest, and on the russian server with 200+ ping, i had 3% for like 10 seconds, but it was ACTUALLY 3% and not more like it usually is when it says 3%. On south asian servers, i have 180 ping and 0 packet loss. EU servers have better ping now, 160 vs 300 which they used to have and no packet loss vs 20%. 


On the side, you fixed the game for me but screwed everyone else up, i don’t think this’ll stay the same, will it?  :(

I knew the devs loved me! My packet loss seems to be mostly gone! my ping stays at 50 with no loss. i had 20% for 1 second at the beginning of a match, but none the rest, and on the russian server with 200+ ping, i had 3% for like 10 seconds, but it was ACTUALLY 3% and not more like it usually is when it says 3%. On south asian servers, i have 180 ping and 0 packet loss. EU servers have better ping now, 160 vs 300 which they used to have and no packet loss vs 20%. 


On the side, you fixed the game for me but screwed everyone else up, i don’t think this’ll stay the same, will it?  :(

nice to hear!!!

i don’t have packet loss since half year. game runs fantastic :01111: 

nice to hear!!!

i don’t have packet loss since half year. game runs fantastic :01111:


Mind telling me your in game name?  :012j:

I searched in the follow list for Nekromant and nekromant and both of them didn’t log in for 300-400 days.

for almost a months Pylons were reducing each missile cooldown AND whole cartridge reloading time. In t3 with 3x Pylons you had 26 seconds on a cartridge reload time.


I posted some videos awhile ago:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23166-video-xkostyan/?p=287654)

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23166-video-xkostyan/?p=288340)

Than it was an OP bug. They said in this patch note that NOW it can.

Than it was an OP bug. They said in this patch note that NOW it can.

A bug it was not. The devs intentionally made it that way. They still think we’re in beta, for them to make changes like this back and forth…

Than it was an OP bug. They said in this patch note that NOW it can.

No it was not, I suppose they were testing the possibilities. They saw that with the current numbers, the magazine reload was too much, so they adjusted the numbers and now they are good.


Now the pylon and the missile bonused ships are a bit more worthy. You don’t need to do like Milfeulle and just throw away each interceptor once it is out of rockets.


But before that, triple pylon in empire ceptors was just too powerful. I had 0.4 missile recharge and 26 sec reload. I could take any frigate in less than 5 seconds, run away, and do it again after 20 secs. Tank was superfluous, nothing will survive enough to kill you before you kill him.

You can still take the deimon + missile reload implant + triple pylon

25% + 20% + 23*3%

It make the rocket with 0.55s / 33s reload time.


EDIT : My bad, cooldown reduction implant isn’t r4 but r11. So numbers should be a bit higher.

You can still take the deimon + missile reload implant + triple pylon

25% + 20% + 23*3%

It make the rocket with 0.55s / 33s reload time.


EDIT : My bad, cooldown reduction implant isn’t r4 but r11. So numbers should be a bit higher.

And how does R11 implant work on Deimon (R9) ?

If you tell me how that magic works …

And how does R11 implant work on Deimon (R9) ?

If you tell me how that magic works …

Did you read my edit line ? …



You can still take the deimon + missile reload implant + triple pylon

25% + 20% + 23*3%

It make the rocket with 0.55s / 33s reload time.


EDIT : My bad, cooldown reduction implant isn’t r4 but r11. So numbers should be a bit higher.

And how does R11 implant work on Deimon (R9) ?

If you tell me how that magic works …

maybe bug :01313: 

t3 is mixed with t4 now
