Star Conflict v.1.0.4 discussion

What do you mean T4, there is no T4.


it’s that tier between 3 and 5

it’s that tier between 3 and 5

There is no T4.

There is T3 mixed with T4 and T5 mixed with T4. There is no T4.


so why to get high? if i stay in T3 i can enjoy everything. the enemies is easy to fight, and the ship is cheap.


U forget about T4 :smiley:


Yesterday we get 3-4 T5 games in a 4 squad, what was actually fun. Not as fun as the old T3 but fun. Because the ships somehow feels boring.

Then then after 10min wait time we went back to T23 to farm some synergi.

Then we went to SQ.

The SQ is still very good but my ships still not enough good when I face against ESB, NOVA…

I figured out how can they help me to move me from T23 to T4 then T5:

  • Please let me upgrade my T3 purple items into T4 purple items, and T4 to T5.

I have a lot of hours in my T3 gear, the warehouse size is too small and the T4-5 items cost too much. I’ll pay the difference but I won’t sell my great stuffs to make free place for the new items for almost nothing.


  • Give us a squad queue indicator. I’ll go to higher level if there is more squads.



The SQ is still very good but my ships still not enough good when I face against ESB, NOVA…

That has nothing to do with gear, trust me. It’s not easy to beat their good squads, but it’s not too overly complicated.

That has nothing to do with gear, trust me. It’s not easy to beat their good squads, but it’s not too overly complicated.

Without going offtopic, It is depend on the ships. U can’t beat a well organised T5 team with T4 green ships. (with the same skills the better ship or the luck will win)

They have bigger damage, better range and they are good. The only thing what we could do is hold them up and take beacons with small ships to get some points.


About the patch, I know I complained a lot about the “Black Friday patch” but I didn’t wrote anything about the thursday one.


We played one game on Ancient Ruins yesterday. I like that map but for a small  TB. PVP match that map is too big.

Took minutes before we found the enemy, and more time after respawn.

I love all the other changes, this was a really great patch and I was really happy until friday. 

Without going offtopic, It is depend on the ships. U can’t beat a well organised T5 team with T4 green ships. (with the same skills the better ship or the luck will win) 

Oh, no, absolutly. Green T4 ships don’t evens tand a chance against green-fitted T5s, let alone in SQ.


I meant green T5s.

Oh, no, absolutly. Green T4 ships don’t evens tand a chance against green-fitted T5s, let alone in SQ.


I meant green T5s.

it depends on weapon systems, modules, implants etc. and of course skill. so its not so easy to say :fed_cool: 

it depends on weapon systems, modules, implants etc. and of course skill. so its not so easy to say :fed_cool:


I don’t know what you smokin’ man, but give a sip for me please!

No, it doesn’t depend on it. If you think we can try it, you bring T2s, I bring T3s, no question who gonna win.

And yes, the difference is that big between T5 full synergy purple and T4 synergy 1-2 white-green ships.

We’ve already determined Nekromant is a Dev planted to spread Newspeak. I don’t understand why people continue to reply to him.

why i got this:

Unable to perform operation
Failed to find a battle. Please try again.


there is less than 4 players in the T45 pvp???

looks not good…

We’ve already determined Nekromant is a Dev planted to spread Newspeak. I don’t understand why people continue to reply to him.

Person pissing off people I don’t like = my friend!

I don’t know what you smokin’ man, but give a sip for me please!

No, it doesn’t depend on it. If you think we can try it, you bring T2s, I bring T3s, no question who gonna win.

And yes, the difference is that big between T5 full synergy purple and T4 synergy 1-2 white-green ships.

t2 long-range can bring many t3 in trouble with same skill and gear :001j: 

same with fast t2 ships. they have a real chance. there is more a psychological barrier between different tiers. its way to overrated  :snowgirl:

t2 long-range can bring many t3 in trouble with same skill and gear :001j:

same with fast t2 ships. they have a real chance. there is more a psychological barrier between different tiers. its way to overrated  :snowgirl:


  I got to chime in here !!  SAY WHAT!!!     As many above have already asked… What are you SMOKING !      



If you are tell me that a FRIGGING T2 ship can Duke it out toe to toe with a T3


 I am going to ask that you take a sanity check.     


T2 ships LACK ENERGY capacity that T3 ships from Level 7 ON have.     If you don’t think extra ENERGY makes a BIG difference…   


I give a PRIME example…  since I am a primary Engineer type   


Phoenix   Level 8  Prem -  Means it will be a level 7  im MM    against    Hydra 2 


 With the Phoenix   I can bombard you from afar  6K vs 4K ( Hydra 2 ) … have MORE DPS…  and still have ENERGY ( extra module for Energy)   and if the Hydra 2 survived that long range the Phoenix can tank MORE. 


so please… :01414:


Not even going to get into the RECON difference…  ( fast ship)

well. it depends on situation  :001j:

there are many other factors that play a huge role.

and there is very small damage difference (special ability) for t2 and t3 long-range. so you can snipe very well

Guyz, we are going offtopic!


Change the world and write better ideas to make every pilot happy about mm or just pray for the devs to revert back the Friday madness tomorrow.

Since I have no better idea, until they won’t fix it, I’ll hunt down the Aces from T2, until they realise the patch didn’t help on anybody.


Guyz, we are going offtopic!


Change the world and write better ideas to make every pilot happy about mm or just pray for the devs to revert back the Friday madness tomorrow.

Since I have no better idea, until they won’t fix it, I’ll hunt down the Aces from T2, until they realise the patch didn’t help on anybody.



Gizmo is right. We can’t do anything till they fix this with the next patch. If they fix it…

We will solve it from skills what others solves from ship power, that’s all we can do.

Everrdylost, don’t try to convince him, we already tried it.

Don’t feed the troll maybe?

Since I have no better idea, until they won’t fix it, I’ll hunt down the Aces from T2, until they realise the patch didn’t help on anybody.

 I might join you on that. My Aressa is rusty and after all the fun I’ve had on the Ricasso…


Don’t feed the troll maybe?

Aren’t the mods supposed to do something about that?.. Just sayin’…

There is a difference between tiers , that’s why there are tiers , there is a huge difference between rank-4 and rank-9 ships  or rank-7  rank-12 , it is not a psychological barrier . I think you should stop at this point , players are know you now so your mission is failed…


 Mixing tiers is a terrible idea , it doesn’t matter 2-3 3-4 4-5 , they all good for veterans , nightmare for not veterans , you already gain veterans you should focus on newbies.This is what it should be , all tiers MUST be separate  , all skirmish matches players should able to use only current tier , not higher NOT lower same as pve…  


If your main reason is the population , than fix the population , that is you should work on after beta phase anyway , there are tons of players buying premium ships we see you are getting money well lets spend some make advertise some.This is an investment, you are doin MOST profitable  job in the world and not advertise it ? realy? , Even realy bad games find their customers and you have a good one here…


You dont wanna spend money ? fine than allow players do their own  advertise ,  make some competitons , like video competiton , players must be share videos on their facebook page than give link to forum or SC FB page,  give some gold rewards I bet Many players start to record and share videos, this is an effective advertise.

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