Star Conflict v.1.0.4 discussion

Player base is not big enough for that unfortunately. You must choose between having a chance of unbalanced teams or wait a lot for games.

it’s not a problem of number of players. we got enough number to begin the game…but one side is 1000~1200 other side is 1200~1600.


so what we get is been killed one by one…and reused one by one…and been killed one by one…Perfect & Flawless~~~

it’s not a problem of number of players. we got enough number to begin the game…but one side is 1000~1200 other side is 1200~1600.

This is my problem with the skillrating. you can feel they have higher skills because of the bad naming.

I have always around 1350-1450 because I fly a lot of interceptors, and we usually beat 1600+ users.

When I fly engi or guard this number goes up, but when I fly reacon goes down.

This rating calculated by the kill/die numbers, but doesn’t count the effectiveness for example. 


So skillraing is not compareable with the levels in other games.

This is my problem with the skillrating. you can feel they have higher skills because of the bad naming.

I have always around 1350-1450 because I fly a lot of interceptors, and we usually beat 1600+ users.

When I fly engi or guard this number goes up, but when I fly reacon goes down.

This rating calculated by the kill/die numbers, but doesn’t count the effectiveness for example. 


So skillraing is not compareable with the levels in other games.

but normally when i been put in this kind of fight… we lose…


so if the SR is not a really level, how did they decide the team list?

but normally when i been put in this kind of fight… we lose…


so if the SR is not a really level, how did they decide the team list?

The playerbase is small as Eviscerador said right.

Seems they are like to use the SR to balance the teams but that is a total fail yet.

how I wrote prev. some of the pilots went to T1 to lose SR to get into the T4 queue earlier, so the SR can cheat in both way.

Here you can easily lose 100-200 SR if you go down to T1 and a new player kill you with SR800-900 several times.

SR is more like Survival Rate than Skill

The playerbase is small as Eviscerador said right.

Seems they are like to use the SR to balance the teams but that is a total fail yet.

how I wrote prev. some of the pilots went to T1 to lose SR to get into the T4 queue earlier, so the SR can cheat in both way.

Here you can easily lose 100-200 SR if you go down to T1 and a new player kill you with SR800-900 several times.

SR is more like Survival Rate than Skill

Right now the problem is even just the SR balance, they still didn’t make it.

Right now the problem is even just the SR balance, they still didn’t make it.

Skill rating can be farmed, and it is by no way a measure of skill. I can fly tier 3 Ion gunship with a 4 men WPK squad all the day and get more than 1800 SR in a few days.


I can fly my tier 1 zealot or Raptor in tier 2 games (since I can’t play tier 1 games, not even with premiun tier 1 ships) and drop my SR to 1200 in a matter of hours.


The only valid SR is the one of a pilot who has played 100 games alone at any tier, and it is only comparable with people in the same tier.

I don’t know this is random or not, everytime i been put into a russia server, what i got is always a lose.

On our team the SR is 1000+ 1100+ 1100+ 1200+, but on other side SR is 1200+ 1300+1400+ 1500+…sometimes 1600+…

SO, we just pay for the game to get a job that make them happy???why i pay for this??? I should been paid by this…



OR… you guys are just sooooooo nice to remind me that world of warcraft’s 6.0 is open on 16th? thanks a lot for remind me to join in wow…

high sr doesn’t mean high skill. its just survivability. with good ship i get 1700-1800+ in no time  :01111: 

high sr doesn’t mean high skill. its just survivability. with good ship i get 1700-1800+ in no time  :01111:

Proof :slight_smile:


And by the way, it doesn’t mean JUST survivability. You need to kill stuff to increase your SR, so it is more of a kill / death ratio, but considering the rating of the guys you kill and the rating of the guy that kills you.


If I kill a random player with 1100 SR, his SR won’t suffer much, because mine is much higher. But if he kills me, mine will drop a lot, and his will increase a lot also.


The best way to increase your SR is to kill a lot of good players and not dying to bad ones.

Skill rating can be farmed, and it is by no way a measure of skill. I can fly tier 3 Ion gunship with a 4 men WPK squad all the day and get more than 1800 SR in a few days.


I can fly my tier 1 zealot or Raptor in tier 2 games (since I can’t play tier 1 games, not even with premiun tier 1 ships) and drop my SR to 1200 in a matter of hours.


The only valid SR is the one of a pilot who has played 100 games alone at any tier, and it is only comparable with people in the same tier.

So how do they made the team? by random?

it’s unreasonable that SR balance is not important or needed just because SR system is not accurate.

what ever how bad or good SR is. that is the only thing we got and can see right now.

high sr doesn’t mean high skill. its just survivability. with good ship i get 1700-1800+ in no time  :01111:



yes, the ships. that remind me…

in "Capture the beacons“ mode, some times, one team has ever one have four T5 ships, and the other side, some of them only have one ship and some only have two, so in total we have 6 shipps more than them.

So how do they made the team? by random?

it’s unreasonable that SR balance is not important or needed just because SR system is not accurate.

what ever how bad or good SR is. that is the only thing we got and can see right now.

The problem is that you need to loose the ranges if you want to have decent waiting times. I have the best DSR in about 80% of my games in T5 (not SQ), and in most of them, there is nobody in the enemy team with a close SR to face me. But that is not the MM fault, it is just that in that min of queue waiting time, nobody with such a high SR was available.


What I notice is that the guys in my team have slightly less avg DSR than in the enemy team.



yes, the ships. that remind me…

in "Capture the beacons“ mode, some times, one team has ever one have four T5 ships, and the other side, some of them only have one ship and some only have two, so in total we have 6 shipps more than them.


That is just bad luck. The MM doesn’t consider that.

The problem is that you need to loose the ranges if you want to have decent waiting times. I have the best DSR in about 80% of my games in T5 (not SQ), and in most of them, there is nobody in the enemy team with a close SR to face me. But that is not the MM fault, it is just that in that min of queue waiting time, nobody with such a high SR was available.


What I notice is that the guys in my team have slightly less avg DSR than in the enemy team.




That is just bad luck. The MM doesn’t consider that.

For example, we have six people 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900

if we get the team like team1:1600 1400 1200 1000, team2:1500 1300 1100 900, than that’s fine. that is not the MM fault.

but what we really get is team1:1600 1500 1400 1200, team2: 1300 1100 1000 900, than that’s … that is the MM fault.

That is just bad luck. The MM doesn’t consider that.



than they should consider that.

For example, we have six people 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900

if we get the team like team1:1600 1400 1200 1000, team2:1500 1300 1100 900, than that’s fine. that is not the MM fault.

but what we really get is team1:1600 1500 1400 1200, team2: 1300 1100 1000 900, than that’s … that is the MM fault.

I agree with that. Non considering squads of course. When I play solo the teams usually are made around the first example not the second. In case you find a game it fits into the second example, please take a screenshot and attach the logs. Most likely the devs will find it useful.


than they should consider that.

 That is up to players to fill their slots. It is the same than people in tier 5 with 1 tier 5 ship and 3 tier 2.


In fact, yesterday I almost got mad at one guy in our team, he had 3 tacklers rank 12, 13 and 15, and one neuron zealot, but he was playing consistently with the Neuron Zealot. It was like playing with one less player in the team, even if he could use his high rank ships.


I reported him every match, but I doubt it will be punished.


Of course, his DSR was below 800… 

I agree with that. Non considering squads of course. When I play solo the teams usually are made around the first example not the second. In case you find a game it fits into the second example, please take a screenshot and attach the logs. Most likely the devs will find it useful.

hopes, but hard to get screenshot. we can only see the SR by put mouse on it, that means i need to take as many screen shot as number of players.

and this only happened after the happy bots bugs…after they get those bots back, this kind of things began to happen.

also my friend have this kind of problem when he choose a other server but been force to join in the Russia sever, and he is in the low team.I always choose “any region” to play, but when i got this kind of unblance team…it’s in russia sever…

well hopes it’s just a bug.

hopes, but hard to get screenshot. we can only see the SR by put mouse on it, that means i need to take as many screen shot as number of players.

and this only happened after the happy bots bugs…after they get those bots back, this kind of things began to happen.

also my friend have this kind of problem when he choose a other server but been force to join in the Russia sever, and he is in the low team.I always choose “any region” to play, but when i got this kind of unblance team…it’s in russia sever…

well hopes it’s just a bug.

No matter what you chose at MM, after 2 min it starts search games at global, and because this is a Russian game with a bigger Russian playerbase you’ll get those servers often.

I don’t think they should balance the games based on SR at all. They should introduce a new kind of number what can measure better how good are you. But I this is a really hard task, because the different gamemodes needs different skills/ships.

If I check a player, I usually check 2 thing: Winloss and Fleetstrength

The fleetstrength show me how serious is the player (check without gold ships too)

The winloss show how good in team/game.

I don’t think you can reach easily over 1.3 winloss in solo after T3.

below 10-20 fleetstrength the winloss is almost useless.

In fact, yesterday I almost got mad at one guy in our team, he had 3 tacklers rank 12, 13 and 15, and one neuron zealot, but he was playing consistently with the Neuron Zealot. It was like playing with one less player in the team, even if he could use his high rank ships.


My beef with stuff like this is. It’s a total joke how PVE is tier-locked. That if you bring ships not allowed, they are straight up unusable. Why is it, that the same rules are not applied to PVP where the ships you have matter much more? You shouldn’t be allowed to take ships 2 tier below your highest equipped. 

For example, we have six people 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900

if we get the team like team1:1600 1400 1200 1000, team2:1500 1300 1100 900, than that’s fine. that is not the MM fault.

but what we really get is team1:1600 1500 1400 1200, team2: 1300 1100 1000 900, than that’s … that is the MM fault.

maybe there is hidden calculation like: player lost 7 battles in row so his 1600 mm counts much lower.

and i think its important to know how you battle was. have you won it? was it really close? etc.  :fed001:

maybe there is hidden calculation like: player lost 7 battles in row so his 1600 mm counts much lower.

and i think its important to know how you battle was. have you won it? was it really close? etc.  :fed001:

just like what i said…be killed one by one…and reused one by one…same time… be killed one by one…Perfect & Flawless

Gekaler says a new rating system considering the efficiency is already at testing stage…so maybe actual problems with MM will be eluded…