Star Conflict v.1.0.15 Discussion

well im not versed in Russian so someone else will have to go to their forums for it if its only there cuz its gaijin and we all know how they are with their Russian player base but ya gonna take a while since their is a tag with the word crew in it this should be fun.


also those of you who have also stated they said it would never go free or similar feel free to post or send me a message with a link from Russian site or otherwise will help me out scanning the forums hating that crew skills are pay to win tag :smiley:

What I’m saying is to instead of complain online do something about it in real life like flying to Russia and suing.

I don’t think GS should be refunded because now the developers have lost money to continue their project. What I think they should do is give a large free synergy compensation. That way customers still receive a good for the spent money but need to buy more GS for more quicker progression.

IMO it’s a win/win.

Players paid for the advantage to use crews earlier than everyone else plus free synergy while the developers have happier customers and don’t lose profits.

First of all any claims of such level, must be backed up by actual data, and have to be started from facts and not false assumptions, memories or wishful thinking.

So how about you provide an actual official source where it was stated that Crew will never be free or alternatively obtainable. After you provide this, please prove that it was made with intentions that you loudly announce here.

And in-before you start quoting me later, i can not remember definitive statement of “it will never be non premium” nor have i seen statements of “we will make it free”.

P.S. Alternative (i.e multiple) accounts are not permitted on Forums. So by posting from this (Hezrim) account you confirms that it is your sole and only account you use on this forum, and not causing any hiatus for for fun, or call it trolling or w/e, in order to avoid any impression towards your main account.

I’m either bad at searching or they deleted all the posts suggesting reworks of the crew system because i can’t find the threads anywhere. not the dev’s posts about crews, the actual threads. 


What I’m saying is to instead of complain online do something about it in real life like flying to Russia and suing.

I don’t think GS should be refunded because now the developers have lost money to continue their project. What I think they should do is give a large free synergy compensation. That way customers still receive a good for the spent money but need to buy more GS for more quicker progression.

IMO it’s a win/win.

Players paid for the advantage to use crews earlier than everyone else plus free synergy while the developers have happier customers and don’t lose profits.

you forget. we spent money on virtual money. Virtual money costs nothing to make. 

they give me my standards back, they spend 0 dollars. 

There is a difference in wishing and asking for, and demanding. There is no ground to give you rights to demand anything, which is exactly my point.

you forget. we spent money on virtual money. Virtual money costs nothing to make.

they give me my standards back, they spend 0 dollars.

I don’t forget. It is true that they don’t spend money but they lose the past profit they made. Now stop whining and get over it. This conversation between you and me is over.

This conversation between you and me is over.

That is my line. I demand a refund.

Sorry for the question but people who invested GS in crews will have their GS returned back if they reach rank 15?


There is no refund planned.

they should refund me if they didn’t lie. 


It costs 0 dollars to give me 6k standards. 

There’s these things in economics called marginal cost and marginal benefit.


The marginal cost of giving 6k standards as a refund is a bit less than $5 per person, because hey, you might not have been willing to shill out the extra bucks to get the 6k standards later, but some other folks definitely would have. Those other folks just got 6k free, though, and as such, won’t spend as much money.


The marginal benefit of giving 6k standards as a refund is a bit more difficult to pin down. I’m not about to spend any more money on Star Conflict any time soon, because 1) I am a disgruntled customer right now and want to make use of the power that consumers have called “not spending money” and 2) I don’t actually want anything right now. Since I likely wouldn’t have spent any money anyways, that means the marginal benefit that they would get from giving me a refund is close to zero.


Therefore, marginal costs outweigh marginal benefits, and therefore it would be what is called an “irrational choice” to give me a refund. Which means I can see exactly why I won’t be getting a refund, but doesn’t mean I don’t feel a bit salty about it.

Just to clarify

Tournament that starts at 01:00

is it 01:00 AM (or did you mean 13:00 ?)


It’s 01:00 AM GMT

maaaaasive  FPS drop … i had like 120 before now i have like 25 -30 in hangar … 

If you have FPS issues thare’s [topic](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26117-fps/) about it.

I got the same question.

Will those, who invested 6000 GS (crew Bravo, Charlie, Delta) into the crews get  the back now, since they are available for free?!

I reached rank 15 long ago with all 3 factions! Is each one unlocked for each faction?

Please, respond!



I agree with Eviscerador and Koromac, got rank 15 with all 3 factions long ago, spent 4000GS on crews.  It’s kinda unfair to make us spend that much to get an edge, only to lose it along with out money.

I think we deserve either a full refund or (equivalent) compensation.



You knew that this option can either get unlocked by free means, by reaching rank 12. Here we asked the developers to make their statement about the crews and they refused to comment.

It was logical to assume, that since the crews got the benefits, they should be payable. It’s not the problem that they are free now. The problem is, that they were unlocked for free without reimbursement!

I wouldn’t be against it, if there would be some kind of a weekend sale, when crew’s price would have been halved, for 1000 GS.

They took the advantage of this. It’s a clear definition of a fraud, but it’s okay. I could have invested a lot more money into this. But I won’t. Not a dime. Ever. It’s over!



Well, I suggest you get planning, I unlocked all the crews, and I expected that they would stay a GS only item, You changed the nature of my purchase, now they are free, I expect my purchase to be refunded.


I guess loyalty and commitment mean nothing to you devs…



I wouldn’t be complaining, if I wouldn’t have reached rank 15 with all of my 3 factions long ago, even before this system got introduced.

If that would be the case, I would say, well, I am less than rank 15 and I was able to fly with my implant/crew setups, because I paid with GS, but now that they are free, I must reach those ranks first, by getting to rank 15 with all 3 factions to get the benefits.


I would remain quiet, if there would be the option (pay or unlock for free), but now you can’t pay for the crews, and you can only get them by obtaining rank 15 with all 3 factions.

It’s even worse, than the system we had before. Top Secret Projects ships require rank 14 to unlock within each faction.

Rank 12 with each faction should unlock all the crews options for free and there should also be the option to pay for the crews! Why?

Because T4 ships can’t have individual implant setups, even if you would like to have them, you need to fully reach tier 5 - rank 15 first and you can’t do that, before you reach T4.

Maybe the cost of the crews should decrease, depending on the rank, if you would buy one, before rank 15. However, some players would buy crews anyway, because of their slow progression to T5, probably for same amount, or reduced cost.


Rank 12 crew/implant cost: 2000 GS

Rank 13 crew/implant cost: 1000 GS

Rank 14 crew/implant cost:   500 GS


Crews: Alpha (free of charge), Bravo, Charlie and Delta.


Crew Alpha - already unlocked.

Empire unlocks Bravo.

Federation unlocks Charlie.

Jericho unlocks Delta.


In any case, this is my boiling point. If it’s corrected, I will still continue to support this game with my own investments, maybe now even better than before.

It’s all about dreadnoughts now!



Edit: Added some more info.



 I am one of the idiots who spend 6000 gs on crews , I didn’t spend it for early access cause there was no info about on anywhere they will become free for everyone.  So may I ask ;


when will you give all premium ships for everyone?


when spatial scanner become login bonus?


why we should  pay if what you are selling will become free at some point anyway?



You loose my trust when i discover double standarts on russion market long ago, that day was the last day i buy something from you. Now you are giving free what did spend on real money on. This actions make me clear fool ,


here is nothing left to say keep up the good work and good luck with your business life



I feel robbed.



I’m all salty because of the proximity of my purchase to the switch to the crews going free.


I barely had my crews for 2 weeks and now they’re free. I’m so burned by my buyer’s remorse that now I don’t trust the game with my money at all. It’s one thing if you bought them months ago, but what about the people that got burned on a recent crew purchase?


How can I trust SC as a consumer if I get no warning on changes to paid content?


What else is going to be up for GS next and then gone completely free? What about the people that undoubtedly bought crews mere days before this patch?


I want to find someone who bought crews literally the day before the change and ask how they feel.


Edit: And no, DLCs and related things are different because there is a precedent established that DLC and related items will go on sale eventually. Crews have no such precedent.


Just wanted to add to discussion about crews : ‘Because of balancing analysis and changes, something may become a paid feature, something may become free and vice versa. Predicting it in advance is pretty much impossible. But it’s a logical step that is employed often enough. It happens, you definitely could have seen it in other gaming projects.’


This is absolutely normal practice. Some go even further, for example, by removing paid subscription. Imagine, you pay for a year for access to an MMO, and then bam — paid subscription is scrapped. Do they owe you a compensation? No. You were provided a service that used to be paid at the time of its delivery. The best they could do is give you extra bonuses so that ‘free’ players could envy you.

Well usually when an mmo became free or freemium or whatever it means that is going “down” and this is not the same case. I’m not saying the game is about to die or something like that, i’m saying that the treatment we received in this case sounds bad.


We have payed for something that was intended to never became free. Personally i hated buying crews, i wish i had spent my GS for something different: like a ship or a long license. A simple “gesture” like, dunno, 15 day license, or a special discount for who spent that money or even a set of free stickers will fix this for me. 


Something not so important but that can make the pills less “bitter” (jumping back to the MMO example: usually who payed before the game become free, get something in “exchange”). Having care of customers is a fundamental rules of “commerce” no?


Btw… where is sector sweep? I’ll kinda miss it :expressionless:

So i dont know if i’m the only one,but the login reward once “accepted” there’s an icon at the top that appear saying something like,received, then disappear half a second later.Not knowing what i got.Would be nice to have something like a message in the notification box telling you what you got,just like the after battle notifications.I saw a few people in chat also saying they had no idea of what they got.

Btw… where is sector sweep? I’ll kinda miss it :expressionless:


Probably they deleted it because of the lack of interest.

My only question is: Where is this information from the patch notes?

Actually this is what I expect, not the refund: Informations and proper communication.

I bought 2 extra crews myself, and honestly, I don’t even care that they changed it to free, I supported the game by buying it. I just hope they use the money well, and keep working on the dreadnoughts and make them good.




A simple “gesture” like, dunno, 15 day license, or a special discount for who spent that money or even a set of free stickers will fix this for me.

It would be nice for sure.

So this patch featured outrage from pilots who bought crews even though they were exclusively available only for GS for well over 3 months and a new achievement which is awesome.

FPS fixed with today hotfix!

Thx for the fast Hotfix.

T5 sale! be happy about it!

I hope it lasts until I get home from school.