Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion


  • Fix the MM
  • Fix the t5 implants or change MM for bigger games.
  • Stop people who fly t1 t2 t3 in t5
  • Fix Waki AE (or change MM for bigger games in t5)
  • alternatively you could start overhauling the ECM
  • STOP making nerfs incorporating all the tiers, thats stupid and rather alienating
  • Stop punishing teamplay
  • Test your product more intense; if the basic mechanics of the games are bugged to a degree that staff does not believe those bugs even exist, then please STOP adding content that makes the jungle even denser.
  • FIX drones, the first step to do that, would be to make Jericho 13 implant not to affect drones. Those 20% effectiveness to the already 0 spread to the sentry drone is just BS
  • Why do you nerf stuff on the basis that people dont learn to counter stuff? why dont you finally invest some effort in educating the community about how to play and how to counter. It does not help that everybody can get to t5 for 15€…


I do not care about the Cov Ops Orion nerf. Because after all its not about the damage, its about how you play it.

But if this progressive nerfing goes on we will be back to frigate conflict. I was there, it was not beautiful.

BTW when was the last time you cracked a frigball with a cov ops?

Its just stupid idiots who fly support frigates out of position in solo play who complain. Those are the people that get killed by a single Cov Ops… guess what, thats their role and if you are out of position then its your fault.


And fighters… i played my first year with 11 to 14 fps and still managed to defend myself with ions against ceptors. Practise already!


forgot something


  • remove Doomsday from t1 (and maybe t2)
  • drop veteran players with purple gear in t2 ships to t3. Why? well, every single player who started this game sooner or later met a veteran, who is farming them for hours. And come on in t2 you start learning the roles, letting players in who know exactly what to do and use every possible advantage to to so, is just not good. I’d rather have 10 veterans who are mad than a newcomer playerbase that ragequits or claims that there are cheaters in the game…


forgot something

  • remove Doomsday from t1 (and maybe t2)
  • drop veteran players with purple gear in t2 ships to t3. Why? well, every single player who started this game sooner or later met a veteran, who is farming them for hours. And come on in t2 you start learning the roles, letting players in who know exactly what to do and use every possible advantage to to so, is just not good. I’d rather have 10 veterans who are mad than a newcomer playerbase that ragequits or claims that there are cheaters in the game…

Last night I was flying my purple T2 ships with a new pilot who was only just buying his first T3 ship. He seemed grateful for the fact a veteran took the time to help show him some tricks and back him up.

Last night I was flying my purple T2 ships with a new pilot who was only just buying his first T3 ship. He seemed grateful for the fact a veteran took the time to help show him some tricks and back him up.

yeye nothing wrong with that, they would only need to ajust the mentor system so this is possible. Since you are busy talking, teaching and playing, this is perfectly reasonable, I find.

A veteran alone, in a soup of beginners, where nearly every ship dies to one doomsday, that is the farming.

  • drop veteran players with purple gear in t2 ships to t3. Why? well, every single player who started this game sooner or later met a veteran, who is farming them for hours. And come on in t2 you start learning the roles, letting players in who know exactly what to do and use every possible advantage to to so, is just not good. I’d rather have 10 veterans who are mad than a newcomer playerbase that ragequits or claims that there are cheaters in the game…



If you did this, then no veterans would fly with t2 ships anymore.  I who have a couple of premium t2 ships would not be happy because they would become useless.

there is no easy solution for t2 imho. T2 could get R7 ships back into their endgame queue, but only if the player is definitely not a high tier player on vacation, so a veteran can play t2, but has to face some R7 ships by less experienced players.


however, all these solutions might be confusing to a lot of people :slight_smile:


but this is really only between t2 and t3 where r7 is somewhat inbetween.

What’s also screwing up and coming players is how modules like adaptive shield don’t unlock until rank 8, so not only are they flying weak R7 ships, they’re denied modules that help overcome those flaws.

Take the Alligator Mk II. Its bonuses make the Eclipse Launcher a solid choice, but you don’t unlock that weapon until Rank 8, which means you should now be flying an Anaconda anyway.

Educate the player base. Have mandatory basic tutorials, such as ship control, and optional in-depth tutorials that provide knowledge in game mechanics, such as resistances or ship positioning. Provide and ingame link to where to get out-of-game resources. A link to the forums is already there but there also should be a regularly updated link section to YouTube account tutorials like Cutlery or mine.

How about after a veteran plays 3 T1 matches the vet gets booted out of T1. After a vet plays 5 T2 matches the vet gets booted out of T2. This restriction would reset daily.

Tierlock T5 matches to only allow T4 and T5 ships.

Educate the player base. Have mandatory basic tutorials, such as ship control, and optional in-depth tutorials that provide knowledge in game mechanics, such as resistances or ship positioning. Provide and ingame link to where to get out-of-game resources. A link to the forums is already there but there also should be a regularly updated link section to YouTube account tutorials like Cutlery or mine.

How about after a veteran plays 3 T1 matches the vet gets booted out of T1. After a vet plays 5 T2 matches the vet gets booted out of T2. This restriction would reset daily.

Tierlock T5 matches to only allow T4 and T5 ships.

+1 and pls don’t create realistic mode games, if there is not enough players with the same amount of ships.

Really annoying to play a 3v3 where everybody has 4 ships except one pilot on our side… that is 12vs9 ship and usually 3v2 pilot after the first 2 min.

And I should scratch my face when I played in T4/T5 and the T4 engineer consta switched the active modules on/off because he had no clue how it works. Welcome to the endgame. And this is not just happened once.



forgot something


  • remove Doomsday from t1 (and maybe t2)
  • drop veteran players with purple gear in t2 ships to t3. Why? well, every single player who started this game sooner or later met a veteran, who is farming them for hours. And come on in t2 you start learning the roles, letting players in who know exactly what to do and use every possible advantage to to so, is just not good. I’d rather have 10 veterans who are mad than a newcomer playerbase that ragequits or claims that there are cheaters in the game…




forgot something


  • remove Doomsday from t1 (and maybe t2)
  • drop veteran players with purple gear in t2 ships to t3. Why? well, every single player who started this game sooner or later met a veteran, who is farming them for hours. And come on in t2 you start learning the roles, letting players in who know exactly what to do and use every possible advantage to to so, is just not good. I’d rather have 10 veterans who are mad than a newcomer playerbase that ragequits or claims that there are cheaters in the game…


I don’t think this is needed or will be good for the newcomers. I have played a lot of games in Tier 2 with tier 1 and tier 2 ships. And many people instead of complain, they ask me how do I do what I do, some of them because they know me from my youtube channel.


And I’m happy to answer them and give them some advice and tips.


Also what you should consider is that killing any veteran in tier 2 is easier than in any other tier, because in tier 2 equipment doesn’t matter that much, and you can be easily killed by two or three ships.

What’s also screwing up and coming players is how modules like adaptive shield don’t unlock until rank 8, so not only are they flying weak R7 ships, they’re denied modules that help overcome those flaws.

Take the Alligator Mk II. Its bonuses make the Eclipse Launcher a solid choice, but you don’t unlock that weapon until Rank 8, which means you should now be flying an Anaconda anyway.

Jasan, I have eclipse launchers on my alli mk2… Do you mean rank 6?


BTW when was the last time you cracked a frigball with a cov ops?

Its just stupid idiots who fly support frigates out of position in solo play who complain. 


Ah no you didn’t! Frigballs are viable in 2 game modes, CR and DM. Intie spam is viable everywhere else, and I’m tired of trying to counter it. 

Inties are still OP in the end game, flown by proper pilots, specially in balls/swarms. You can’t say the same about the other weight classes. Reduce their damage or remove some of their maneuverability pls. 

Ah no you didn’t! Frigballs are viable in 2 game modes, CR and DM. Intie spam is viable everywhere else, and I’m tired of trying to counter it. 

Inties are still OP in the end game, flown by proper pilots, specially in balls/swarms. You can’t say the same about the other weight classes. Reduce their damage or remove some of their maneuverability pls. 

 Frigballs are viable in every gamemode, it depends on the map together with the gamemode.

So once again im asking: Can we please have a thread for the MM.

Write the changes down, we are sick of getting games by trial and error or not at all. Can you not understand that?

And since the russian community obviously knows about it, how about copy&paste it here?

 Frigballs are viable in every gamemode, it depends on the map together with the gamemode.


except detonation :d

except detonation :d

yes usually, but even there if you manage to get the bomb first no one is gonna stop that ball of crawling frigs :slight_smile:

I have a good story for the next patch.

The dreadnoughts arriving to the stations, the aliens hijack them and park them into the entrance of the stations, so we can’t go out to invasion.
And finally we can concentrate on balance and play PvP. This would be the heaven for me. :) 

 Frigballs are viable in every gamemode, it depends on the map together with the gamemode.


No. It doesn’t work in capture the beacon, doesn’t work in beacon capture, doesn’t work in the mode i forgot it’s name where you have to hold 2 out of 3 beacons, etc. Doesn’t depend on the map, doesn’t work on any game mode that requires people to move their behinds. 

Doesn’t depend on the map, doesn’t work on any game mode that requires people to move their behinds. 


that only depends if you by frigball refer to:

 1. an unorganized swarm of casual players happen to randomly pick guard or JLRF, because the bot takes it too


 2. a fully organized team, which takes 3:2-3:1 ratio of guards to engis, couple of LRF and escort ships, and move from beacon to beacon, while they fighting against 1.


“viable” means, you can win with it. it doesnt mean, the enemy team cannot react and break the frigball eventually; or you can be delayed or outplayed by sneaky enemies doing the objectives; or simply be organized, but have less modules / skills and don’t have the optimum result or… but if the frigs move at the same time, thats a bloody hard job to break.

the map however gives a great difference, in whether a frigball can do this or not;

Oh common man…here we are all talking about skirmish battles…not controlled strategies made for tournaments…we’re talking about an “imbalance in the force” that we notice in day to day solo games where when there is one of the teams that goes full interceptor and the other has 2-3 frigates and 2 fighters, it’s most of the times GG…

The inties have both the DPS and the speed to cap, re-position together, wreak havoc…

all that ceptor hate!