Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion

Interceptors are good in maps that need mobility. Frigates are good in small maps and modes which need staying power.


Nothing new here.


Good players chose interceptors because it is easier to carry the team with them. But you need a team to support you (mostly frigates and fighters) or you won’t be able to do anything.


But since DSR was discarded, survival rate is not an issue, and you can just die whenever you want and still be useful. I mean, I respect people like takamina that fly with 2 or 3 survival modules in their interceptors but come on… Class modules are more useful for the team.


I don’t care about nerfs to interceptors. I can play with any class, and I can do as well with a patriarch as I do with a golden eagle. You just need different support and positioning.


The main problem is that usually your randoms don’t give a xxxx about you and your positioning, so the most straightforward way to win is to fly a carry ship, and interceptors are the best solo carry ships, specially recons.

No. It doesn’t work in capture the beacon, doesn’t work in beacon capture, doesn’t work in the mode i forgot it’s name where you have to hold 2 out of 3 beacons, etc. Doesn’t depend on the map, doesn’t work on any game mode that requires people to move their behinds. 


apart from that huge new ish map that is unnescesarily large, it works

Oh common man… here we are all talking about skirmish battles…not controlled strategies made for tournaments…we’re talking about an “imbalance in the force” that we notice in day to day solo games where when there is one of the teams that goes full interceptor and the other has 2-3 frigates and 2 fighters, it’s most of the times GG…

The inties have both the DPS and the speed to cap, re-position together, wreak havoc…


Oh well in those cases a frigball works even better. Since the intiball needs coordination to wreak the frig frenzy, and in most cases it doesn’t work. The only needs by a frigball in those matches are a decent engi and a little bit of knowledge about cover.

Interceptors are good in maps that need mobility. Frigates are good in small maps and modes which need staying power.


Nothing new here.


Good players chose interceptors because it is easier to carry the team with them. But you need a team to support you (mostly frigates and fighters) or you won’t be able to do anything.


But since DSR was discarded, survival rate is not an issue, and you can just die whenever you want and still be useful. I mean, I respect people like takamina that fly with 2 or 3 survival modules in their interceptors but come on… Class modules are more useful for the team.


I don’t care about nerfs to interceptors. I can play with any class, and I can do as well with a patriarch as I do with a golden eagle. You just need different support and positioning.


The main problem is that usually your randoms don’t give a xxxx about you and your positioning, so the most straightforward way to win is to fly a carry ship, and interceptors are the best solo carry ships, specially recons.


Strange fact that once in a while i have to agree with you for almost all of your statement. Btw not all game mode can be carried by  interceptors if on the other team they aren’t completely dumb or get owned by 3/4 ecms :01515: .


apart from that huge new ish map that is unnescesarily large, it works


It works even there, they just have to push and brake your sheeps/n00bs formation  ( someone sayd outrange?) until they come to your respawn where there is no cover at all.


You know what? Keep nerf the interceptor (i don’t really care about, i love fighters btw), it will be a pleasure for all of us to play frigate conflict… oh no, wait. I just remembered how boring it can be! :stuck_out_tongue:

No patch today q_q

[RobWasHere](< base_url >/index.php?/user/242210-robwashere/)

The closest patch no earlier than us next week.

[RobWasHere](< base_url >/index.php?/user/242210-robwashere/)

The closest patch no earlier than us next week.


Any server side Ninja patch maybe?

which means no dreadnoughts for the next 2 to 3 weeks.


Can you stop talking out of nowhere…

Some web ninja assassin murdered my post.

Speculation is allowed, if you use common sense.

After all, in the patch notes it was mentioned, delay for one nearly one month, right?

Im starting to lose intrest in this game because of same reason that pulled me away from most MMO games. Battles lose their feeling, fighting just becomes boring, everything is just based on numbers. You can see who will win in first 30 seconds. You get to play with same people over and over and over again…you have to wait 6 minutes in queue just to get a lousy team and a defeat. People always shout that ships are OP. Omg tackler is OP it haz dem drones! Omg ECM is OP it can stun you! Omg this, omg that. Im tired of seeing this in chat and forums all the time. A small patch with a small nerf will wake up all keyboard warriors which leads to nothing but arguments about devs, russians and god knows what else. What this game truly needs is promotion, a player base that will actualy play the game for more than a month (maybe even bring his/hers friends to game too), more cooperation with russian/english staff. Like building a house, first you build the foundations, then you build walls, then you build roof etc. Once this game has more than a million players, then we can start arguing about the damn cov ops and the damn t5 lollygaging.

Im starting to lose intrest in this game because of same reason that pulled me away from most MMO games. Battles lose their feeling, fighting just becomes boring, everything is just based on numbers. You can see who will win in first 30 seconds. You get to play with same people over and over and over again…you have to wait 6 minutes in queue just to get a lousy team and a defeat. People always shout that ships are OP. Omg tackler is OP it haz dem drones! Omg ECM is OP it can stun you! Omg this, omg that. Im tired of seeing this in chat and forums all the time. A small patch with a small nerf will wake up all keyboard warriors which leads to nothing but arguments about devs, russians and god knows what else. What this game truly needs is promotion, a player base that will actualy play the game for more than a month (maybe even bring his/hers friends to game too), more cooperation with russian/english staff. Like building a house, first you build the foundations, then you build walls, then you build roof etc. Once this game has more than a million players, then we can start arguing about the damn cov ops and the damn t5 lollygaging.


This was worded really poorly and is more griping than it should be, but the point is completely accurate. A vibrant playerbase is the only way to fix these problems long-term. If something is truly broken, the problem expands when there are more players, and it’s easier to notice and harder to justify its continuation.


This is a really niche game if we keep it small, so it’s quite honestly up to us and marketers to get this game out there. The fact that there are no streamers or game casters hurts as well.


Streaming and casting are both something I plan to start doing. I think I would do reasonably good commentary, and I just got my kickass setup in.

Don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m still getting the 1 day licence from the 5th login bonus - it just doesn’t tell me that I got it.

Im starting to lose intrest in this game because of same reason that pulled me away from most MMO games. Battles lose their feeling, fighting just becomes boring, everything is just based on numbers. You can see who will win in first 30 seconds. You get to play with same people over and over and over again…you have to wait 6 minutes in queue just to get a lousy team and a defeat. People always shout that ships are OP. Omg tackler is OP it haz dem drones! Omg ECM is OP it can stun you! Omg this, omg that. Im tired of seeing this in chat and forums all the time. A small patch with a small nerf will wake up all keyboard warriors which leads to nothing but arguments about devs, russians and god knows what else. What this game truly needs is promotion, a player base that will actualy play the game for more than a month (maybe even bring his/hers friends to game too), more cooperation with russian/english staff. Like building a house, first you build the foundations, then you build walls, then you build roof etc. Once this game has more than a million players, then we can start arguing about the damn cov ops and the damn t5 lollygaging.

Games are getting boring and one-sided because of the players, not because of the game. Of course developers not taking care about it either. Main problem: no proper tutorial. New players in T3 already should be able to play for objectives, fit their ships reasonable and know the abilities of their ship classes. And what I see? Half of the team stands in the spawn and Jericho sniping, the other half goes in one-by-one and dying. I really often loose my mind in game-chat because of “non-educated” players. That’s why games are one-sided, because the matchmaking algorythms only sees raw numbers what doesn’t represent the actual player. And of course, no tier-restriction in PVP games, so beginners will bring their t1 ships to t4/t5, because “the game allows it”. We need more tutorials in-game and proper descriptions. We need to improve the current player-base first, then we can start promoting the game.

Don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m still getting the 1 day licence from the 5th login bonus - it just doesn’t tell me that I got it.

Yeah. Your not the only one. We were talking about it here [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25869-suggestionsways-to-improve-star-conflict-gs-loot-customization/)

Perhaps it would be best if you tell in chat that u are willing to helo newbies.


Streaming and casting are both something I plan to start doing. I think I would do reasonably good commentary, and I just got my kickass setup in.


Lookin forward m8 :slight_smile:

Perhaps it would be best if you tell in chat that u are willing to helo newbies.

Maybe I’m not so friendly sometime on the chat, this is comes from my temperament. The only thing what I can say is: don’t take me that serious, and sorry about it.

But really, how can I keep calm, if in T4 the Engineer costa turning on/off the modules because he has no idea how it works? What should I say if the teammate worst than a bot?

I sent PM to them several time, I didn’t get any answer… I was so friendly in this case because I did the same in T1-2 when I was newbie…

The only tier where we get often 4squad matches is T3. After we figured out the MM bug, we get games as 4squad again, but I’m so disappointed about it.

As I know the MM has different queues besed on the highest rank ships what you have. The golden ships always count as Rank-1.

So if we like to play together we have to go mostly against R7-8 squads what is not fair to them, and not fair to us too.

Otherwise we are in a serious community building in our own country. We spending hours per week to translate each patch not,

explain fitts, classes, gamemodes for the newbies, play together with them, help them with credit from the deep space.

But the source of the problem is the invasions gamemode, and the the poor tutorial.

The goal of invasion:

  • Rush to T5 with 1 ship

  • Reach R15 as fast as you can

Goal of PVP:

  • Rush to T3 then Rush to T5 with at least 4 ships

  • Reach R3,R6,R9,R12,R15 with at least 3-4 ships and make them purple.

The game doesn’t explains for the players, if you rush to T4 with a wrong class, your life will be very hard.

Because of the T4 realistic matches you’ll lose a lot if you just have 1 proper ship, and the Hangar switch become expensive.

I’m still waiting for the next patch, where the introduce a new MM rules what’s starts prefer the squads and the corps in every tier.

I’m still waiting for the T5 balance

I’m still waiting for the T4 T5 tier restriction.

I’m still waiting for the no-skill weapon nerf.

I’m still waiting for a good playable version.

Tomorrow is the day! Patch, update or whatever it’s called. Version 1.0.14 should not dissapoint with one or two easy changes.

We waited for nearly four weeks without any real update or content so far.

I’ll have to set my alarm clock.  :slight_smile:

Wake me up when they release the craftable Federation tackler.


Can I just say I am glad I managed to scrape together those ship parts before they nerfed salvage and took away the 5th day license? Because without those two things, I would have been grinding for 5 months instead of 3…

Wake me up when they release the craftable Federation tackler.

Can I just say I am glad I managed to scrape together those ship parts before they nerfed salvage and took away the 5th day license? Because without those two things, I would have been grinding for 5 months instead of 3…

5 day licence is not removed,only the description is removed.