Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion

@Dirk, when was the last time you flew a lightbringer/Piranha/Appolo, not the DPS Mjolnir or Spark, the deference in output dmg of these 2 groups is tremendous, and i am not arguing about Spark/Mjolnir since those are easily competitive with whole line of interceptors (in its current state), and while you are at it, try anything except for Ions. Amount of effort you have to put in in those ships in order to effectively dive on a frigate/fighters is in magnitude higher if you would simply use an CovOp/Recon. One of the big factors in Interceptors DPS output is Unguided missiles, they decimate fighters and Frigates and that is a fact in any time zone.

If interceptors effective DPS to be nerfed, than Spark/Mjolnir, or at-least spark should see a base dmg nerf as well. If not, than all free gunships need a buff and all frigates/fighters need a HP buff as well.

@Dirk, when was the last time you flew a lightbringer/Piranha/Appolo, not the DPS Mjolnir or Spark, the deference in output dmg of these 2 groups is tremendous, and i am not arguing about Spark/Mjolnir since those are easily competitive with whole line of interceptors (in its current state), and while you are at it, try anything except for Ions. Amount of effort you have to put in in those ships in order to effectively dive on a frigate/fighters is in magnitude higher if you would simply use an CovOp/Recon. One of the big factors in Interceptors DPS output is Unguided missiles, they decimate fighters and Frigates and that is a fact in any time zone.

If interceptors effective DPS to be nerfed, than Spark/Mjolnir, or at-least spark should see a base dmg nerf as well. If not, than all free gunships need a buff and all frigates/fighters need a HP buff as well.


I fly flew lightbringer more than any other gunship before I got the spark. I flew the apollo a lot as well, i dont own the pirahna.


I use crit-rails on Mjolnir, and I can take on inties no problem. When I use the apollo, I use singularities, and those can be devastating to inties. Gauss is the only weapon i dont use on gunships.

Yes, because you flying it half a year ago has everything to do with what is happening now.

It wasn’t half a year ago. I just bought the spark at the New Year’s sale, and I had used the lightbringer up until then (which was upwards of 6 months of use). 

Anyone noticed the audio and lightning bugs? (voice sounds not playing when: shields are lost, pilots coms, hangar greetings, beggining a PVE game. Light: sometimes selected ships in hangar bays dont get enlighted). Or the contracts bug? (several times i had lets say as example, 50% of a contract ready…then a game after checked again and the same contract rolled back to 20%. In other ocasions it could be 100% but not finished (no vouchers rewards), even when relogging.).
Also, im i the only one that hates the new poor quality sound while beggining any game and wants the old one back?
(BTW, i love parenthesis :D)

Anyone noticed the audio and lightning bugs?


If you noticed a bug like this please make a thread in the Bug Report section of the forums with your log files incase we have missed it, Thanks

The problem, as I see it, is that there isn’t a clear role for each weight class.


Engineers and Guards work really well as support ships, using passive or active abilities to help the team in various ways. But LRF are a pure-damage class with virtually no support role of any kind, and some Guard builds out there are pretty nasty damage dealers.


Interceptors, as I understand it, were meant to be the harassment ships. They’re meant to be fast and agile enough to outflank, and they get bonuses to capturing objectives. But CovOps are also one of the big DPS monsters in the game, and the ECM’s ability to utterly shut down ships puts it right up in the middle of a brawl, not lurking on the edge.


Fighters… not a clue. Not a single clue. One of them’s a pure DPS build that doesn’t really compare to either the blitz-attack CovOps or the slow, but deadly Guard. The closest comparison to the Command is the Engineer, as it’s entirely focused around support, while the Tackler is fragile as hell and its modules appear to be better suited to an interceptor.


It seems to me that this is the cause of all the confusion and balance issues. Every weight class seems to be trying to have one direct damage class, one support class, and one utility class. But this isn’t taking into account the innate strengths and weaknesses of the different ship types, especially where Interceptors are concerned. In higher tiers especially, Interceptor survivability can reach utterly ludicrous levels.


In all honesty, I don’t think this is something that can be easily fixed without having the courage to do something really drastic. But the one thing that sticks in my mind is that since I started we’ve always had two kinds of problems: interceptor spam, and frigate spam. Never have we had people complaining about fighter spam. The closest we got was in Tier 1, where Tacklers have a noticeable advantage, but since T1 is so limited and over so quickly nobody ever feels the need to bring it up.


So, the simple fact that the metagame is constantly shifting from inty to frigate and never touching fighters, and has done this for years, indicates there is something very wrong at the heart of the game’s class structure. Unfortunately, it’s also a problem that does not present any easy fixes. Try as I might, I can’t think of any clear way to rock-paper-scissors the ship classes together that wouldn’t just make one of them obsolete. After all, if you might Fighters all have high DPS (to counter the tough Frigates) but low survivability (to make them vulnerable to Interceptors), then they’ll just melt under a few good Positrons or a single EM Torp. If you make them fast and agile (to keep up with Interceptors) but keep their damage on the low end (so they struggle to beat Frigates) then that means that they become pointless - you’d have the current CovOps situation of massive damage + untouchable speed = go-to class for easy victory.


Maybe the answer lies in something really, crazily drastic, like giving classes specific vs class modifiers so that, for example, Interceptors would be artificially weakened to the point where they just cannot solo Frigates anymore, but retain their viability vs Fighters and other Inties. Similar modifications could be made to other classes as well.

The other option, I suppose, is to address the problems of sheer speed and agility. Put simply, Interceptors are too fast. That was the whole point of the 700ms cap in the first place, but I still see the top-end Inty pilots putting seriously ballsy plays and getting away with it. Actually dropping a high end Inty pilot is next to impossible. Some people think fixing the ping and packet loss issues would fix this, but we have to accept the game as is, not as we’d like it to be. The fact that interceptors survive primarily on speed, not health or resistance, means it’s very hard to accurately gauge their survivability via metrics and statistics. It also says a lot that the primary counters to these ultrafast interceptors revolve around totally shutting them down with ECMs (who are themselves arguably part of the problem). Guards had an answer before the Pulsar nerfs, but Fighters have never had any comparable counter. Tacklers are too easily shrugged off to be a serious counter to Interceptors in higher tiers, relying heavily on ECM and Recon assistance to do their job properly. No wonder then that so many Tackler pilots have adopted the “drone spam” tactics!


But of course, massively nerfing Inty speeds not only sucks some of the fun out of the class, it also makes them much, much weaker. For pilots like me who can’t dance through 4+ target locks, endgame interceptors are all but useless in a straight up fight. To cripple them all in that fashion, capping their speed to something the majority of pilots can cope with, would also strip them of their value in serious, competitive play. That would all but guarantee a return of the frigballs, rather than promoting varied, balanced play.


As I said, not an easy fix any way you cut it.

But of course, massively nerfing Inty speeds not only sucks some of the fun out of the class, it also makes them much, much weaker. For pilots like me who can’t dance through 4+ target locks, endgame interceptors are all but useless in a straight up fight. To cripple them all in that fashion, capping their speed to something the majority of pilots can cope with, would also strip them of their value in serious, competitive play. That would all but guarantee a return of the frigballs, rather than promoting varied, balanced play.


As I said, not an easy fix any way you cut it.


Some good points Jasan.


I don’t see the problem with damage dealing, and I also started to cope with the speeds - but I can imagine, for some people this will be always too “hectic”. Was watching some youngsters play the game and entering T3, players who usually adapt way faster to games than me in my age, and they said, it was intense for them, very fast, very confusing. They liked it, but they could not play more than a few. It was exhausting for them - to my complete surprise. It needs time to get used to, and there are times, where I just can’t fly a Ceptor, because I just don’t want full adrenaline rush evasion games.


Don’t we all forget, this is a flying game. Complete 3d mechanics are usually not the first game you play and are good in (I say usually, so don’t feel you have to reply if it is, I know for some this game is actually their first). Usually, other games come before it. Think BF2, where flying was really a hard and dedicated job, especially since flying fixed wing aircrafts needs some training. But everyone can run around pretty fast on the ground or drive tanks; and games like that usually make it really hard for a plane to survive longer. Both gamestyles in the end have their own mastery; but in SC, flying (in the sense of reflexes) is usually only really part of fighters, or ceptors; while fighters and frigates share a lot more “positioning” aswell, which can be as hard to learn as constaorbiting targets. It’s not about fast aiming, like many other shooters, but fast or smart map movement, using all three axis. We all had to learn that at one point, and I can imagine, not everyone was doing good back then.


So players usually also start with two classes more heavily: frigates and ceptors. Many take the fighter as “the standard ship”, which is usually like a multirole. I myself did not understand fighters for a long time. I flew them, but I never got out how to be good in them, and focused Ceptors as quickly as possible, and only learnt frigates in a time where i wanted to play a bit layed back and supportive. I think many have similar experiences, but of course, we are all different people. Point is, I hardly hear about somebody who immediately “gets” the fighter, and keeps getting better only with that class. There are some people like that, but most either go to heavy ships, or light ships first.


So while I agree with your assessement of the problems, I would only remark: you did see fighter spam in games. It was called “Tournament Finals” almost every time. And of course, fighters are also so completely different from each other in later tiers, that ceptors can be often seen as one and the same type of ship, with just different modules; but gunships and commands become rather tanky, one supporting the other dpsing, the tackler becomes something different. And also Fighters rely on a team; they can be held up with tank, or outmanouvered with speed, etc., and many new players try them with cruise fits, because they want the speed - but they learn the counters pretty early.


This makes the fighter a ship class which everyone was at least playing a bit, but still most only master in the end, when they become part of teams, and start playing the game more and more tactically.


So the reason for not crying out “fighter ball!” is maybe also because the class actually is in the middle. It can do objectives, while it also can be part of mid- to long-range fights. It’s not because there weren’t any fighter spams; squads with 3 gunships + engi were pretty common, and empire gunships were a long long time unbeaten in their efficiency.

It’s just too obvious for us all maybe, what to do if the enemy goes full fighters + engi. But it can also be the indication of a quickly lost game, if the fighter pilots are vets, you gotta admit that.


I can agree on most of the things you wrote. Actually, that is why I say, Ceptors are not the main problem atm. because nerfing them will only highlight all the other problems, and we are back to Frigate Conflict, and Ceptors are the main fun class in this game for many; most games don’t get small ships like ceptors right, you usually feel it’s uncompetitive trash or complete trolling, but why play such small ships, if you got a Cruiser. I think this element is too important in this game to ignore.


For the ceptor escapes, I always thought the idea of nerfing adaptive hull resistances by 50% would make a lot of things disappear. I just don’t say it too often, because indirectly it could hit ceptors too harshly. But it would also make other special fits like adaptive guards or adaptive octopusses a bit less tanky. So you can counter them even if you don’t have the tools for it.


A really good post.


Anyway, nuf of me, I said what I gotta say, for the moment I just want to play.

I think the point with speed is very important. The ability to act fast, aim well, while doding at the same time makes Interceptor pilots very good at the game. The combination of these skills with the Inteceptors make them much stronger than anything else. Even stronger than any teamplay influence. 


If i would have to face a very good pilot in a frigate, i could think about some thinks to fight it effectively, for example thinking about my modules or using teamplay. But not with a very good Interceptor pilot. The teamplay would have to be very time accurate, very coordinated because teamplay that is even a second off would already not work any longer. Same with modules, they would have to be used exactly at the right moment.


Compare this to fighting a frigate. You can actually take your time and think for seconds about what you are doing. You can even talk to you your teammates and tell them what to do, they can answer “What explain again…and then…Ok”, i ll come around" and they might still make it in time.

You do not need teammates that knwo exactly what to do every second.


So simply skill matters much more as soon as you fly a Interceptor and since main weapon damage is still the main damage dealer, when you cant hit the Interceptor you cant do anything.


Still i dont think that is a bad think, because even i have fun flying an Interceptor at high speed. Still it is useless to fly in Sector Conquest against an Team of ESB or Nasa or whatever, its a sure slaughter. For a long time i often died without even knowing whats happening. That got better, but winnigb is still not an option by far. This is no fun.


Often it is said to train more, improve aiming skill or modules, but i tell you I have reached a point where i find it very hard to improve my gaming skills and i am still only far away from being able to fight top players.


SO what i would like to have is the option to fight people of my skill. Medium to well players, who can play the game but lack the ability to handle this high speed gaming so extemely well. Atm this is not really possible. I have a winning rate of 0,9 and this is because my games are split in three. I would say 30% my team and the other team are equal, these are fun games. 10% the other team is significantly worse, these are also fun games. But the other 60% its an overwhelming slaughter. Last one happens most often in SQ.


In my opinion the really good Inite pilots should play in some kind of gaming walhalla against other good players and leave me with fighting the players of my skill level. Unluckily, SQ is not this valhalla, its still very much a game of luck how strong the enemy is in SQ and T5.      


I suppose i could get what i want by playing t3 or 4 though, so i wont really complain. But of course i want to try nd play ma top ships, so actually it is complaining on very high level.

So in fact i would say game is good as it is. Sorry for wall of text.

Sector Conquest against an Team of [ESB or] Nasa



(not that I’ve played seccon much)

Playing sector conquest usually involves being tacked onto the end of a random squad vs a good squad (or the other way round).


Interceptors…they are either good or they are easy to destroy.

Has anyone noticed that now while waiting for the battle you can explore ship tree?



[DirkDecent](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240327-dirkdecent/)

Mjolnir is a good and very popular ship. What problem with this ship?

Has anyone noticed that now while waiting for the battle you can explore ship tree?



[DirkDecent](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240327-dirkdecent/)

Mjolnir is a good and very popular ship. What problem with this ship?

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25634-star-conflict-v1012-discussion/page-6#entry303140)

Yes, I did  and it is a really cool feature!

But now we can’t paint the ships anymore in queue. :frowning:

But I agree the Shiptree is better than the paint :slight_smile:

After some more testing, I can say that the orion nerf is irrelevant. Covert ops is still the defacto carry in the game.

People complaining should just stop bitching and play the game.

But of course, massively nerfing Inty speeds not only sucks some of the fun out of the class, it also makes them much, much weaker. For pilots like me who can’t dance through 4+ target locks, endgame interceptors are all but useless in a straight up fight. To cripple them all in that fashion, capping their speed to something the majority of pilots can cope with, would also strip them of their value in serious, competitive play. That would all but guarantee a return of the frigballs, rather than promoting varied, balanced play.


As I said, not an easy fix any way you cut it.


I think you don’t need to cut their speed, problem should be solved by cutting a bit of their maneuverability. It’s speed + size + maneuverability that makes them so deadly. 

Also, somebody else mentioned this somewhere, it would be cool if the tackler had one of it’s modules modified to remove 40% maneuverability instead of 40% speed. Then, it would be a nice counter. 

I think you don’t need to cut their speed, problem should be solved by cutting a bit of their maneuverability. It’s speed + size + maneuverability that makes them so deadly. 

Also, somebody else mentioned this somewhere, it would be cool if the tackler had one of it’s modules modified to remove 40% maneuverability instead of 40% speed. Then, it would be a nice counter. 

Sorry, that was me not being really clear; maneuverability is indeed the key issue, not raw straight line speed.

Put simply, Interceptors are too fast. That was the whole point of the 700ms cap in the first place, but I still see the top-end Inty pilots putting seriously ballsy plays and getting away with it. Actually dropping a high end Inty pilot is next to impossible.


Actually you seemed to be talking precisely about speed but hei :stuck_out_tongue: Good ideea is good, a 20% nerf on maneuverability should do the trick, considering how crazy high it is with 2-3 verniers. They would still have their speed/size, so the class would not become not fun. 


Or a 30% or so nerf on weapons. There’s actually in ECM viable build in T5 Empire with pulse/curved/3 heatsinks that goes to 4k DPS in hangar no problem, so yeah, that one at least outshines lots of gunship builds DPS wise. Talk is talk, but inties having in the endgame the same firepower as gunships is wierd.


They’ll never consider it it’s just speculation we’re doing tho :slight_smile:

I sort of amalgamated the two together; slow ships tend not to dodge (because they can’t), while ships with very high speed also tend to be able to dodge. But ships that have raw speed but no agility aren’t really the issue I had in mind when writing.


Is that clearer?

I sort of amalgamated the two together; slow ships tend not to dodge (because they can’t), while ships with very high speed also tend to be able to dodge. But ships that have raw speed but no agility aren’t really the issue I had in mind when writing.


Is that clearer?


So and so. An interceptor with 400 speed and say 50 maneuvrability will still dodge a lot better than a fighter with 400 speed and 50 maneuverability, because it is smaller. But since inties have the highest speed AND highest base maneuvrability, + smallest frame, they will always come on top. Specially since they have the same DPS as fighters. Overdrive = Orion basically, and crit from gunship active module is not that much when you compare it with base crit of CO. In the end it seems that CO > Gunship all day long, with the sole disadvantage of engagement range. 

Also the fact that we see so much intie spam is a proof in itself that they are not properly balanced…

  • Fix the MM
  • Fix the t5 implants or change MM for bigger games.
  • Stop people who fly t1 t2 t3 in t5
  • Fix Waki AE (or change MM for bigger games in t5)
  • alternatively you could start overhauling the ECM
  • STOP making nerfs incorporating all the tiers, thats stupid and rather alienating
  • Stop punishing teamplay
  • Test your product more intense; if the basic mechanics of the games are bugged to a degree that staff does not believe those bugs even exist, then please STOP adding content that makes the jungle even denser.
  • FIX drones, the first step to do that, would be to make Jericho 13 implant not to affect drones. Those 20% effectiveness to the already 0 spread to the sentry drone is just BS
  • Why do you nerf stuff on the basis that people dont learn to counter stuff? why dont you finally invest some effort in educating the community about how to play and how to counter. It does not help that everybody can get to t5 for 15€…


I do not care about the Cov Ops Orion nerf. Because after all its not about the damage, its about how you play it.

But if this progressive nerfing goes on we will be back to frigate conflict. I was there, it was not beautiful.

BTW when was the last time you cracked a frigball with a cov ops?

Its just stupid idiots who fly support frigates out of position in solo play who complain. Those are the people that get killed by a single Cov Ops… guess what, thats their role and if you are out of position then its your fault.


And fighters… i played my first year with 11 to 14 fps and still managed to defend myself with ions against ceptors. Practise already!