Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion

Currently only Spark has considerate amount of dmg (and some DPS Mjolnir builds) to compete with DMG out of interceptors and especially CovOps, even counting in Overdrive…



Woah there, interceptor weapons are the 5 worst in the game, they all have xxxx dps and/or some sort of crazy drawback. Thanks to that ecm and scout are at the bottom of the dps scale. I think YOU should look at the numbers more closely.


I get that 1v8 comment is obviously a hyperbole but still. While I can 1v2 some types of ships thanks to white noise, I can barely solo a well fitted guard or any imperial frigate if they are shooting back at me.

Also are you seriously praising inty unguided missiles now? Ha! I would gladly trade them for any fighter guided missile or an EM Torp.


I can agree on most of that, but honestly, ecms aren’t op. 

their stun modules can be reduced a good deal, and gunships can casually counter them.

Energy drain is counter-able via the implant and high energy regeneration. (225+ with 12b implant, for instance.) (that being said, I need to test it a little bit more with MK.4 drain. High energy regeneration alongside a healer’s energy emitter, however, works wonderfully.)


Russians are great players. The only problem I see is that we simply lack good means of communication between languages unless we actively go to the logs to copy’n paste to a translator, or we use people with knowledge of both languages under their belt to translate. Teamwork is one thing we’ll see more of when the squads are let loose into the world without restrictions.


I don’t mind the tier rushers. We just need to adjust capture the beacons to a ‘one ship per player’ mode, so we can focus on actually leveling our ships, instead of having to fight against the odds every time we want to level that first T5. If someone wants to maximize their synergy on one ship by queuing with only one so that very ship gets all of the earned synergy, then that should be able to happen.

sry wolfkhan, but i disagree, instead there should be minimal ships for the last two tiers, to ensure at least 3 or 4 ships in deck.


to address the problem of that gamemode being hard while synergizing, it could give better synergy to every single ship, but one-ship-users defeat the purpose of that match. If everyone only comes with one ship, then it becomes a boring dodging style gameplay, like 4v4 CS with 10 minutes timeout.


CtB is still one of the most balanced gamemodes we have, and it actually is a strongsuit of the pvp play; even if I personally of course, like fast respawn games more for the casual run.


respawning with ships until you reach 4 is also a bit out of question, since it would mean, you can use a stronger ship 4 times in a row;

I believe the game mode would become more intense with only one ship per person. (one life in the game only, per pilot), you put too little faith in the user base. 

Release your inner masochist~

But it would lose one of its big tactical elements, like which ships to target first, because of the possible reinforcements they have; and instead, battles would be over after a few kills, because you will never keep up with capping once the teams are undividable.

perhaps, but with this, a single pilot can make the difference, even if it’s against the odds. the battle can swing either way, and teamwork will become much better. (pilots will be able to strategize on the ships their allies are bringing, and plan ahead.) Anyways, it’s only one option. personally, I’d like to see this, but with the team battle setup, without the power up items, and as I said, one life each.

the majority of quality ceptor players was and is still western, in any timezone, since 0.6 times.


most of the top ceptor pilots are russian. lucky for me about half of those russians are esb ^^

most of the top ceptor pilots are russian. lucky for me about half of those russians are esb ^^

well in my opinion, fighting you is much harder, than any of them, so depends on what you think as top.

but still, counting in all ceptor pilots, who are rather good to really unbeatable, this is still a short list, compared to how many top gunship pilots are in ru, vs. how many are in eu/us, especially if you go by ship-of-choice in usual daily battles.


and you can’t deny, that esb’s main frightening power is their excellent gunship play. they showed it again and again.


anyway, it does not matter, what matters is, the vision of a gameplay where interceptors are “trying to do objectives” without giving them a standing power, and some damage output, is simply fictional. it matters, that most ceptors in t5 in games are not the overpowered menace, and the few ceptors that are, usually because of their pilots, play them nearly every day. what matters is, that t5 atm. is really not an inviting place. and that ceptors should not be the main concern, and tests on spreadsheets wont tell the reality, about how deadly _all_ gunships really can be in the right hands, especially if you accumulate all the external sources, like team composition, etc. and how useless ceptors can become if the enemy team plays it right. since you cannot win every game with only ceptors, we are far from the “op” status.

nor did the CO replace the gunship in any way.

So here are some standard builds that are widely adopted by now:

Here is a lightbringer:

These are builds that works, not something gimmick, they could have a little more dps or a little less, depending on a goal.



Here is a Piranha


now FalconM



Specter Falcon



Jarl “F your frigate (or imperial fighter)” build


ANd here is my favorite, Team Support ECM



  1. I believe you are capable of running the effective dps math yourself (where you include crit chance and crit dmg)

  2. Take a note of CD difference of dmg boosts on Gunship required to do dmg, and CD on orion (extra bonus for using Pirate orion, but its craft-able so i ignore it)

  3. I assume that IonBeam DPS stat is not the actual DPS that is shown on all other weapons, right? This is an approximation on average dps after resist ignore mechanics is fully running and accommodating for overheat, while not counting for crit/crit dmg. So if you want to calculate Ions initial DPS you do (dmg per shot) * (firerate) / 60 , and then accommodate for crit/crit dmg and optional overheat cycles.

  4. watch closely how much unguided rockets do and how fast they shoot. Maintaining 60-70% accuracy vs Fighters and ~80% vs frigates is hardly a hard job to do, while vs inties it is a different story.

Interceptors should not out dps fighetrs without any dmg buffs, while those are not even DPS interceptors, ECM should not be able to reach that much of DPS, that is the core problem with ECM, not tdisables combination of 2, Recons - suppose to provide mobility, objective oriented gameplay and Sensor range, and what they do? lollol pewpew try to kill me i’ll go over there and steal your beacons while you are respawning.

If they to keep their DPS output, they should be a 8-2/14-1 nerf and survivability/agility nerf as well or the DPS should be reduced across all interceptor guns.

isn’t that more of a problem with empire ecms? (ships in general) since they get that rather nice damage boost.

The empire ecms are, however, a little less tanky.

As for the Falcon-M, it’s a covert ops with lots of crit chance, and it has the ability to increase the critical hit bonus by a grand margin. of course it’s going to do a lot of damage.


A lot of the pulse laser’s damage comes from the curved reflector, which we all know keeps you at a very limited range. a pesky range, but limited.

Rapid fire blasters and the shrapnel are both generally hard to use, but their damage outputs are necessary for non-crit types.

If we reduce the amount of critical damage possible, you’ll find the critical hit users do a lot less damage. with us simple damage users, our raw damage is only barely scraping through resistances that use good regeneration from a healer… only our missiles are our saving grace.


I believe we should leave covert ops out of this argument. Just focus on ecm’s and recons, since they’re the usual interceptors by nature, while the covert ops is like a mini maneuverable gunship. 

Raw numbers game, i like it. 

Let’s forget for a moment that hangar’s dps doesn’t mean so much. You forgot about things MORE important than the raw dps number.


  • The spread on the shrapnel? How many hit do you get in REAL games compared to an ion emitter?

  • The spread/overheat mechanic on the rf?

  • The range on pulse laser? 925 meters (before nerf on curved it was 1200 something). Really? Do you want to compare it to the range of an assault railgun or of an ion/gauss or whatever? 


Being on a 'ceptor mean fast close range combat, something that in REAL games is hard to survive to, cause while you approach enemy team or while you are escaping they can hit you really effectively (unless you have n00bs in the enemy team). It’s the price you have to pay for that raw number dps.


Last thing: not a single screen you posted can show that the dps from a gunship is inferior vs ceptors’ weapons… the only exceptions are the singularity with the ammo from invasion (btw that is not a proper ship for that weapon), and the empire ecm which is pretty broken (and again that weapon is not the best choice for that ship).


Oh i was forgetting something, gunship and command have modules (gunship have 2 modules) that can boost dps… apart cov ops with the Orion targeting complex, all the other ceptor have nothing like that.

I could agree to that If all auto aim content will be removed.(like drones, missiles, tackler drones)

We would have to focus on aim skill which would make this game fun again

I would not be happy with that. I think the game should also be about Tactics, and somebody like me who does not aim well should have a chance to win. Atm i can barely hold my own against good aim interceptors, but its hard and the 20% help. Still i never get at the top ranks.Aditionally it is for me at last impossible to improve my aim skills. The best way to do that would be to play the game, which i have been doing a lot and i have not been getting better at aiming a single bit for months.

Raw numbers game, i like it. 

Let’s forget for a moment that hangar’s dps doesn’t mean so much. You forgot about things MORE important than the raw dps number.


  • The spread on the shrapnel? How many hit do you get in REAL games compared to an ion emitter?

  • The spread/overheat mechanic on the rf?

  • The range on pulse laser? 925 meters (before nerf on curved it was 1200 something). Really? Do you want to compare it to the range of an assault railgun or of an ion/gauss or whatever? 


Being on a 'ceptor mean fast close range combat, something that in REAL games is hard to survive to, cause while you approach enemy team or while you are escaping they can hit you really effectively (unless you have n00bs in the enemy team). It’s the price you have to pay for that raw number dps.


Last thing: not a single screen you posted can show that the dps from a gunship is inferior vs ceptors’ weapons… the only exceptions are the singularity with the ammo from invasion (btw that is not a proper ship for that weapon), and the empire ecm which is pretty broken (and again that weapon is not the best choice for that ship).


Oh i was forgetting something, gunship and command have modules (gunship have 2 modules) that can boost dps… apart cov ops with the Orion targeting complex, all the other ceptor have nothing like that.

I see, so you are not the one of those “good western interceptor” pilots g4borg was talking about

I see, so you are not the one of those “good western interceptor” pilots g4borg was talking about


You remind me a young Berlusconi.

Try to argument instead of writing those wonderfull statement of yours. People starts to understand you’re bluffing. 

(posting video while hunting n00bs with a broken christmas weapon: it’s like the blushing player with four aces in his hands) .

You remind me a young Berlusconi.

Try to argument instead of writing those wonderfull statement of yours. People starts to understand you’re bluffing. 

(posting video while hunting Aces with a broken weapon: it’s like the blushing player whit four aces in his hands) .

It is impossible to argue with ignorance, no matter how many arguments you throw at them, they will side track the argument, you have proven doing that multiple times, i see no point in any discussion with you.

It is impossible to argue with ignorance , no matter how many arguments you throw at them, they will side track the argument, you have proven doing that multiple times, i see no point in any discussion with you.


I’m sorry, you’re right. I made a mistake, i tried to explain to someone who live in n**bs kills land what really matters instead of raw numbers. 

My bad.

I’m out since i’m not a forum warrior.


Edit: in the meanwhile try to not ruin this game more than it is, since you’re a tester.

If they to keep their DPS output, they should be a 8-2/14-1 nerf and survivability/agility nerf as well or the DPS should be reduced across all interceptor guns.



If I’d had to take the red or the blue pill, I’d opt for the dps nerf; if. but still, those numbers just look good on paper, a 925m pulse laser makes you weak against a lot of ships; true, you might deal a lot of damage, but overall, the ions there have higher crit, melt resistances, have triple range, the bubbles you use do 3100 damage with one shot, and the assault rails, well, you got me there.


Without the results, so statistics of the outcome, these calculations still only lead to guesses. If there is a higher damage value overall with certain ships or weapons, that should of course be corrected, but not because of a hunch, or a dry test on carcass, but by analyzing the data actual games give. And they had lead to several ceptor weapon changes in the past.


But I am still curious, so the Recon should just provide vision, and stay back? And they are such a problem in T5? Or Empire ECMs? Waki AE who can keep you from doing anything for quarter of a minute, and repeat the task if he gets some assists will much more likely get you killed. the piranha is of course easier to hit, because it has the size of a frigate. and at the moment i see tacklers with cruise engines capture more beacons. drop drones at A, cloak a bit, drop drones on C, go back to A and take it. in the meantime the other team just hurries around.

can’t completely blame them, since in one thing I have to agree completely with you kosty, tacklers in T5 are rather weird and hard to use for what they should do.


I still see the problem with individual ships, not the whole class, but i didnt want to blow up such a drama. Some ceptors are pretty weak and hard to play, others can die by a few collisions, but of course make up in damage; But the times of non-stop brawling and undefeatable killing sprees is still over since the curved nerf. It took a while, but the pulse at least now is a viable weapon, once it was just a joke to take it, then it had a bit of an OP time, like the shrapnel.

The nerf to the CovOps was not necessary… But now I love the completely destroyed Abandoned Beacon.

I would not be happy with that. I think the game should also be about Tactics, and somebody like me who does not aim well should have a chance to win. Atm i can barely hold my own against good aim interceptors, but its hard and the 20% help. Still i never get at the top ranks. Aditionally it is for me at last impossible to improve my aim skills. The best way to do that would be to play the game, which i have been doing a lot and i have not been getting better at aiming a single bit for months.


I’m sorry (not really), but dropping 2 sentry drones near the enemy team, cloaking, and running away like a b***h isn’t a tactic. It is a way for n00bs to rarely fight, rarely die, and get nothing accomplished (how this is fun, I have no idea). Tactics are things you do with TEAMS, not solo. A real tactic is something along the lines of working with your TEAM to out-think/out-play the enemy team.

If you can’t hold your own against interceptors, it means one of three things.


  1. You are using the wrong ship for the job/wrong build for the ship

  2. You need to practice aiming in the correct way

  3. You don’t have the skills required in T5 (or the enemy interceptor is one of the few good ones g4borg refers to, but this is a rare occurance)


If you keep dying to interceptors in a drone-pooping n00b tackler, it’s no surprise. A drone-pooper has no real practical use on a team, nor is it effective at fighting ANY other ship (unless you count guard drones as ships).

Most frigate builds aren’t built with fighting interceptors in mind. If you hate being killed over and over by an interceptor in your frig, equip modules/a weapon that allows you to fight them. Beam cannons are a great start, MPI and pulsar work tremendously well, and (as a last resort) facetorps never disappoint.


On the note of Kostyan and g4borg’s argument:

Numbers on paper mean nothing unless you apply them to the game itself. Gunships are far easier to get DPS with, especiallly using ions, as it takes considerably less skill to aim. Gunships are also far easier to fly when given high-ping/packet loss servers. For all EU and US (and maybe RU for all I know), RU servers give high ping and/or high/constant packet loss, making interceptors hard to fly. I do have to agree with the OWL guys, as when you primarily play in NA primetime, it doesn’t give you a completely balanced view of interceptors. Coming from a guy who plays during both EU and NA primetime, I can say that EU players are far better than US. 

Using an interceptor in a small T5 game in US primetime has much more advantages than playing in the same small game, but in EU primetime. Most EU pilots know how to counter interceptors, or at least have much more skill at fighting them. When you are a very skilled pilot playing against fairly unskilled pilots, you are going to be better, especially with interceptors. Lots of the new US pilots tier-rushed to T5, so they have no idea what they are doing. The biggest reason I hate tier-rushers is that they completely skip the low-mid tiers where you learn the tactics that help you fight interceptors (primarily t3, and t4 to some degree).