Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion

I have to try it but I think the nerf doesn’t makes the covops unplayable, but it makes harder to kill with it.

But, the problem is the way how they balancing the game, as Sponge wrote too.

The orion is not a noskill item, and we have much bigger problems with the drones and the ECM-s.
I had no problems with the covops before the scatter, I think against good pilots the covops was not op.

Also I don’t like the all tier nerfs, because imo, each tier react differently for this kind of changes.

What a xxxx update, dissapointing yet again, why destroy the covert op class to make up for the scatter gun fiasco?


small nerf to a damage module that only lasts 4 seconds destroys the whole class how? all interceptors are still pretty strong compared to the slower classes

Have you tried playing engie in t5 when the enemy team has a cov ops that can cloak, come in and melt you in two seconds? (unless you have a tackler or ECM in your squad to watch your back)


I am not an engi player im on my way to them but i played many times against them also in Cov ops and its true that you can kill an fed engi very fast however i  encounter many teams that watch their engi with ecm and many other ships and then its nearly impossible to kill them.

And if your team has any skill then they know they have to keep an eye out for the engi thats how the game works its teamwork you cant have any ship as tanky as a guard and if its an important role like healer you need to protect it.

And if you dont trust your team so much get a Naga with that you can survive a Cov ops attack a long time.

let me guess you and the other russians suggested it, It makes a huge difference yes, those 4 seconds make the difference between loss and win, you should know that. Why do people otherwise bother getting orange stuff? its a minimal diff but it makes the diff

I think you are missing the point that those “outstanding” pilots are the ones that are saying that CovOps are op, and were the one of the major factor for this nerf.

And all of these pilots do know and do fly pretty much all other classes-roles on way “above average” skill lvl.

Those above average pilots… Who are they?

xK? US prime time pilot?

Evi? DC/afk master?

or some mysterious pilot which won’t comment?

millanbel, so you are saying you need squad play to counter a covert op? Is that so weird then?


I’m saying that cov ops are OP and that when I see a good pilot on the other side who takes out a cov ops, then I cannot fly engie, unless I am in a squad.  Cov ops are meant for “mounting suprise attacks on ships that are seperated from the group” (or something along those lines if I remember the in-game description correctly), and not for single handedly taking down frigates, which is what they are doing atm.


For this reason I am glad they have received a nerf, even though it is a small one.


Now the devs just need to sort out the rank 13 implants.

Also I don’t like the all tier nerfs, because imo, each tier react differently for this kind of changes.


I fully agree with this.

If a team is helping an engi then its almost impossible to kill a good engi without dying yourself as you describe above… Only the lone frigates die fast and even then a good engi is hard to kill, remember the drones or the EM spamming engis?



Hopefully, none of the players complaining here were here when Guards were nearly completly reworked/Nerfed xD

let me guess you and the other russians suggested it, It makes a huge difference yes, those 4 seconds make the difference between loss and win, you should know that. Why do people otherwise bother getting orange stuff? its a minimal diff but it makes the diff

I am flying Cov Op 70% of my time and since many months I did not use the Orion at all in my build. So far I never had big issues to perform well or kill an enemey.

Maybe you didnt come across any good players, I can also kill players without modules, doesnt mean i’m good or that I dont need the modules, it means you dont need it to kill bad players but you do need it to kill good players.

Stop bitching about nerfing, 20% is nothing. They should nerf it by 60%.


Play something else instead of cov ops.

Omg the old guard nerfs killed them. They were only implemented to stop grinding PvE, which is impossible now due to rank restrictions.

Stop bitching about nerfing, 20% is nothing. They should nerf it by 60%.


Play something else instead of cov ops.

I could agree to that If all auto aim content will be removed.(like drones, missiles, tackler drones)

We would have to focus on aim skill which would make this game fun again

I could agree to that If all auto aim content will be removed.(like drones, missiles, tackler drones)

We would have to focus on aim skill which would make this game fun again

Even if they did, there is still the issue with internet connections.

Ludwig, arent you that guy that always flies engi? No wonder you have to post a useless insult, you are one of the guys that always gets shot by covert op. But if we have to remove everything that can shoot Ludwig we ll have to remove every ship in the game.


True the connection issues make flying the small and agile ships difficult enough as it is

Those above average pilots… Who are they?

xK? US prime time pilot?

Evi? DC/afk master?

or some mysterious pilot which won’t comment?

You want me make a list or something? You do know that RU forum exists, where majority of “best” pilots of this game resides, right? Just because we have couple guys in English community that could come close to them skill wise, does not mean that these are the only good pilots in the game.

If anything, super-test team, for the most part, is composed of most knowledgeable guys about this game, mechanics and game experiences wise, that able to see the bigger picture and not close minded into some tunnel-vision about 1-2 favourite imba build. Pretty much in unison agrees that interceptors are of the balance, where CovOps (Even recons/ecms can do more dmg than average NONpremium gunships) replaced gunships because they do more dmg even without Orion, way more survivable because of all 8-2/13-1 (due to Orion easy kills)/14-1/EmergencyBarriers/amount of self healing/ much more mobile and independent form the team support/team healers.

If a team is helping an engi then its almost impossible to kill a good engi without dying yourself as you describe above… Only the lone frigates die fast and even then a good engi is hard to kill, remember the drones or the EM spamming engis?

From what I’ve seen T5 doesn’t have any really tanky engineers. There is no Styx / Minotaur equivalent, so engineers go down easier than in lower tiers.

Just have to build a nice, tanky, Octopus, and maximize the shield tank output and make it so the hull tank is good with 2 slots.


1 engine, 3 capacitors, 3 shield, 2 hull.


engine to turn speed, all three capacitors to shield regeneration, one shield to regeneration, 1 to thermal, the other to anti EM.

as for the hull, you can defend against all types by a considerable amount with just 1 anti kinetic, and the galvanized armor.


Implants would be like this, 1c,2c,3c,4a,5a,6a,7b,8c,9a,10c,11c,12c,13a,14c,15c     a=E  b=F c=J


12c implant would increase shield regeneration to around 350+ per second.

14c improves the hull tank further after the shield is lost (which will happen a lot less)

Heh, free frag every 40 seconds

And I suppose people already forgot last change to Orion, where it got 20% CD reduction in exchange for 1 second duration? It was Strong prior to that, but that CD reduction, practically removed any downtime since it is 30 seconds now, boosting lololo dmg output of CovOps.