Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion

If someone one would actually feel 20% reduction to a module negates a ship line…


I hear there are this recon ship thingies, there sapose ta be purdy good.


They cloak, decloak enemies, negate ENG regen, get crit chance bonus, beacon capture bonus, senors bonuses, drain shields, and move really really xxxx fast.


A good solid feeling is dropin a micro locator on that xxxx tackler fleeing like a school girl from a hoard of zombies. Those kills are so sweet.

I don’t remember what it looked like before, so I wasn’t going to comment. Maybe later I’ll warp back to Imperial space and have a nosey around there.


Edit: Anyone else get a Battlestar Galactica vibe from that pic? Go and take it again in a Sai!  :005j:


It looked the same, but without a gigantic debris field from a f’d up dreadnought. :stuck_out_tongue:

What a xxxx update, dissapointing yet again, why destroy the covert op class to make up for the scatter gun fiasco? Learn from your mistakes,do you see players leaving the game? that might give you a clue

Well, another nerf to cov ops.

Seems right according to feeds reported by people not playin this game anymore or just frigballers or n00b’s killers.

Nice work.   :fed012:

I recommend keep buffing unskilling meta, and squads nerf! This is the right direction. 

Well, another nerf to cov ops.

Seems right according to feeds reported by people not playin this game anymore or just frigballers or n00b’s killers.

Nice work.   :fed012:

I recommend keep buffing unskilling meta, and squads nerf! This is the right direction. 

And yet covert ops is still one of the defacto carries in the game. This remind me of the LRF small nerf cry. If you can’t do well in a cov ops after they reduced orion by 20%, then you weren’t doing well in a cov ops to begin with.

Well, another nerf to cov ops.

Seems right according to feeds reported by people not playin this game anymore or just frigballers or n00b’s killers.

Nice work.   :fed012:

I recommend keep buffing unskilling meta, and squads nerf! This is the right direction.

Yes, because Orion required so much skill to use…

Eheh here we go. The “real forum warriors” appears.

Eheh here we go. The “real forum warriors” appears.

If you can not see how CovOps are OP in higher tiers, well to bad, maybe try to run some tests comparing dmg outputs, maybe results will tell you a better story.

If anything simple nerf to Orion is not enough, the dmg output across “DMG weapons” (RFB/Pulses/Shrapnel) all interceptor weapons should be tuned down OR survivability of inties should be nerfed by quite a lot via different means.

Cov ops needed a nerf, but only in t5 I think.  In t3 matches are rather big so one pro pilot in a cov ops is less noticed.  In t5, too many very good pilots are carrying their whole team thanks to the almost god mode of cov ops.  I saw someone in English chat complaining about how he had been hit for 10k damage in two shots by a cov ops using shrapnel.  Now I don’t know his build or anything, but I do know it has happened to me many times before when I was flying a fighter or a frigate… And not just with shrapnel: also with RF blaster or pulse laser.


I don’t know if nerfing Orion has solved the problem, but I’m hoping it will have helped a little and make playing engineering frigate or command more enjoyable in t5.

It’s always the players who get shot a lot by covert op that complain, i keep wondering who keeps suggesting those idiotic ideas to the developers, if they would play their own game they wouldn’t make this much mistakes and they wouldn’t have to relie on information from certain players

It’s always the players who get shot a lot by covert op that complain, i keep wondering who keeps suggesting those idiotic ideas to the developers, if they would play their own game they wouldn’t make this much mistakes and they wouldn’t have to relie on information from certain players

I play T5, I fly interceptors and I approve of this nerf (frankly I think it is not enough)

I play every ship class, cov ops dont bother me at all, maybe there is something wrong with the way you fly

Cov ops needed a nerf, but only in t5 I think.  In t3 matches are rather big so one pro pilot in a cov ops is less noticed.  In t5, too many very good pilots are carrying their whole team thanks to the almost god mode of cov ops.  I saw someone in English chat complaining about how he had been hit for 10k damage in two shots by a cov ops using shrapnel.  Now I don’t know his build or anything, but I do know it has happened to me many times before when I was flying a fighter or a frigate… And not just with shrapnel: also with RF blaster or pulse laser.


I don’t know if nerfing Orion has solved the problem, but I’m hoping it will have helped a little and make playing engineering frigate or command more enjoyable in t5.

People don’t know what the kinetic hole is…

I play every ship class, cov ops dont bother me at all, maybe there is something wrong with the way you fly

I play every ship class, and able to see how CovOps are a god mode, maybe there is something wrong with the way you fly

If you  guys all have so big problems with cov ops in t5 then you pay 0 attention to the map.

Only by keeping attention  to the map you can counter a covert ops really hard but apperently you dont. I personally dont have problems with covert ops in t5 i think they are an easy kill if you know they are coming.

But why should you expect players to develope some skill if you can go and nerf the ships…

If you  guys all have so big problems with cov ops in t5 then you pay 0 attention to the map.

Only by keeping attention  to the map you can counter a covert ops really hard but apperently you dont. I personally dont have problems with covert ops in t5 i think they are an easy kill if you know they are coming.

But why should you expect players to develope some skill if you can go and nerf the ships…

If you think covert ops are easy kills, then you have fought the wrong covert ops.

If you  guys all have so big problems with cov ops in t5 then you pay 0 attention to the map.

Only by keeping attention  to the map you can counter a covert ops really hard but apperently you dont. I personally dont have problems with covert ops in t5 i think they are an easy kill if you know they are coming.

But why should you expect players to develope some skill if you can go and nerf the ships…


Have you tried playing engie in t5 when the enemy team has a cov ops that can cloak, come in and melt you in two seconds? (unless you have a tackler or ECM in your squad to watch your back)





If you think covert ops are easy kills, then you have fought the wrong covert ops.


Also that ^

If you think covert ops are easy kills, then you have fought the wrong covert ops.

If you keep attention to the map you can see them coming you can inform your team or you can shoot them while they are still closing in and while it true that there are some outstanding Pilots out there that are very hard to kill even if you know they are coming most of the players are not as skilled and die much much faster.

millanbel, so you are saying you need squad play to counter a covert op? Is that so weird then?

If you keep attention to the map you can see them coming you can inform your team or you can shoot them while they are still closing in and while it true that there are some outstanding Pilots out there that are very hard to kill even if you know they are coming most of the players are not as skilled and die much much faster.

I think you are missing the point that those “outstanding” pilots are the ones that are saying that CovOps are op, and were the one of the major factor for this nerf.

And all of these pilots do know and do fly pretty much all other classes-roles on way “above average” skill lvl.