Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion

nerfed orion well thats a little to much…but YESSSSS! NO MORE SCATTER GUN, WOOOOHOOOO!


nerfed orion well thats a little to much…but YESSSSS! NO MORE SCATTER GUN, WOOOOHOOOO!

a little too much?


These poor covert ops ships have lost their home. The dev gods decided that they didn’t like them anymore. They have no job, nowhere to go, no clothes, no food, no water and no shelter.


Please adopt a covert ops today and donate 200 credits a month.


Together, we can help these ships fly again.



Seriously though, my cov ops seem really depressed.

a little too much?


These poor covert ops ships have lost their home. The dev gods decided that they didn’t like them anymore. They have no job, nowhere to go, no clothes, no food, no water and no shelter.


Please adopt a covert ops today and donate 200 credits a month.


Together, we can help these ships fly again.



Seriously though, my cov ops seem really depressed.

Might have to put down your covert ops then. Plasma arc + orion just isn’t enough.



Please adopt a covert ops today and donate 200 credits a month.




I think thats a noble cause…poor little guys there nooderd now, but if there suffering to much I have to agree with sema, put them down, stop there misery 

It should NOT be soloing, especially not in T5. In an ideal world, T5 ships should be tough enough that the only way to reliably score kills is to have 2+ (or more) ships engaging a single target. That will make it necessary to coordinate, which promotes and rewards teamwork, squadding and use of TS.

Because let’s face it - as long as a lone pilot can score dozens of kills with little or no support (bar an Engi they can run back to for healing), then why would people do anything else?

Not all players have the skill to pull of something like that so you say just because some people fly good on their ships and kill other players solo they should change the strength of the ships and nerf them well then go on then you have many ships that need a big nerf. 

Going from your idea it’s also a great reward for Pilots who polish their skills to a level where they can pull some nice solo kills i better stop soloing enemys with my gunship or longrange befor it gets nerfed any more…

Any good pilot can do that in any ship. Covert ops is great because in small games it is easier to overpower a distracted foe, and also they are a good counter to ecm in 1v1 scenarios with the proper fit.


20% less damage under orion is a nerf, but it is not that bad. Good cov ops will keep soloing frigates and fighters, it will just take a split second more to finish them.


I would like also they nerf 20% of the ecm stun times, because it is funny that the current T5 is just ecm spam, but it seems the problem are cov ops.



Yeah, ECM spam is sucking the fun out of T5.  My concern is that if they do change anything, they’ll do it wrong - nerfing ALL ECMS rather than just addressing the one problem area. 

Oh, there appear to be Biomorphs active in Abandoned Beacons (in Fed space). Not sure if that was the case before, but there’s squadrons of them flying around without the usual green tint.


Going to take a trip over there in an Inquisitor at some point and assess their strength.

In-Tear-Ceptors are delicious !


I suggest to rename this module “Onion Targetting Complex”, because everytime you cut it, Interceptors are crying :smiley:

No!! My beautiful CovOps!! You broke it’s legs!!

Im really happy that the Winterweapons are gone but the nerf of the Covert ops was not necessary it was only the Scattergun that made them Op in the last few weeks

Poor covert ops :frowning:

Hawk-M was at 154% boost, now only 120…

nerfed orion well thats a little to much…but YESSSSS! NO MORE SCATTER GUN, WOOOOHOOOO!

a little too much?


These poor covert ops ships have lost their home. The dev gods decided that they didn’t like them anymore. They have no job, nowhere to go, no clothes, no food, no water and no shelter.


Please adopt a covert ops today and donate 200 credits a month.


Together, we can help these ships fly again.



Seriously though, my cov ops seem really depressed.


Is this for real? How blind can people be?





In-Tear-Ceptors are delicious !


I suggest to rename this module “Onion Targetting Complex”, because everytime you cut it, Interceptors are crying :smiley:


Salty tears.


Appart from that I’m not sure what we are allowed to say or not.  Anyway a lot of things can still change until they are released!


You should have signed an EULA where it said you can say anything to anyone, and you should know this better than me.

first plasma arch nerfed , now orion , next update another module maybe? after that cov-ops left wing will remove so you cant fly straight ( yo dont anyway not a big issue) 


but nerfing covop pilots fingers? Cmon what do you want me to do ,I’m a violin player!! now I’m gonna starve to death shot me already…

All this crying about CovOps and I’m still coming top of my team in the Eagle B…

first plasma arch nerfed , now orion , next update another module maybe? after that cov-ops left wing will remove so you cant fly straight ( yo dont anyway not a big issue) 


but nerfing covop pilots fingers? Cmon what do you want me to do ,I’m a violin player!! now I’m gonna starve to death shot me already…


Yeah because the fact that they’re small, fast, maneuverable and have tons of survivability due to that + adaptive shields, 35% base crit chance is not enough for you… now you’re completely useless with a 20% DPS reduction when using a module that last for a very few seconds.

10 seconds and %25 not 20

I expected much more from you, devs… Much more…

I am greatly disappointed…

And CovOps orion was only being complained about because of the ramming-damage weapon known previously as Scatter Gun. It was fine as-is! Now I’m expecting a nerf to plasma arc damage, main weap danage, web range, nuke range/damage/effects… And now I guess EM cloak will only last 10 seconds and have a 180s cooldown too!


its not like orion has been removed, it’s still an awesome module.


logically however, ramming damage or collision damage is true / raw / god damage, but not strictly the other way around


orion has been discussed before the scatter already in the forums.

Oh, there appear to be Biomorphs active in Abandoned Beacons (in Fed space). Not sure if that was the case before, but there’s squadrons of them flying around without the usual green tint.


Going to take a trip over there in an Inquisitor at some point and assess their strength.

please PM me and let me know, i’ve already mentioned this, i hope out of all hopes they are not full-strength because that’s wose than the predators and defiler. they were slow, these bio’s are fast and have fast projectiles, even if they don’t track you

And aparently, the tooltip for engineering drones has been fixed FINALLY. It says how much energy it uses per activation now, and was -not- in the patch-notes, as usual. XD

The bios out in Abandoned Beacons are much stronger than other NPCs you’d find in a Rank 1 sector, but they’re weaker than normal. I got attacked by six of them at once in my T5 Inq and easily drove them all off.


Also, only one dropped loot - container with 15 fuel. These aliens are clearly a much-nerfed version of normal Biomorphs.

The bios out in Abandoned Beacons are much stronger than other NPCs you’d find in a Rank 1 sector, but they’re weaker than normal. I got attacked by six of them at once in my T5 Inq and easily drove them all off.


Also, only one dropped loot - container with 15 fuel. These aliens are clearly a much-nerfed version of normal Biomorphs.

Similar to those at the Stations, then. But a little stronger. Station biomorphs do about 15dp/attack at station. 75/attack at abandoned beacon.







Dreadnoughts got F’d up…

I don’t remember what it looked like before, so I wasn’t going to comment. Maybe later I’ll warp back to Imperial space and have a nosey around there.


Edit: Anyone else get a Battlestar Galactica vibe from that pic? Go and take it again in a Sai!  :005j: