Star Conflict v.1.0.13 Discussion

Is this it ?


Is this all we get after all the “quests” etc over the holiday period ?


Where is the new content ?


Where are the new ships ?


I was expecting much more than this paltry offering ?


Is this what my Premium license fee and Premium ship costs are going towards ?


No wonder so many veteren players have left, the game right now is BORING.



Is this it ?


Is this all we get after all the “quests” etc over the holiday period ?


Where is the new content ?


Where are the new ships ?


I was expecting much more than this paltry offering ?


Is this what my Premium license fee and Premium ship costs are going towards ?


No wonder so many veteren players have left, the game right now is BORING.



Other people also have holidays:)

There will be more content when it is ready.

the orion nerf was absolutely needed… At least in t5 and it’s Nnt a huge nerf for covop anyway…


Still awaiting for ECM nerf by the way…


So happy the christmas weapons are gone… Now i can come back in game :)… And that picture of the fed dreadnought… OMG… That’s exactely what the game was missing till now

the orion nerf was absolutely needed… At least in t5 and it’s Nnt a huge nerf for covop anyway…


Still awaiting for ECM nerf by the way…

the orion nerf is painful. It’s like removing a wolf’s teeth. It can still bite, but it’s all gummy instead of killing it’s target. The scatter gun was OP especially with cov ops, the cov ops wasn’t that bad. The buff was only for a short duration anyway

the orion nerf is painful. It’s like removing a wolf’s teeth. It can still bite, but it’s all gummy instead of killing it’s target. The scatter gun was OP especially with cov ops, the cov ops wasn’t that bad. The buff was only for a short duration anyway


Really? As a t5 pilot i do think that nerf is not enoughh to limit the god mode of some covop builds u can meet in t5 :wink: But we’l see…

Is this it ?


Is this all we get after all the “quests” etc over the holiday period ?


Where is the new content ?


Where are the new ships ?


I was expecting much more than this paltry offering ?


Is this what my Premium license fee and Premium ship costs are going towards ?


No wonder so many veteren players have left, the game right now is BORING.



The veterans left the game because of the unfair/hidden ninja patches, the unbalanced T5 and the punished squad play, mixed tiers etc. Not really related to the content.

Personally I don’t want more content, I like to play finally a stable version together with my friends.

I like the Orion nerf, but the orion was op just with the scatter so I don’t think it will makes a huge difference.

What I still waiting from the next patch:

  • Disable squad restriction

  • Stop the Tacker Drone pooping (stop supporting noskill weapons)

  • ECM nerf in T5

  • R13 implant nerf

I’m also really interested, what was the hidden changes with this patch.

Orion was nerfed by 20%, but why Pirate Orion was nerfed by 25%? Does not compute :frowning:

the orion nerf was absolutely needed… At least in t5 and it’s Nnt a huge nerf for covop anyway…

The nerf was not needed at all cov ops was perfect as it was now try to kill a frigatte alone if the pilot has a bit of skill or if the team watches out for them its very unlikely for the cov ops to kill them

The OP covert ops from the last weeks was only because of the Scattergun not the Cov ops itself if you die to fast against cov ops you dont pay attention to the map they are so easy to spot and kill

The nerf was not needed at all cov ops was perfect as it was now try to kill a frigatte alone if the pilot has a bit of skill or if the team watches out for them its very unlikely for the cov ops to kill them

The OP covert ops from the last weeks was only because of the Scattergun not the Cov ops itself if you die to fast against cov ops you dont pay attention to the map they are so easy to spot and kill

Did it occur to you your covops isn’t meant to be able to solo kill frigates?

Did it occur to you your covops isn’t meant to be able to solo kill frigates?

For me the cov ops is a high risk high reward assasin ship if you can sucsessfully sneak behind an enemy you could kill him with a high chance buf if you get spottet while doing that you pretty much get kicked in the xxxx really quick

now that the damage is reduced by this amounts i can go and play ecm or Reacon because now the risk is really high even if i can come behind my enemy unnoticed i take much more time to kill him allowing his team to notice and kill me easy

i  played against and  with cov ops today quite a few times and it is a joke how easy to kill they are now that they dont make so much damage

Fairly large download still…

Some fluff excuse for another delay on dreadnoughts


Release date has not changed (so far). Can’t say when it is though :d

Really? As a t5 pilot i do think that nerf is not enoughh to limit the god mode of some covop builds u can meet in t5 :wink: But we’l see…

it lasts for four seconds though, when under heavy fire it’s not easy to stay in a straight line when your ship isn’t exactly sturdy. The only time i’ve ever really been able to lay down a full four seconds is biomorphs returning to portals, transports or t1-2 n00bs who freeze in terror. If you’ve managed to get singled out by a covops, you’re either running solo on a recon mission, in open world, or not hanging around the main group in the match. Or you’re a LRF who isn’t very observant. If anything, the radar invisibilty is more dangerous, a ship of that power can suddenly go untraceable

Release date has not changed (so far). Can’t say when it is though :d

are you allowed to tell us what the iridium is used for or whether there’s just one drednaught or several models with different costs?

For me the cov ops is a high risk high reward assasin ship if you can sucsessfully sneak behind an enemy you could kill him with a high chance buf if you get spottet while doing that you pretty much get kicked in the xxxx really quick

now that the damage is reduced by this amounts i can go and play ecm or Reacon because now the risk is really high even if i can come behind my enemy unnoticed i take much more time to kill him allowing his team to notice and kill me easy

i  played against and  with cov ops today quite a few times and it is a joke how easy to kill they are now that they dont make so much damage

For me, the CovOps should be a direct-damage support craft, able to quickly redeploy and bring its weapons and modules to bear on a target, then extract before major retaliation gets in.


It should NOT be soloing, especially not in T5. In an ideal world, T5 ships should be tough enough that the only way to reliably score kills is to have 2+ (or more) ships engaging a single target. That will make it necessary to coordinate, which promotes and rewards teamwork, squadding and use of TS.

Because let’s face it - as long as a lone pilot can score dozens of kills with little or no support (bar an Engi they can run back to for healing), then why would people do anything else?

are you allowed to tell us what the iridium is used for or whether there’s just one drednaught or several models with different costs?


Well you saw in the new year’s video that there are probably going to be at least two dreadnoughts


Appart from that I’m not sure what we are allowed to say or not.  Anyway a lot of things can still change until they are released!


Because let’s face it - as long as a lone pilot can score dozens of kills with little or no support (bar an Engi they can run back to for healing), then why would people do anything else?

Any good pilot can do that in any ship. Covert ops is great because in small games it is easier to overpower a distracted foe, and also they are a good counter to ecm in 1v1 scenarios with the proper fit.


20% less damage under orion is a nerf, but it is not that bad. Good cov ops will keep soloing frigates and fighters, it will just take a split second more to finish them.


I would like also they nerf 20% of the ecm stun times, because it is funny that the current T5 is just ecm spam, but it seems the problem are cov ops.




‘Orion’ Targeting Complex

Effectiveness reduced by 20%



Well you saw in the new year’s video that there are probably going to be at least two dreadnoughts


Appart from that I’m not sure what we are allowed to say or not.  Anyway a lot of things can still change until they are released!

hoping there’ll be like, entry level all the way up to super star destroyer


or you could make it stronger, like a death star.


Fairly large download still…

possibly background preparations for the dreads. 300 or so mb for a few minor changes. Unless the new sector maps make up most of it?


haven’t been out to the blown up sectors yet, i saw in the earlier posts that biomorphs were in them, can somebody confirm? If the predators and defiler have left but the biomorphs have remained, it’s still just as dangerous in there, if not more so. The preads and defilers were slow moving, but the bio’s are bloody fast

nerfed orion well thats a little to much…but YESSSSS! NO MORE SCATTER GUN, WOOOOHOOOO!