Star Conflict OBT v0.8.3 Discussion

I spent over 500 gold trying to get some purples over the past week, and didn’t even get 1.


What a waste, never again, totally not worth it at ALL.


Devs, please look into this, at least give us a 50% chance, especially if I put down some real money.

I express my rage at that ship because I cannot! Find! Any! Purples! And every single xxxx time I do, they get turned into smouldering debris. Out of 12, I managed to get a total of two, this is just frustrating as all hell and I’ve just… godamnit…

I got pretty much all purples I really wanted out except for stasis field. Also wrecked one set of stab rails for 300 gold, but found a new set today which I got out for another 300.


Lottery. It’s random.

well I’ve confirmed on my end that 10% chance is really NOT 5 in 50 attempts :stuck_out_tongue:


but the purples that i did get were really useful so guess I got lucky in that sense.

I dislike the range buff on the heals. The forum poll showed that most people found t3 engi balanced as they were.  During the last patch, the engineers did not lose their importance in t3 matches.  They were still crucial for anchoring a team and were still priority targets.  


Please slow down on these value tweaks and don’t change so much at once.  They were drastically changed every week.   While I applaud your responsiveness, I think you should give time for the effect of balance change to become clear before making tweaks.  When people talk about engi’s being too weak they may not be on the same page.   With the correct setup you can double the toughness of cerebus 2 from 30k to 60k. Please take time to investigate what’s truly the cause of the complaints before making changes.  


Furthermore, in combat heals makes the game less exciting.  There is no point expending modules or spending effort shooting at ships that’s flying in the heal field .  The game becomes an tedious hunt for the engineer over and over.  I think you should try to break up these large camping style of combat in favor of smaller more intense engagements that makes this game truly exciting to play.




 I do like the fed hull buff though they were very squishy compared to empire. 

I dislike the range buff on the heals. The forum poll showed that most people found t3 engi balanced as they were.  During the last patch, the engineers did not lose their importance in t3 matches.  They were still crucial for anchoring a team and were still priority targets.  


Please slow down on these value tweaks and don’t change so much at once.  They were drastically changed every week.   While I applaud your responsiveness, I think you should give time for the effect of balance change to become clear before making tweaks.  When people talk about engi’s being too weak they may not be on the same page.   With the correct setup you can double the toughness of cerebus 2 from 30k to 60k. Please take time to investigate what’s truly the cause of the complaints before making changes.  


Furthermore, in combat heals makes the game less exciting.  There is no point expending modules or spending effort shooting at ships that’s flying in the heal field .  The game becomes an tedious hunt for the engineer over and over.  I think you should try to break up these large camping style of combat in favor of smaller more intense engagements that makes this game truly exciting to play.




 I do like the fed hull buff though they were very squishy compared to empire. 

Are you serious? If anything they should look at the cerberus 2, instead of re-nerfing mass/nano clouds… they are good where they are at now I feel(Tho I don’t own the cerberus 2 yet) 

Frigate balls are a huge problem in T3 that didn’t go away after the engineer nerfs, and came back with brutal vengeance after this patch. Countless games with well over half the team flying a double brick or a cross now. At least they’re somewhat killable now, after you hit them with 3:1 and 4:1 number ratio. Anything less and you get slaughtered. Heck, even with 4:1 you sometimes get slaughtered because of random minefield/pulsar/jericho torp.


That and with assist scoring buff, top players are always either engineers or commanders. Killing is trash for scoring now, which means that classes that specialize in killing have no real chance to go for top score if there is even a half decent engineer or a command ship on the team.



Overall patch feels like a giant step ahead in terms of game usability (new tutorials) and a huge leap backwards in terms of gameplay being affected by skill rather then “take a frigate and win”.

Fighters cap at 600m/s. Because whenever I used Overdrive and the speed module my speed was always twitching at 599/600 m/s. Or was it 700… Ok, now I’m doubting myself because I can’t accurately remember which was which…

I know I’m late to the party, but my fighter will hit the 700m/s general cap with boosts and whatnot, so there is no Fighter Speed Cap.


Ugh. Can’t you see I just want to keep my standings as king of intys? I have though, for the first time in a long time, met another worthy opponent, but he was running a T4 ship and all he knew what to do was evade. 


Interceptors need one thing that would make them fully balanced and then the devs can stop touching them. Better reverse afterburners. Intys should be able to stop from 700M/s to 0M/s in less than 5 seconds, not the current 8 seconds or so now. It will help the covert ops alot, especially with the plasma arc

I was king of Jericho for the brief moment when there was no one else in Jericho to stop me. Good times…

Oh right, I too would like better reverse afterburners. Or even a button that will give off a burst to bring my ship to a complete stop immediately, even if it stalls my systems for a second. It’s really good we aren’t actually piloting these things… maybe they shouldn’t improve that capacity after all.


But I am filed under the subgroup of people who can’t seem to stop their interceptors well enough to get a good plasma arc flow.

JPhack: Worth noting that there is an engine mod that grants better acceleration on T4.

Hmm, at this point my Crus S is sitting at 10k less EHP, and I’ve got all blues for shield and resist.  It doesn’t seem right that the Anaconda gets more EHP, missiles, resist and is faster.  I’ve even got the implants for more resist  on mine.


Also, please fix the Jericho Cruise missiles.  I’d like my LRF to be somewhat useful.  

That and with assist scoring buff, top players are always either engineers or commanders. Killing is trash for scoring now, which means that classes that specialize in killing have no real chance to go for top score if there is even a half decent engineer or a command ship on the team.


I place top 3 with my Wolf-M gunship all the time.  Damage assists always get you more points than a buff assist so the longer you stay alive the more assists you get by default.   If you spend half the game in the respawn window because you suicide for your kills then of course the support classes will beat you on efficiency ratings.  Play smart and you’ll probably find you’ll get both more kills/assists along with a higher efficiency rating.  


You know what I do?  Rack up kills off all the interceptors who go for my team’s engineers.  They always get tunnel vision when they see a “lone” engineer.  It helps your team and your stats.


I still think the Crus S is a better guard.  I’m sitting at 63.4k surv and always out tank fed guards just because I can stack all my resists on my shield which already gets the benefit of the Phase Shield.’> screenshot-130620-205120.jpg

Hmm, at this point my Crus S is sitting at 10k less EHP, and I’ve got all blues for shield and resist.  It doesn’t seem right that the Anaconda gets more EHP, missiles, resist and is faster.  I’ve even got the implants for more resist  on mine.


Also, please fix the Jericho Cruise missiles.  I’d like my LRF to be somewhat useful.  

Survivability =! EHP. Survivability doesn’t count phase shield.


Oh and javajunkie, read who you replied to. I’m pretty sure I’m not the intended target for the awesome “learn not to die to get score” lecture :taunt:

Geat job guys, i like the new missions hope there will be a section in the forum to discuss about them.

This patch is good last 2 patch messed things up but with this one its getin better :slight_smile:

No no no, you misunderstand.


In the last two patches, when you killed an Agent it wouldn’t say “[Player] killed [Agent]”, it would say “[Player] killed [Harpy]” or “[Player] killed [Crus type S]” or whatever.


Now when you kill an agent it says “[Player] killed [Agent]”.


Oh, my bad, thanks for the info tho. 

The mass healing range buff was definitely needed, but remote heals are now back to the point where they - once again - need nerfing. These are the options we have:

  1. Just remove them.

  2. Reduce their range again.

  3. Reduce CD.

  4. Reduce module power.

  5. Frigate cracker module.

  6. Moar nukes.

EDIT: Who noticed the new particle effect on Ice Reef? At least, I think it’s new…

And notice how nerf frigs isn’t on that list. Frigs are not the problem. Their modules are.

I still think the Crus S is a better guard.  I’m sitting at 63.4k surv and always out tank fed guards just because I can stack all my resists on my shield which already gets the benefit of the Phase Shield.  

Finally, someone with a brain in this thread that appreciates Jericho Guards for their superior ability to tank decently.


I know I’m late to the party, but my fighter will hit the 700m/s general cap with boosts and whatnot, so there is no Fighter Speed Cap.


I was king of Jericho for the brief moment when there was no one else in Jericho to stop me. Good times…


But I am filed under the subgroup of people who can’t seem to stop their interceptors well enough to get a good plasma arc flow.

Very late.

Jericho ships were the rulers of space before the ship revamp. They still kinda are, but Empire is also a lot stronger, now.

Just brake before you hug them.


Also, please fix the Jericho Cruise missiles.  I’d like my LRF to be somewhat useful.  

Jericho missiles are FINE, just don’t fire them into areas with Guards nearby. It’s not rocket science!


So, who wants a new set of screenshots of “underpowered” 1100 rated frigate balls raping everything in sight because they happened to pick a frigate and stick in a ball? I have plenty yet again.

Record it, post on jewtube. That should get things moving along nicely.


Be careful with that kind of phrasing. As it might be considered offensive. For now just a verbal notification.

Thanks for the nice feedback, but please stay on topic.

We have now sections for T1-4 so you can leave some more detailed feedback there and we will try to improve the balance even more in the future.

That’s a Ricasso, Jericho T3 CovOps.


How the hell did you manage that!



arcade T3…very intresting…


and explosions cause that kind of thing it seems, sometimes.


and even with the old looting system i would have gotten more items, so this is really starting to piss me off and ruins looting :confused:


atleast make it 20% so there atleast is a godamn chance to get anything.