Star Conflict OBT v0.8.3 Discussion

Uh, no changes to the interceptors to compensate for the higher hulls, especially the Plasma Arc?

They only buffed the hull HP on federation fighters and frigates, and they’re still considerably less tough than their Empire and Jericho counterparts, so the max amount of HP you need to chew through is still the same. Not really game changing.

T2 plasma arc remains an issue, but I cannot in good conscience say that there is no Inty problem in Tier 3. Specifically, the ability for the Covert Ops to fly in and use the Arc + Nuke + Suicide combo to insta-gib a captain, and potentially wipe a good chunk of his supporting team as well. One ship should not have that much power.


Frigates are too squishy in T 2 as is, i will agree with that just fine.


Now T 3 is a completely different dynamic. Survivability soars up in T 3 while Dmg output is not scaled up at a comparable level.


Currently, Frigate corp Squads ( i play in those myself) are the dictating tactic to play in T 3. Interceptors are currently bomb carriers and pug hunters, they have little room in organized play, which is what T 3 is all about.


If you turn Cov- Ops into smth which isnt even good for captain hunting, what is it good for ? Ninja capping points ? Squad sizes are limited to 4 players, any smart team will rather bring another Engineer, guard instead or command ship instead of sacrifing 25% capacity for a kamikaze capper who dies instantly, does not buff anyone, and poop sustain dps/ tank.


Interceptors need more Teamplay integration, even the ECM doesnt bring enough to a Team due to long cooldowns on modules and redundancy outside of those mods. The ECM is a Teamplay interceptor which you do not want to bring to teams, since in a scenario of such limited spaces, other buffer ships just bring more sustainability, raw DPS and sheer buffs to your Squad and everyone else around your Squad.



Frigates are hurting in T 2.

Frigates dominate in T 3.


Gaijin must strike a balance here.

Ugh. Can’t you see I just want to keep my standings as king of intys? I have though, for the first time in a long time, met another worthy opponent, but he was running a T4 ship and all he knew what to do was evade. 


Interceptors need one thing that would make them fully balanced and then the devs can stop touching them. Better reverse afterburners. Intys should be able to stop from 700M/s to 0M/s in less than 5 seconds, not the current 8 seconds or so now. It will help the covert ops alot, especially with the plasma arc

Ugh. Can’t you see I just want to keep my standings as king of intys? I have though, for the first time in a long time, met another worthy opponent, but he was running a T4 ship and all he knew what to do was evade. 


Interceptors need one thing that would make them fully balanced and then the devs can stop touching them. Better reverse afterburners. Intys should be able to stop from 700M/s to 0M/s in less than 5 seconds, not the current 8 seconds or so now. It will help the covert ops alot, especially with the plasma arc

And a heck of a lot of nerfing. Well, maybe not a lot, but they still need to stop being so hard to kill. Especially the Cov Ops. Let’s go over its role:


Strike ship that is designed to target and eliminate lone hostiles.


LONE. Currently Cov Cops are capable of diving in and destroying a bunch before dying. This shouldn’t happen. It shouldn’t be happening. Yes, by all means, have your improved reverse afterburners. And emergency brake would do them well. However, the fact that you can jump into a miniature war, devastate a good few ships and then bounce out via your adaptive camo… I don’t understand why this is even happening. Even my tackler has a hard time killing Cov Ops, cause as soon as I get into module range I’m dangerously close to your plasma arc (note: Inhibitor Beam). If you turn round and flick that on, the best thing I can do is pull straight up, lose my debuffs, and then the roles are reversed. I’m no longer the cat; I’m the mouse. Then I have to expend my Chameleon trying to get away from you.


Really, nukes shouldn’t even exist. But if you wanted to balance Cov Ops, every ship in T3 and T4 should have a single NUKE slot. One per match. Expensive. Full FF no matter what mode you’re in.

Torpedo LRF didnt get fixed?

And a heck of a lot of nerfing. Well, maybe not a lot, but they still need to stop being so hard to kill. Especially the Cov Ops. Let’s go over its role:


Strike ship that is designed to target and eliminate lone hostiles.


LONE. Currently Cov Cops are capable of diving in and destroying a bunch before dying. This shouldn’t happen. It shouldn’t be happening. Yes, by all means, have your improved reverse afterburners. And emergency brake would do them well. However, the fact that you can jump into a miniature war, devastate a good few ships and then bounce out via your adaptive camo… I don’t understand why this is even happening. Even my tackler has a hard time killing Cov Ops, cause as soon as I get into module range I’m dangerously close to your plasma arc (note: Inhibitor Beam). If you turn round and flick that on, the best thing I can do is pull straight up, lose my debuffs, and then the roles are reversed. I’m no longer the cat; I’m the mouse. Then I have to expend my Chameleon trying to get away from you.


Really, nukes shouldn’t even exist. But if you wanted to balance Cov Ops, every ship in T3 and T4 should have a single NUKE slot. One per match. Expensive. Full FF no matter what mode you’re in.


There actually easy to kill. VERY EASY. 

I’m a veteran, and I have to announce how to kill us with ease. Do use the following to kill all interceptors.







TACKLERS (In general) 


Note that these are all based on T3 aspect.


Nukes are fine as it is, it takes 10 seconds to detonate and any guard frigate with missile shield can kill it. 


And please sabre, try to keep your posts unbiased, I see you’re having a lot of trouble with intys. thats not a reason to Nerf them just because YOU have a problem. But unless everyone you mentioned was within 500 meters of the Suicide Module then your team musta sucked…( I Apologise in advance if I sounded mean, I tell it how it is!)

Torpedo LRF didnt get fixed?

Jericho snipers have always been ok. Just don’t fire them near Guards or wait for someone to be dumb and trigger their defense systems.


Frigates are hurting in T 2.

Frigates dominate in T 3.


Gaijin must strike a balance here.

The problem is that they’re considering T3 to be the MAIN game. They’re half right. Most of the pilots DO stick to T3s but there are still many that don’t want to go up there (me being one of them, I simply prefer T2s over T3s, despite the fact I have half a dozen T3-ready ships with blue/green gear).

Balance discussions are not some kind of endgame bonus that unlocks after a thousand matches. With the game “Space Marine” I vocally denounced the Plasma Cannon as broken as hell from the moment I encountered it. On that game I am now rank 41 (max rank), with every weapon unlocked and every perk unlocked. There is literally nothing left for me to accomplish on that game’s PvP mode.


I still say that Plasma Cannon is broken, and all who use it can go to hell - even with the supposed “fix” it received.


Obsessing on who is complaining and getting all elitist about it achieves nothing. What you need to do is listen and try to understand why a given person is making these comments.


Let’s just look at some of Sabre01’s older complaints - the issue that he feels Engineers are underpowered. People, ignorantly, were happy to slag him off for using a Raptor Mk II and point out that the “real” Engineers are Rank 6. In doing so, they utterly failed to grasp that, by intent or not, Sabre was highlighting a very real problem - he is flying a Rank 4 ship and feels that he is too weak to fill the role his ship is meant to fill. Anyone who actually stopped and thought about what he was saying, and took into account who was saying it, might have grasped that.


I’ve had the same frustrations. My T2 to T3 transition blog is full of my vented rage at how weak and useless I felt flying Rank 7 ships. If my observations were wrong because Rank 7 was colouring my impression, then doesn’t that suggest something was wrong with Rank 7? After all, if Rank 7 is fine then surely anyone flying Rank 7 can comment on Tier 3 with just as much validity as anyone else.


Sabre is being vocal about a tier he does not yet fly, but given his progression he isn’t far off the point where he could fly Tier 3. Does not suggest, then, that what we are hearing from him is “This is what I am afraid of, and it makes me not want to progress”? He has no real experience, but his perception is of a game he does not want to play. That perception is based on reality - I can vouch that I’ve had matches ruined by NukeOps.


In that sense, his comments still have value, and they need to be looked at.

In that sense, his comments still have value, and they need to be looked at.


I’m so glad you brought that up. Its true. Maybe im just ignorant of peoples flying or skills? But I have a short fuse on certain “Nerf this or nerf that” posts. 


Its true, the transition from any tier to another should not feel overwhelming and the Devs should be keen to adjust that. Sabre DOES have a point in some respect. ( I like you sabre, at least your vocal!)


Can we get back to topic though? Engineers have a greater sphere of influence! WOOT! 


(Also Jason, who let you into NASA!? I have yet to speak to you in person! Damn other officers always forget to notify me of new recruits!..)

ZEIK pestered me in game, and I’ve flown with a couple of the Corp’s pilots. Mustache is an epic ally.  :lol:


I see something of a kindred spirit in you, JP. You know what you want to say and you don’t sugar coat it… even if maybe you should sometimes.  :taunt:



I’m talking about T2.






T3 interceptors… Oh man. I’ve seen them. Most of the time I’ve been trying to avoid actually getting shot at in the first place when I’m stuck into a T3 match, so I watch from afar. I feel sorry for those who still fly interceptors at that tier… Make a paper replica and throw it into space, for all I care: it’d last longer than the ones that are out there flying now!

Balance discussions are not some kind of endgame bonus that unlocks after a thousand matches. With the game “Space Marine” I vocally denounced the Plasma Cannon as broken as hell from the moment I encountered it. On that game I am now rank 41 (max rank), with every weapon unlocked and every perk unlocked. There is literally nothing left for me to accomplish on that game’s PvP mode.


I still say that Plasma Cannon is broken, and all who use it can go to hell - even with the supposed “fix” it received.


Obsessing on who is complaining and getting all elitist about it achieves nothing. What you need to do is listen and try to understand why a given person is making these comments.


Let’s just look at some of Sabre01’s older complaints - the issue that he feels Engineers are underpowered. People, ignorantly, were happy to slag him off for using a Raptor Mk II and point out that the “real” Engineers are Rank 6. In doing so, they utterly failed to grasp that, by intent or not, Sabre was highlighting a very real problem - he is flying a Rank 4 ship and feels that he is too weak to fill the role his ship is meant to fill. Anyone who actually stopped and thought about what he was saying, and took into account who was saying it, might have grasped that.


I’ve had the same frustrations. My T2 to T3 transition blog is full of my vented rage at how weak and useless I felt flying Rank 7 ships. If my observations were wrong because Rank 7 was colouring my impression, then doesn’t that suggest something was wrong with Rank 7? After all, if Rank 7 is fine then surely anyone flying Rank 7 can comment on Tier 3 with just as much validity as anyone else.


Sabre is being vocal about a tier he does not yet fly, but given his progression he isn’t far off the point where he could fly Tier 3. Does not suggest, then, that what we are hearing from him is “This is what I am afraid of, and it makes me not want to progress”? He has no real experience, but his perception is of a game he does not want to play. That perception is based on reality - I can vouch that I’ve had matches ruined by NukeOps.


In that sense, his comments still have value, and they need to be looked at.


I remember using the plasma cannon… Slow, heavy, inaccurate as hell, but did great damage. Unfortunately, every time I charged up a shot and released it it exploded  on the enemy jump pack dude who’d just divebombed me and was STANDING AT MY ******* FEET.



I’m so glad you brought that up. Its true. Maybe im just ignorant of peoples flying or skills? But I have a short fuse on certain “Nerf this or nerf that” posts. 


Its true, the transition from any tier to another should not feel overwhelming and the Devs should be keen to adjust that. Sabre DOES have a point in some respect. ( I like you sabre, at least your vocal!)


Can we get back to topic though? Engineers have a greater sphere of influence! WOOT! 


(Also Jason, who let you into NASA!? I have yet to speak to you in person! Damn other officers always forget to notify me of new recruits!..)



Yeah, I’m glad they reverted it. I needed that range VERY badly…

In that sense, his comments still have value, and they need to be looked at.

*facepalm* xxxx. Now I really feel like an idiot.


T3 interceptors… Oh man. I’ve seen them. Most of the time I’ve been trying to avoid actually getting shot at in the first place when I’m stuck into a T3 match, so I watch from afar. I feel sorry for those who still fly interceptors at that tier… Make a paper replica and throw it into space, for all I care: it’d last longer than the ones that are out there flying now!

NEVER say something is underpowered, especially ceptors. The devs understand that as “they need a boost” and ceptors really do NOT need any more buffs than they already have…


(Damn other officers always forget to notify me of new recruits!..)

xxxx yeah, they do.

I’m talking about T2.







Your previous posts are filled with T 3 references, would be helpful if you made it more clear next time :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah… this is always a tricky part. I remember being told that with feedback you need to not only listen to what is said, but how, where, when and why.


Of course, this isn’t always easy for us players. I might have a general recollection of feeling like I wasn’t achieving much, but it’s very hard for me to go through a game and say “here’s a list of points in the match where I thought I should have been able to do something I couldn’t.” You don’t always get clear flash-points like that.


Most recent one I had actually was as an Engineer in Tier 2. I felt like I should be doing more damage than I was because I was pecking at a fellow Hydra 2 and neither of us were really achieving anything. Looking back I can’t honestly say that was a problem, seeing as I was more than able to punch holes in smaller ships. If anything, my initial reaction of “my ship is too weak” was pointed in entirely the wrong direction - the problem wasn’t my engineer not doing enough damage, but his engineer healing too quickly for me to overwhelm him.


Ah, the fun of actually thinking constructively for a change. How it causes me pain.  :taunt:

I was afraid that it happens, and it happened.


The Type S Crus are not competitive enough compared to the Anaconda-M.

It’s an odd choice from the devs, especially when a lot of people complain about Frigates guards.


The Anaconda-M is a guard with more mobility than the Crus Type Q, with a bigger Capacitor  and better energy regeneration.

The thing is that there really no need to boost the shields of the anaconda-M, an adaptive shield + Multiphase + Implant SR Mark II + stage shield and the problem is solved. And just armored hull of our frigate with armored plated hull and a liquid metal injector and the implant “Gigas II” and it destroys the mental health of other players.


The naturals resistances of the hull (without implant or module) are already higher than shields. It became very hard to tank on the shields for Jerichos Guards.


On paper, the two frigates seems balanced.

And while one might think that jericho has an advantage with the “Phase-shield” is not really what happens in game


I’m afraid that Jerichos is increasingly denigrated in favor of federation and empire that benefit them most of the resistance of the hull.


With more strength, more missiles and more mobility on the Anaconda-M, we should not be surprised that there was less Jerichos.


I am not criticizing the patch because there are, in, very good choice.


But I am rather worried about the future of some ships. And even some factions.

I kinda liked the engi’s having a smaller healing radius, but honestly it doesn’t make any difference to me.


Inty’s don’t need any buffs… they feel just right where they are at (in t2 anyway). 


Self Destruct is such a cheap ability… but meh, at least it takes up a module slot.

The Type S Crus are not competitive enough compared to the Anaconda-M.

Geez, they buffed the hull by a whopping 1.8%. If it wasn’t in the patch notes I doubt you’d have even noticed. Claiming that it’s changed so much that Jericho Guards are no longer competitive is simply ridiculous.

Mmm, though im still waiting for Corp Vs Corp battles. I cannot wait to get back in game and see how this patch affects everything. 

I was afraid that it happens, and it happened.


The Type S Crus are not competitive enough compared to the Anaconda-M.

It’s an odd choice from the devs, especially when a lot of people complain about Frigates guards.


The Anaconda-M is a guard with more mobility than the Crus Type Q, with a bigger Capacitor  and better energy regeneration.

The thing is that there really no need to boost the shields of the anaconda-M, an adaptive shield + Multiphase + Implant SR Mark II + stage shield and the problem is solved. And just armored hull of our frigate with armored plated hull and a liquid metal injector and the implant “Gigas II” and it destroys the mental health of other players.


The naturals resistances of the hull (without implant or module) are already higher than shields. It became very hard to tank on the shields for Jerichos Guards.


On paper, the two frigates seems balanced.

And while one might think that jericho has an advantage with the “Phase-shield” is not really what happens in game


I’m afraid that Jerichos is increasingly denigrated in favor of federation and empire that benefit them most of the resistance of the hull.


With more strength, more missiles and more mobility on the Anaconda-M, we should not be surprised that there was less Jerichos.


I am not criticizing the patch because there are, in, very good choice.


But I am rather worried about the future of some ships. And even some factions.

Considering Phase Shield only works on “shields”, not armor, Jericho Guards are still superior to their Federate counterparts.

Geez, they buffed the hull by a whopping 1.8%. If it wasn’t in the patch notes I doubt you’d have even noticed. Claiming that it’s changed so much that Jericho Guards are no long


Read the entire post would be a good idea.


I play each of its frigates so yes I feel the changes.

I just win 2k survivability in a patch. While I was already doing my job properly before the patch.


And I have the strange feeling to know what I mean:




You can imagine what happens with engineer and commands in range.