Star Conflict OBT v0.8.3 Discussion

I take it you’re not really an engy player… We died very, very easily in 0.8.2.

Get off the Raptor Mk II and you’ll find yourself to live past 5 seconds.

Get off the Raptor Mk II and you’ll find yourself to live past 5 seconds.

Hah, you’re funny, you should become a comedian! I’m sure you would get crowds of people together!


anyway, it doesnt matter what someone is flying HE HAS IT RIGHT. So how about you go find a tree and f’ it Oryngton

Play nice now kiddies.


I would have preferred to see the remote rep range stay low, but the passive aura range looks just right. It was a bit too big at 4.5 and too small at 2.5, I think 3.5 should prove just right.  Remotes do still have quite a bit shorter range than the auras, looks like it should end up at ~2.75k.

Play nice now kiddies.


I would have preferred to see the remote rep range stay low, but the passive aura range looks just right. It was a bit too big at 4.5 and too small at 2.5, I think 3.5 should prove just right.  Remotes do still have quite a bit shorter range than the auras, looks like it should end up at ~2.75k.

I agree to this. Still, if remote heals really do cause that much trouble there is always the option to just remove them. Just pointing that out.

thank you for heal range fix and fed hulls    Watermelon.png

I’ve found myself flying Tier 1 again just to try and work through the tutorials the way they are ‘supposed’ to be done. Kind of fun. Also scary to see just how different Tier 1 is to what I’m used to. Everyone’s flying low-energy batteries wrapped in tissue paper! D:

I think the tutorials are hilarious.


“Try not to rely too much on your skills!”, Wait, what?

Hah, you’re funny, you should become a comedian! I’m sure you would get crowds of people together!


anyway, it doesnt matter what someone is flying HE HAS IT RIGHT. So how about you go find a tree and f’ it Oryngton

Uhh, language. The fact that he’s right doesn’t make the Raptor Mk II any less useless compared to the Alligators or the Hydra 2. The extra slots really DO make a difference in Engineer efficiency.


I’ve found myself flying Tier 1 again just to try and work through the tutorials the way they are ‘supposed’ to be done. Kind of fun. Also scary to see just how different Tier 1 is to what I’m used to. Everyone’s flying low-energy batteries wrapped in tissue paper! D:

Yeah… good times… I miss the times where I’d fly my Dvergr Knight or Axe-X and just straight up murder everything in front of me. “Mission objectives? What’s that?”


I think the tutorials are hilarious.


“Try not to rely too much on your skills!”, Wait, what?

They just assume new players have no skills and tell them “fly on and try not to kill yourself on a rock!”

Captain Quinn here! Once again bringing you…




Today’s patch includes a hidden PvE update. Enemy droneships, when killed, now use their in-battle name rather than the name of their ship model. No longer will you see masses of Kalahs, Wolfs and so on being shot down; now it’s all Defenders, Agents, Captain [Elite]s and… “unknown”.


Personally, I like this change. However, as ever, hidden updates should never be hidden. It would have been nice to see this change in the patch notes!


Since I started playing a few months ago, in the PvE games the ships were named Defender, Agent, Captain, Commander, etc

Uh, no changes to the interceptors to compensate for the higher hulls, especially the Plasma Arc?


Give interceptors SOMETHING new…I mean, we are being pushed out of the equation. 

Since I started playing a few months ago, in the PvE games the ships were named Defender, Agent, Captain, Commander, etc

No no no, you misunderstand.


In the last two patches, when you killed an Agent it wouldn’t say “[Player] killed [Agent]”, it would say “[Player] killed [Harpy]” or “[Player] killed [Crus type S]” or whatever.


Now when you kill an agent it says “[Player] killed [Agent]”.

Uh, no changes to the interceptors to compensate for the higher hulls, especially the Plasma Arc?


Give interceptors SOMETHING new…I mean, we are being pushed out of the equation. 

huh… sarcasm much!?


Ceptors are currently THE strongest ships in the game, the only thing that can kill them are Minefields and Tacklers. Especially CovOps.

Uh, no changes to the interceptors to compensate for the higher hulls, especially the Plasma Arc?


Give interceptors SOMETHING new…I mean, we are being pushed out of the equation. 


How about a nerf in T2?  :)wt


Interceptors are fine in need of balancing across all tiers, but modules all around would be a great thing to see. I made a list. Who wants a look?  ;)wt

huh… sarcasm much!?


Ceptors are currently THE strongest ships in the game, the only thing that can kill them are Minefields and Tacklers. Especially CovOps.


then there is no further input I can say about this patch. Im glad the engineers got balanced out. Seems like this patch made a lot of people happy. 

How about a nerf in T2?  :)wt


Interceptors are fine, but modules all around would be a great thing to see. I made a list. Who wants a look?  ;)wt


Mmm, I have no idea what is happening in the world of T2. Do show please

T2 plasma arc remains an issue, but I cannot in good conscience say that there is no Inty problem in Tier 3. Specifically, the ability for the Covert Ops to fly in and use the Arc + Nuke + Suicide combo to insta-gib a captain, and potentially wipe a good chunk of his supporting team as well. One ship should not have that much power.

I warn you: they’re all prototypes, so are definitely in need of tweaking.


Passive Modules


Cov Ops Module

When stationary, enemies outside a range of xxxx metres cannot detect you and cannot acquire a target lock, but enemies already targeting you are not affected. Moving at +10 to -10 metres a second still allows you to stay hidden. If you target someone when still, the will not receive a notification. Gigas 2 implant will still function as if they have been targeted.


Odin’s Eye

Recon Module

Reveals to you only all enemies within a range of xxx metres, even if they’re cloaked. Chameleon module will prevent you from locking onto the target, but they will still be visible.


Scrambling Field

ECM Module

Enemies within xxx metres of you suffer from pixelated HUDs and reduced clarity, making you slightly harder to hit. Locking systems will function as normal, and missiles will have a very slight chance of veering off course (about 2%).


Steel Rain

Gunship Module

Ups critical chance by x%. Primary weapons only.



Tackler Module

Upon activating a debuff, your target cannot use any modules except from restoration and survival modules for x seconds. However, your all your active modules’ efficiency is reduced by x%.


Resonance Feedback

Command Module

For each friendly ship within xxx metres of you, you gain x pts of resistance to all damage types. This does not stack with multiphase shield adapter, nanocomposite coating or any other active modules along these lines. Neither does this stack with the Gigas 2 Implant: the game will use your highest resistance levels available. Stacks with passive modules. However, reduces friendly healing and restoration modules’ efficiency by xx% (this is to prevent having a command fighter fly into a fight with an engineer behind him and taking virtually no damage).


Range Scaling

Engineering Module

The closer a ship is to you when you apply a healing effect, the more efficient the effect becomes, up to a maximum of xx% (no more than 30 at maximum).



Guard Module

When shields are depleted, all damage dealt is increased by x%. For Jericho Guard Frigates, this effect applies when shield strength dips below 30%.



LR Module

When using your long-range special module, your damage resistance to hull and shields is increased by x pts.


Active Modules


Matter Charge

Cov Ops Module

Fire a small sphere of light in a straight line. Travels about 1000ms for xxxx metres. If it hits, the target is surrounded by a bubble that collapses on itself after doing minor, sustained Kinetic damage, dealing a rather hefty amount of Kinetic damage.


Fusion Bolt

Cov Ops Module

Very simple, just a single shot blast of electricity that has a range of xxxx metres. Deals heavy EM damage to the target. Note that this and the Matter Charge both deal about the same amount of damage per mark as the Plasma Arc and also have their power scale with the main weapon. Using one stops you from using any of the others for 10 seconds.


(Note: I’m going to change both of these to melee ranged weapons. Melee combat in space… Just seems fun)


Timer Drones Container

Recon Module

Applies Timer Drones to the target which explode after a certain amount of time, dealing thermal damage equivalent to a minefield blast. Higher marks will reduce the time until explosion. Straying into a friendly healing aura will remove the timer drones. Active range is 15% less than the equivalent Spy Drones Container mark.


Leecher Drones Container

Recon Module

Applies Leecher Drones to the target. It’s like being in an energy-neutralising missile field, except the Recon interceptor that fired it will not take the energy leeched; it’s just bled away. Active range is 15% less than the equivalent Spy Drones Container mark.



ECM Module

This is Punylover’s module, so all credit goes to him. ALL OF IT. I just fluffed it up a little.

Upon activation, the module will attempt to brute force hack its way into the target’s control systems and plant the HAZARD virus. The virus prevents any and all healing effects, including restoration modules, friendly engineering effects and the regenerative hull modifier. It will spread itself to ships within a 1500 metre radius if they remain in the field of effect for more than 10 seconds (decreasing with higher marks) and the duration varies with ship size (bigger ships have a longer effect span). As an added bonus, all ships within the radius receive a malicious software download warning to alert them that one of their teammates is infected, or a nice aura could appear around infected ships. WHERE’S YOUR FRIG BALL NOW, SUCKER?!

Important note: the virus does  not  distinguish between friend or foe, or even you. As soon as it activates, that virus is lethal to everyone who is in the effect radius.


Thruster Disruption Drone

Tackler Module

Attaches a drone to the target which will randomly add an impulse vector to the target and cause it to fly off course at a speed of 200ms for half a second. In addition, impact damage taken is doubled. It lasts for about 15 seconds before self-destructing and dealing minor thermal damage to the target.


Stabilising Clamps

Tackler Module

A series of clamps will cover the target’s stabilisers and reduce their rotation speed in all axes by xx%. Very simple, very elegant, and levels off the playing field a bit between tacklers and interceptors in general.


Nanowarp Rush

Tackler Module

Boosts you forward about 3000m. Note that you travel at warp gate speed, so you might get quite a few THUD medals. Note that the Nanowarp does NOT disrupt the chameleon module’s cloaking effects.



Gunship Module

Boosts your RoF by xx%. Easy as that.


Reactive Meltdown

Gunship Module

Sacrifices about 30% of your max HP (will not work if your current levels are below this) and causes an explosion for 600m around you that deals kinetic damage proportional to the HP you used. Not in direct proportion, but damage increases exponentially per point of hull used, making it very effective for Empire ships.


Wide-Band Shield Overlay

Command Module

Applies an immediate overshield to all allied ships in xxxxm. This overshield is equivalent to 15% of each ship’s maximum shields and decays over a period of 20 seconds. Natural shield regeneration is paused until the shield is broken or expires. The overshield has an additional 5 points of resistance to all damage types.



Command Module

Teleports (it doesn’t boost, but teleports. As in, your ship just appears in space) your ship and all allied ships within a range of 750m forward 1000m in the direction they are facing. If they would reassemble inside an object they are placed in the spot nearest to that location.


Gravitic Wave Cannon

LR Module

This is the one I’ve been wanting to see. The cost is very high - all of your shields and energy, to be exact, but you get a lot out of it. Upon activating, the module will drain all your remaining shields and energy and fire a massive sphere of mass in a straight line for 15000m. It deals AoE EM damage for 400m around it, and any ships within 750m will be pulled towards the projectile as it passes. If anything comes in contact with the centre, they immediately take massive Kinetic damage. Only Guards have the slightest chance of surviving this. However, the module requires an 8 second warm-up time to fire and cannot be interrupted by the user. The module is NOT affected by any damage or projectile speed buffs. In addition, this weapon will deal full friendly fire damage, regardless of whether you’re playing realistic or not.


Scrambling Pulse

LR Module

This is basically the active version of the ECM’s passive Scrambling Field, except with a slightly larger range.


It’s also incredibly vague. I’ll sort that out as well.

huh… sarcasm much!?


Ceptors are currently THE strongest ships in the game, the only thing that can kill them are Minefields and Tacklers. Especially CovOps.

No kidding, I usually get around 6-8 kills on my Kite. And most of the time it’s vs Frigates. Doing 700 kph I can even outrun a lot of ships while carrying a bomb in Detonation. 

No kidding, I usually get around 6-8 kills on my Kite. And most of the time it’s vs Frigates. Doing 700 kph I can even outrun a lot of ships while carrying a bomb in Detonation. 


The unit is metres per second, I believe.

The unit is metres per second, I believe.

You’re right, it’s m/s, my bad.