Star Conflict OBT v0.8.3 Discussion

The increased values ​​of hulls is very interesting.

Hey it means having to completely redo my file for the federation … T.T


And it confirms what I thought, I’m going to continue to align two Guards completely different in my shed. This will allow me to have two styles completely different game.


Increasing the range is really good for engineers. My guard specialized in back line will gain ability to move and I can counter other frigates much more easily now.


My Assault frigate is already powerful enough since I got insulted yesterday.

(My assault frigate has become a monster with the patch! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH).


I feel like I’m gonna have fun with my guards with 65k survivability without being full MK3.



@Funkybacon : Compared to one of the answers to the previous patch:


I currently have 31 experimental T3 in my storage. and many on vessels that I do not use …

Edit : 32 Experimental xD




Gunships capped at 600m/s? When?

Because after 0.8 came out, I think i were going on full 700 with gunships.


Also frig can definitely go over 300.

Fighters cap at 600m/s. Because whenever I used Overdrive and the speed module my speed was always twitching at 599/600 m/s. Or was it 700… Ok, now I’m doubting myself because I can’t accurately remember which was which…

I have never hard of different speed caps for different type of ships. AFAIK there is only one - 700m/s and not because faster would be too fast, but because game engine limitation of collision checking or stuff like that, and faster speed could make some things work not the way they should.

As far as I know there is a general cap at 700m/s, but no other cap for Fighters or Frigates.

As far as I know there is a general cap at 700m/s, but no other cap for Fighters or Frigates.

Ah, that explains it, then. It was either 600 or 700 that my Gunship was capping at and I got confused cause I haven’t touched a Gunship in some time, now…

what was the previous production time?


Also healing ranged buffed back… :frowning:

Healing range buff was required. For the mass heals. The remotes were fine.

That happens when you stay in tier 2. Fight in the tier your trying to level up, or the tier below.


Yes, fighting in tier 2 will give drastically diminishing returns when your trying to level up rank 10, 11 & 12.


I was only rank 12 in Jericho when 0.8.0 came out. I only got empire rank 12 a week ago. 

I GOT THE ENTIRE RANK, yes… the ENTIRE rank of empire 12… in 4 hours in t3.


I was 0/0/12 and 0/0/0/0/8/8 when 0.8.0 came out. That was fully half of my playtime that I have had.

In that same amount of time, where its rumored to have become harder to level…

I have fully ranked out 2 other factions 4 subfactions and finished off my other 2.


OMG… how does he do it?


Tier 2 flown for rank 1-9 in factions and subfactions… all of them aside from what was higher already.

Once you hit rank 10 in a faction… tier 2 will net you VERY VERY low faction rewards, as if saying… “Man up and go fly with the better pilots and quit farming the new guys”


If you have all your subfactions lined up… you jump right into t3 with rank 9 ships and all mk3 gear. you should have had enough money from your other leveling in t2 to get everything you need if you have a license.


It also helps if you come in at the top 3 of your team, you get better credit and reputation rewards. 


So… here is my esimated list.


Rank 1 - EXP for Rank 1-4

Rank 2 - EXP for Rank 1-5

Rank 3 - EXP for Rank 1-6

Rank 4 - EXP for Rank 1-7

Rank 5 - EXP for Rank 1-8

Rank 6 - EXP for Rank 1-9

Rank 7 - EXP for Rank 1-10

Rank 8 - EXP for Rank 1-11

Rank 9 - EXP for Rank 1-12

for when tier 5 comes out, tier 3 wont net you jack, everyone will need to move up to t4 to get any substantial faction exp rewards.


So yes, even flying a rank 8 ship… even though it is tier 3, will grant you diminished returns when trying to rank up 12.


Now, all the information here is just what I myself have personally experienced. Im not saying this is how it is… or calling anyone who disagrees with me wrong. 

This is MY opinion, from what I have seen and experienced when I myself was leveling up all my faction ranks.

If you still want to fly t2 rank 6 ships to try to level up rank 10-12… by all means, go for it. Just don’t expect sympathy for your clause of it taking too long from me.

Your post in there, funny, hilarious eve, how your game, apparently, is totally different to mine!


Let’s state what I got since 8.0

I began with rank 9/8/9 and loyalty 7/6/6/6/6/6. Now, after 89 hours of gameplay, i got 10/8/9 and 9/7/6/6/6/9.(IIRC) 

In the mean time I have been able to buy the hydra 2, deimos 2, machete AE(or type s…the rank 6 one) and fully outfit it with mk3 stuffz.(also fit the stiletto with mk3)

Because 8.0 screwed me over hard i had to start over with R4 ships, and had to farm 10-20 million of credits with less than useful ships.(unfitted R4 ftw?)(And the support just told me to suck it up lol) 

I don’t know how you “pros” get your 20m a day somehow, but I definitly am not able to just buy ships and fit a real T3 ship now im done with T2.


I was using T2 R6 with reputation lvl 9, maybe that is why it was slow, but even with a R9 ship i only get 1500 reputation per match, which is still not that goddamn much, definitly not enough to rank 1-12 in 4 hours…

Nice patch, but the remotes are still scary.

Captain Quinn here! Once again bringing you…




Today’s patch includes a hidden PvE update. Enemy droneships, when killed, now use their in-battle name rather than the name of their ship model. No longer will you see masses of Kalahs, Wolfs and so on being shot down; now it’s all Defenders, Agents, Captain [Elite]s and… “unknown”.


Personally, I like this change. However, as ever, hidden updates should never be hidden. It would have been nice to see this change in the patch notes!

Helps when you do well enough to land in the top 3 most of the time. :slight_smile:

And have 5 minute games, and win every one of them, which is what I calculate you’d need to do R10 in 4 hours, let alone R12.

R10 = 120000 rep (R12 will be higher), 12 games an hour (optimistic, especially since T3 combat recon frequently goes the full 15) you’d need 2500 rep per game (only likely with a win). Do-able I guess, but you’d have to be pretty lucky as well as very good.

I don’t know how you “pros” get your 20m a day somehow

He is most likely using a license, which accounts for both his absurdly fast rank 12 grind and his “20m a day.”

I get nowhere near 20m a day, never stated that I did. I do have a license, it was worth it due to the amount of time I was playing. Why grind for 15 hours for credits when I can get the same amount in 10 hours with a licence… that 5 hours saved it more than worth it to me.  I get 150k per match, I use mk3 missiles, as i can afford the replacement cost.

I even wrote a tutorial on how to save money to help you all out. Why dont you go read it hmm? 


This was a good patch, the dev’s listened to what you all wanted. Almost everything in here is what folks have been wanting to have done for the most part. They listen, Cant you all just say Thanks for the good patch, rather than just find something new to complain about? Be nice for a week, until the next patch, then complain if its not up to par. 

I get nowhere near 20m a day, never stated that I did. I do have a license, it was worth it due to the amount of time I was playing. Why grind for 15 hours for credits when I can get the same amount in 10 hours with a licence… that 5 hours saved it more than worth it to me.  I get 150k per match, I use mk3 missiles, as i can afford the replacement cost.

I even wrote a tutorial on how to save money to help you all out. Why dont you go read it hmm? 


This was a good patch, the dev’s listened to what you all wanted. Almost everything in here is what folks have been wanting to have done for the most part. They listen, Cant you all just say Thanks for the good patch, rather than just find something new to complain about? Be nice for a week, until the next patch, then complain if its not up to par. 

I do like this patch. It’s fixed quite a few things. The only qualm I have with it (and it’s not even that much of a problem for me personally) is that the remote healing radii should have stayed the same. But great work, guys: you’ve done yourselves well.

I get nowhere near 20m a day, never stated that I did. I do have a license, it was worth it due to the amount of time I was playing. Why grind for 15 hours for credits when I can get the same amount in 10 hours with a licence… that 5 hours saved it more than worth it to me.  I get 150k per match, I use mk3 missiles, as i can afford the replacement cost.

I even wrote a tutorial on how to save money to help you all out. Why dont you go read it hmm? 


This was a good patch, the dev’s listened to what you all wanted. Almost everything in here is what folks have been wanting to have done for the most part. They listen, Cant you all just say Thanks for the good patch, rather than just find something new to complain about? Be nice for a week, until the next patch, then complain if its not up to par. 

I did thank them, I have been nice, now I go on to complain about other stuffz that need fixings in my eyes.

and saving money is not really that neccesary for me, since I tend to do pretty well in matches. I just have to farm another 8-15m to get my next less than useful ship…because mk1 crap fittings are still not choice!

This was a good patch, the dev’s listened to what you all wanted. Almost everything in here is what folks have been wanting to have done for the most part. They listen, Cant you all just say Thanks for the good patch, rather than just find something new to complain about? Be nice for a week, until the next patch, then complain if its not up to par. 

It’s… well, it was half ok… I kinda preferred the Engies with their low rep range…



Helps when you do well enough to land in the top 3 most of the time. :slight_smile:

This is true. You get more cash and rep that way. Unfortunately, the easiest way to do this isn’t completing mission objectives, it’s to kill. Because if you complete mission objectives too fast, the game ends and you might end on top or not at all… Unless you complete all/majority of the objectives on your own.

It’s… well, it was half ok… I kinda preferred the Engies with their low rep range…



This is true. You get more cash and rep that way. Unfortunately, the easiest way to do this isn’t completing mission objectives, it’s to kill. Because if you complete mission objectives too fast, the game ends and you might end on top or not at all… Unless you complete all/majority of the objectives on your own.

the engi pilots sure as hell didn’t…It was a hell to be basicly in pulse laser range to be useful to your team… Now we might just actually support without dieing in T2!(Because the cerberus 2 has no trouble at all surviving…)

the engi pilots sure as hell didn’t…It was a hell to be basicly in pulse laser range to be useful to your team… Now we might just actually support without dieing in T2!(Because the cerberus 2 has no trouble at all surviving…)

Yeah, T2 engies do die a bit too easily. But now it’ll be easier to kill them due to the lack of protection they’ll have. Just not as easy as before the last nerf.

I take it you’re not really an engy player… We died very, very easily in 0.8.2.

Yeah, T2 engies do die a bit too easily. But now it’ll be easier to kill them due to the lack of protection they’ll have. Just not as easy as before the last nerf.

Which is what we wanted. And the devs reverted it and now i am happy with my engi once more :stuck_out_tongue:

the protection is something minor, that is dependant on the team, (optional squad), and engineers piloting. But now we atleast wont get raped by everyone the moment we enter the field to help at a beacon…