Star Conflict OBT v0.8.3 Discussion

Oh, you… You… hahaha, T3 is that void of everything, now? xD

It does seem a bit easy to get a good score with buff assists, but surely the fix for that is to tweak the score given for buff assists rather than the modules that give them.

Games like that happen rarely at T3. I had one game of 3v3 today out of a couple of dosen, and it was indeed silly.


In regard to four-digit speed, there are two ways to get it. One is to warp (warp gate or microwarp) and the other is to get hit by a nuke while in an interceptor. When latter happens, interceptor gets thrown out of the epicenter at a rather silly speed for a short distance, often causing fataility if you hit a wall.


Fighters suffer from a similar issue, but they get a whole lot less speed from the explosion.

Games like that happen rarely at T3. I had one game of 3v3 today out of a couple of dosen, and it was indeed silly.


In regard to four-digit speed, there are two ways to get it. One is to warp (warp gate or microwarp) and the other is to get hit by a nuke while in an interceptor. When latter happens, interceptor gets thrown out of the epicenter at a rather silly speed for a short distance, often causing fataility if you hit a wall.


Fighters suffer from a similar issue, but they get a whole lot less speed from the explosion.


Warping only gets you to 2000m/s, though. You positive you can get 4.5km/s speed from a nuke? (It’s unlikely anyone would have survived it, really…)

(It’s unlikely anyone would have survived it, really…)

People survive nukes all the time. They’re nasty when you have 2 or 3 go off at the same time, or for inties whose emergency barrier is down, but a single nuke going off next to you won’t instagib most ships unless they’ve received some damage already.

Thanks for the nice feedback, but please stay on topic.

We have now sections for T1-4 so you can leave some more detailed feedback there and we will try to improve the balance even more in the future.


Why did you delete half my posts in this thread when they were direct replies to other people’s points ?


Maybe I should start going around threads reporting anyone disagreeing with my posts too,since error will then just remove them all, for the “staying on topic” ?



If someone keeps making downright ridiculous claims about ship balance, repeatedly, it is “on topic” when I respond to those opinions with my own.


Keep doing this kind of random censoring and people will cease bothering to spend their time on your forums to engage in discussions.

Why did you delete half my posts in this thread when they were direct replies to other people’s points ?


Maybe I should start going around threads reporting anyone disagreeing with my posts too,since error will then just remove them all, for the “staying on topic” ?



If someone keeps making downright ridiculous claims about ship balance, repeatedly, it is “on topic” when I respond to those opinions with my own.


Keep doing this kind of random censoring and people will cease bothering to spend their time on your forums to engage in discussions.

I have hidden all posts which are not related to the patch, not only yours.

I have hidden all posts which are not related to the patch, not only yours.


If you want to keep balance discussions out of the Patch discussion, I suggest you actually hide all balance- related posts, Sabre’s complaints about ship balance are still all shown.

Thoughts so far in for this patch after a 8 vs 8 NASA Corp. 


Decent. With the heals and the range buffs of the engys, then we have a real team working together and not frigate balling just to get heals. This balanced everything out, IMO, in T3. 

I don’t see anything else that needs changing, but I will post a suggestion thread for a change for the interceptors that I have come across. 


Also, when are we gonna get a patch with new content, its getting stale…

What do people think of the new titles? I have two of them and I have no idea how I earned them :stuck_out_tongue:


They do make the overview screen quite cluttered but they’re interesting to see.

What do people think of the new titles? I have two of them and I have no idea how I earned them :stuck_out_tongue:


They do make the overview screen quite cluttered but they’re interesting to see.

Say what? e-peen show-off? I didn’t even notice them and I think I have a handful of them…

There kinda useless, no use of getting them. 

Ok, i have reached a new low in morale on looting… in the past it was like this for me:

I saw a military/experimental and felt al ittle joy inside of me that I got another item.


Now it’s like this:

I see a military/experimental, and i feel as dead inside as if it’s a 1k loot…I think the looting is really broken if you feel that dead when you see an item pop up…

I managed to get two experimentals in a single match… A plasma arc and assault plas cannons. I’m happy with that, but I spent GS on the latter, so…

I guess some people are more lucky than others, but when you have gotten only 1 item in about 100 drops…it really makes you dead inside.

Warping only gets you to 2000m/s, though. You positive you can get 4.5km/s speed from a nuke? (It’s unlikely anyone would have survived it, really…)

Incorrect on both counts. Warping gives far higher speeds then 2000m/s and surviving a nuke is as elementary as installing an emergency barrier.

I agree, the looting system totally and completely sucks, even if you put in gold for it.

Incorrect on both counts. Warping gives far higher speeds then 2000m/s and surviving a nuke is as elementary as installing an emergency barrier.

I check the speed every time I warp… It says 2000m, I swear.



Look: 2000m/s. You owe me 48k creds for that.

That’s warpgate. Microwarp ports at much higher speeds.


So, how long are you planning to fly that trash ship anyway?

Until I get the anaconda.

Ah, and I use the Raptor due to the reduced weapon spread. Makes Hail cannons invaluable.

Were you referring to the Microwarp Engine? I do know you move at about 6000m/s when using that, but standard gates are 2000m/s. I can do some timings, if you want.

EDIT: I saw your edit. Merely a misunderstanding. I was talking about warp gate speed. And does Microwarp use your afterburner speed for the velocity calculation, or base max speed without afterburners?