Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

Yeah : kill the engineers.  ;)wt 


Poor engineers…*Target locked* “Its gonna hurt you more than its gonna hurt me.” *Explosion ensues*


Enemy Destroyed 100.

After this update the game has become really boring.

Only 4 maps and now 2 game modes? yeah thats fun

also the game turned into frigates only, sucked the life out of it.


Agreed. We need new stuff. Its becoming old fast and boring, especially coupled with the fact the progression is slow as hell

Agreed. We need new stuff. Its becoming old fast and boring, especially coupled with the fact the progression is slow as hell



Do you only play PvE ? because I have found pvp to be extremely fast especially at tier 3  where you can make 3500xp  a win. I had a 6 game win streak last night and made 21000xp in about 45 minutes to an hour. Granted you wont win every match but a loss is 1800xp about so that addds up fast

Do you only play PvE ? because I have found pvp to be extremely fast especially at tier 3  where you can make 3.5k a win. I had a 6 game win streak last night and made 21k in about 45 minutes to an hour. Granted you wont win every match but a loss is 1.8k about so that addds up fast

I hope u meant 35k and 210k.

Each “k” is 1000.

So 35k is 35000.


edit oops. thought that said credits. haaha

I hope u meant 35k and 210k.

Each “k” is 1000.

So 35k is 35000.


No my numbers are correct. ill change them to make them clearer 

Hi all!


Even if I’m not really happy with the new updates, for many reason, I did not spend money on this game as of yet, so I adapt and keep playing :slight_smile: I’m still having fun after re-learning new game mechanics.


BUT there is one thing with this new update that i find MISLEADING, that is to say such a thing as “+10% speed for inty”

That’s not true. I saw the stats of my Ricasso nerfed concerning the speed. (both normal and w afterburners)


Is this a bug? Does someone have an explanation?

I haven’t really played this since this update but I’m really annoyed with it. When I went to play after the update I discovered that I lost my Templar-AE and everything that I had equipped it with and the price for me to buy it back went up, it’s ridiculous, and what is just as annoying is the fact that I still have my Alligator-C which makes no sense since the update changed their ranks I can’t buy them in my current rank so should I not still have both or have neither. I really hate this.

welcome to frig-online

Yeah…it’s kind absurd…We had more roles for ship in the way the game was b4 the ship roles patch…simply paradox

I’ve seen a prime example of “frig online” lately now my friend is back on. He loves his Interceptor, but when we compared stats my ship could practically one-shot him once his shields went down. My Engineering Frigate has in the region of 16K health, 12K shields and the ability to regen both constantly. That is some serious tankiness, and many an interceptor has been blown to pieces trying to bring me down one on one.


Before, that kind of thing felt possible. It still is if you jump a Long Range frigate, but in general it seems extremely difficult to actually beat a frigate in single combat now. Naturally, this is going to encourage people to fly frigates, and the other classes become sidelined.


My opinion here would be that, on paper, we should have a giant rock-paper-scissors game going on. Basically, we should have within each class one ship built to beat Interceptors, one to beat Fighters, and one to beat Frigates. Example:


Tackler Fighters are intended to be Anti-Interceptor.

Command Fighters are probably anti-Fighter, given their impressive range of buffs and high health.

Gunships, then, should be able to take on an Engineer and blast it into oblivion through sheer dps.


Naturally, you can tweak this a bit to mean that every ship has one specific craft it is meant to be good against, and one it is weak against. Example, #2: the Disintegrator / Guided Torpedo might be given some crazy new damage type that means a Guard Frigate cannot use its shield against it, or else it might have some kind of special ability that causes a lot more damage vs Guard Frigates. This would make it strong vs Guard, whilst its general lack of speed and armour means that the ship is fodder for Interceptors.


As much as I love tanking my way through PvE, and PvP sometimes, I feel the Frigate needs to be re-evaluated. Perhaps a good start would be to swap the roles, partially, of the Command and Engineering Frigate; give the Engi abilities that boost max health and shields, and give the Command Fighter abilities that restore health and shields.

will we have a update today?

There is a holiday in many countries and the patch is still in work.

There is a holiday in many countries and the patch is still in work.


 So next week, or this one? :slight_smile:

next week most likely 

I’m confused by all the hate for the LR frig buff — they’re like flying tissue paper (and unlike ints, can’t dodge a single hit). Further, you can just position a beacon or asteroid between you and the sniper and they become next to useless.


I do think that sniping has a place in SC, but players (and devs) haven’t quite figured it out yet. The goal of a good sniper should be to force the opposing team to move resources away from capping a beacon in order to deal with you, thereby strengthening your team’s position on the objective without actually capping it (as any enemy ships that aren’t capping the beacon help just as much as allied ships that are). The only problem is that if you’re a poor shot and/or don’t do enough damage to warrant the other team bothering to go after you, you’re hurting your team and could be more useful as simply a warm body flying circles around a beacon.  


In my mind, snipers should be so powerful that you *have* to move off the beacon to deal with them, or otherwise they’ll kill you and your teammates. They should, however, be very fragile/easy to kill when you engage them directly — the epitome of the “glass cannon” archetype.


As it stands, even with the recent buff, LR frigs are slightly annoying but still underpowered. I never use them, hate it when they’re on my team, and love it when they’re on the opposing team. With that in mind, if the devs really do believe that sniping has a place in SC, they should’ve gone even further in buffing them.

Hmm… here’s an idea then to increase the killpower of snipers: Disintegrators can fire through Beacons, and at short range (say, 4,500m) can fire through everything.


That might sound pretty nasty, but here me out a second; if you can shoot through a beacon, it means that an LR Frigate can essentially deny the lone capper, whereas currently the best he can do is wait for backup and try to give fire support. Shooting through asteroids at short range further increases the sheer suppression power of the LR Frigate; it means you actively have to hunt them down and kill them, rather than just ignore them.


Since LR frigs are notoriously soft and squishy, this kind of upgrade might actually see them take on worthwhile roles in game.

Your Server POP is starting to die off People I hear on the game always say they are getting bored with the few world we do have. Now the People who play everyday but do not have Premium or a Gold ship there is no way to make money to get a T3/4  I realize you want to make money that is understood but give the people who love the game a chance to earn some that at the moment can not afford to purchase Standards. Me I bought a 30 day sub but no gold ship that was a huge mistake. They have no repair and get 125% - 175% reward bonus. But I get 110% but it took me a long time even subbed to get that. I think if you still want the dollars rolling in and more people to sub I would raise the monies they get. Next Month I will NOT sub. I feel I wasted my money and not getting anything back in return and I am not the only one who feels this way. Personally I wish I could ask for a refund and just buy a gold ship.  

Your Server POP is starting to die off People I hear on the game always say they are getting bored with the few world we do have. Now the People who play everyday but do not have Premium or a Gold ship there is no way to make money to get a T3/4  I realize you want to make money that is understood but give the people who love the game a chance to earn some that at the moment can not afford to purchase Standards. Me I bought a 30 day sub but no gold ship that was a huge mistake. They have no repair and get 125% - 175% reward bonus. But I get 110% but it took me a long time even subbed to get that. I think if you still want the dollars rolling in and more people to sub I would raise the monies they get. Next Month I will NOT sub. I feel I wasted my money and not getting anything back in return and I am not the only one who feels this way. Personally I wish I could ask for a refund and just buy a gold ship.  

No way to make money? I got into T3 fairly quickly without a license. Try some PVE.

There is a holiday in many countries and the patch is still in work.



Hey Error when you nerf healing please dont over do it on hull healing . I think the main problem lies with the shield regen and not hull healing