Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

Covert interceptors can BARELY do more damage to counter the regen of the frigs. I have to shoot missiles extensively to hopefully get the kill in 15-30 seconds, if they have allies, I’m fucked. Plasma arc? That thing is crap.u might hit a guy once but if hes moving GG u lost.

interceptors are not supposed to be in the middle of the battlefield…thats why they cant take damage. As for covops…i find it very easy to shoot down long range frigates with orion even lonly engineering frigates are possible if you pack a few missiles on them. Plasma arc should be reworked, but apart from that covert ops have a really nice toolset.


Thats what i lke about 0.8 that you cant fly with every ship anywhere you want without the risk of being killed

Stop this CovertOps nonsense at once! You can’t be serious about that Role, especially considering the special modules it has…


Plasma Arc - 3x5k damage in 3sec, WTF? It’s just a simple “I WIN!” button against more than half of the other ship roles. 15k damage in 3sec, and it didn’t yet fire any guns or missiles… ridiculous… Oh and about the guns, they have a +75% damage buff for that as well… Combined with the +30% crit chance and special missiles of interceptors, it’s ridiculous again…


Flying a Long Range, a Tackler or a Gunship, you’re dead waaays before you notice that a CovertOps ship is close by. When using my Gunship (the Wolf) i find it totally unacceptable that one of these crazy things can just simply fly up to me and kill me within the blink of an eye…

What the heck is a Gunship’s role? Is it pure DPS?! YES indeed! Then how is it balanced that CovertOps can kill more than half of the ships in 3sec, while the Gunship cannot.


And if something ever goes wrong for guys in these ships, then “Oh well, I can still turn myself into a bloody nuclear bomb…” (Self Destruct)


You also gave them the White Noise Jammer, because why on earth are Fighters supposed to have it, right? (seriously why take it?!) With this you totally nerfed their only viable counters, the Tacklers. How are they supposed to stop them if they cannot use active modules on them?!

And yeah, finally there’s the crazy Adaptive Camo which is another “I WIN!” button for every Detonation match they play. Going off the radar for 20 sec is enough for an Interceptor to cross at least half of an average map! This is ridiculous again, if Cloak, Invulnerability, Warping and all this kind of stuff forces you to drop the EMP Bomb, then CovertOps ships should not be allowed to carry it around while invisible as well.

Oh yeah, right, they aren’t visually invisible, but they are small as a fly, so in the heat of battle you have zero chance of spotting them… And even if you do spot the xxxxxxx, how are you supposed to stop it without a target lock?!


CovertOps Interceptors are over the top, they are fast, they have extremely high DPS (remember Interceptors are NOT supposed to have that, eh?!) and they have special modules which plain and simple are cheats.


Also, the path you took with CovertOps is WRONG. Do not follow it! Do not ever put anything in your game which can kill others in 2-3 seconds, because it is not balanced and it is not fun for those others. People want to fight, and fighting means getting shot and shooting back. Against CovertOps there is no bloody chance to shoot back, it’s just an insane rape-fest. Stop this madness, or you will start losing players, and lots of them!

Just look at other games, from Aion to League of Legends in all categories, if you create a class or character, if you create a combat mechanism which allows people to kill others with absolutely no chance to counter, those others will start leaving the game… And they are the majority of your players.



camuflage take 110sec to reload, and can nulfilled witj spydrones and locator.


The damage is right, a hit run ship need damage to compensate the low defence and the vulnerability when concetration fire.


Plasma arc suck, have to short range and is good only vs stationari targets.


“hey are fast, they have extremely high DPS (remember Interceptors are NOT supposed to have that, eh?!)” Are you crazy? interceptor=intercept enemies, covert ops= Conducting sudden attacks on individual ships(

I kind of liked this patch. Yeah, my Ricasso is gone (I didn’t reach the rank to own it in time), but that aside… The gameplay seems a little more fresh. Frigates are more tanky and as a frig pilot I enjoy flying them, but at the same time I hate going against them in something like an Inty.


The Plasma Arc needs a lot of skill (or luck) to use, considering you need to practically touch your opponent’s ship with your own. Especially if you have twitchy hands, which can throw it off. I’ve used the Plasma Arc any chance I get when fighting frigates, and sometimes they come out alive. It is more of a “backstab” weapon, as Interceptors are paper thin and cannot use it effectively if charging directly in front of their target.


At first I complained about ship roles but that just forced me to adjust my normal playstyles, which provides me with a nice breath of fresh air.

_ Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update # 1 _

Ships: General

* Interceptor speed increased by 10%.

* Survivability (hull and shields combined) for all frigates reduced by 10%.

Interceptor: Covert Ops

* “Orion” system now increases damage by 75% (previously 33%).

Fighter: Gunship

* Engine overdrive bonus increased to 45% (previously 25%).

Frigates: Guard

* Survivability (hull and shields combined) for all frigates reduced by 15%.

* Speed reduced by 5%.

* Removed additional resistance to all kinds of damage (previously 15%).

* Reduced main weapon damage bonus to 25% (previously 75%).

* Guard modules distance bonus reduced to 25% (previously 50%).

Frigates: Long Range

* “Disintegrator” damage increased by 60%.

* Disintegrator charge velocity reduced by 25%.

* Jericho guided missiles speed increased. Damage increased.


There is a lot that is wrong here.


I see no fix for the current issue of Active Camo inty’s in Detonation. Instead I see potential for fighters exploiting Overdrive too.


While I do not disagree with nerfing resistance on Guard Frigs, I do have a problem with further nerfing their weapon damage after they have already been stripped of two turrets. Engineering frigs are designed to buff their team and rely on them to keep them alive. Guard frigates are supposed to be able to hold an area long enough for reinforcements to arrive. So why Engineers have 6 turrets and Guards have 4 is already beyond me.


Sniping Frigs have been buffed. A lot. I already have a hard time surviving in an inty or fighter against a sniping frig. At T2 and even T3 a disintegrator shot can easily take out my entire hull if my shields are gone. Are you trying to make them effective at one-shot-killing frigates too?


And we still have no word on how sector conquest will be fixed, other than a rumor that corporations will only be able to fight in an area once per day. I pray that is not the case, since it will undoubtedly kill one of the last reasons any corporations have for sticking around.


EDIT: I just realized that I may have majorly misunderstood the original post, as it was made on the 23rd, and probably isn’t for the 0.8.1 patch… I think. Maybe. I’m going to bed.

Lots of misleading information here about covops.

Interceptors are utter crap every single one of them. They cant even dish enough dmg to bypass an engineers shield regeneration.


Even with orion dmg buff an interceptor can hardly deal any dps  close to a fighter. They have 2 turrets x 175%  dmg buff still not close to 4 turrets dmg and it lasts 10 secs with a cooldown of a min. They have the half hp of an fighter and die insanely fast. A single shot of a disintegrator kills an interceptor.


Plasma arc has only 120m range and doesnt use reticle for targeting. You need to aim your ship to make any use of it. And as previously stated it is only effective against stationary targets. If as a fighter you complain being hit by plasma arc you have no idea how to fly a ship. Plasma arc is only good if the target is unaware of your approach. If you are unaware any skill will take you down, dont blame a skill for your unawareness of surrounding ships. More over frigates aoe skills takes down interceptors faster then plasma arc can take down frigates. And they dont require any aiming. The ai does the job for you getting the kill so that you can brag how great pilot you are.


I keep hearing interceptors are supposed to kill frigates but never seen a single interceptor killing an good frigate pilot who is aware of their approach on 1v1. It is near impossible.


i agree that interceptors are not the greatest ships, but i dont use them because i cant since my fps is so low and they are so fast its really not a good mix, but i have to disagree, i have been killed many times by interceptors in a frigate because they get too close to me, interceptors are meant to get really close, so you really have to wait for the perfect oppetunity to attack like after they activate their pulsar or something like that then you attack, but really the interceptors now are nowhere near powerful enough to kill frigates, but their covert ops module is insane op for bombs, they can carry the bomb to your base AND plant it without you being able to see them at all, i lost a game cuz the whole other team did that so parts are op and other parts are not it depends on which ones you choose and your play style

Sniping Frigs have been buffed. A lot. I already have a hard time surviving in an inty or fighter against a sniping frig. At T2 and even T3 a disintegrator shot can easily take out my entire hull if my shields are gone. Are you trying to make them effective at one-shot-killing frigates too?

You are wrong. Just try to not moving straight line

i agree that interceptors are not the greatest ships, but i dont use them because i cant since my fps is so low and they are so fast its really not a good mix, but i have to disagree, i have been killed many times by interceptors in a frigate because they get too close to me, interceptors are meant to get really close, so you really have to wait for the perfect oppetunity to attack like after they activate their pulsar or something like that then you attack, but really the interceptors now are nowhere near powerful enough to kill frigates, but their covert ops module is insane op for bombs, they can carry the bomb to your base AND plant it without you being able to see them at all, i lost a game cuz the whole other team did that so parts are op and other parts are not it depends on which ones you choose and your play style


I fly an engineer frigate with long-ranged lasers, and I get murdered by interceptors if my drones are down, or if they don’t come close enough into my minefields. (Though the encounter usually leaves my ship with just the tiniest bit of hull points left, and after that I scramble for cover and wait for my regen to save myself.)


As for interceptors and bombs… I played a game whereby my team had a majority of frigate pilots, and we were up against a interceptor/fighter heavy team. We drifted (the word ‘fly’ suggests a speed that my team did not possess) all over the mission area and somehow two of us managed to capture the bomb and plant them, relying on superior (read: just barely enough) hull and shield points. Whenever an unclaimed bomb suddenly vanished off the map, we drifted back to our stations and put up our defenses. If memory serves we won with 2 stations intact.


My point is, every ship has a strength and a weakness. It’s up to the whole team to cover the team’s weakness and exploit the enemy’s. 

I fly an engineer frigate with long-ranged lasers, and I get murdered by interceptors if my drones are down, or if they don’t come close enough into my minefields. (Though the encounter usually leaves my ship with just the tiniest bit of hull points left, and after that I scramble for cover and wait for my regen to save myself.)


As for interceptors and bombs… I played a game whereby my team had a majority of frigate pilots, and we were up against a interceptor/fighter heavy team. We drifted (the word ‘fly’ suggests a speed that my team did not possess) all over the mission area and somehow two of us managed to capture the bomb and plant them, relying on superior (read: just barely enough) hull and shield points. Whenever an unclaimed bomb suddenly vanished off the map, we drifted back to our stations and put up our defenses. If memory serves we won with 2 stations intact.


My point is, every ship has a strength and a weakness. It’s up to the whole team to cover the team’s weakness and exploit the enemy’s. 

dude, how?

how would you possibly get murdered by a single interceptor?


i used to fly them a xxxx lot, but now they are meh at best.


dps is utter crap. yes, if it’s not a guard frig, i can hover in her rear and not get hit, and i’ve done it pleeeenty of times, but i’ve never ever managed to actually break a frig. it simply takes so much time that eventually someone else notices me and blaps me. Yeah, intys are really, REALLY xxxx paper thin now.


so they’ve lost their appeal. Still super fun to fly, but utterly useless in fights (well, ECM ones can ruin someones day, but covops are xxxx.)

well i m “only” flying in t2 yet, but my friend is murdering frigs with his cov ops all day long, no problem, especially the long range ones. Sure he is whining about mine field a little from time to time, but hey, it is his own fault if he gets hit by one XD

I fly Covert Ops. I cannot go into Fighters or frigates due to my unique play style. 


The plasma Arc is seriously Broken, I mean, It does not even tell you the RANGE to be in to be effective. Actually, I heard from one of my corp members that its 300 Meters range. 


You can never be that close to ANY ship and hope to make it out alive. 


Also, to be an effective interceptor pilot you need the back up of your teammates. Too many times i see one pilot go off by himself and get blown up to smithereens. The game changed, we need to adapt to those changes. 


IF you see your going into a EMP match, tell someone to fly as a recon ship to counter the damn Covert Ops. And BTW you can still see there Ion trail and EMP bomb floating around them when they are invisible.

IF you see your going into a EMP match, tell someone to fly as a recon ship to counter the damn Covert Ops.

I flew recon in every detonation for the past 3 days. I have only spy drones that effectively counter camo(*). I have to apply it before you cloak, so if there are two covops going for the bomb I have a 50/50 chance of not getting the right one. The upshot is that covops get through a lot despite a recon’s best efforts.


(*) see [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19315-radaptive-camo/?p=196484) for why micro-locator doesn’t work.


I’ve flown covops a lot in T2 and I think except for OP camo bomb carrying they’re fine. I don’t expect to be able to fly in to a furball with an interceptor and live. The only reason ECM can get away with it at all is because they’re a bit tougher and have a single get-out-of-jail-free card in the form of tachyon cocoon. I skulk around the sides and attack opportunistically. If I see an engy frigate without cover, kill him. An enemy getting hammered but staying up, dart in and help deliver the killing blow. If anyone starts shooting at you in earnest, bug out and lose them with your speed and come back from another angle. I’ve seen other covops pilots employ these tactics quite successfully in T3.

If you’re after a dps ship that can slug it out on the front line, you probably want a Gunship.

The detonation mode issue should be resolved soon.

dude, how?

how would you possibly get murdered by a single interceptor?


i used to fly them a xxxx lot, but now they are meh at best.


dps is utter crap. yes, if it’s not a guard frig, i can hover in her rear and not get hit, and i’ve done it pleeeenty of times, but i’ve never ever managed to actually break a frig. it simply takes so much time that eventually someone else notices me and blaps me. Yeah, intys are really, REALLY xxxx paper thin now.


so they’ve lost their appeal. Still super fun to fly, but utterly useless in fights (well, ECM ones can ruin someones day, but covops are xxxx.)


Long-ranged lasers are not meant for close combat, and frigates don’t really have great turn speeds. No drones + circle-strafed by a more agile opponent = slow death by papercuts. Granted, it does take a decent interceptor pilot to pull off a good initial volley of missiles and follow up with consistent circle-strafing to stay outside the frigate’s arc of fire.

I fly guard frigs most of the time, t2, and even after the new patch i enjoy killing interceptors and fighters easy.

But i am still waiting for more game content to get back my licence…

The detonation mode issue should be resolved soon.

Thank you!

But did you know this is the first feedback we’ve had that this is even considered a bug and on the to-do list (assuming I didn’t know what the “[R]” prefix on bug reports meant until now)? Now we can stop arguing whether recons are really a viable solution and sit tight, secure in the knowledge it will all be over soon.


I can understand the PvP reasons for nerfing guard frigates’ health, but in PvE, I’m still a paper brick. Look a tthe Big Rig Raid. 2/3 of the time my team can’t get past the first mission, regardless of how unbalanced we are (I’ve played with a couple T4 ships, being T2) just because despite all the health and regen I’m stacking, we’re getting munched by the frigates.


I normally have no problem with the Big Rig Raid.  Have 1-2 Focus the Cargo and 1-2 focus on the Fighters/Frigates.  That’s how we normally run it.  Long range weapons engage the Cargo ships and destroy it quickly.  While you have a guard Frigate or a couple of Fighters take out the enemy Fighters.


Hit up someone from ZAG tonight if you need more help on it.  We are normally running PVE till our eyes bleed trying to gear up new Corpmates and farm money to afford the rather expensive ships. 


On a side not of the Rig Raid, they seriously need to fix the loot on it.  Tier 2 or Tier 4 loots only for it?  why is my only question…

The detonation mode issue should be resolved soon.


It’s beatable if you know how to do it. :dntknw:

The detonation mode issue should be resolved soon.


Is anything being done about the effectiveness of Engineer healing auras?

Is anything being done about the effectiveness of Engineer healing auras?


Yeah : kill the engineers.  ;)wt