Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

can we get a formula for synergy boosting ship properties?

I dont know if its intended or not, but the adaptive cameo on covert ops interceptors works while they are carrying the EMP bomb.

At the moment its extremely easy to place a bomb. You grab it, activate the cameo, dissappear from map/radar fly behind some stone and just place it on the next station. Maybe its intended but specials like warp/chameleon/invulnerability/ cameo should drop the bomb.


It is intented to an extent, all teams should have at least one recon ship to expose the Covert Ops ship, and pinging him to there location. Its all about team play.

Ok played for a while before posting,


Anaconda -M Yes needed a survivability debuff, But now i dont even bother taking it anymore as it cant shoot anything. it wont even tickle interceptors !!!



  Please stop overeacting on your modifications, Tweak it a little bit or one aspect of it, wait a bit see if it still needs tweaking. Stop just going Hmm anaconda is weak lets make it INVINCIBLE, oops now lets make it tough but cant shoot anything …  Seriously you already removed 2 turrets and now a massive offensive Debuff :confused:



Anaconda -M The Kinky Tickling Ship

great for flying about and taking some damage, but that’s about it

And this is why I stick to Interceptors and firgates

just to be clear about it, so if an interceptor disappears and i only see its engine, thats the camouflage right?


I thought camouflage does not cloak you? or do some people even use cloak while carrying the bomb? because that confused me (i saw the ship disappear… still carrying the bomb)


I really like the new changes in #1, also the increased bounties and rewards make the game more fun again. Selling all items on the ships sold instead of first unequipping them is still a bit bitter, since money cant buy you your pink stuff back, but well, it happens.

but all in all pretty much positive changes in this micropatch. especially enabling steam again.


I hope with the introduction of role specific upgrades, you do concentrate however on making more general usable modules. Stuff like shield stealing instead of shield boost etc. are really more a personal taste, and should not be role specific, at least not on the interceptor level. I can agree on having less ecm, and no cloak together with camo tho. But I still insist, that particular part could be solved without role lock in, and more interaction between the modules.


And I really hope poor Error gets a little bit of help by making the devs do some more public statements, I really feel, you guys should try to embrace just a tiny bit more public communication, like in a bit more dev blogging.

But kudos for trying to bring something new every week.

Im still wondering what happend with “You can now create squads of any size free of charge.” (patch 0.7.12), cause it still require license to play with more than 2 members in squad.

just to be clear about it, so if an interceptor disappears and i only see its engine, thats the camouflage right?


I thought camouflage does not cloak you? or do some people even use cloak while carrying the bomb? because that confused me (i saw the ship disappear… still carrying the bomb)


The actual ship does not turn invisible. It becomes invisible to “radar”, meaning your HUD no longer displays the targeting bracket and there is no way for you to lock on anymore. But you can still see the actual ship and in particular it’s afterburner glow and even the tiny circling bomb.


As for the “full cloak” that also makes the ship invisible, that still makes you drop the bomb. I think. I don’t think that full cloak is available at all to Covert Ops interceptors though (the only ship role that can use Adaptive Camouflage).


I wonder if you still explode if you take the bomb through a warp gate… I don’t really see how taking the bomb through a warp gate would be more overpowered than the Adaptive Camouflage. 

Full cloak (Phase something) is available to Recon interceptor and it does drop bombs, while Adaptive doesn’t. Hell, even Warp Gate makes you drop bombs.

Each day i just get more disappointed in the patch ;/

Inputting the role system just broke the game, not in the pure fact of them existing (they are great idea) but in the way they change the game. Most of the interceptors are unplayable at this point as their survival is just laughable, they don’t have any way of extending their survival as other ships do. And Frigates (especialy guards) are over beefed and over buffed.


The basic core of the system role is broken in the pure fact that for doing your job that is described to the role you are not earned effectiveness in anyway, especially for a role like scout.


Frigates are just too overpowered, i understand they should be tough, but last game i was dealing 4 yes FOUR damage with each hit to a  frigate ? what the hell is this supposed to be? Dont get me wrong i dont want it to be David vs Goliath type of game but i want him to at least pay attention to me so i could divert him from shooting my allies, i want to stand a threat to him if he neglects me, I want to be annoyance. 


But no, only ting he has to do is use his area of effect explosion thingy and put mine field on, no more is required, he doesn’t even have to turn around or even xxxx. 

Atleast if they would have some flaw like i dont know maybe weapon damage? ofcurse frigates are laughing right now xxxx last time i was killed with three shots from a laser. Having 125 hull resistance to thermal he needed only two hits to take it down. why is that ? oh wait he gains 25% more damage because i hit him! YAY REROLL TO FRIGATE AND HAVE FUN!


StarFrigate thats how im calling this game now.

with covert ops interceptors you can destroy long range frigates in about 4-6 seconds and engineers in about 10 if they are alone. there is even a medal for that. and now since update 1 you get around 100% damage for 10 secs. In my opinion thats makes covert ops interceptorsone of the deadliest ships if they catch you alone or on the way to the battlefield.


Update one indeed balanced things out, not perfectly but it goes the right way.

 In my opinion thats makes covert ops interceptorsone of the deadliest ships if they catch you alone or on the way to the battlefield.

Well, that’s exactly what they’re designed for, now isn’t it?

It is intented to an extent, all teams should have at least one recon ship to expose the Covert Ops ship, and pinging him to there location. Its all about team play.



Team play would be something like an ally that’s able to cloak other allied ships in a 200m radius for x amount of time or something. What we have now is broken plain and simple

can we get a formula for synergy boosting ship properties?

This is different for all ships.


Im still wondering what happend with “You can now create squads of any size free of charge.” (patch 0.7.12), cause it still require license to play with more than 2 members in squad.

It’s still a bug occuring for some players.

Stop this CovertOps nonsense at once! You can’t be serious about that Role, especially considering the special modules it has…


Plasma Arc - 3x5k damage in 3sec, WTF? It’s just a simple “I WIN!” button against more than half of the other ship roles. 15k damage in 3sec, and it didn’t yet fire any guns or missiles… ridiculous… Oh and about the guns, they have a +75% damage buff for that as well… Combined with the +30% crit chance and special missiles of interceptors, it’s ridiculous again…


Flying a Long Range, a Tackler or a Gunship, you’re dead waaays before you notice that a CovertOps ship is close by. When using my Gunship (the Wolf) i find it totally unacceptable that one of these crazy things can just simply fly up to me and kill me within the blink of an eye…

What the heck is a Gunship’s role? Is it pure DPS?! YES indeed! Then how is it balanced that CovertOps can kill more than half of the ships in 3sec, while the Gunship cannot.


And if something ever goes wrong for guys in these ships, then “Oh well, I can still turn myself into a bloody nuclear bomb…” (Self Destruct)


You also gave them the White Noise Jammer, because why on earth are Fighters supposed to have it, right? (seriously why take it?!) With this you totally nerfed their only viable counters, the Tacklers. How are they supposed to stop them if they cannot use active modules on them?!

And yeah, finally there’s the crazy Adaptive Camo which is another “I WIN!” button for every Detonation match they play. Going off the radar for 20 sec is enough for an Interceptor to cross at least half of an average map! This is ridiculous again, if Cloak, Invulnerability, Warping and all this kind of stuff forces you to drop the EMP Bomb, then CovertOps ships should not be allowed to carry it around while invisible as well.

Oh yeah, right, they aren’t visually invisible, but they are small as a fly, so in the heat of battle you have zero chance of spotting them… And even if you do spot the xxxxxxx, how are you supposed to stop it without a target lock?!


CovertOps Interceptors are over the top, they are fast, they have extremely high DPS (remember Interceptors are NOT supposed to have that, eh?!) and they have special modules which plain and simple are cheats.


Also, the path you took with CovertOps is WRONG. Do not follow it! Do not ever put anything in your game which can kill others in 2-3 seconds, because it is not balanced and it is not fun for those others. People want to fight, and fighting means getting shot and shooting back. Against CovertOps there is no bloody chance to shoot back, it’s just an insane rape-fest. Stop this madness, or you will start losing players, and lots of them!

Just look at other games, from Aion to League of Legends in all categories, if you create a class or character, if you create a combat mechanism which allows people to kill others with absolutely no chance to counter, those others will start leaving the game… And they are the majority of your players.

Covert Ops ships are quite flimsy though, a wrong move and they die quickly. Recons can counter them but when you look at it, they do have quite a large selection of powerful tools, the adaptive camo’s timer is quite extensive at 20 seconds, its similar to the fighter’s cloaking device. As for the thing that can give out a whopping 105% damage buff at mk3 for 10 seconds. It might be better if you half the duration time on those two modules…


The white noise jammer seemed more useful on the tackler as a single target module, despite what people say, it was useful to hit at interceptors to keep them from stunning or use abilities on you.

Stop this CovertOps nonsense at once! You can’t be serious about that Role, especially considering the special modules it has…


Plasma Arc - 3x5k damage in 3sec, WTF? It’s just a simple “I WIN!” button against more than half of the other ship roles. 15k damage in 3sec, and it didn’t yet fire any guns or missiles… ridiculous… Oh and about the guns, they have a +75% damage buff for that as well… Combined with the +30% crit chance and special missiles of interceptors, it’s ridiculous again…


Flying a Long Range, a Tackler or a Gunship, you’re dead waaays before you notice that a CovertOps ship is close by. When using my Gunship (the Wolf) i find it totally unacceptable that one of these crazy things can just simply fly up to me and kill me within the blink of an eye…

What the heck is a Gunship’s role? Is it pure DPS?! YES indeed! Then how is it balanced that CovertOps can kill more than half of the ships in 3sec, while the Gunship cannot.


And if something ever goes wrong for guys in these ships, then “Oh well, I can still turn myself into a bloody nuclear bomb…” (Self Destruct)


You also gave them the White Noise Jammer, because why on earth are Fighters supposed to have it, right? (seriously why take it?!) With this you totally nerfed their only viable counters, the Tacklers. How are they supposed to stop them if they cannot use active modules on them?!

And yeah, finally there’s the crazy Adaptive Camo which is another “I WIN!” button for every Detonation match they play. Going off the radar for 20 sec is enough for an Interceptor to cross at least half of an average map! This is ridiculous again, if Cloak, Invulnerability, Warping and all this kind of stuff forces you to drop the EMP Bomb, then CovertOps ships should not be allowed to carry it around while invisible as well.

Oh yeah, right, they aren’t visually invisible, but they are small as a fly, so in the heat of battle you have zero chance of spotting them… And even if you do spot the xxxxxxx, how are you supposed to stop it without a target lock?!


CovertOps Interceptors are over the top, they are fast, they have extremely high DPS (remember Interceptors are NOT supposed to have that, eh?!) and they have special modules which plain and simple are cheats.


Also, the path you took with CovertOps is WRONG. Do not follow it! Do not ever put anything in your game which can kill others in 2-3 seconds, because it is not balanced and it is not fun for those others. People want to fight, and fighting means getting shot and shooting back. Against CovertOps there is no bloody chance to shoot back, it’s just an insane rape-fest. Stop this madness, or you will start losing players, and lots of them!

Just look at other games, from Aion to League of Legends in all categories, if you create a class or character, if you create a combat mechanism which allows people to kill others with absolutely no chance to counter, those others will start leaving the game… And they are the majority of your players.

waaaagh i dont fly but just look at the numbers and than cryyyyy waaaaagh


do you even fly covops?


plasma arc is just a beam that shoots straight in front of your ship, so good luck hitting anything except a stationary frig. 

the orion mod gives you little less than fighter DPS for 10 seconds. WHOOOOOO I AM DESTROYER OF WORLDS

finally, they are literally paper thin.


edit: just to reiterate: i find covops utter xxxx. sad but true. 

This is different for all ships.


It’s still a bug occuring for some players.

Any news on when it will be fixed? can we help by giving you guys more logs?

At the moment you only get increased stats. You can make a suggestion and maybe we will see something different in the future.


maybe as a reward for full synergy we can get a passive module or like, 30k credits? because you really have to like that ship in order to do that. or you could make it so that the credit amount is based against the level of synergy? like you get 10k every time you reach a new level so by the time you get to lvl 7 you have gained 70k? also i wanted to ask, would it be possible to make the hanger a co-op hanger when you are in a squad so you can view your teammates ships?, and also, when do we get the option to change the color of our ships and buy skins? 

guys, as long as you play t2 it will always be unbalanced, i played against a team of all t2s with my t3 frig with heavy lasers and killed 8 of them before they even got close to me i think the patch is good there are just minor things that need reworking like the ship tree

Lots of misleading information here about covops.

Interceptors are utter crap every single one of them. They cant even dish enough dmg to bypass an engineers shield regeneration.


Even with orion dmg buff an interceptor can hardly deal any dps  close to a fighter. They have 2 turrets x 175%  dmg buff still not close to 4 turrets dmg and it lasts 10 secs with a cooldown of a min. They have the half hp of an fighter and die insanely fast. A single shot of a disintegrator kills an interceptor.


Plasma arc has only 120m range and doesnt use reticle for targeting. You need to aim your ship to make any use of it. And as previously stated it is only effective against stationary targets. If as a fighter you complain being hit by plasma arc you have no idea how to fly a ship. Plasma arc is only good if the target is unaware of your approach. If you are unaware any skill will take you down, dont blame a skill for your unawareness of surrounding ships. More over frigates aoe skills takes down interceptors faster then plasma arc can take down frigates. And they dont require any aiming. The ai does the job for you getting the kill so that you can brag how great pilot you are.


I keep hearing interceptors are supposed to kill frigates but never seen a single interceptor killing an good frigate pilot who is aware of their approach on 1v1. It is near impossible.