Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

Can someone clarify for me why guard frigates have 4 turrets? Maybe I’m blind and stupid(most likely), but I searched the forums and read the path notes, but didn’t find anything about it. Is it just a bug or is it tied with the role of the frigate? If it’s itended what is the justifiaction for making this change?

Guard frigates are focused in defence and have low atack, see this

Guard frigates are focused in defence and have low atack, see this


If it’s about damage numbers why not introduce bonus/malus appropriately? We have ship bonuses already… So I don’t really see a point in removing the turrets if it’s numbers problem. It just looks silly now…

So for DLC/Prem ships, if they weren’t in the slots when the patch hit they don’t have full synergy. Please fix this.

So for DLC/Prem ships, if they weren’t in the slots when the patch hit they don’t have full synergy. Please fix this.

This will be done in the next patch.

Error why does the Katana Type S and Ira Deus not have any bonuses? Every other Rank 9 ship does (even across factions).


Just thought I’d ask.

Error why does the Katana Type S and Ira Deus not have any bonuses? Every other Rank 9 ship does (even across factions).


Just thought I’d ask.

The balance between the roles is not finished, there will be more improvements in the future.

Thanks Error :3

The problem with camping is that this is not Call of Duty. The objective is not to sit in the corner and snipe until your team’s kill count reaches the number required to win. Let’s take a look at what we actually have to do:


Capture and hold 3 Beacons - Snipers are useless because they can’t stop people capturing, and won’t capture themselves.

Capture and hold 1 Beacon that changes - Snipers are useless because they can’t stop people capturing, and won’t capture themselves.

Kill a specific enemy - Snipers are useless because any Captain with an ounce of sense will keep out of sight of sniper frigates. If a sniper frigate is a captain himself, he’ll get jumped and slaughtered to give the other team an easy win.


Snipers are rarely, if ever, useful in a team scenario. The only game I can think of where they are useful is/was Killzone 3, where the Sniper could swap out for mid-range weapons and his class abilities (a cloaking device and the ability to not appear on enemy radar) made him excellent for sneaking up on objectives and holding them.




We want these “Long Range” Frigates to move to a beacon, set up shop there, and deny the hell out of it. We want them up close so that they are actually helping the team rather than ensuring their team loses. As it stands, you can pretty much tell what team is going to lose by comparing how many Long Range frigates they have; the one with the most has lost the match before they even hit launch.


If anything, the class that should be focused on long range combat is the Fighter. I’ve found that stabilized railguns (range of about 6,000m) on a Fighter is an awesome concept; it allows me to hang back and snipe, but as a Fighter I still have the speed and agility required to get stuck in. Plus, since I’m engaging from 6k rather than 9-12k like a LR Frig, I’m likely to be somewhere I can make a difference. Combine that with Command abilities and you have an excellent sniper - far enough away to avoid getting hurt, but close enough to buff the team who ARE getting hurt!


tl;dr: Nobody wants snipers in this game. We want direct attackers, counter-attackers and support classes. We don’t want people camping at spawn.


 a good pilot does these anyway. its sad when people spawn and set up shot. really sad. a good pilot moves to a key position where he can help on obj or points THEN sets up. good post.

In real life a sniper is an invaluable support member. don’t get mad at the role get mad at the pilot for doing a xxxx job. 

Weapons and modules: General

* “Collision Compensator” applies to both ships, even when only one of them has the module.



Error what does this mean? 

Error what does this mean? 


Probably means when you collide with another ship with Collision Compensator module on you but not on the other ship, both your ship and the other ship get reduced damage.

Premium ships were fixed, Steam DLC ships were not.

Probably means when you collide with another ship with Collision Compensator module on you but not on the other ship, both your ship and the other ship get reduced damage.


Premium ships were fixed, Steam DLC ships were not.

This is known and will be fixed.

Error, a quick question if I may:


Since the synergy update doesn’t seem to be really explained anywhere (at least not concretely), can I request at least a solid answer for what happens when we attain maximum synergy with a ship, beyond just a stat bonus?


If it’s possible (somewhere down the line, of course), how about something a little new implimented into the system: a direct display of what will be gained with a particular ship if maximum synergy is achieved. Do we get a new active slot? Passive? Maybe a little more space in the missile bay? I’m not sure.  Just a way of telling what we get for grinding out a whole bunch of battles with the ship of choice.


Hoping for a reply, thank you ~

Error, a quick question if I may:


Since the synergy update doesn’t seem to be really explained anywhere (at least not concretely), can I request at least a solid answer for what happens when we attain maximum synergy with a ship, beyond just a stat bonus?


If it’s possible (somewhere down the line, of course), how about something a little new implimented into the system: a direct display of what will be gained with a particular ship if maximum synergy is achieved. Do we get a new active slot? Passive? Maybe a little more space in the missile bay? I’m not sure.  Just a way of telling what we get for grinding out a whole bunch of battles with the ship of choice.


Hoping for a reply, thank you ~

At the moment you only get increased stats. You can make a suggestion and maybe we will see something different in the future.

At the moment you only get increased stats. You can make a suggestion and maybe we will see something different in the future.


Alright, thanks for clearing that up, and for the quick response. Much appreciated!

Looking forwards to new updates ~

I dont know if its intended or not, but the adaptive cameo on covert ops interceptors works while they are carrying the EMP bomb.

At the moment its extremely easy to place a bomb. You grab it, activate the cameo, dissappear from map/radar fly behind some stone and just place it on the next station. Maybe its intended but specials like warp/chameleon/invulnerability/ cameo should drop the bomb.

I dont know if its intended or not, but the adaptive cameo on covert ops interceptors works while they are carrying the EMP bomb.

At the moment its extremely easy to place a bomb. You grab it, activate the cameo, dissappear from map/radar fly behind some stone and just place it on the next station. Maybe its intended but specials like warp/chameleon/invulnerability/ cameo should drop the bomb.



quoting because this s*** is broken all to pieces and needs fixed asap .




Just wanted to say thanks an nice work to Error an company for the tweaks an quick fixes since the recent patch. Was nice to see a fast fix on the module issue I spotted.