Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

The problem with camping is that this is not Call of Duty. The objective is not to sit in the corner and snipe until your team’s kill count reaches the number required to win. Let’s take a look at what we actually have to do:


Capture and hold 3 Beacons - Snipers are useless because they can’t stop people capturing, and won’t capture themselves.

Capture and hold 1 Beacon that changes - Snipers are useless because they can’t stop people capturing, and won’t capture themselves.

Kill a specific enemy - Snipers are useless because any Captain with an ounce of sense will keep out of sight of sniper frigates. If a sniper frigate is a captain himself, he’ll get jumped and slaughtered to give the other team an easy win.


Snipers are rarely, if ever, useful in a team scenario. The only game I can think of where they are useful is/was Killzone 3, where the Sniper could swap out for mid-range weapons and his class abilities (a cloaking device and the ability to not appear on enemy radar) made him excellent for sneaking up on objectives and holding them.




We want these “Long Range” Frigates to move to a beacon, set up shop there, and deny the hell out of it. We want them up close so that they are actually helping the team rather than ensuring their team loses. As it stands, you can pretty much tell what team is going to lose by comparing how many Long Range frigates they have; the one with the most has lost the match before they even hit launch.


If anything, the class that should be focused on long range combat is the Fighter. I’ve found that stabilized railguns (range of about 6,000m) on a Fighter is an awesome concept; it allows me to hang back and snipe, but as a Fighter I still have the speed and agility required to get stuck in. Plus, since I’m engaging from 6k rather than 9-12k like a LR Frig, I’m likely to be somewhere I can make a difference. Combine that with Command abilities and you have an excellent sniper - far enough away to avoid getting hurt, but close enough to buff the team who ARE getting hurt!


tl;dr: Nobody wants snipers in this game. We want direct attackers, counter-attackers and support classes. We don’t want people camping at spawn.

The problem with camping is that this is not Call of Duty. The objective is not to sit in the corner and snipe until your team’s kill count reaches the number required to win. Let’s take a look at what we actually have to do:


Capture and hold 3 Beacons - Snipers are useless because they can’t stop people capturing, and won’t capture themselves.

Capture and hold 1 Beacon that changes - Snipers are useless because they can’t stop people capturing, and won’t capture themselves.

Kill a specific enemy - Snipers are useless because any Captain with an ounce of sense will keep out of sight of sniper frigates. If a sniper frigate is a captain himself, he’ll get jumped and slaughtered to give the other team an easy win.


Snipers are rarely, if ever, useful in a team scenario. The only game I can think of where they are useful is/was Killzone 3, where the Sniper could swap out for mid-range weapons and his class abilities (a cloaking device and the ability to not appear on enemy radar) made him excellent for sneaking up on objectives and holding them.




We want these “Long Range” Frigates to move to a beacon, set up shop there, and deny the hell out of it. We want them up close so that they are actually helping the team rather than ensuring their team loses. As it stands, you can pretty much tell what team is going to lose by comparing how many Long Range frigates they have; the one with the most has lost the match before they even hit launch.


If anything, the class that should be focused on long range combat is the Fighter. I’ve found that stabilized railguns (range of about 6,000m) on a Fighter is an awesome concept; it allows me to hang back and snipe, but as a Fighter I still have the speed and agility required to get stuck in. Plus, since I’m engaging from 6k rather than 9-12k like a LR Frig, I’m likely to be somewhere I can make a difference. Combine that with Command abilities and you have an excellent sniper - far enough away to avoid getting hurt, but close enough to buff the team who ARE getting hurt!


tl;dr: Nobody wants snipers in this game. We want direct attackers, counter-attackers and support classes. We don’t want people camping at spawn.

Lol so many people hate sniping, even tho there is nothing wrong with it. You people need to man up.

If we have to “man up” because our so called OP builds and all our progress has been lost, than you guys need to man the xxxx up about snipers.

no no no mate


first, a bit of history: i always sucked and hated sniping. i was simply bad at it. 

Than i started playing Blacklight and decided to get good at it. It’s hard, but super rewarding, especially in a game like BL.

And than i got good at it.


Now, here’s the problem with sniping: there aren’t any counters to sniping , except hiding and/or counter-sniping. And that part is bad.


Still i don’t snipe here, 'cause (to me) it’s not fun. if you want a fast paced, action game, sniping ruins it. 

Yes, i know, ‘deal with it’, ‘it’s a valid tactic’, but if things turn into a snipefest, that’s simply not the game i want to play (and, apparently, a lot of other people) so we’ll simlpy move.


Again: why hate sniping? NO COUNTER. There’s absolutely nothing i can do (unless i counter snipe) to a group of frigs sitting 10 km above the plane of the map, taking potshots and concentrating on anything that starts moving in their direction.


new changes countered sniping with stealth mods, but now that you’re buffing snipers, matches will again degrade to a snipefest for a single reason: in this game there are no counters to sniping

no no no mate


first, a bit of history: i always sucked and hated sniping. i was simply bad at it. 

Than i started playing Blacklight and decided to get good at it. It’s hard, but super rewarding, especially in a game like BL.

And than i got good at it.


Now, here’s the problem with sniping: there aren’t any counters to sniping , except hiding and/or counter-sniping. And that part is bad.


Still i don’t snipe here, 'cause (to me) it’s not fun. if you want a fast paced, action game, sniping ruins it. 

Yes, i know, ‘deal with it’, ‘it’s a valid tactic’, but if things turn into a snipefest, that’s simply not the game i want to play (and, apparently, a lot of other people) so we’ll simlpy move.


Again: why hate sniping? NO COUNTER. There’s absolutely nothing i can do (unless i counter snipe) to a group of frigs sitting 10 km above the plane of the map, taking potshots and concentrating on anything that starts moving in their direction.


new changes countered sniping with stealth mods, but now that you’re buffing snipers, matches will again degrade to a snipefest for a single reason: in this game there are no counters to sniping

wow…you guys really need to man the xxxx up.

NO COUNTERS? how about a fracking fighter or inty? move to them in great speed, which is even easier with the new modules! get your head out of your xxxx and adapt to that.

in this game there are no counters to sniping

Don’t fly through open space. Move from rock to rock. When you do fly through open space don’t fly straight and level. Watch for the laser targeter. Star Conflict maps have more than enough cover to easily neutralise snipers. Even beacons provide more than enough cover to make a sniper helpless to stop you while you cap it.


A sniper is only really dangerous when you’re dogfighting with someone else and can’t devote attention to keeping out of line of sight with the sniper, in which case that’s exactly the role he’s meant to be filling: fire support to help friendlies win their fights.


On the rare occasion that he’s actually being effective, a Recon or Covops can burn out and open a can of whoopass on him, which is pretty easy to do with MWD or adaptive camo.


I’m a bit curious where your experience of deadly uncounterable snipers comes from tbh. Mine has been similar to JasanQuinn’s - you can pretty much count every LR frigate on the team as dead weight, the more you have the more likely you are to lose.

wow…you guys really need to man the xxxx up.

NO COUNTERS? how about a fracking fighter or inty? move to them in great speed, which is even easier with the new modules! get your head out of your xxxx and adapt to that.


have you ever tried to close on a frig group parked 10km above the map? preferably in an inty?

have you?

have you ever tried to assasinate a captain in a frig, surrounded by 5 other firgs?


Don’t fly through open space. Move from rock to rock. When you do fly through open space don’t fly straight and level. Watch for the laser targeter. Star Conflict maps have more than enough cover to easily neutralise snipers. Even beacons provide more than enough cover to make a sniper helpless to stop you while you cap it.


A sniper is only really dangerous when you’re dogfighting with someone else and can’t devote attention to keeping out of line of sight with the sniper, in which case that’s exactly the role he’s meant to be filling: fire support to help friendlies win their fights.


On the rare occasion that he’s actually being effective, a Recon or Covops can burn out and open a can of whoop-xxxx on him, which is pretty easy to do with MWD or adaptive camo.

yes, i agree, but they are a pain in the xxxx when going for objectives. taking the newly spawned bomb or rushing the beacon.

i especially agree on the last part, with new changes to ships and new mods snipers got killable.

Boosting snipers is counterproductive.

You know what, I don’t even think Bacon read what I posted, so I’m not even going to bother discussing with him…


I’ve got to agree with Binky; snipers are not that scary. Back when I just started playing, when we were on 0.7.10 or whatever and I was flying that Tier 1 Hercules, I thought Snipers were overpowered. Now, though? Now I laugh at snipers. They just don’t have the defensive capabilities to survive being ganked anymore. Hell, I’ve killed a few Iron / Steel Harpies in a head-on fight in my Fighters!


That argument about the frigate cloud floating 10K above the map… no, I’ve never seen that happen. I’ve seen a captain surrounded by 5+ frigates, but that doesn’t work because that frigate cloud makes up the bulk of their team, and you shouldn’t be hitting that with a lone interceptor; you should have 5-6 attackers all going in at once.


Oddly, that is an argument I see come up far too often; people complain that you get an Engi-Healer and a Guard Frig escorting a Command Fighter Captain with a Recon Interceptor in the wings, and they xxxxx and moan that they can’t Microwarp into the middle of that flotilla and snipe the Captain. The idea that they’re meant to break that defense by getting 2-3 heavy hitters into range and then warping in for the snipe never crosses their minds.

Gunships: Engine overdrive was PERFECT as it was, by upgrading it you will have empire gunships going 500mps carrying the EMP in detonation mode where t2 interceptors can’t even catch them because of no hull mods to help with speed.


With overdrive and the module at its current rate, Im at 561 in a desert eagle… this should push me up past 600… BUT the module makes you drop the bomb if your carrying it. or maybe it was the overdrive, one of them did it. 

It’s called Invis up to the Frig, Launch a Rocket, drop mines Learn 2 Fly and the Most Important fly as a team. This Game is NOT Rocket Science. I watch People just fly around in space doing nothing to people flying straight into a frig and being blown up for no reason. If my Little T2 Machete can take out a GUARD Frig by itself then there is something wrong with people who can not do the same. So let’s NERF everything so people can not learn to fly or do TEAM HUNTING or learn the meaning of Stealth to kill. Here lets take away more Modules.

Wait, is it a bug that when you activate the active camo, you dont see your own ship go “invisible?”

Wait, is it a bug that when you activate the active camo, you dont see your own ship go “invisible?”


active camo dosent give u invisibility, it just make that red square that is normally around an enemy disappear which means ppl can’t lock onto you and can only see you if they look very closely at your afterburners

active camo dosent give u invisibility, it just make that red square that is normally around an enemy disappear which means ppl can’t lock onto you and can only see you if they look very closely at your afterburners

it also removes you from the radar & overview.

Frigates: Long Range

* “Disintegrator” damage increased by 60%.

* Disintegrator charge velocity reduced by 25%.

* Jericho guided missiles speed increased. Damage increased.


erm, really ?

Don’t fly through open space. Move from rock to rock. When you do fly through open space don’t fly straight and level. Watch for the laser targeter. Star Conflict maps have more than enough cover to easily neutralise snipers. Even beacons provide more than enough cover to make a sniper helpless to stop you while you cap it.


A sniper is only really dangerous when you’re dogfighting with someone else and can’t devote attention to keeping out of line of sight with the sniper, in which case that’s exactly the role he’s meant to be filling: fire support to help friendlies win their fights.


On the rare occasion that he’s actually being effective, a Recon or Covops can burn out and open a can of whoopass on him, which is pretty easy to do with MWD or adaptive camo.


I’m a bit curious where your experience of deadly uncounterable snipers comes from tbh. Mine has been similar to JasanQuinn’s - you can pretty much count every LR frigate on the team as dead weight, the more you have the more likely you are to lose.


Don’t fly through open space. Move from rock to rock. When you do fly through open space don’t fly straight and level. Watch for the laser targeter. Star Conflict maps have more than enough cover to easily neutralise snipers. Even beacons provide more than enough cover to make a sniper helpless to stop you while you cap it.


A sniper is only really dangerous when you’re dogfighting with someone else and can’t devote attention to keeping out of line of sight with the sniper, in which case that’s exactly the role he’s meant to be filling: fire support to help friendlies win their fights.


On the rare occasion that he’s actually being effective, a Recon or Covops can burn out and open a can of whoopass on him, which is pretty easy to do with MWD or adaptive camo.


I’m a bit curious where your experience of deadly uncounterable snipers comes from tbh. Mine has been similar to JasanQuinn’s - you can pretty much count every LR frigate on the team as dead weight, the more you have the more likely you are to lose.




exactly how i feel about Long Range … lets say ships.

Hmm, nothing about the asymmetrical turrets on Jericho Guard frigates or the permanent sticker on the Jericho Templar frig. Disappointing.

With overdrive and the module at its current rate, Im at 561 in a desert eagle… this should push me up past 600… BUT the module makes you drop the bomb if your carrying it. or maybe it was the overdrive, one of them did it. 


None of them makes you drop the bomb. My desert eagle can go 700m/s with bomb on me.

I think the devs did a good job with this patch. 

Frigs where overpowered as hell. Good idea nerfing them. Good idea in a few other points.


I’m just missing a possibility for hull repairing. Its okay if it’s “kind of rare” in pvp. But if you dont have an engineer in pve, than you are 90% screwed, And in random matches … in 30-50% of the cases, noone loggs a healer frig. And if I have to do it, I dont like playing it, because I love my Kalah so much, I want to marry it (Dear wife, if you ever read this … I love you ,too … but you are way less shiny). 


If you would increase the hull regeneration rate in PVE … I would totally love this game a lot more. Just my thinking.

Can someone clarify for me why guard frigates have 4 turrets? Maybe I’m blind and stupid(most likely), but I searched the forums and read the path notes, but didn’t find anything about it. Is it just a bug or is it tied with the role of the frigate? If it’s itended what is the justifiaction for making this change?

I like the update all around! :smiley:

The ship roles go nicely, the change of the ship tree is a little confusing, but no big deal, and I especially like how the special modules are now no longer faction-dependent.


Makes it imaginable that in the future, special modules could be bought/changed! :smiley:




Something that I would love to see though is that faction documents actually ARE documents, and that you can read them for some more depth and immersion, and since they’re classified, you could implement a choice to either read them (and thus get a minimal bonus for the next battle aside from some info on the world) or turn them in and get the loyalty bonus for not having read them.