Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

I have 10 total MK3 collision compensators that have moved up an tier and now I cannot equip them due to them changing factions…So now…Im a useless pilot with no skill, no modules, no anything  And this is to a skilled player with pre steam access…If i got hit bad, imagine the newbies…

hey error, tell those full of xxxx devs to rewind to pre-patch, and do the patch again, this time also refunding the mk3 mods you can no longer use due to loyalty, because i am gone otherwise, i am not re-grinding 40m


error or other mods, you can delete comments and threads, but it will not change anything! I have seen them.



like I said…deleting the comments you don’t like won’t help you. THEY FUCKED UP AND THEY NEED TO FIX IT.


edit: Don’t make me grab the Hammer of Spamalot.

Corect i’ve being sayng this for coule of days… All my fed fighters turned in tacklers and i hate them…i’d like to go for gunship now but it would cost more than 30 millions…WHAAATTT??? This is insanely stupid…A rework of the ship tree is IMMEDIATELY nedeed!!!






Absolutely support for this…My guard frigs were already crappy (lvl 7 sinergy), AS usual gunship fighters killed me in couple of seconds and heavy plasma became light softly caressing gentle plasma (coz of turrets reduction) lol and nerfing survivability is very stupid. I’d like to go for engineer firgs but it would costs billions and i’can’t sell my supere expensive t4 grizzly :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:




Engineer ships are worse, they very vunrable and need support, they not tough enough to take too many hits, but main issue is the whole world knows your a healer, an we all knows what happens in pvp games with healers… everyone hits you first

oh look, another stealth nerf found! Suicide warping(Microwarpdriving right into an enemy) no longer is an insta kill. Instead it now does barely 25% damage on his hull…Why would you even do this? It wasnt a viable tactic to begin with!(Altho a really funny one)

So when is the patch? ‘Tomorrow’ has come. :slight_smile:

I have decent success surviving in an engy frig. Pick some cover ~3k from the action and hang back sniping with something medium-to-long range. If the bad guys focus you get behind your rock and regen. If an inty comes for you broadcast it. It’s pretty variable whether anyone will actually help you with the inty ofc. But even if not tbh I find I’m pretty survivable. I’m no Guard frig, but between self heals from my engineering modules, drone healing and a shield booster (which I skip the Warp Gate for) I’m pretty tough.

If youre in cover watch for your drones shooting. That’s a sure sign you’re being blindsided by something. Drones have a sixth sense for Adaptive Camo covops, so listen to them.


Haha. People were bitching for ages about MWD kills on captains in Recon. Now you’re complaining about them *fixing* it? They really can’t win with us can they.

well yea with nerf of guard frig, engi frig will have same survi as guard >.>

yday i saw engi frig with 60k survi as my guard had 68k

So when is the patch? ‘Tomorrow’ has come. :slight_smile:


Our server host is still having trouble, if these issue won’t be solved in the next our the patch will be delayed.

Error, shout at them (server hosts) over the phone and send them angry emails! Patch please :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha. People were bitching for ages about MWD kills on captains in Recon. Now you’re complaining about them *fixing* it? They really can’t win with us can they.

I don’t think they fixed this. The Collision Compensator doesn’t help you in warp. This just means that I can no longer bash enemies to death in my inty :frowning:

no more kamikaze for ya ;D


but anyway i wonder how am i suppose to even low engi shield on guard frig with 25% of weapon dmg >.> with 75% reg of those shields was way to much for me :frowning:

well yea with nerf of guard frig, engi frig will have same survi as guard >.>

yday i saw engi frig with 60k survi as my guard had 68k


I saw them too, many empire engi frigates with about 60k survivability, with my guard frigate having 63k right now.

I don’t see the point of nerfing the guard frigates, maybe the 75% damage bonus was a bit excessive but keep in mind that with 4 turrets this frigates have a 33% permanent less damage output.

The tactics now are pretty awesome with guard frigates, most time I just rush in the middle of the enemy team being able to survive about 5 - 10 seconds while my allies take positions, also with the 75% dmg bonus we get rewards for being punished, which is the main objective of this class. 25% less HP and 15% less damage reduction is a really HUGE NERF in our role as tank ships.


Let’s see how goes with the patch but i think that 8.0.0 is awesome as it is right now for guard frigates, I also support the dmg buff for sniping frigates, and speed bonuses for interceptors and fighters (Engine overdrive bonus increased to 45% (previously 25%)) maybe too much, 30 - 35 it’s enough, 45% will be ridiculously fast…

Guard frigates are not nearly as bad as they were on patch day now that everyone has had some time to figure them out. take your time and look at the data and Please do not over nerf them.

oh look, another stealth nerf found! Suicide warping(Microwarpdriving right into an enemy) no longer is an insta kill. Instead it now does barely 25% damage on his hull…Why would you even do this? It wasnt a viable tactic to begin with!(Altho a really funny one)

that’s not true, i warpgated into another (enemy) frig with my own frig on purpose today, he was @90% and instadied.


another prob for guard ships is, that they are all T5 or 8/11, never at the end of a tier, since they get nerfed in terms of hp now (and extra resistances) i think the devs should reconsider changing the Techtree for guardfrigs.


And yes i fly guardfrigs, but i fly engi, inty and my 2 beloved gunships aswell.

Guard frigates are not nearly as bad as they were on patch day now that everyone has had some time to figure them out. take your time and look at the data and Please do not over nerf them.


With the level of nerf incoming they’re gonna be just sitting targets with less survivability and damage than a engie frig. The devs have serious problems with understanding numbers.

Can anyone tell me what the reward is, or will be for owning sector conquest sectors?

I wonder why they did not include pie in the patch.

holy shti it’s like you listen to playerbase and than do  exactly opposite


nerf brawling frigs and buff sniping? put sniping fags back on the map and make it not viable, but superior game style…


on the other side, not touching sharp role division, not touching command modules,…


it’s like every good step you make, you need to counter by doing several really bad steps…

Don’t you get it we do not want long range frigates to be campers and only be usefull for camping ? Quit giving it only skills ment to help it camp. That’s not why  bought my frigates to camp on an asteroid

absolutely this


but it seams that devs support camping and sniping, because every f*cking change they buff it somehow