Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

I don’t understand how you can justify capping everyone at Rank 12 and making an exception for people that have already progressed beyond?


With these changes someone would be stuck at R12 regardless of how much work they put in - why then make an exception for someone who put in LESS work at an earlier time?


Limiting them to R12, in addition to everyone else would level the upcoming T5 playing field, which already seriously favours people to were able to rank their subfactions up to R15 prior to the loyalty nerf. These people are “losing” nothing - they’ve never had access to T5 ships nor T5 modules.


If someone plays say, 20,000 games now - you’re effectively telling them their work means nothing and they can’t progress beyond R12, but if someone had put in 2,000 games 8 weeks ago they deserve a permanent advantage for it?


I know there’s presently a huge divide among the playerbase between the “haves” and the “have nots” - establishing some sort of equal playing field ahead of the introduction of T5 ships/modules might have appeased those people who feel the current atmosphere if huge sweeping changes and increased grind call for a player wipe ahead of release, since it can certainly no longer be argued that there’s a level playing field among open beta participants.


Actions like this just serve to reinforce the stereotype that the Developers are unwilling to make any changes that could be to the detriment of the supposed ‘Russian Elite’.

Because if it was at you they say : You made hard work to gain your loyalty, today we retire. I think it will be you who crying for the injustice to take away your point.
And really, how is it really horrible that some player have one ship few days before you. You’ll have it too after. That’s all.

But it’s true they should cap it before.

Don’t you get it we do not want long range frigates to be campers and only be usefull for camping ? Quit giving it only skills ment to help it camp. That’s not why  bought my frigates to camp on an asteroid

Oh and you should reduce long range gunship HP and SHield by 75% too, so when somehting gets close to you , you don’t have to wait 12 seconds to die , it’s quicker.

Not bad patch, however I think all T4 interceptors (e.g. the recently-promoted kris versions, etc) (and maybe other T4 ships) should have the slot for passive engine mod. Because otherwise they are completely outclassed in speed by the ships which have it. It’s one of the main differences between T3 and T4…

 Yes all T4 promoted ships should be upgraded with the extra missle slot and passive module slot !  Also bring  back the old ship tree to some degree so i do not have to buy ships i will never use and pay 10 mil for them. It’s too much considering repairs cost 50-90k and u reward a mission with 120k-130k

I can understand the PvP reasons for nerfing guard frigates’ health, but in PvE, I’m still a paper brick. Look a tthe Big Rig Raid. 2/3 of the time my team can’t get past the first mission, regardless of how unbalanced we are (I’ve played with a couple T4 ships, being T2) just because despite all the health and regen I’m stacking, we’re getting munched by the frigates.


Speaking as someone who has also done this successfully, I don’t think this comes down to a matter of skill, but rather a matter of suvivability. Perhaps, if you’re intent on nerfing frigates for PvP, then nerf the PvE as well?



Also bring  back the old ship tree to some degree so i do not have to buy ships i will never use and pay 10 mil for them.


I have to agree with this (I’ll link another post of mine, if you’re interested). It’s absurd that we have to buy ships we don’t intend to use, especially given the price they’re at right now.

Agree to changing leveling tree. Why if the tree branches into 2 different roles, i can pick only one that will progress to the next rank but the other will stop dead in progress so i have to buy both? Or even worse forced into a different role in T4 for the first 2 ranks and then back to the same old role for the last rank…? I’ve been mastering 1 role, why switch me at this point? Why not give me options?


How about 2 role options at the 3rd rank of every tier? Or just don’t bother with giving me 2 options…and give me 1 role option for every race…

they remove items from ships but no refund for those items we worked to earn, how are you supposed to purchase  more

they remove items from ships but no refund for those items we worked to earn, how are you supposed to purchase  more


Some of those items were moved from tier 2 to tier 3 if your ship moved up with the patch. It was not clearly stated in the patch notes. As usual… However green and purple tier items you can’t find anymore are probably just a tier higher than they used to be.

I don’t think you guys should have made a role specifically for sniping since you can make any ship into snipers. What could have been done is made something like a destroyer class which can function at long range. The jerico snipers seem to have more of a disadvantage, not only because there are only 4 of them but because they use guided torpedoes which can be taken out by missile defense, the torpedo is already powerful but it can’t be used to take out ‘frigate walls’. The empire snipers are good but that module would have been more fitting on engineer ships because usually they are support ships and usually stay behind the line of combat. The drones seem more of a use for the guard ships since they can heal and the drones are capable of shooting which would compliment them since they lack 2 turrets, also the turret placement on some of them seems very lopsided. The barrier for command ships feel like some kind of copy paste from the ECM interceptors. That and the energy drain is terrible on the command modules. The phase shielding would have been better, it keeps the command ships alive to support the ships within the front lines.


The tree is sort of nice but it looks like you can branch the ships off into two different lines to make paths for just an individual role. Such a set up might give more choices on focusing a role for that faction. Though there might be large gaps it would be more convenient for some players. Currently, its expensive, forcible, and incredibly linear. The prem ships also seemed to have been effected by this as they seemed to have been role swapped which bothered quite a few people. Personally I do not see much of a point in the premium ships and the dual role per faction still makes it feel a bit limiting.

if they nerfing guard survivabilty by that much then give us our guns back!


The whole point of a guard ship is to be tanky at the cost of dps…


the guard frig nerf just basically makes they pretty useless again

pointless to nerf a guard ship its a guard ship… … the more you nerf the tank of a frigate the more you push the game to int’s.

keep the guard tank but put a dps reduction or something. whats the point of a frigate? what the conceptual idea of a frigate?


but if i understand this correctly. -10% to all frigs. and then -15% to guard ships. i hope this isnt a 25% nerf to guard ships. as it would imply

“* “Collision Compensator” applies to both ships, even when only one of them has the module.” i dont even understand this. its a modual you put as passive slot.

Looks like the Tank Frig’s days are over 

does anyone has assertion failure crushing problem since this patch?

does anyone has assertion failure crushing problem since this patch?

Yep, there’s a thread in the bug report section about it

Agree to changing leveling tree. Why if the tree branches into 2 different roles, i can pick only one that will progress to the next rank but the other will stop dead in progress so i have to buy both? Or even worse forced into a different role in T4 for the first 2 ranks and then back to the same old role for the last rank…? I’ve been mastering 1 role, why switch me at this point? Why not give me options?


How about 2 role options at the 3rd rank of every tier? Or just don’t bother with giving me 2 options…and give me 1 role option for every race…


Corect i’ve being sayng this for coule of days… All my fed fighters turned in tacklers and i hate them…i’d like to go for gunship now but it would cost more than 30 millions…WHAAATTT??? This is insanely stupid…A rework of the ship tree is IMMEDIATELY nedeed!!!



if they nerfing guard survivabilty by that much then give us our guns back!


The whole point of a guard ship is to be tanky at the cost of dps…


the guard frig nerf just basically makes they pretty useless again



pointless to nerf a guard ship its a guard ship… … the more you nerf the tank of a frigate the more you push the game to int’s.

keep the guard tank but put a dps reduction or something. whats the point of a frigate? what the conceptual idea of a frigate?


but if i understand this correctly. -10% to all frigs. and then -15% to guard ships. i hope this isnt a 25% nerf to guard ships. as it would imply

“* “Collision Compensator” applies to both ships, even when only one of them has the module.” i dont even understand this. its a modual you put as passive slot.


Absolutely support for this…My guard frigs were already crappy (lvl 7 sinergy), AS usual gunship fighters killed me in couple of seconds and heavy plasma became light softly caressing gentle plasma (coz of turrets reduction) lol and nerfing survivability is very stupid. I’d like to go for engineer firgs but it would costs billions and i’can’t sell my supere expensive t4 grizzly :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


+1. Stupid patch.

hey error, tell those full of xxxx devs to rewind to pre-patch, and do the patch again, this time also refunding the mk3 mods you can no longer use due to loyalty, because i am gone otherwise, i am not re-grinding 40m


error or other mods, you can delete comments and threads, but it will not change anything! I have seen them(and posted!).

hey error, tell those full of xxxx devs to rewind to pre-patch, and do the patch again, this time also refunding the mk3 mods you can no longer use due to loyalty, because i am gone otherwise, i am not re-grinding 40m


edit: error or other mods, you can delete comments and threads, but it will not change anything! I have seen them.



error or other mods, you can delete comments and threads, but it will not change anything! I have seen them(and posted!).


+1 and +1


Also I want full refund on all mods and ships I have purchased so I can restart the game and actually unlock ships I like again…