Star Conflict OBT v0.8.0 update#1

I find it hilarious that the people that complain about making money, are the people who are at the bottom of the damn leader boards with a pathetic effectiveness score or have died so many times that there repair cost is through the roof. 


DO THE EFFORT. If you see someone in your team that is doing an effective job and you yourself are not, why not help him/her to ping targets, drop mines, or provide assitance instead of going off on your own. This will boost your score, spare your life, and rack in the 150K per match. 

Earning money is pretty damn easy once you learn how. PvE is laughably easy to earn money on if you have a good team with you and know what you are doing.


If anyone here is really, really struggling with money I advise you to contact me, or someone like me, and get some help on how to successfully complete all the PvE missions. I am currently clocking around 90-100K a mission before loot drops in Tier 2 PvE, and that’s typically with 0 deaths and no ordnance spent. The profit is epic, the outgoings are zero, and that is why I’m sitting on nine mil with pure-blue equipped Tier 2 ships in my hangar! :smiley:

Same here bro. 


I have T2 Stuff maxed out, but mostly stick to T3 with my Corp. 


Its fun how many people complain but never DO THE EFFORT.

Earning money is pretty damn easy once you learn how. PvE is laughably easy to earn money on if you have a good team with you and know what you are doing.


If anyone here is really, really struggling with money I advise you to contact me, or someone like me, and get some help on how to successfully complete all the PvE missions. I am currently clocking around 90-100K a mission before loot drops in Tier 2 PvE, and that’s typically with 0 deaths and no ordnance spent. The profit is epic, the outgoings are zero, and that is why I’m sitting on nine mil with pure-blue equipped Tier 2 ships in my hangar! :smiley:

I used to have that…then 8.0 hit! woo so fun!  down to mk1 and rank 4 ships!

and not everyone has a group to play with, but indeed missions arent that hard to beat, altho incredibly boring.

Earning money is pretty damn easy once you learn how. PvE is laughably easy to earn money on if you have a good team with you and know what you are doing.


If anyone here is really, really struggling with money I advise you to contact me, or someone like me, and get some help on how to successfully complete all the PvE missions. I am currently clocking around 90-100K a mission before loot drops in Tier 2 PvE, and that’s typically with 0 deaths and no ordnance spent. The profit is epic, the outgoings are zero, and that is why I’m sitting on nine mil with pure-blue equipped Tier 2 ships in my hangar! :smiley:


If you always play like you just did… i think people should skip on contacting you. :lol:

Don’t know what you’re on about mate; I’ve not been in a PvE for about three days. if you’re on about PvP… I only really fly those for contracts atm.

Don’t know what you’re on about mate; I’ve not been in a PvE for about three days. if you’re on about PvP… I only really fly those for contracts atm.


Well then stop taking the Hydra 2 into open field… especially when there’s a guy out there with an inty with a thing for blowing up lone frigates. ( crap on the contracts, do them but play to win… some guys on your team just stood there being shot down without even dodging. )


And proof that we met…



Yeah, I was second on our team. I must have been doing terribly to get that score…

Wtf he was talking about pve anyway bayard learn to read/comprehend . And im not sure what your trying to prove with that screen shot. woohoo you won a game. hell it doenst even look that lopsided


what do you go around for looking for posts of people you have ss’d winning against?

His team only won because our Captain’s brain shut down at the end and he got himself killed in the last 20 seconds of the game. If the Captain hadn’t done that my team would have won. Hell, managed to bypass their entire defence, in a Hydra-2, and go one on one with their Captain (who only survived because he was in an Inty so I couldn’t keep up).

Oh man, once I saw the odd bickering I had to sign in.
But then I realized I didn’t want to intercede.
Anyways, you neither need a liscence or even PvE to get a good amount of money. I had been sitting on 26 million for no good reason without trying. Sure, that amount might only buy you half a T5 ship, but honestly I don’t see a reason to even have to farm money in this game. Except maybe T4, but even then you can play a limited amount on insurance.

Wtf he was talking about pve anyway bayard learn to read/comprehend . And im not sure what your trying to prove with that screen shot. woohoo you won a game. hell it doenst even look that lopsided


what do you go around for looking for posts of people you have ss’d winning against?


OMG OMG OMG OMG call the fat basement kid for more OMG OMG OMG WOOOOAH effect!


Dude chill no need to help your boyfriend as he was talking about both and yes he did play crap, so bad that i actually got him 3 times in his Hydra2 rumbling trough open space, i’d have had a forth if he wasn’t , at last, escorted by 2 intys ( and still out in the open… ) 


So imo in my very modest opinion if you are giving advise to others don’t play like that and don’t come out saying OH but i was playing for contracts!!! Duhhh… 


Then i have to say… Oh MY GAWD! I am trully sorry you were playing for contracts, excuse me that i busted your butt 3x and more from your team and that my team had victory assured from the start.


We just didn’t know… the next time we will allow you to win and to gather the stuff you need to complete the contracts.



Now the next time post with your main pls… 

Bayard, if you ever bothered to read you would notice I was not referring to PvP. I said how easy it is to earn money on PvE, and then offered to help teach people how to farm PvE.


Of course, you’re far too busy being full of yourself to actually read what other people post, so this blatant, fundamental mistake comes as no surprise to any of us.

Bayard, if you ever bothered to read you would notice I was not referring to PvP. I said how easy it is to earn money on PvE, and then offered to help teach people how to farm PvE.


Of course, you’re far too busy being full of yourself to actually read what other people post, so this blatant, fundamental mistake comes as no surprise to any of us.


100k for PVE is still nothing, i do more then that in T3 PVP, 100K when i loose, you more playing PVP then in PVE , plus i don’t need the use of alts or fanboys to hold my point.


Another thing is, others have already said this, you make much more in PVP then PVE if you do it right.

Yes, you likely do make more at tier 3… but anyone who is complaining about being permanently broke will either A) not be at tier 3, or B) not be able to afford to fly in tier 3. As such, there’s no point discussing it.


And yes, you likely can make more in PvP than PvE. However, PvP is not a reliable way to make money. I can go into a Tier 2 PvE match and pretty much guarantee on earning about 100K with zero outgoings. That applies universally; whatever the mission, whoever my allies are, I expect to get 100K with no outgoings. Salvage is pretty much guaranteed, and usually nets me at least 10-20K because I typically sell the military grade loot.


PvP? Not so much. I probably earn about 60-70K a match on average, with about 10-20K of that being lost due to repairs and re-arming. This doesn’t include salvage, which you get far less often than in PvE and tends to be inferior in quality (ie: only “cash” items).


With all of this in mind, telling people to just “do better” in PvP is not a good way to help them up their bank balance. PvE is slower income and most contracts can’t be completed in PvE, but it’s reliable; you can learn the missions, learn what you have to do in each round, and from there on out its a cakewalk. You can’t do that in PvP.

Oh this is my main . Dont get mad at me cause you ***ked up when trying to call someone out and got called out in the process. Like i said all you had to do is read. Also actually you can make more in pve than pvp if you do it right and thats a fact.