Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.19 Discussion

Mabye if they speed those frigates up, people would actually move them. But at 200M/s, whats the point of even trying to move around? Takes forever to get to a beacon or a strategic point in the map! 


25% Speed boost across the board and more energy, and then we will see people move from spawn

Empire gunships have 220 m/s as default, and I don’t see anyone complaining about.


People don’t know how to play LRF. It is OK, I don’t care about, but don’t touch the LRF. They are a great class if you know how to play them.

Well i think bot´s into PvP is the worst posibil soloution for the proplem, i rather think we should have panalty´s for fight leaver´s or have a Limit for LRM ships.


Sorry für the bad english i am german.

LRFs are fine. People are stupid. I don’t agree that a gunship up frond dying in 5 seconds is more useful than an LRF sitting back and hitting nothing. It depends of course on the game mode too, but basically they give the same benefits to the team.


Yes, Eviscerador got a 12/10 that game, Tillowaty gets even better scores sometimes (while being captain), and i guess many others fly LRFs with great success. Treating it like a big gunship is one way to play, but not the only way. Especially Jerry LRFs, torps are mid range by default, so you wont snipe from 10k, but try to shoot them with positrons and alfa strike and/or finish off with torps. It’s even good to bait missile shields before the actual attack. LRFs are good, just buff shield tanking, and everything will be fine.

Also, please give us a list in the respawn screen/minimap of the classes and the number of ships flying/selecting that class currently.

thanks for the mac patch!! pvp is almost playable now!! I will start pvping again. 15-25 fps is good enough… I was on 5-15 >.<

I was expecting to see the Combat Recon capt chose changed back, but well. I’ll have to play to see how the bots work on PvP games.

Do they count for medals and profile stats BTW?

KKK bots in PVP? Instead of putting AI in PLAYER vs PLAYER should make real changes in actual gameplay to attract more players and not fill matches with bots that do not contribute anything to the competitive game.

The Flying mechanics that bots use when they are in a frigate remind me something.

Any feedback on how bots are equipped? Is it all Mk I crap or can they actually hurt people?

Any feedback on how bots are equipped? Is it all Mk I crap or can they actually hurt people?

assuming it’s the usual bots they come in all shapes and sizes, including purple fits.

What does the PvE change “Balance improvements in several PvE missions” mean? Were missions made harder again?

New PvE… it take too much time and no t5 loot.



LRFs are fine. People are stupid. I don’t agree that a gunship up frond dying in 5 seconds is more useful than an LRF sitting back and hitting nothing. It depends of course on the game mode too, but basically they give the same benefits to the team.


Yes, Eviscerador got a 12/10 that game, Tillowaty gets even better scores sometimes (while being captain), and i guess many others fly LRFs with great success. Treating it like a big gunship is one way to play, but not the only way. Especially Jerry LRFs, torps are mid range by default, so you wont snipe from 10k, but try to shoot them with positrons and alfa strike and/or finish off with torps. It’s even good to bait missile shields before the actual attack. LRFs are good, just buff shield tanking, and everything will be fine.

Also, please give us a list in the respawn screen/minimap of the classes and the number of ships flying/selecting that class currently.

Nope, I don’t. 

New PvE… it take too much time and no t5 loot.

Haven’t played the new patch yet, how long does it take? Also:

It comes in T2, T3 and T4 versions.

All good with new maps, change of fonts and stuff like that…



But what the hell are bots doing in pvp???

Haven’t played the new patch yet, how long does it take?

We did T4 in 15min but we have to play it more to get some good strategy for it.

Tip: get best dps you have to 3rd stage cargo ships are pretty tanky and far from each other

It comes in T2, T3 and T4 versions.

Thanks for info

Thx Tillo, I’ll give it a try once for sure but that’ll probably be it.


Treating it like a big gunship is one way to play, but not the only way. Especially Jerry LRFs, torps are mid range by default, so you wont snipe from 10k, but try to shoot them with positrons and alfa strike and/or finish off with torps. It’s even good to bait missile shields before the actual attack. LRFs are good, just buff shield tanking, and everything will be fine.

All Jerry LRFs have is 6 guns and a special ability that deals mediocre damage at best if it doesn’t get outrighht intercepted. A guard has 5 guns under phase shield, several times the survivability and a boatload of utility depending on the loadout. Oh and pulsar > mines.

Sure, good players can make the Jerry LRFs work, I get high kill counts in them too (I’ve even won 3v3 beacon hunt with 2 LRF on my side, myself one of them and highest score, kill and cap count), but that doesn’t mean they are actually a good choice. I have even more impact on the battle in something else.

New PvE… it take too much time and no t5 loot.

Actually having downloaded the patch now, looks like they did add a t5 version to it this patch (making it the first mission with 4 difficulty levels). If it doesn’t give t5 loot to a t5 team that would be a bug.

Back to the discussion of bots. 


Anyone faced a battle with bots? 


Haven’t played the new patch yet, how long does it take?

We did T4 in 15min but we have to play it more to get some good strategy for it.

Tip: get best dps you have to 3rd stage cargo ships are pretty tanky and far from each other

It comes in T2, T3 and T4 versions.

Thanks for info


Played T5 version, those plasma turret deals about 8k dmg without scaling, it one shot my T5 interceptor with full hull/shield. It’s taking longer than pirate base to complete and you get less loot chance, also no loot if you fail in 3rd stage.

Its like dejavu all over again guys. 


We had bots, then they were taken out, and now there put back in! 


I’m not against bots or what not, to fill up games, but I have some concerns about them. 


Has there aiming regarding lasers tweaked? They are nearly 100% accurate and hard to evade. Even a human player can only keep his or hers accurate using lasers at best 75%. Thus this needs to be looked at carefully.


Would the bots be tweaked regarding team composition? Like at least one bot goes engy or something that benefits the gamemode? 


Also, if it is 3 v 3 again with 2 bots on each side, shouldn’t the Players Pings affect the bots in some way? Or can they default to follow the player? 


Good patch BTW!


I kind of like the bots, it makes the match seem busier than it actually is which imo is only a good thing. What JP says though, they need to be tweaked for sure. Having all lrf ai is not helpful, a bit of variation would be nice, throw in an engi here and there. I have also noticed some smaller games the bots have the tier below what rank the match is. So in a tier 3 game, there will be a bunch of tier 2 bots running about which doesn’t make sense.


edit - maybe add in varation to the weapons used by the bots? so frigs would have heavy blaster or coil, not all fighters stuck with rails etc

LRFs are fine. People are stupid. I don’t agree that a gunship up frond dying in 5 seconds is more useful than an LRF sitting back and hitting nothing. It depends of course on the game mode too, but basically they give the same benefits to the team.


Yes, Eviscerador got a 12/10 that game, Tillowaty gets even better scores sometimes (while being captain), and i guess many others fly LRFs with great success. Treating it like a big gunship is one way to play, but not the only way. Especially Jerry LRFs, torps are mid range by default, so you wont snipe from 10k, but try to shoot them with positrons and alfa strike and/or finish off with torps. It’s even good to bait missile shields before the actual attack. LRFs are good, just buff shield tanking, and everything will be fine.

Also, please give us a list in the respawn screen/minimap of the classes and the number of ships flying/selecting that class currently.



Tried empire LRF myself and double snipe with Till in bomb detonation it’s not bad at all, but no more than 2 sniper should be in any battle…