Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.19 Discussion

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Still no way to get rid of these annoying pop-ups every time I do something? I can’t see anything when theres a million words all over my screen. Why do you refuse to add an option to just show them at the bottom like old times?

PvP has AI ships? I am really curious as to how this is going to work. Personally, I just hope anyone who tries to spawn in an LR gets kicked and replaced by an AI ship. That would solve 2/3rds of the problem.

License extension

Pilots can now expect a discount when extending a license!

The discount is not permanent and is only active when your license expires


Please explain. I would like to extend it, but I need to wait for it to expire or I need to extend it before it ends ?


Because the word “extension” means to prolong it before it expires, but the 2nd line says otherwise.


Beacon hunt

The next beacon is now highlighted on the map 20, 10 and 5 seconds before activation


Could say “poob friendliness path achieved”, but when I am tired and just want to pew-pew some times I still get confused on some maps, despite my long career.



It’s no secret that some players get frustrated in general PvP queues due to extremely powerful enemies or very tactically weak teams. We decided to remedy such situations by adding more aggression and dynamics to battles by introducing AI ships. They never retreat, never leave for bio breaks and are always ready to support you.

These changes are not included in Sector Conquest

You can now encounter AI ships in PvP

AI ships won’t spawn in Sector COnquest



Now when T4 finally became good you ruin it with bots. Shall we expect 6v6 with added, let’s say 4+4 bots for virtual 10v10 ?! I rather play even 4v4, but players only. 


Still no way to get rid of these annoying pop-ups every time I do something? I can’t see anything when theres a million words all over my screen. Why do you refuse to add an option to just show them at the bottom like old times?

this. I do not want text flying around my screen all the time

At least let us choose if we want the new “improved” eff. display or not

Please explain. I would like to extend it, but I need to wait for it to expire or I need to extend it before it ends ?


Because the word “extension” means to prolong it before it expires, but the 2nd line says otherwise.


When your license expired, you have a window that open saying your license is over,

I think the Discount is applied at this moment.



Edit : I’ve expected some LRF nerf but it’s seems it’s not for today xD

Also, AI ships in PvP? Isn’t pvp supposed to be player vs player? 

Still no way to get rid of these annoying pop-ups every time I do something? I can’t see anything when theres a million words all over my screen. Why do you refuse to add an option to just show them at the bottom like old times?

This +1000…

Also strongly opposed to bots filling up slots in PVP, very sad about that decision. We already had that well over a year ago, didn’t like it then, won’t like it now.

Rest of the patch looks good though.

also, AI ships in PvP? Isn’t pvp supposed to be player vs player?

Yes, but it’s not meant to be 3 players vs 8, yet it certainly feels that way half the time.


Last time I played I had 3-4 Long Range Frigates on my team in every match who did nothing whatsoever. Every beacon I attacked, I was the only attacker because everyone else was either in spawn, dogfighting somewhere pointless, or dead. Having 3-4 AI [Empire] ships who were loaded up with pure purple and were accurate enough to scare off flesh and blood pilots would be a very nice contribution.


My concern, however, is the AI will be a crapshoot. I predict Mk I gear across the board, moronic loadouts that no serious pilot would use, and all the tactical and strategic value of a chocolate flamethrower. That has always been the problem with the AI; they are pathetically weak! AI ships need to be using blue or purple modules across the board and need to have their implants / modules / ships picked by pilots who know what they are doing, not those useless “default” loadouts the dev team loves so much.

*waits for Jasan to get a beacon hunt with 4 human LRFs and 4 bots randomly spawning LRFs on his team* - enjoy! :smiley:

PvP has AI ships? I am really curious as to how this is going to work. Personally, I just hope anyone who tries to spawn in an LR gets kicked and replaced by an AI ship. That would solve 2/3rds of the problem.



My record was 6/12 lrf in my team on a detonation game… (only two of those 12 are ceptors, so how wana pick the bomb my team, if im one of those two ceptors surrounded by 6 or more ceptors??) in less than two mins whe got two beacons less, and the battle was lost before start…


Maybe ship selection need a suggestion (or directly block some roles when they reach a 25% of team) to select a good ship role based on our team selection and type of game.



Still no way to get rid of these annoying pop-ups every time I do something? I can’t see anything when theres a million words all over my screen. Why do you refuse to add an option to just show them at the bottom like old times?


I’m not completely against those pop-ups. I think a waterfall effect on the right side of teh screen would much better and less annoyng. Pop-ups shouldn’t move in the middle of the screen.


Beacon hunt
The next beacon is now highlighted on the map 20, 10 and 5 seconds before activation


It’s no secret that some players get frustrated in general PvP queues due to extremely powerful enemies or very tactically weak teams. We decided to remedy such situations by adding more aggression and dynamics to battles by introducing AI ships. They never retreat, never leave for bio breaks and are always ready to support you.
These changes are not included in Sector Conquest
You can now encounter AI ships in PvP
AI ships won’t spawn in Sector COnquest



I like the beacon hunt change… so many times i sent my team mates on the wrong beacon lol


About bots in pvp…Let’s see how good they are! Having an empire engeener protecting the captain when nobody else does (OMG It happens a lot in T5 too…) would be amazing. Once I was captain and asked for an engie. Well the guy took the engie and instead of staying with me went solo kamikaze vs the full enemy team…again and again…

*waits for Jasan to get a beacon hunt with 4 human LRFs and 4 bots randomly spawning LRFs on his team* - enjoy! :smiley:

LRF bots are actually very dangerous with their beam cannon.

Wait and see,

I’m pretty sure the situation regarding the new AI Ships will be strongly monitored by the devs.

About bots in pvp…Let’s see how good they are! Having an empire engeener protecting the captain when nobody else does (OMG It happens a lot in T5 too…) would be amazing. Once I was captain and asked for an engie. Well the guy took the engie and instead of staying with me went solo kamikaze vs the full enemy team…again and again…


If AI still in the same way than older patches… AI bots will atack always like a kamikaze in a recon game.



My record was 6/12 lrf in my team on a detonation game… (only two of those 12 are ceptors, so how wana pick the bomb my team, if im one of those two ceptors surrounded by 6 or more ceptors??) in less than two mins whe got two beacons less, and the battle was lost before start…


I remember that game, and what you say is simply not true. Yes, we got two of our beacons destroyed, but than camped the last one pretty hard, as you would expect from a couple of LRFs able to. We got 1.5x the kills, and you got a sissy fit and went afk. Then we bombed one of their stations and had a good chance to bomb the other too, but alas, we missed one of our good interceptor pilots because he was friggin afk. But yeah, the LRFs lost the game. Yeah.


Maybe ship selection need a suggestion (or directly block some roles when they reach a 25% of team) to select a good ship role based on our team selection and type of game.


This i agree wholeheartedly.  Something should be done about team compositioning before game. Currently it’s just not evident what the team needs, and from the outlines it’s not always obvious what they pick. Either a lock in mechanism would be nice (but that’s not an easy task to implement in a respawning-and-change-your-ship game) or simply display all the 9 class with an icon and a number, meaning how much of them are selected right now.



For the AI: we had bots before. If the bots are really, really good (not like they were before), they can be useful, is used sparely. But i doubt it. I seriously hope PvP could be PLAYERS versus PLAYERS.


Beacon hunt is a nice change: even though i personally know the layout of the beacons, it’s a nice change for beginners or people with worse memory. And on new maps too.

To the mod that deleted my post: “aimbot lazor” is related to bots’ laser accuracy. If one catch you with ions, there is no Escape other that mwd or invis. Players sometimes miss with laser, bots not.

ai ships…oooh i see frustrationstorm coming this way. i know from experiecne from another game how ai that was inteded as good made ppl rage and cry like little babies and quit and roll and cry more until devs were forced to remove it.

Please explain. I would like to extend it, but I need to wait for it to expire or I need to extend it before it ends ?

All right, so it works pretty simple - when your license expires and you enter the hanger, you will see a notification window telling you about the discount and allowing you to buy it.

If you close the window - the offer ends.

At least they arent in sec con.